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05x01 - Turn! Turn! Turn!

Posted: 05/03/13 12:42
by bunniefuu
I hereby pronounce you King William Compton of Louisiana.

Sookie. We thought you were dead.

You've been gone 12 and a half months.

That's Marnie.

She can contact the spirits of the dead.

My name is Antonia.

She was the only human ever known to wield power over vampires.

You don't think that maybe stepping in on someplace we don't belong?

Black magic?


( speaking Spanish)

Bill: Eric Northman was sent to break up a group of Wiccan practitioners and has not been seen since.

Eric? It's me, Sookie.


He's scared and alone. His whole life has been wiped away.

Bill: He would do or say anything

to make you his.

Hoyt, I was with another guy tonight.

I had sex with Jessica.

( grunts )

Hey, there, Sookie.

You tried to k*ll me.

Debbie's been clean and sober for almost a year.

( man grunts )

Arlene: Mikey!

Child: He was already out when we came out.

Arlene: How the hell

did he get out here?

My ex is a werewolf.

Who's he?

You just pissed on the wrong boots, my friend.

Alcide: Sam!

( g*nshots )

( growls )

( gurgling )

( growling )

Private Bellefleur.

Rene: I'm here

to warn you, girl.

That man, he's bringing trouble of the worst kind.

( screams )

( screams )

He is under my control.

( groans )

Why would a vamper want to dig a hole in a parking garage?

You will regret this.

( screams )

No one lives forever. Not even you.

( Marnie laughs )

I want your magic.

( roaring )

As your friend

Lafayette would say,

"What goes around comes around, b*tches."

( screams )

I'm sorry.

Don't worry about it.

Everything's temporary.

There's been an order issued on your heads by The Authority.

My last duty was supposed to be delivering the true death to both of you.

Sookie: There's only one way I see this ending, and it's me walking away with neither of you.

( knocking )

Trick or treat.

Reverend Newlin.

Sookie: Debbie, what are

you doing?



Please don't k*ll me.

( g*nsh*t )

Tara, no!

Jessica, it's Bill.

Listen, I've been called away on business for a while.

Nothing to worry about.

And hopefully it won't take more

than maybe a week or two.

Needless to say, whilst I'm gone, my palace is your palace.

Within reason, of course.

How about wrapping it up? I could use a hand here.


You still awake?


( shotgun cocks )



f*ck Sookie.

What, did you not hear her tonight?

She rejected both of us.

Besides, this is the Authority we're up against.

If we're not gone by sunrise, it'll be our last.

( g*nsh*t )

( gasps )

( Bill groaning )

They're already here?

Authority, freeze!

( groaning )


Somebody, please, help us!

Somebody, please!

No! f*ck, no!

Tara, don't f*cking do this to me.

Debbie tried to k*ll me and she jumped in the middle.

Come on, Tara.

Eric? We need to talk.


Well, color me impressed. You guys know how to party.

Eric's not here. Get out of my house.

You mean Eric's house.

If you had any decency left in you at all, you would let us be.

I need to talk to Eric.

God damn it, Pam, please.

Fine. If you see him, tell him ...

tell him I'm sorry.


Hold up. Hold up.

Turn her for us.


Turn her? I don't even like her.

Lafayette, Tara hates vampires.

Bitch, she took a b*llet for you.

You really gonna deny her a chance to live?

Pam: I can't be the only one

who's noticed

she's missing half her head, now can I?

Even if I tried, what's to say she won't rise up out of the ground tomorrow night completely and utterly fucktarded?

You have to try.


I'll owe you one.

One what?

( grunting )

We'll take it from here.

And don't return to the Authority

until everything

has been cleaned up.

Every single drop.

I made Eric's spell go away. What if I could do that for you?

My spell died when Marnie died. What else you got?

Just f*cking do it.

I don't know what you care about.

If you can use your magic hands or your super snatch, whatever power it is you have over Eric to fix what's broken between us and you'll still owe me one, you've got yourself a deal.

Fine. Just do it.

Swear on it.

Yes, God damn it. Pam, please.

Just f*cking do it.

