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02x24 - Top Dog

Posted: 06/10/22 07:32
by bunniefuu
last time on Total Drama Action a

surprise package from the outside world

promised big things for Beth and the

cast got a taste of life in zero gravity

conditions but all was not well in the

universe as Owens struggled with his new

role as mischief maker in the end

Beth ended her engagement but won the


Courtney ended the girl's alliance but

won back her independence and Harold

ended his bid for the million but won a

limousine ride back to the real world

will Courtney and Beth spewed hurt their

chance to go the distance will a guilty

conscience cause Owen to crack all this

and more on today's out-of-this-world

episode of Total Drama Action


asked me what I wanted to be and




I know pillow whipped at my head no

angry threat to stick a cork in it um

where's Duncan where were you all night

an alien abduction it was wasn't it you

were subjected to an endless night of

alien probing ha ha the humanity

chill Owen I spent the night in

Courtney's trailer really what did you

do all night come on come on

down boy we talked about relationship

stuff mostly it's a little hazy I'll let

you know after I read this dude Courtney

gave you homework

Courtney wrote me a 32-page letter

outlining all my faults and how to

correct them if we're ever gonna have a

serious relationship all of which she

expects me to memorize I think I would

have preferred a night of alien probing

wake up sleepyheads breakfast is served

along with today's movie challenge

you've got 10 minutes to get your sorry

butts down there great maybe I'll get

lucky in today's genre will be guy in a

coma movie did you see something

I heard breakfast is served and it all

gets kind of hazy after that

Wow chef these scrambled eggs actually

looked pretty good scrambled eggs

so Courtney you and Duncan huh yeah it

was nice to finally work things out

between us we didn't keep you up did we

now I totally heard every insane word

well almost every word I dozed off

around page 9 section 3 paragraph 4 then

again on page 22 section 11 paragraph 8

we're Duncan hey babe Duncan I thought

we agreed only I would engage in the use

of pet names it's right there on page

three section five

you promised to memorize that letter for

Batum I will I will

I'm just really tired right now aren't


don't worry I forgive you just like I

forgave the other 316 minor

transgressions I outlined in my letter

but I expect you to memorize that letter

so it doesn't happen again anything for

you babe Courtney you may hold me now I

know those two are sickening



new message I just need to check

attention gasp dude what's with the

flying rat on your shoulder

that's my new BFF f best flying friend


that brings us to today's movie genre

the animal buddy flick you try coming up

with 26 movie genres it was either

animal bunny or guy in a coma movies the

hallmark of any good animal buddy flick

is the human animal bonding first the

human and the animal start out as

enemies then through many misadventures

animal and human grow to care about each

other and become fast friends you guys

just hang tight for a second okay so

where were we

right the first animal buddy movie

challenge will be to pick an animal and

teach it to be just like you that

shouldn't be too hard since you're all

animals the cast member whose animal

most resembles them at the end wins the

challenge I've always shared a bond with

nature's creatures when I was a kid I

made friends with the rats in our attic

it was like Cinderella

all right cast time to meet your future

pfffff best furry feathered or finned

friends forever


pick an animal and get training you have

three hours yes actually it makes

perfect sense

those two are made for each other the

only difference is one would eat you

alive in a heartbeat and the others a

shark I'll take the chameleon in tribute

to my beloved reptilian friends scruffy

dude scruffy was a bug nobody talks

about scruffy like that

nobody I'll take the bear all they do is

eat and sleep we're practically related

yes I've always had a soft spot for

vermin please tell me this cute little

creature has been tested for rabies

Nach did we check for rabies oh no no I

told you bright green like my mohawk not

that would see moss green come on get it


come on you can do it Rollo play dead


let's not waste each other's time I

don't like you you don't like me but if

you help me get to the final I'll make

you a very rich shark our for what page

2 section 5 ring any bells

you promised to pay me a compliment once

every hour oh yeah right um you have

nice teeth quit fooling around with that

glorified lizard and get memorizing

after all what's more important winning

some stupid challenge or making me happy

hey I like Courtney I really do but I

also like a million big ones best-case

scenario I win the money and the girl

but if it comes down to it I need the

money more than I need some

high-maintenance chick with a

superiority complex don't tell her I

said that ok

when Chris first offered me money to

sabotage the other cast members I didn't

handle it very well now I kind of dig it

as long as I mess with everyone equally

it's not like I'm giving anybody the

advantage last chance if you know what's

good for you get it wrong again

not even close are you colorblind stop

hissing at me here we go



I've been dealing with an entire team of

top-notch lawyers I'm not about to be

intimidated by a glorified dolphin just

watch and learn thank clearly I'm not

needed here

