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03x03 - Super Crazy Happy Fun Time Japan

Posted: 06/11/22 15:46
by bunniefuu
last time on total drama world tour

egypt land of pyramids land of hot

land of sweaty our contestants had

loads of fun on the run in the sun and

they still managed to find time to dust

a dog

shut up camel feed the crocs and whack a


showing style on the nile team amazon

managed to pull out a win

zeke found a way to lose on lose

and lose again and as the sun began to

set on the sandy

sands of egypt we found out what happens

when someone refuses to get along

and sing the song this week who's gonna


who's gonna dance who's gonna sell out

their friends for a chance

at one million dollars

welcome to total drama


you guys are on my mind you asked me

what i wanted to be

and now i think the answer is


cause i wanna be famous




i'm too young to die

stop sweating lunchbox air travel is

like the 15th safest mode of


unless you're in a death trap

this one for example


such beauty will not fall through giant

airplane holes on my watch


i could have done that i just prefer to

leave the ladies wanting more

she wants more all right more alejandro

oh dj you know nothing about women you

can put me down now

i mean if you wanted or not your choice

because this is nice mm-hmm

nothing not that this isn't fascinating

at all

but help my butt is being sucked out of

a plane

i happen to like winning and being in

first class which happens to make me

an ideal leader if our team needed one

which we don't because we're winning

and i have plans to keep it that way so

think about me

as leader you're like not the only

person on the team

courtney there is my friend sierra to


um your friend is going through cody's

stuff like a starving raccoon goes

through a dumpster i think his shoelace

just went up her nose

are there more barf bags around this is

your captain speaking

it's time for everyone to join me in the

common area

and i mean everyone welcome to today's


it's is it a reward or elimination


good question harold and like i'm gonna

tell you

two of us got booted out last time so

today has reward written

all over it i could use a reward i hope

it's candy

or a whole bunch of shoes or shoes made

of candy

and i hope you all brought your giant

radioactive monster repellent because

we are about to land in japan

gosh you guys that's totally a chinese


thank you harold now remember anyone who

doesn't sing you just

you'd really think you'd work harder to

get it right harold

anyone who doesn't sing is immediately

disqualified your cultural insensitivity

is just gosh i mean gosh




maybe you'll try harder this time hey

we're singing as we're falling well some

are cannon falling

our lives begin to flash before our eyes

we might just go kablooey get smushed

and be conscious

millionaire gilliard's champion make it

home to see my mama

preparing for the parallel bars

but first we must see dropping our goal

here would be stopping before we smash

into the ground from the sky

slide into little

that would really suck and here's why

we'd like to

keep on living so chris we hope you're


some wings a jet pack a rift in time


water bed a trampoline rocket food plant

i changed the bubbles too oh a pizza no

chips and some dip will do so much




japan yes i know everything about this


what you know just sent us free falling

out of a plane

but i went to sensei steve's feudal

japanese summer camp oh yeah

i speak japanese too lashana hanan

i said you are as beautiful as a flower

okay your first challenge is inside a

japanese game show

studio bow down before super human mega

pinball smash

i love japanese game shows sweet

my favorite is human itchy my car go go

where you have to throw a banana into a

car window using a giant

shrimp fork awesome

oh look my own personal geek gong

okay i'm gonna need one volunteer from

each team to climb into these giant

hamster balls

then your teammates are gonna beat you

around the game board scoring points by

bouncing you off bumpers and pounds

most points wins and i have a special

local surprise

for each of you to share your little

ball-shaped paradise with

so teams select a ball guy or gal

victory we choose dj we do

coolio here's your pinball buddy panda

no remember when i crumpled that mummy

puppy in egypt

hey there little buddy wish i had a

biscuit to give you

that so totally did not happen the mummy

dog didn't explode it just disintegrated


i remember when you knocked a poor

little birdie out of the sky exactly

terrible i think that dog thing might

have cursed me

oh cute

team chris is really really really hot

i'm uh

i'm allergic to panda dander i get hives

what he said

i'll do it for my team wicked

incoming well hello handsome creature

may i scratch your ears or get you a

tasty cookie


and team amazon gwen's face could use

some remodeling

nice i hate to tell you but we're on the

same team so you might want to flip the

witch switch

back to off would you girls like some

leadership i'd be glad to choose

stop bickering i'll do it you might want

to bring a toothbrush cody because

the beast you'll be sharing your space

with is sierra

it's human pinball time



that's a great idea

the paddle must connect with the ball at

a perfect 33.7 degree angle

to maximize the impact on the helper get

out of the way

oh if we got a point for every time she

kissed me in there we'd be millionaires

is this her gum


i can't believe i heard that poor little


my own tears are falling into my



with a score of 462 thousands

team i am really really really really

hot takes

the superhuman mega pinball smash and

wins a leg up in the next japanese