( theme music playing )

True Blood 5x01

Turn! Turn! Turn! Original Air Date on June 10, 2012

♪ When you came in

the air went out ♪

♪ And every shadow

filled up with doubt ♪

♪ I don't know who

you think you are ♪

♪ But before

the night is through ♪

♪ I want to do

bad things with you ♪

♪ I'm the kind

to sit up in his room ♪

♪ Heart sick and eyes

filled up with blue ♪

♪ I don't know what

you've done to me ♪

♪ But I know

this much is true ♪

♪ I want to do

bad things with you ♪

♪ Ow, ooh ♪

♪ I want to do

real bad things with you. ♪

Jason, Jason, I swear it to you and I swear it to God, I am not here to hurt you.

All I want is to talk.

See, you say that, but I've seen your fangs and I've been around the block enough times to know that fangs are basically like twin hard-ons.

Hard-ons for trouble and for feeding on somebody.

Never just for talking, not ever.

I don't have anyone else to turn to.

What about your followers?

There are thousands of them out there wondering where you've been.


What do you think they're gonna do when they find out about this?

These are people that I've trained

to k*ll folks like me.

( clicks )

Oh, see? There went the fangs.

Look. Look.

No way.

I ain't looking at you.


Because you'll glamour me.

Jason, a vampire has to be taught how to glamour.

Nobody taught me anything.


What about your, um...

My maker?


Jason, my being turned was a punishment.

I'm not saying that

I didn't deserve it,

but I woke up in a hole in the ground with a strange woman who didn't tell me anything.

She didn't even

give me her name.

She just ran off.


She did.

She really did.

She just abandoned you?

Hey there.


Invite me in, Jason.

Of course. Come on in, Reverend.

( growling )

Y'all are mad at me about something.

Unless somebody stops growling and shifts into a person...

communicating's gonna be tough.

That's more like it.

Where the f*ck is he?


Our Packmaster.

Marcus Bozeman. Do you know him?

You know I know him.

He's been missing going on two days now.

Ever since you and Alcide Herveaux

came looking for him,

as a matter of fact.

We never found him.

Yeah, see, we think you did.

Have at him, boys.

( growls )

( screeches )

( growls )

Bring me the girl.

( flies buzzing )

Oh, she smells.

Is that bad?

Can't imagine it's good.

Aren't you supposed to hold her or something?

Back off, all right? I've done this before.

Well, thank the f*cking Lord for that.

That's not to say it ended especially well.

Hey, we had a deal. This ain't gonna work if you don't try.

I am wearing a Walmart sweat suit for y'all.

If that's not a demonstration of team spirit, I don't know what is.


Bury us.


What are you doing here?

Emma: Hi, Sam.

Hey, Emma, why don't you go on inside?

Marcus's pack, they came for me and I can all but guarantee they're coming for you.

Oh, f*ck.

You and Emma need to pack your things and run.

But Alcide k*lled Marcus. This is a pack problem.

They need to handle it within the pack.

The thing is, they made it pretty clear they think I'm the one who did it.

Even after you told them the truth?

Alcide did what he did saving my life.

Before that, he did everything he could to save my brother's.

I ain't thanking him for it by selling him out.

You think you have a problem controlling your shifter temper?

They are much more animal than they are human. Far more.

( sniffing )

( growling )

Hoot, hoot, Merlotte.

This is private property.

Owned by your husband who your boyfriend k*lled.

Kind of makes you sound like a whore.

Sam didn't k*ll Marcus.

Then who did?

We will use Emma to make you talk.

Don't put it past us.

I did it.

Luna: Sam.

I k*lled Marcus.

If I come with you, you got no reason to come back to this house.

But if you fly away on us again, you can be sure we will.

Tell Emma I said goodbye.

Now I want you to hear what I'm about to say with a clear and open mind.

So in a minute, I am going to release you from my influence.

When I do, all you're gonna remember is that you invited me into your house and you asked me to put this tape over your mouth.


( sighs )

Jason, thank you so much for inviting me into your home.

( muffled ) You're welcome, Reverend Newlin.

You know, there's something that I've been gathering up the courage to tell you ever since the moment I found out you were sleeping with my wife.

Ahem. You see...

I did not care so much that you slept with Sarah.

What hurt me was that she got to sleep with you.

But even before that,

the whole time you were at camp, all of these feelings were building up inside of me.

I couldn't admit to it,

not even to myself.

And I think that that's why I started acting the way that I did, all murderous and whatnot.