all right Cass time to judge the animal


Courtney you look terrible you should

see the other guy yes you and your

raccoon are up sorry Chris

I was totally unable to teach my raccoon



dan all right bear show us your best

owen impression no fair we haven't

started yet next


sh**t God I had a message Courtney

you seem to be short one animal buddy

it's ah he couldn't make it this round

if I be that cruel I gave the shark a

nice roundhouse to the belly and a cop's

up it's lunch from his stomach to yours

points have been tallied and the winner

of the first challenge is and also a

loser be right back here we are g*ng

don't you just love field trips your

next challenge is to find your way back

to the film lot a 10-mile hike through

these woods using only your animal

buddies to guide you but be careful

several vicious and life-threatening

traps have been set up along the way

such a thing me first one back wins

invincibility Beth gets to shave 30

minutes off her final time for winning

the first challenge everyone ready

wait where's Courtney

friends see you all back at the pillbot

and good luck


hello GPS as a reward for messing with

the rest of the cast Chris gave me this

to help me get back to the lot which

means a ticket to the final three I have

an uncanny sense of direction I'll have

us back in camp in no time oh what a

useless animal I wish I had picked the

bear I coulda hitched a ride on its back

hey where'd you go

hey get back here right now death traps

your buddies and now it's your turn

that PDA is my only contact with the

outside world without it I be I beyond

level ground with the others and that

cannot happen this girl plays to win

okay look give that back

and I'll let you eat one of the others I

can make it happen



so scared I don't wanna die like this I

knew that was there I was just testing

you look I'm sorry alright just show

yourself so I can get back to the law to

get some sleep you're my only home this

be the the way home


sucker looks like I don't need you after


oh no more booby traps wow I wasn't

expecting that

two down one to go once we deal with

that we can head back to the movie lot

for dinner

I hear that buddy oh sh**t how we gonna

get down from here


in my experience there is no problem in

the world that can't be solved by

excessive eating we need to eat until

our combined weight is enough to break

the branch hope you're hungry I don't

think there's time for a break okay wow

I can't believe it I have no idea

yourself it's like you're our equals I

mean your superior okay but after a

gourmet dinner and a quick game of ping

pong we really should have that


hungry here chameleons here boy

ah come the Duncan I just want a little



yes free at last

I learned a lot today one never eat wild

berries without knowing if they're

poisonous to expl*sive diarrhea is not a

recommended outdoor activity and three

you're gonna want to stay out of those

woods for a while


in her raccoon nice one you were the

first team to arrive the two of us work

so well together because our friendship

is based on mutual respect no oh yes

mutual respect that's the key to any

healthy relationship where is everyone

sure they'll be here any minute it's

been two days maybe we should send out a

search party in here they don't know

Courtney you're shivering

you must be freezing EDA withdrawal


Marda the flies much welcome back cast

better late than never

Beth and her raccoon buddy easily won

the challenge which means invincibility

Beth gets a free pass into the final

three the question is who will join her

in the final three and who will be the

next to leave there's only one place to

find out at the most exciting gilded

Chris ceremony when this place starts to

look good maybe that's best how did your

rat get its filthy paws on my PDA mr.

whiskers sound of washed up on the shore

this morning you speak Fuhrman now and

you named it mr. whiskers oh why doesn't

any of that surprise me message from my

lawyers wonder what those bloodsuckers

want now I accidentally toot ha I'm

actually glad they found out that I'm

the producers mole now I can go back to

being myself although on the way here I

short-sheeted Beth's bed cleaned a

toilet with Duncan's toothbrush and

filled the salt shakers with onion

powder what can I say it's hard going

cold turkey you can't hide behind that

bear forever you underestimate my



well that's better thanks where's my

letter I want to add a few amendments to

it I lost it in the woods sorry I had my

lawyers make several copies be right


you're really bonded with your chameleon

it's so cute

what are you talking about you mean he's

been here all along


this is a big one cast Beth is safe from

elimination which means the rest of you

are fair game

so sharpen those claws and cast your

votes someone is going home for the last


oh and betrayed us but Courtney is the

bigger threat I like Duncan but Beth and

Courtney eat less more for me you never



the gilded Chris goes to Beth and Duncan

Courtney since Beth and Duncan both

voted for you it's time for your ride

home Olin I'll deal with you in a moment

what Duncan voted for me kourt's

popularities in the toilet I can't have

her dragging me down but the real reason

a 32-page letter when people call me

psycho how could you do this to me after

everything we are so Chris I think you

forgot to give me my gilded Chris award

sorry Owen you've been fired

don't get that the final two one of you

will become a millionaire and the other

will not tune in to our most

controversial episode ever


