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02x13 - Triangulation

Posted: 06/11/22 07:11
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Transformers Prime" There is one whom Prime seems to respect.

Dreadwing, there is another path.

Is there a point to your bluster, Prime? The download of the Iacon database may have been incomplete, but we now possess four sets of coordinates decoded by the ship.

If we are to have any hope of recovering the Iacon relics before the Decepticons do, we must divide our resources.

But, Optimus, when it comes to numbers, we are already at a grave disadvantage.

Dispatching multiple squadrons will enable us to pursue all four coordinates simultaneously.

Triangulate coordinates of the other three relics.

This is one race that we absolutely cannot afford to lose.

2x13 - Triangulation The coordinates indicate that the second of these four Iacon relics lies at the very bottom of this world.

I will journey to the ends of this or any world to serve your will, lord Megatron.

Then return with my prize, Dreadwing, and prove you are more worthy of being my second-in-command than those who have preceded you.

Inner stat, cross clamp, laser scalpel, durabyllium drill, and one slightly damaged but operational T-cog, courtesy of my traitorous clone everything I require to make myself whole.

A simple, painless procedure.

Nothing to it, really, provided one possesses the nerve.

Four detachments of Decepticons ground-bridging to four different continents at the exact same time? Ah.

Procedure postponed.

Be on your guard, Bulkhead.

Raphael, lock on to the remaining coordinates.

I will embark for the Antarctic.

As for you, old friend, I would prefer that you have company on your mission.

No one is left to join me, Optimus.

Even if Agent Fowler were alert He's human.

I was considering the only remaining Autobot alternative on this planet.

But you can't be serious.

Wheeljack is insubordinate, a ruffian.

Besides, he's Bulkhead's partner.

Your expertise is scientific, but Wheeljack is a highly capable warrior.

You would be wise to welcome the temporary alliance.

I despise this planet.

If it isn't a scorching desert, it is a frigid wasteland.

Now, where are you, my Decepticon brethren? Faster, you pathetic excuse for transportation! Decepticons, do you not realize you have just shot down your ship's Commander?! You command no one, deserter.

Skyquake? B-but you're You mistake me for my brother, who is one with the Allspark, as you are, no doubt, aware, former commander Starscream.

Were it up to me, I would end this here and now.

But it is my duty as first lieutenant to Megatron to render all traitors to my lord and master for due punishment.

First lieutenant?! That's my post! Uh, was my post.

Commander Dreadwing, this must be a very important mission if Megatron has dispatched his second-in-command.

Scouting for Energon, or something else altogether? That is none of your concern.

If I knew what you were looking for, perhaps I could help.

Oh! We have arrived at the coordinates.

The relic.

It has been taken.

Relic? What sort of relic? Search the area! Commander Dreadwing, we have discovered vehicle tracks.

The Autobots.


Though I've never known them to plant flags at the site of their victories.

Do not try me, traitor.

I will leave your lifeless husk in this frozen waste.

Ooh! You two, guard the prisoner.

Optimus Prime, I will request only once that you surrender the relic.

I was going to request the same of you, Dreadwing.

Then I would say that we are on equal footing, were it not that there are five of us and only one of you.

Six, if you'd relieve me of these ridiculous manacles.

Your aim is poor.

That is a matter of perspective.

No! A stalemate would leave us where? Commander Dreadwing! What a team we make! I am so glad that you prevailed, Optimus Prime! That wretch Dreadwing was going to terminate me.

Now, if you could just remove my bonds, I can lead you straight to the relic.

You will lead me there regardless.


You're welcome.

Be reasonable, Prime! This cold will freeze both our actuators.

The current temperatures are not extreme enough to affect our biology.

- You'll be fine.

- Fine but miserable.

And I cannot believe that you take our alliances for granted.

After all I have done for the Autobots helping to restore your memory, saving Arcee's life.

While you have at times proved beneficial to us, it has been only to further your own interests.

Well, we can't all be as selfless as you, now, can we? Aha, as I suspected humans.

We will find the relic here.

So, let us reclaim what is rightfully ours.

We cannot simply enter a human facility to search for cybertronian relics.

Not even if they stole it? Nor can I expose innocent humans to a dangerous Decepticon.

Rafael, has Agent Fowler regained consciousness? I'm here, Prime.

What's your situation? I require access to a research facility at my current coordinates.

Let me make a call.

Are we really going to wait out here in the freezing cold, completely at the mercy of human bureaucracy?! Base is clear, Prime.

Try not to wreck the joint.

Many thanks, Agent Fowler.

The relic remained sealed in the ice.

I knew you were of questionable honor, Starscream, but aiding the Autobots, that is a capital offense.

What?! But I I left tracks for you on purpose, so you could rescue me from my captor.

Dreadwing, I cannot allow you to leave here with this relic.

I know that, Prime, but I do not intend to give you a choice.


Given all the fuss, this relic must be truly special.

Armor of Decepticon origin.

The Apex armor.

A perfect fit.

You dare to claim that which rightfully belongs to Lord Megatron? And what do you intend to do about it, Commander? Not so big and strong now, are you? I haven't had this much fun since I punched that hole in Cliffjumper.

Allow me to reunite you with your beloved twin.

And you, Optimus Prime.

I will beat the living Spark out of you just so I never again have to endure your pontificating.

Dreadwing, our battle remains unfinished, but if we do not unite against our common foe Starscream will destroy us both.

I will draw his attention.

Might beats flight.

You shall be the one to join with the Allspark.

That tickled! Fools! Not only am I intelligent, I am invincible! - Yet you cannot fly.

- Nobody's perfect.

Now, tell me of the other three relics.

Are they as powerful as my shiny new armor? They were hidden away precisely to keep them from the hands of those like you.

He is far too powerful, Prime! Fall back! Cowards.

You will not escape my might.


You two are up to something.

Now that our alliance has served its purpose Starscream is gone and the Apex armor with him.

Is there really a need to renew battle when the goal has been lost? We have other unfinished matters.

I bore Skyquake no malice, and I regret the role I played in his demise, so I will appeal to you as I once did your twin turn your back on the Decepticon cause and help me end this w*r, for his sake and for all who have fallen.

You saved my life today.

I will terminate you the next time we meet.

So be it, Dreadwing.