But now that I have been blessed with the gift of immortality, I finally have the strength to say it.

I'm a gay vampire American.

( sighs deeply )

And I love you, Jason Stackhouse.

I'm gonna let

you speak now.

Oh, sorry if that hurt.

No, that's okay.

I asked for it.



First off, I'm flattered.

( chuckles )

Yeah, because that was without a doubt the nicest "I love you"

I have ever gotten from anybody ... male, female or otherwise.

Um, second, I forgive you for acting, um, all murderous and whatnot.

Thank you.

But I've got to be honest with you, Rev, this dog don't bark that way.

Oh, look, I'm sorry, man.

( hisses )

Do not pity me.

I ain't pitying ...

Love me!

It's not how love works, man.

You can't make yourself ...

My dead heart beats for you.

The least you can do is try.

Jason is mine!

I am Steve f*cking Newlin.

Who the f*ck are you?

Who the f*ck I am is an older vampire than you.

Who I also am is the progeny of the King of Louisiana, who happens to be out of town, which pretty much makes me the queen.

( groans )

So I'm gonna give you a choice.

You let him go or the true death.

There is no in between.

Plus, I take back my invitation.


I love you.

I don't even know what to sa ...

( moaning )

Radio: ♪ Some people want

to fill the world ♪

♪ With silly love songs ♪

♪ And what's wrong

with that? ♪

♪ I'd like to know ♪

♪ 'Cause here I go... ♪

Do you think they might be just bringing us in for questioning?

I mean, wouldn't we be dead already?

Have you ever heard of a vampire being hauled in by the Authority and then live to talk about it?

Can you get that?

Can you reach it?

( sizzling )

( grunting )

All right.

I got it.


Spin it.

All right. The t*nk.

Two, three.

All right. All right, now we just need some fire.


( panting )


Come on, we've got to go.

You should run.

I'm not leaving you here.

Let's go.

( Bill groans )

Who wants to die first?

You, Hayes.

You die first.


Friend of yours?

It's my sister, actually.

Anything big enough to pick up with our hands we put in here.


Hey, how are you holding up?

I ain't.

Oh, sweet f*cking Jesus.

Look, if you can't do this right now, I'll understand.

You've been through way more than any one person can take.

Sook, now I'm the last m*therf*cker on the planet to trust the police, but why don't you just tell

'em it was self-defense?

Shit, you're a white girl. They gonna believe you.

It wasn't self-defense.

You shot that dirty bitch with her g*n in your house.

You know how they say in the heat of the moment that people don't have time to think?


Well, I did.

I thought, "You don't have to do this.

You've got the g*n now. You could call the police or Jason and they'd lock her away forever."

I decided to pull the trigger instead.

I wanted to k*ll her.

Does that sound like self-defense to you?

Give me some gloves.

By the sink.

The Guardian wanted Nan followed to make sure she carried out his orders.

I saw an opportunity to save Eric, so I took it.

So nobody in the Authority knows about your relationship?

And they never will.

We were only connected through our maker.

And Godric is gone.

As a chancellor of the Authority, I mean, you're taking a huge risk.

Why would you ...

Because I'd do anything for Eric.

And I would do anything for you.

Nora: And because you did what you did, protecting us from the necromancers.

That we would reward you for it with the true death speaks volumes about how out of step the Authority's current agenda is.

I'm not alone in this belief.

Factions within the Authority?


I had arranged for our car to be conveniently ambushed when we hit 310.

Our attackers were going to take out my driver there.

Unfortunately, the stunt you pulled in the trunk came 12 miles too soon.


Don't be. It was badass.


So what do we do now?

We go to ground for the day, make new arrangements for tomorrow night.

Lilith willing, we'll be safe.

It's rusty, but solid.

Agreed. Wait for me inside, will you?

I have to call New Orleans and lie my ass off.

( container creaking )

I strongly recommend holding still.

Guardian, please. It's Chancellor Gainsborough.

I knew you had friends in high places, but a chancellor of the Authority?

Who else knows about this?

No one.

Nora: Sir, we had a hiccup.

Not even Pam.

No, the king

and his sheriff are gone,

but unfortunately I lost

Hayes in the process.

Yes, it's a fair trade-off, I agree.

But the cleanup took a little longer than expected, so I'm having to go to ground for the day.

You're welcome, Guardian.

