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02x25 - Mutiny on the Soundstage

Posted: 06/10/22 07:33
by bunniefuu
Last time on Total Drama Action,

An all-night heart-to-heart led to Courtney and Duncan patching things up

but there was a catch and

Lovebirds weren't the only animals on set as the cast were each paired up with an animal buddy to train in their image

While some bonded with their animals others butted fans in the end Beth won invincibility

Duncan's boat sent Courtney packing and a timely message out at Owen as the mall

earning Emma C in the lame-o Z

which brings us to the final two who woulda guessed and who'll be taking home our grand prize of

1 million dollars find out right now on total drama

Asked me what I wanted to be and everything playing


Never thought I'd be the last girl left on Total Drama Action

Yep. Now, it's just me all alone in the scary trailer. I

Miss all my girls even Heather. Oh

It's best shattering again, huh with a face like that I'd be scared too. Right guys

Alright nobody left to laugh on my excellent zingers

Good news is there's also nobody left to reek up the trailer with jungle breath

Nobody to wake me up with screaming night terrors

Mommy, mommy and nobody with any chance at taking my guaranteed million away

Put a blindfold on loser man, I'm never gonna get to sleep


It's a PD day ma

Huh tight, but not painful chefs losing his edge wait

It's gonna help make sure that one of us wins a million dollars

All I'm planning is to make sure that the one of us is me. We could work together like team Z's

Team Z's reach over to a tiny that 'allah New York. Oh sure and then you leave me here and get a head start

I don't have a mean bone in my body

I like everybody like me

Really even Heather and Courtney always said you made her feel like you can undo me or not scooch over

When I was a kid my insisted on sending me to muskrat boys

We had to wear don't Yvette and sell apples

But all the knot tying lessons meant I'm pretty much a Houdini at tying and untying stuff came in handy a bunch of ways

I don't think ma had in mind

And what's today's delicious special rose lab rat snot Getty with booger balls

Wait chef

food fresh fruit to ward off scurvy hot flapjacks to prevent

Lice or whatever all prepared according to my highest personal standards chef in a good mood

That's like Heather saying she's sorry you have to take advantage of it while it's happening

Mateys me parrot Chris jr. Jr. Jr. and I want to congratulate you

landlubbers for making it to the final two and as he can probably tell today be


zombies movie day

It's actually

Pirate movie day and you're on deck for a swashbuckling obstacle course followed by a treasure hunt through the entire

Seasons challenges and if you want to clean your million-dollar booty, you might want to rethink that all for one one for all the front

Somebody has to win right? I guess it might as well be me

To be nice. I could share the prize with Lindsey or with Brady my totally real boyfriend

He already likes me heaps, but a million dollars never heard of girls attractiveness

Obstacle number one swab the poop deck

Obstacle number two pun intended

grab a flag shimmy up the grease pass and fly your Jolly Roger and finally a

Cannonball the target is the monster chomped movie set ready?

set and


Get it the food place the blacks it is right nice. Nope. Just going out and start going out

What do you mean? That's the last meal. I'm ever going to serve on his two-bit show

I got me a gig Stefon honest w*nk*r crew see so you can kiss my

Goodbye. Yeah. Yeah, and I got a job hosting the Oscars very funny

Who's laughing?

Well, I ain't cleaning it up hey Chris more swabs over here

If our contestants think they have it rough the people on chefs

Fancy cruise ship will have to suffer through a slop with no chance of winning a million. I don't think you want to keep going

Looks like Duncan will be the first to finish the deck

Whatever it's not done yet

Which means Duncan isn't either

Beth geez, sorry

Wait, it's one of the roads of niceness. Hope you're ready then fit because the gloves are coming off

So maybe that wasn't super nice of me looks like I might have won cutthroat bone in my body

Just one of those teensy weensy ones in your ear. Let's call it my cutthroat cochlea

Too bad nobody's around to help you

Okay, I think I'm gonna fall for the nice girl stick again fat chance later. Loser

Get bail, we're a team. I fly solo. I'm a maverick dude without this job

You'd still be selling Street meat outside the bus station

That's it

Ever pod in air cannon before

Not this particular model, if you're gonna hit that target, it's gonna take a whole lot of air

Hmm something's missing what know you poem by my grandma maggot chef

Are you okay after a whole season of lips now? You want to know if I'm okay

She's crying get in

Seriously buckle up cannonball you're gonna fire the cannon or are you just gonna stand there and be useless now?

You see that bad attitude is why I'm out of here

I've had with watching you do your bogus job and get all the glory

Well, I'm stuck with all the grunt work Hosting is way harder than what you do. I dare you to try it sometime

Ah, let's go. All right be my guest guys trying to win a million bones over here. Okay

Okay, just like the rest of you top oh you'll see I'll see what how easy it is

Have you even ever read a cue card?


Would have to leave you in the hands of mr. Personality here and get out with my super easy hosting duties

I'm totally capable of sh**ting a girl out of a cannon on my own

Thank you. Guess we'll see aren't you forgetting something? It's about that time

When people might go to the fridge or change channels and not come back

Hmm who will win the million bucks who will not do not touch that clicker

We will find out right after this

Okay, so what am I supposed to

Do I'm your righteous new ho yeah

Can we get on with it so I can collect my million welcome here kid

Yeah through all the challenges Chris told us

Oh and did your ex hos tell you that if you correctly answer a trivia question

You skip the challenge and move on to the next one right on sh**t

Okay, bro, who got the space boot after the alien movie challenge, duh?

