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02x20 - Get a Clue

Posted: 06/10/22 07:28
by bunniefuu
once upon a time on Total Drama Action

there was a princess trapped in a tower

well okay Courtney got stashed in some

tower set for a couple of hours but

still a bunch of knights went to rescue

her along the way some were lost dreams

were crushed and a prince prevail but it

was no fairy tale ending for princess

Courtney and Prince Justin girl just

won't stop winning and so Prince Justin

got the boot and the rest of them live

happily ever come on this is total drama

action forget happily we've got bite

danger naming this time there might even

be m*rder so keep your eyeballs glued

right here on another homicidal episode

of Total Drama


ask me what I want




breakfast taco is that all chef knows

how to make now Mexican themed breakfast

foods chef is the only cook who makes

eggs like peanut butter smooth or

crunchy style maybe chef finally ran out

of stuff to put in the eggs all he's got

left his computer hardware what if

there's something on it something old


only one way to find out stick it in

Courtney's PDA my PDA isn't going

anywhere near that goober coated thing

hey I thought you wanted to win this do

what you have to do it's time to 86 this

combination so weird I think maybe Chris

needs a vacation right now I'm going to

relax in a nice safe and secure place

and get ready for today's challenge

you're probably wondering what the

challenge is remain a mystery unless

there's a k*ller reward I'm not gonna

bother finding Chris I could use a day

off from that Weiner I'm with Duncan let

Chris wait for us yeah but maybe if we

find Chris he'll have some kind of

surprise who doesn't love surprises I

think he was giving us hints he said he

was on cloud nine that's like heaven

which means he's not alive anymore what

do you do with dead people you bury them

so maybe he's buried underground

maybe we should dig and see if we find


hood the only problem is that makes zero

sense no one ever listens to me anymore

since Courtney got here what's so weird

about Kris being buried alive oh it's so


Kris said he was feeling safe and secure

get it safe Kris said that he was going

to crack open a soda you cracked a safe

now you get it no still nothing clearly

in the bank vault set from the bank

heist challenge duh nice go figure

I've got a brain Hey I'm someone who

said Kris was giving clues you did

sweetie I felt really bad for Lindsay

but that was some pretty good thinking

on Courtney's part safe and secure

genius so what's the plan hi sir try

cleaning out your ears and listening for

a change

chris said combination right after we

talked about cloud nine and he could

have had a dozen breakfast burritos and

then he said 86

what's my prize hmm I hardly recall

having mentioned any sort of prize but

thanks for releasing me it was getting

stuffy in there not smoking

what oh no of course not you know what

it's chewing tobacco yeah no just

kidding it's black licorice yeah yeah

you're right

that stuff's disgusting now it's time

for mystery movie day I've got a

challenge for each of you tonight you're

to meet me at the train station set I

have a train set in my garage at home it

runs on solar power fascinating but

first I'll require full fingerprints DNA

samples from each competitor all you

have to do is go to the provincial

police headquarters you can get all my

info there so each of the competitors

has to gather the evidence from any one

of the other competitors which means

it's in your interest to prevent the

other guy from getting your dates now go

pack an overnight bag and get me my

clips I am going to get a prize I


I still say they should get credit for

coming up with the idea to look for

clues if we listen to you we'd still be

digging under the cafeteria with

teaspoons not nice look guys it doesn't

matter in the big picture who did what

as long as we all have fun Lindsey I

really respect you I was only acting

like that out of jealousy

I would sincerely like us to be friends

let me make it up to you can I treat you

to a spa session mousse possibly very

favorite man I am good I never had

you're down on the bottom of my fingers

oh it's all the rage and friends oh I

love being trendy






okay so I felt a little guilty about

taking advantage of little



didn't you already get a set of prints

from Lindsay yeah but it was so much fun

I couldn't help myself



so where's my price sorry Courtney it's

not prize time yet make it price time

I'm trying to do my job here maybe I

should get my lawyers to do their job I

was gonna eat them on the train but

you're welcome two of them if they will

shut you up

now can you please get on the train

hey I haven't even said all aboard yet

oh hey what are you doing

regulation to ride the train ma'am

welcome aboard the 732 fun Bell let the

party begin

there's a party awesome great that we

all get to share this hug for thee what

do you do I'm sticking with my delicious

exclusive cheese flavored cheese type

fries snacks can I have one did you win

them who shut off the lights

oh you can't k*ll the hose there that's

better yep totally dead no that's not


I never got a decent prize berries give

him CPR you picked the right guy I'm a

licensed paramedic did you know that CPR

is actually a whole series of

assessments and interconnections

ooh ooh still no pulse





would you pull it together losers we've

got to figure this out on the way to

cheering camp the head cheerleader

Carmelita Santos passed out I always

thought she was so great but we had to

do something

she was drooling so me and bitsy

Stephanopolous ran to the front of the


Mitzi's real name is Elizabeth but

everybody calls her guilty I gotta admit

I was kind of curious to know where

Lindsey was going with this

so mrs. Whitlock came running back from

the rest stop with some Bulls sugar

fruit punch not the aspartame saccharine

stuff that doesn't work for these types