You always were an amazing liar.

Even the best of liars can be ended.

I hope you both understand that tomorrow night you'll be saying goodbye to the life you've known forever.

If you come back, if you ever return, it'll be the true death of me.

I understand.

As do I.


Let's get some rest.

You should let me do this for you.

Jesus was way too good to wind up in a shower curtain, Sook.

Please, Lafayette, I want to do this for you.


Let's go in, then.

Where the f*ck did he go?

What? What do you mean?

I mean he was right there.

Right f*cking there in my hand chair.

Maybe Eric or Bill moved him.

Why would they do that, Sook?

I don't know. Maybe they were trying to help.

You weren't yourself yesterday.

Maybe you just don't remember the details.

I remember everything.

I remember sticking that knife in him.

And it went in like he was warm butter.

And he f*cking hated that g*dd*mn chair, too.

All right, we've got to get you out of here. Come on.

Sook, people need to say goodbye.

People need to be said goodbye to.

I'm sorry. I'll go wait in the car.


Come on.

Come on, come on, come on.

Come on. Come on.


You told me to keep on breathing.

Told me to keep on living.


( crying )

You boys get some rest.

Thanks, Pops.

Yeah, thanks.


( snoring )

What the hell?

Who's that?

Pretty sure it's the sheriff.

No way.

I'm telling you, it is.

Whoa. Whoa.


You the sheriff?

I am.

Uh, Holly, your kids are back from their hunting trip.

Mama's a heavy sleeper.

She sure is, ain't she?


Rocky: Mama!

Boys. Boys? Boys!

What are you doing here?

Hey, Mama.

Oh, shit.

Andy, um...

these here are my boys Wade and Rocky.

This here is Sheriff Bellefleur.

I told you he was the sheriff.

How you do?

Oh, I'm all right.

Your father wasn't supposed to have you home till noon.

And this ain't what it looks like, boys.

I care about your mother.

I really do. Y'all need to know that.

Andy, you should go.

You really should.

I know I should. Where's my pants?

Shit, I don't know.

Me either.

Oh, I found them.

On the couch, Mama?

Where I sleep?


Jesus, Mama!

How hard would it be to

try to be a better mother?

Holly: Oh, once again, your dad's

perfect and I'm the bitch.

He gets to have all the fun,

and I get all the shit.

Rocky: I'm not saying

don't have fun.

So was Terry, like, a real badass?

Language, Lisa.

But was he? What she said?

Sorry, Ma.

He sure was. Two of you can be real proud of your step-dad.

But now all I do is flip burgers.

And that's the way I like it.

I don't talk about my time over there, especially with the kids.

Maybe when the kids aren't around, I could buy you a drink and pick your brain about the man I'm married to.

Arlene, I am the man you know me to be.

The man he knows has nothing to do with the man I am today.

So there will be no more brain-picking. Am I understood?

How are the pancakes, kids?


Mine are kinda raw and gooey.

You know, I still can't get over it.

I mean, look at you, Private. You've got a beautiful wife, beautiful kids, beautiful house.

Well, we can't take credit for the house.

We're just living here till we get back on our feet after ...

After what?

Well, it was a fire.

But the kids are still real

upset about it, so...

Coby: I don't know why

you keep saying that.

That fire was awesome.

Lisa: Do you know how many more friends I have since I'm living here?


Arlene: Listen to the two of you.

Our house burned to the ground.


It's ...

That is not a good thing.

It's nothing. It's just...

If kids want to be your friend just because you're living in a big house, then they really ain't your friend at all.

Fires aren't something to be taken lightly is all.

Thank you. And that is coming from a U.S. Marine.
I don't want her. Let's go, y'all.

I want to play.

I said I want to play.


We want a batter!

Boy's voice: You ain't like

the rest of us.

Boy #2: Freak.

Boy #3: Crazy person.

Girl: Gives me

the heebie-jeebies.

You'd better let me play, Donnie.

Or I'll tell everyone you play with your thing when you spy on your sister in the shower.

How the hell'd you know that?

( children shouting )

Fight! Fight! Fight!

Get off of her. What'd you do to her, Donnie?

He wouldn't pick me.

'Cause you're crazy.

Don't call people names, you dumb-ass redneck.

And next time, you're picking her. Come on, Sook.

All yours.

