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03x09 - Can't Help Falling in Louvre

Posted: 06/11/22 15:58
by bunniefuu
last time on total drama

the contestants experienced every

pitfall peru could put forward

they visited some ancient landmarks hung

out with the locals

and dj kept his animal curse alive by

whacking some wee-wee monkey

someone's feelings were hurt and

something really weird happened

team victory had a victory

ten contestants one million dollars

loads more exotic locales to destroy

right here on total llama

world tour





in my way i'll get there one

wanna day famous



wow i'm so relaxed i think my brain

is even asleep yep

totally asleep this is great and the

best part is i can't wait

to see his name's tyler i know i


ew what is that smell it's my meatless

faking and eggs are like breakfast

i'm never hurting another animal again

so now you're a vegan

vegan and don't tell mama she says

vegans are chicken loving chickens

i'm glad lindsay's team won the last

challenge and everything

but her being up in first class and me

being back here

oh it sucks um yeah i know exactly what

you mean

when i'm uh away from izzy for too long

i get really happy because your

girlfriend is a complete and total nut


and i'm not talking tiny peanuts that

girl is a brazil nut-sized

nut job hey where is izzy anyway i saw

her go to the cockpit to talk the chef

having some trouble controlling your

team alejandro

your attempts to insult my team are cute

whatever my girl power team is going to

win we don't get distracted by

anything especially boys

get it together

all clear

chris is the one who played the video of

me trying to vote her off

so why do i feel like such a schmuck all

i did was vote

which i had to do how long are you gonna

keep this up i'm done

did you know you have a little rip on

the seam there just out cody

this is your captain sprinkle if you

look out your window

you'll get to see what happens when a

plane does a summer song

give me that uh




you said we were landing at the eiffel

tower and you said you was going to

replace that curtain with a lock door

i didn't exactly get a chance to prep my

introduction what with the unexpected

water landing and all i'm just gonna

give the highlights

france city of love art gallery filler

lots of artwork

priceless priceless artwork hey paris

there's only one guy i want to share

this with the guy i've been dreaming

about since we've been apart

where's my tyler hey lins

are you sure that's you because you

looked slightly different in my head

everything looks slightly different in

her head do you always wear a track suit

oh it doesn't matter because us being in

paris together means only

one thing i know i love

shopping i can pick out new clothes for


there's no time for shopping the first

challenge is about to start

everyone inside the loave uh i believe

you mean

whatever go already

challenge time kids each team gets their

very own famous sculpture

team victory yours is rodin's

the thinker chris is really really

really really hot

you guys get the venus

milo ah venus

such beauty calm down lover boy

amazons you ladies get the statue of


here's how it works it's up to you guys

to find your statue hidden somewhere in


lovera well that shouldn't be too hard

the statues are big

plus i'm amazing at reading brochure

maps about that

chef has broken the statues into pieces

and hidden them

first team to find their pieces race to

the pyramid court and reassemble them

wins but the thinker isn't located in

the louvre and the statue of david isn't

even in france

well we're not using the actual statues

those are priceless chef made some fake



i almost forgot the twist twist here's

your motivation

oh look dj it's that baby seal you

accidentally ran over in the yukon

i'd start running


i got your ginormous back big boy watch

this totally works on my dog who wants

the ball

who wants it


well played noah now onwards come on


there's no way i'm gonna let the boys

beat us to the pyramid court we have to

find the rest of these things



these are heavy do you think uh could

you maybe

you're just so big and strong and what

oh sorry lindsey i'll carry him for you

oh good

because after we went i was also going

to ask you about carrying all those cute

stripey boxes you get when you go

shopping in paris i don't want to win


i want to go home and stop my campaign

of animal pain


in egypt exhibit could this be the

answer the

egypt bandage guys can carry my shopping


the answer to my animal hurting curse i

got it in egypt so maybe there's an

anti-curse in all this egyptian stuff

okay i guess i'll keep looking and

you'll meet up with me later

you've all been brave and courageous but

we need to pick up the pace

i izzy we're doing a challenge you must


easy would you guess what

we're playing sculpture piece bingo and

chef's winning

we can't have that can we


cody you got her into this mess so you

have to get her out

um they're there i can't stand anymore

crying we can do this challenge without


deal with sierra

okay sierra snap out of it snap out of




how do we get our last piece from behind

those security lasers

guess who was captain of his gymnastics

team at

kindergarten it's tyler time

noah you will have to move through the

lasers owens

girth and my muscle chest will not fit

fine let's just get this done i don't

think my imaginary ball trick will stop

the yeti a second time

okay i just move and ow

looks like things have taken a shocking

turn for our contestants

electrifying wouldn't you say do cheesy

maybe we'll be right back

the thing is i only voted for you

because i couldn't keep pretending not

to be annoyed by

okay that's coming out wrong forget the


i'll get you whatever you want

is somebody talking hi my name is chris

and i'm the host of the show hey did you

know you're on it

right now and supposed to be doing a