of situations and she gave it to

Carmelita yeah okay

anybody else have any great ideas

knowing a bit about trains myself I can

say that an engineer is probably

steering this thing I could be counted

upon for aid duh Ben try the phone to

the engine everybody here really that


yeah this just happens to croak right

here in front of us and we can't reach

anybody I only watched when you guys had

to jump out of a plane you guys were in

that episode

anyone remember that there was no plane

she's right I guarantee the crew is just

shaking the train car and the window key

was a holographic projection this is

obviously all make-believe

listen I'm obviously a little old for

make-believe but Courtney is not

somebody I would have had over to my

pretty pretend palace ever she'd always

want to be the daddy the doctor and the

prime minister of all my dolls and they

won't like that one bit I mean would it

if I still played with them which I

don't okay everybody we've got to chill

out and get back to the studio which

will happen most effectively what I tell

the producers that this violates my

contract no bars

how does my PDA have no bars well I'm

gonna drop mrs. shadow on line thing

just like they do in the movies why do

they do that anyway do you color it in

later or something

Duncan climb out of the ceiling hatch

and go find chef or a producer or

somebody why do I get to be the lucky

one because you're the only one that can

do it I know I'm good

I keep pressing up against things that

feel suspiciously like legs yeah it's a

real train and I won't be going back out

there yet if this is real and if we're

really stuck in this car and somebody

here must be oh can't you be serious

I am what is more serious than


this is a setup Duncan go check to see

if even one of the other cars I'm going

to do something productive to and find

out who done it before it gets too late

I don't want to get m*rder*d in my sleep

ah she wasn't m*rder*d he walked away

they're messing with your heads your

little hollow pinheads what a pinhead be

dusting the place for prints

yes good idea Lindsay oh it's one of

Duncan's green hairs


annoying music coming from disappeared

the other cars are empty what these

nitwits think you did it Chris refused

to give Courtney a reward which clearly

upset her and she's your love interest

she made me go up on the roof and she

stole my prints and DNA guys let's not

get sidetracked in the conservatory with

a bacon sandwich that hair could have

fallen off my head when we found the

body look up why suspect Duncan any good

detective knows 50% of the time the

husband or wife is whodunit the other

50% of the time it's the guy with the

Mohawk he's the k*ller I love this thing

I'll get us back to set and then you'll

be cleared just hang in there this feels

a little too familiar for comfort I'm

sorry the others won't listen to me

they keep listening too we should be

looking for other clues just in case we

still have to figure out how Chris died

can you do I have so many poisons your

hair gel because he uses a lot of that

this is the same person who thought

Chris was buried alive doesn't it make

more sense to help me try to get us off

this train if I do can I still use this

yes and congratulations on being too

sensible to listen to Lindsey anybody I

have to admit that I was still unsure

about the whole m*rder thing but Lindsey

didn't have to know that the key to

being a leader is making decisions I've

made all of my decisions for the next

four years wanna know what I'm having

for breakfast next April 22nd

if this train was solar-powered like my

set at home we could just throw a giant

parka over it

that'd be easier it's still easy just

stop the wheels stop the train you don't

need any help right back we'll solve

this case other Oh Oh shiny um I don't

know look I love Lindsay but I'm not

sure if I want to put all my eggs into

that basket two heads are better than

one but three heads are better than two

and a head is probably better than

Lindsay's I'll just go see what Courtney

and Harold are up to no commitment I'm

just checking to stop that sounds like a

good idea hey we have this giant soda

bottle from the party I feel sticky now

throw down a fur coat and let's see how

he'd look is Bigfoot


sorry continue


some kind of orange powder as though it

was held like a m*rder w*apon and we

have Courtney eating a bag of orange

cheese what she refused to share

therefore Courtney was the only one to

have orange cheesy fingers oh this is


really the Brits don't lie I was framed

how are you going to believe

dingbat over here or someone who

actually has a brain don't you think

cr*cker Jacks special effects dudes whoa

Coolio how do I get a rubber Harold

threatened to quit your hosting job

unless they give you an extra big budget

to psyche the kids out I was not psyched


I knew nonetheless the winner of today's

reward challenge is the person who

solved the crime and that person is

detective Lindsay I want two portions

already I was the one who knew you

weren't dead

she couldn't even tell the difference

between a human being I didn't do it I'm


they all say that the reward that

Lindsay will be enjoying tonight is a

night at the movies with a friend of her



Soloff used you happens all the time

no probs it's great yeah


and this should be good huh yeah I

really should leave sweet have something

to say to each other but it was a good

strategist ago logical move because it

messed with Courtney's head this is not

fair how can I be mad at Lindsey

watching Courtney be jealous was the

best especially when she tried to

pretend she didn't care who cares not me

I couldn't care less

no but if I tried to care less I do not

care I gotta tell you it's great to be

able to share some quality time with

someone really gets me popcorn no really

though it's a relief to be with someone

I actually like and you've got the most

adorable nose Hey

you're here well tune in next time for

more movie madness on Total Drama