I left a fresh towel

in there for you.

Appreciate that.

( knocking on door )

Great, this is the last f*cking thing I need.


We need to talk.


Why don't you wait in the living room and I'll pour us some lemonade?

Alcide: Need a hand?

( gasps )

Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you.

I just thought you were waiting in the living room is all.

Plus, the kitchen's a mess. I was hoping you wouldn't see it.

You kidding? This is the cleanest kitchen I ever saw.

Even smells clean.

Like lemons on top of ammonia on top of bleach.

Well, you know me. Nothing's ever clean enough.

Glasses are over there.

( rattles quietly )

What happened here?

I saw that open cabinet look in "Southern Living."

What do you think?

I think you want to do the same on the other side.

You know, you should build things for a living.

( pouring )


what's going on that you couldn't call?

It's Russell Edgington, Sook.

He's on the loose.

On the loose?

Russell Edgington's dead.

Oh, those m*therf*ckers.

You mean they never told you?

Never told me what?

( music playing )

God, I wish there was somewhere else to eat in this town.

I'm with you there.

I've been friends with him my whole life.

Why don't you just go talk to him, then?

Why don't you just go talk to her, then?

Maybe I will.

Then again, maybe you won't.

Afternoon, Sheriff Bellefleur.


Howdy, sir.

Afternoon to you, Judge Clements.

Look, could the sheriff and I get a minute alone here?

Yes, sir.

( chuckles )

So what's up?

It's my son Ronnie.

Seems that last Tuesday, one of your deputies, Deputy Ellis I believe it was, gave him a BS ticket for doing 75 in a 25.

How fast was he going?

My guess is around 75.

( laughs )

Still, I'm asking

for a favor.

I'd take care of it myself, but that would be obstruction.

Know what I just remembered?

Kevin's radar g*n was on the fritz last Tuesday.

Radar on the fritz.

( laughs )

I don't know why, but you tickle my hang-lows, Bellefleur.

( chuckles )

I don't know why either.

You and me, we're gonna have to hit the town soon.

Lunch is on me, by the way.

( coughing )

Girlfriend fucker.

( laughing )

Mitch. Dan.

Buddy. How y'all doing?

What you want, girlfriend fucker?

( men laugh )

Mitch: That's right, girlfriend fucker.

Just want to talk to my friend.


you don't have any friends at this table.

Oh, come on, Bubba.

We got too much history between us.

History, huh? You know what they say about history?


They say it's always repeating itself.

So did it, Stackhouse? You go back, you do it again?


Then get away from me.

I'm so f*cking sorry, man.

Sorry doesn't go back and f*ck the only girl that you ever loved.

That's what a girlfriend fucker does.

That's right.

So go on. Get the f*ck out of my face.

Get out of here.

He's 3,000 years old. What were they thinking leaving him alive?

I wasn't privy to that. I just poured the concrete.

Russell's gonna come after you, which is why you gotta come stay with me.

I can't.


I have to stay here.

God damn it. If this is about me declaring myself yesterday ...

It's not.

'Cause your life is on the line here.

You won't want me to stay with you once you've heard why I can't stay with you.

Whatever it is, I can handle it.

Last night, when I got back from Bill's ...

Whoa, whoa, whoa, get the f*ck up out of here, wolf.

What the f*ck is his problem?

He just broke up with his boyfriend.

He ain't exactly himself.

I'm real sorry about you and your boyfriend, but I'm here because Sookie's in danger.

I heard. I've been listening.

How the f*ck do you think you can protect her from an ancient, pissed-off vampire when all werewolves do is piss off vampires even more?

We done with all this supernatural bullshit.

You heard me? No vampires, no witches, no ghosts, no maenads, and no m*therf*cking werewolves.

( growls )

Don't f*cking growl at me.

I'll make whatever f*cking noise I want.

Why don't you just get the f*ck up out of our lives?

You should go.

I'm throwing you a lifeline here. Please take it.

Like I said, I can't.

You know where to find me if you change your mind.

Lafayette's voice: God damn, Sook, what

the f*ck was that?

You're gonna get

us both locked up.

How f*cking stupid

can you be?

I know. I'm sorry.

The sun will be going down soon.

We should be there for Tara when it does.

I'll get some Tru Blood.

( Sam screaming )

Sure is a stubborn son of a bitch.