sierra's mad at me uh don't care

i have to get her to stop crying

still not caring hey

you know what that means time to sing or

you're off my show

no chris please she won't i'll sing

for chris

i love paris in the spring time should

keep going it's the city of love in the


but now it's just a bummer because cody

broke my heart and chewed it up and spit

it out and then stepped on it and threw

it down a sewer and called the names and




we my friends you must never trust a boy


my friends they will treat you like a

toy we my friends

they will break your heart and chew it

up and spit it out and step on it and

throw it down a sewer and call it names

and then



wait up sierra we

my friend you are going to make it

through um no my friend that thing just

burned off my shoe

we my friends all i did was love him

true tony what are you doing

i'm trying we my friends now i'm stuck

telling you

if you fall in love with a boy on tv and

then audition to get on a show and then

audition again and finally get on a show

and be nice to him and do nothing but

kiss up you will still



all she wants to do is go outside

do it cody okay she didn't tell me

let's go sierra


all right quickly now put all our pieces


let's move it girls those boys won't

know what hit them

hey you got some of your venus in our


ah you did that on purpose

you okay where's dj um egypt baby

okay little fella if i can get you to

that pyramid in egypt to replace the

mummy dog i destroyed

i can kiss my curse goodbye


put the middle piece under the wide part

then rotate the thingy straightwise

no no no under over those aren't

even words oh would you look at that

oh it looks yummy

mmm acrylic

isn't this romantic great view

all your favorite foods well my


but i saw you eating this stuff off my

plate before

oh sorry


it's no fun because you're only doing it

because you have to

well i um yeah

how am i gonna fix this

i don't think this is right

perfect noah i think you might want to

look at the photo

you have a few too many limbs


okay my logic may have been a little

thin considering i had no idea where in

egypt to return the mummy cat

or how to get back to egypt or even how

to get out of the museum

or tj

we're totally going to win

or i guess i'll win



it didn't break

there done and the amazons have it

coming in a close second is team chris

is really really really really hot

and this week's losers are not at all

ironically anymore

to victory are you okay are you hurt

or just sad that we lost again these

these are happy tears

i'm going home mama i'm coming home

what well there are only two of us so if

i vote for myself and you vote for me

i get to go home to my mama's warm

embrace whoa big guy

since this is the first time we've had a

two-person team elimination scenario

i've decided to do something special

since we're in the fashion capital of

the world

i declare that it's a walk-off people

it's a walk-off oh man i hate walking

each of you will pick a model too i'm

going with tyler he's my pick

tyler is dj um i'll go with

gwen what i sack in that

what nothing personal but i hate models

and getting stared at you'll be perfect

all right each designer has to come up

with a costume for their models to wear

then yours truly plus one member from

each of the non-losing teams

will do the judging the designer with

the best design

stays for another episode

i thought you were fixing her look i

don't know what she wants


enough sierra put a sock in it

okay you know what today is terrible

i hate today no why because you're not

bugging me invading my personal space

touching my

things smelling my hair all annoying

but you know what you do it all with a

certain uh

a certain enthusiasm that i've gotten

used to

really yes but what i'm not used to is

all this crying and moping

i want things back the way they were

before kind in the way i'd prefer a slap

to the face

instead of a kick to the chestnut shut

up just shut up

you had me

i was never really mad at cody but i

kind of liked him paying attention

and one thing led to another boy playing

hard to get

really works no

just no tyler i could use some support

i'm glad you're having fun but come on

when the guys on my hockey team at home

see this

it'll be ugly but we'll get the hair

later let's move on to wardrobe

do you think this one looks manly

this isn't gonna get better for me is it

nothing to foofoo girly come on let me


i'm trying to lose yeah don't say

first on stage lindsay gotcha

as worn by that poor sucker tyler



and here comes gwen wearing an original

from dj's designs

mama i'm coming home mama i'm coming


no more animals gonna get hurt because

mama i'm coming home

okay what do you think judges

i don't know what lindsay was thinking

all that surrealism

it makes me nauseous i'd have to say

that lindsay's design just made me


there were pictures of pheasants and i

think some fruit

uh yeah hungry definitely hungry and


i can't picture myself wearing water

lilies i mean

i've worn them but i don't like it this

is perfect if lindsay's design sucked i

will totally bottom suck

home here i come and what about dj's


dry dull uninspiring not a hint of

effort with the presentation

but enough about gwen the shirt was a

10. i agree models suck shirt good

i'd wear it well i would have to say

that i didn't realize that there would

be two models

so i wasn't paying attention but i

really like dj's shirt

owen victory

to dj what

those judges wouldn't know fashion if it

smacked him in the head

you're nice even if you're a bad walker

and i totally hope your hockey team

wasn't watching

at least they saw me with a cute

girlfriend for 20 minutes

ah take that bread steve

one quick kiss before i go

it's a half hour show

win for us

i said it's a half hour show

that's one more teen off the plane will

next week be this insane

find out next time on total drama