i wanna go

will we let him we'll sing sing the

panda make a full recovery

and give dj an unplanned claw cut mohawk

stay tuned

there's more wacky cathy mackie teriyaki


after the break

welcome to total drama

action where there will be crazy action

and kooky filming and somber eating

very nice food i like it

hey there way oh so cute monster

total drama action coming soon

pears and apples of fun

um what that piece of cinematic gold is

the japanese promo

total drama is huge here okay

but that was in english so why are they

dubbing our voices

turns out the locals just don't like the

sounds of y'all sorry

no you're not true ready for the next


i hope you paid attention because you'll

be writing directing and producing

your very own japanese commercial

there's a brand new candy hitting the

japanese market

it's chefs total drama yum yum happy go

time candy fish tales

i call this the total drama yum yum

happy go time candy fish tales

challenge of celebration fun

you said we were going to pay a real

tokyo ad firm oops

i did didn't i as props you'll be

allowed to use anything you can find in

the airplane storage area

since team chris is really really really

really hot won the first challenge

they get to choose their props first

with team victory choosing second and

team amazon stuck with

whatever drags are left

hmm i'm seeing a tiny tokyo

a giant radioactive monster oh yes

big o can be the monster huh

ow you're a genius super

japanese idea al nice

noah what say you meh i guess

good luck honorable opponent i don't

need your luck

of course you don't you have superior

leadership skills and

vision your team is lucky to have you i

know right

they are right i have an idea

last time i went out for japanese i had

this huge bowl of pad thai

and it was head tie is thai are you sure

that doesn't sound right fear not

lashana i have a dramatic vision

it mixes kurosawa's pathos with

miyazaki's sense of wonder

i think i ordered that at the japanese

place too

a pathetic pile of stuff nobody wants

oh goodbye first class

was that

owen stomp

hold on there chubby buddy let us finish

the tiny city first

oh like rotted fish intestine with a

side order of fermented squid and dirty

hawking equipment

we have the candy fish swimming in the

fish t*nk then it breaks out

and plays basketball like duh to dr

seuss spinning masks we toss candy into

their mouths and

insane flashing lights and fireworks

chef wants to be

dazzled you guys they're all good ideas

and overruled

fish t*nk hello the only way we are

winning is with the spinning heads

and lots of them you people are

impossible i'm so

out of here well so am i fine

uh we can't storm off together kind of

defeats the purpose

you go back that way then no you go back

that way well i came this way

first we are in some deep trouble


want me to get them not so much more


much more this whole thing needs to be


yes harold it's sensei call me sensei

you have five minutes left to film your

ad then it's happy fish

yum what whatever we'll be watching them

in five minutes

you know what you're doing i have no


it's just you and me huh just you and me

okay stand by and we're rolling

we're done sh**ting owen you can take

the suit off i got really

sweaty and now it won't come off

all right now that you're done filming

it's time to see if your hard work is

paid off

chef no budget no ad agency ripoff

cheese ball

cheap show first up team chris is really

really really hot with

monster rampage



think of the children he's so

wait we shall stop him this way


next up team victory with a samurai's

lament great

samurai please do you have food

dj you're mine

the hunger the hunger the hunger


honor total drama yum yum

happy go time candy fish tails

eat them fast time is fleeting

gosh yeah that was

interesting maybe your pad thai idea

wasn't so bad

i told you it was art a metaphor

a commentary on the earth's sorrow and

it's crying out for more

next up the amazons

ah this is humiliating what do we tell


chris as the leader of team amazon it

falls to me to tell you that

our team didn't come up with an amazing

title for our awesome commercial

we have a commercial let's just call it




well chef chris yeah

i think i gotta go with team amazon

i don't know i just love exploding

donuts cody

that was amazing totally amazing oh

isn't he group hug

back off congratulations team amazon

but chef i also have to know who bit the


um those guys with that the sad donkey


you lose you send us home at home


and put a panda in intensive care then i

choked and wrecked our ad

did we lose again wait it's not a reward

well i'm sure enjoying it

it could just as easily have been me we

still have our honor

and girls especially those of lashana's

majestic caliber

they love guys with honor like samurais

like samurais

it's bunk time up in the loser class

bathroom you'll find

five passports stamp the passport of the

team member you'd like to send home

got it lindsay i know

i get it

this is a really good picture of me

those staying in the game will get

in-flight snacks and if you don't get


you'll be taking the drop of shame

the following players are safe lindsay

it was i who brought dishonor to our

team only one thing can restore the


i think i will miss you most of all

harold that's a toy lightsaber

you might need this good luck

he's yelling something back in me oh no

he's just screaming for his life


from japan where will our travels take

us next

will team amazon be able to keep their

fragile peace

what other weird products does chef want

to sell

all these questions and many more

probably won't be answered

on the next episode of total drama