( whip cracking )

We get anything out of him yet?

No, ma'am.

Nate: You already confessed

to k*lling him.

Why the f*ck won't you

tell us where he is?

Maybe you're just not asking nice enough.

Give us a minute.

( groans )

And you are?

The name's Martha.

What can I do for you, Martha?

Werewolves are pack people.

And when our Packmaster dies, there's certain things we have to do to honor him.

We need his body back in order to do that.

( chuckles )

I bet now you're gonna tell me if I take you to him, no harm will come to me.


But I will promise you this.

Lead us to Marcus, and no harm will come to Luna or Emma.

He wouldn't have wanted it to anyhow.

Well, let's go.

( panting, moaning )

( moaning continues )

( speaking foreign language )

I'll miss you, too, my brother.

( grunts )

Bill: Might want to keep

the noise down in there.

New Orleans is only

60 miles away.

( speaking foreign language )

( phone ringing )

What is that?

Uh, that's my phone.

You still got your phone?


Nora: How could you

be so stupid?

My phone is untraceable, Nora.


( groans )

( phone continues ringing )

We fight like siblings, but we f*ck like champions.

Alcide, my faithful friend. How are you?

All right, thanks for letting me know.

Eric, what is it?

( whimpering )

( screaming )

( tearing )

( man gurgling )

( chanting )

Drink, drink, drink...

Drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink.

( cheering )

Frat boy:

Nice. Nice.

I swear, you are the coolest vampire I ever met.

You really are.

Thank you.

Girl: You know, our college

accepts vampires.

They have night classes and everything.

And you could join our house.

I don't know.

I mean, people go to college to become big and powerful, right?

Well, I already am, so why do all that work?

( laughs )

I believe it was to you.

I believe it was.

( knocking on door )

That better be gone when I get back.

( laughing )


Hook it up, baby.

You're hooking up with a vampire.

Oh, Jason. What are you doing here?

Just thought, since I'm yours and all...


Jason, you know what I said last night, that was just to ... that was just to protect you.

You know, the conversation we had before, it still applies.

Oh, of course it does.

Hell, I love when shit applies.

Frat boy: Hey, can we get some

more beer in here, please?

Um, hold on a sec.

Support staff, my friends need more beer.


Right away, Miss Hamby.

Having a party?

Oh, um...

No, I totally would have invited you.

I just ... you know, I think some of them are underage.

You know, with you being...

Like I said, I'm off duty.

Hey, y'all.

Oh, shit, it's the cops.

Jessica: Oh, guys, no, no.

Don't worry about it.

This is my friend Jason.

Yeah. Yeah, that's right. We're all just friends.

In fact, if it'll make you feel more comfortable, I can take off the uniform.

I know I'd feel a lot better.

Yes, please.

I'm Cammy.

I'm Trish.

All right.

Let's play some quarters.


( music playing )

You're a hard man to get alone, Private Bellefleur.

Go home, Patrick.

I don't have one.

In fact, I lost it in a fire.

And it's not just you and me.

Privates Jemarcus Kessler and Todd Jeffries had them too.

Jemarcus and Todd are dead.


One squad, four fires.

That had to be one hell of a coincidence if it was one.

Our fire's got nothing to do with the rest of y'all's.

Ours was started because of a misunderstanding with a super-pretty ghost named Mavis who turned out to be real nice in the end.

All due respect, Private, but that's bullshit.

This is about what happened that night in Iraq, and you know it.

Why the f*ck are you even here?


Get out of here, Arlene.

Get out!


But you cut this shit out, Terry.

It's cool.

We're cool.

This is my life that you're f*cking with.

( grunts )

You want to know why I came?

'Cause I thought you might be the one that was doing all this, but once I realized you weren't, I thought maybe you'd want to help before everyone turns up dead, but I guess I was wrong.

I guess you were.

Private Eller vanished on me about five years back.

You two were close. You got any idea where I can find him?


No, I don't.

Thanks for your help, Bellefleur.

You done the Corps real proud.