Geoff and Bridgette

They made out like non-stop follow what question where was the weirdest place those lovebirds ever made out?

How am I supposed to know that Bridgette talks about it like non-stop?

because if I listen to some girl blah blah plieing about her love life too bad then time to get it on with



I kicked its butt twice already maybe but in the spirit of Bridgette and Geoff you got a Mac on that space BJ

Let's make this gross fist nice and slobbery, don't be shy now

Yeah, I'd rather kiss Heather again

Nothing stupid chefs doing my job so I'm doing his stupid job

Did you two have a fight none of your beeswax?

Duncan has a huge lead and you've got an air cannon to pump go

Who was left on the editing floor after the make a movie challenge and follow up?

What was he reincarnated from is he she's such a freak. It could be anything

No part mocks, bro. Can I stop with this bro stuff already?

So I got a haul the movie here up the hill again been there done that you haven't done squat this time

You gotta hold the hill up

Get to with our boy

Salty trade winds those onions still bugging you chefs leaving the show

I guess it was hard for him toilet away in the kitchen all day all alone. Maybe he just wants more attention

Really have you tried being nice works for me sometime

The foster care and more, thank you

Sorry guy since you cannot tell me where transphobia came from this time the horse lands on me

Sure. Why not?

Your question I have to answer a question I am NOT reading all these stupid cue cards again

Just tell me who was voted out first and why you mean Jeff and Bridget and where was the weirdest place they ever? Yeah

Oh my gumdrops Bridget used to tell this crazy story. Ah

privacy time to catch some sweet artificial rays

Sure smells nice in here my coconuts I

Know the Gwen's favorite band is the god lead mine expl*si*n

She wants a 67 Mustang her brother has a Gibson Les Paul guitar, but I'm supposed to remember her lizards names. Who cares

Let me guess release the hounds and they can smell blood

So then the mime sneaked up on Trent in the crowd

Which was not fair because mines are super good at sneaking even when they're in an invisible box

But the terrible surprise made poor little Trent wet his pants in front of everyone, right?

You're right


Don't know DJ like SOG dogs roam and horror movies. Don't scare me. Haha

Bring it on now playing the miracle of tiles

I'm doing the job of two people here how to run this much since basic training

Gwen's lizards are named Angus and Vampira. Now. What? Oh


Then all you girls miss Gwen when she got the boot sure

Well, some of us, I mean, I like one and everything, but she got so far last time I guess I thought it was

The mines are buried the blindfold is redundant redundant

Before Courtney got her overbite fix. She bit like half her tongue off

I'm not supposed to know that well see us bullheaded him. This is sec ha

Well one time I was in the bathroom when she snuck in tainted ice-cream cone

But that wasn't even the biggest thing Owen pulled out of his nose at Christmas is that enough of an answer chef

What kind of hoes are you Oh

Chef sterling has dug a big hole for Beth. Duncan's got a five challenge lead

Run Beth run like the wind

It's still anybody's game folks and start biting those nails now as hosts

It's your job to ramble on not to make the contestants ramble on look

How about all follow Beth if you catch up to Duncan fine, but not because I needed help

Kaleidoscope thought she was 87 years old and the reincarnation of her own grannies

Owen actually has 139 favorite foods in a political order

There's Alaskan king crab American cheese apples apple cobbler apple crisp apple pie

I don't know who's wedding just and cried at what kind of curly man cries at a wedding anyway

Drop me in your dead meat

His own aunt lady Mimi CCGT Ladue de

Where's Duncan

Some question is sweet Harold left after the space challenge

You know Chris told me he'll miss the heck out of you if you leave

Yeah, he said that yeah, he totally did wish me luck. Oh

Look at this dispensable outcome

The next question could determine who climbs the golden ladder to Glory town and who slides down the stinky slide to Loserville?

All right who was voted off after the animal buddy challenge Courtney?

Finally, I may not file away. Everybody's stupid details all the time, but I do know a thing or two about Courtney

Because she insisted

Perfect. The one person I didn't like enough to learn everything about

What was Courtney's band's name?

Watching a lawsuit against the show

Totally cheating


Wow, that's interesting

But that wasn't the question Courtney's band was the type a psychotic crazy later losers. Hold on, bro

That was best question. Your question. What color is Courtney thinking up right now? Are you serious?

I don't know

Anything about me tough luck you both have to do the last challenge. That's okay

I kind of liked the animal buddy challenge it bit. But at least it won't k*ll us, right and that's

Boring, that's why instead. I'm bringing back the shame. Yes

the quaking is the foam machinist face bashing this challenge of all the

disaster movie earthquake


This sucker tossed the mighty Owen around like a rag doll contestants ready good luck suckas

Just stay low and try not to poop your pants


There's your teams he's okay

Made me think of you really want a hand

The way you t*rture the kids you're a natural

You know that knocking them down bruising them up k*lling their spirits

Nobody could do it quite like you pal really mean that if you really want to leave the show, it's cool. Good luck

Now I couldn't leave you all alone like that. You'd be terrible audio. You're not that good. So

you'll stay out argued race and a vacation deal and that's Venus these suckers all

Oh, forget it fast go on without me


Can't finish first they can at least tie for first

If your retainer wasn't so file, I'd kiss you

Okay, I have a boyfriend

It's a tie so what exactly are we gonna do about the million dollars?