( music playing )

♪ Hey, street boy ♪
♪ What's your style? ♪
♪ Your own dead-end dreams don't make you smile ♪
♪ I'll give you something to live for ♪
♪ Have ya, grab ya, till you're sore ♪

♪ Hello, Daddy ♪

♪ Hello, Mom ♪
♪ I'm your ch-ch-ch-ch-cherry b*mb ♪
♪ Hello, world ♪
♪ I'm your wild girl ♪
♪ I'm your ch-ch-ch-ch-cherry b*mb ♪
♪ Cherry b*mb, cherry b*mb ♪
♪ Cherry b*mb ♪
♪ Cherry b*mb, cherry b*mb ♪
♪ Cherry b*mb. ♪

( cheering )


Thanks, Bob.

( exhales )

That was awesome.

Wasn't it?


Hey, want to get out of here?


All right.

You guys, come on.

Let's do some Foreigner. Whoo!


( music starts )

We could go to the sorority house.

Except I share a room with, like, half my pledge class so we wouldn't have much privacy.

Or we can go to your place.

I think I'm just gonna take you to the sorority house.

( gasps ) Nails! We will give them a show.

Uh, look, I'm just gonna take you back and that's it.

I don't want to have sex tonight.

But we were rocking so hard.

Oh, I know we were.

And everything we were feeling in that entire song, that was real.

Still, uh...


You seem like a real nice girl, Cammy.

And smart, too. And ... and ...

oh, you got a stomach on you that ...

whoa, I mean, it might even be flatter than mine.

So, what? Are you, like, hung up on somebody else or...?

I don't know what I am.

But I do know how things would end up if you and me had sex tonight.

I'd stay till morning,

'cause I like to think I'm a good guy.

And I'd probably even take your number.

But then I'd get in the car and the first thing I would do would be to chuck it out the window.

And you'd spend the next two weeks thinking it was you, which ain't fair at all

'cause the issue's all mine.

( sighs )


You just don't seem like that much of an assh*le.

Yeah, I swear to God I am, though.

But I don't want to be.

Not anymore.

Which is why I'm just gonna drive you home.

All right?

( sighs )

I guess my friends are pretty drunk.


All right.

Um, do me a favor and put on that sweatshirt.

'Cause you are in some kind of shape and I don't need to see that shit.

( giggles )

I figured when the sun went down...

Me, too.

What if it don't work?

It has to.

( growling )

( whining )

( woman crying )


Thank you for bringing us to him.


Come on.

You did the right thing.

My last great act, I guess.

I don't know.

It's kind of nice of you to dig your own grave for us.

I wouldn't do that if I were you.

God damn it, Luna.

I had to.

Sam didn't k*ll our Packmaster.

I did.

Our new Packmaster.

f*cking deserved it, too.

Careful, Alcide.

You take that back.

Who the f*ck are you?

I'm his mother.

Don't you bow down to him.

You put a shifter before your own pack, Herveaux.

I will never bow before you.

I'm cool either way.

( moaning )

Don't do it, Martha.

( wails )

( wolves howling )


This is Cat Ingerslev. She'll be heading up your extraction.

Bill Compton.

Eric Northman.

Not anymore you're not. Your papers.

Marcellus Clarke.

Ike Applebaum?

New papers are very hard to come by, I assure you, Mr. Applebaum.

Time to say your goodbyes.

Take care of yourself.

( g*nf*re )

( grunts )

( grunting )

( hisses )

Man: In the name of the one true

Vampire Authority,

in whose wisdom and justice

all is made manifest by God,

do not f*cking move!

When was the last time we ate something?


What is that?

( chuckles )

I'll go and scavenge us up something.


( groans )

( groans )

There is dirt in my bra.

Did it work?

I don't f*cking know.

Tara. Tara!

Wake up. Tara, wake up.

The head would be up there.


Come on.

Please be okay. Please.

Oh, God.

Oh, God.

( sniffles )


( crying )



No, this can't f*cking be.

( sobbing )


( music playing )

♪ To everything,

turn, turn, turn ♪

♪ There is a season,

turn, turn, turn ♪

♪ And a time

to every purpose ♪

♪ Under heaven ♪

♪ A time to be born,

a time to die ♪

♪ A time to plant,

a time to reap ♪

♪ A time to k*ll,

a time to heal ♪

♪ A time to laugh ♪

♪ A time to weep ♪

♪ To everything,

turn, turn, turn ♪

♪ There is a season,

turn, turn, turn ♪

♪ And a time

to every purpose ♪

♪ Under heaven. ♪