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02x17 - Super Hero-Id

Posted: 06/10/22 07:24
by bunniefuu
last time on Total Drama Action

it was every dude and dudette for

themselves as the teams were busted up

that didn't stop the Shana from trying

to forge a secret alliance with Duncan

and Harold

there aren't enough rare treskilling

yellow 1855 s in the world to ever make

me work with him you really are such a


Courtney wowed everybody with her fancy

footwork during the first Spy challenge

especially Duncan Oh Cass made it out of

a fake exploding building but failed to

defuse some serious stink bombs forcing

them to distinct in tomato juice baths I

love my job

Kourtney and Lindsay got the fabulous

reward a trip to the local stinky cheese

factory will the Shawna's alliance with

duncan and harold hold will Duncan win

Courtney back all this on today's

episode of Total Drama Action


mommy dad I'm doing fine


asked me what I wanted to be in





hey Harold what's that in your pocket


probably my Oh burrito sick quit picking

on me I wasn't picking on you I was

picking you up something for later a

healthy diet is critical for a growing

wimp you makin eyes at me muchacho oh

come on

cut it out you guys we need to start

sticking together ha

kind of like Harold's butt cheeks you

know with the beans and the sticking

dude there are four girls and only three

of us we're outnumbered with Courtney

back it won't be long before they figure

it out if they haven't already the girls

are pretty sharp Thanks you stink like

feet you kidding me you're both ranked

who knew it's [ __ ] of a cheese factory

could make you smell so bad it's like we

some humble Hut at home with us Gouda

anyone I'm telling you if we don't boot

one of them it'll be one of us next I

hear you chicks are cutthroat the

viewers of the contestants of total

drama action do not necessarily reflect

the opinions of this network or parent

company they may not necessarily mmm

girl this Gouda is amazing good thing I

had crackers so what do you want to do

about the girls we need a plan since

when did you start thinking so much a

near-death experience can change a man

duncan once you've lost everything

there's nothing left to lose except the


let go of me Oh where are we and why is

chef in a nightie

I knew that Bungie wouldn't hold that's

what happens with production Chiefs out

and then my hairs all messed up

it's anyone going to tell us what the

heck is going on here when I feel like

it and now I feel like it today's

challenges are inspired by the superhero

flick today's challenges huh uh we just

woke up

I haven't even brushed my teeth yet or

had breakfast I'm going back to bed evil

never sleeps and neither will you

besides superheroes don't do the things

of mere mortals they have screaming

ladies to rescue aah

actually many superheroes are mere

mortals my favorite The Incredible owl

man catches thieves just like mice but

come morning he puts his pants on one

leg at a time just like the rest of us

speak for yourself boy how would you

like it about man scratch dries out with

his talent I didn't think so

now shut it there are three things

intrinsic to all good superhero movies

one superheroes have superpowers two

superheroes save people personal

favorite three superheroes wear tights

which means you will all be wearing


teensy-tiny tight why are you all in

your PJs get dressed and meet me back on

set in superhero speed which means you

should already be back here and make

sure to wear something that goes with

brightly here spandex thanks for that

burrito Duncan now I've got breakfast

beans have a lot of protein and they're

a major source of soluble fiber plus

they make you fart I like beans maybe

you could use that stench as your


gorgonzola girl I wouldn't talk aged

cheddar chick I have had it with

leshawna aged cheddar chick if i were

cheese i'd Boccaccio kavala Padula Co a

rare cheese from Italy or Lancashire not

aged cheddar


for your first challenge each of you

will create your own superhero identity

alright you'll make your own superhero

costumes using nothing but your fertile

imaginations and tons of spandex and

some other junk you'll be judged on

originality and style of costume

how rockin your superpower is and how

cool your superhero name is top score

wins an advantage in the next round chef

will of course play the super villain

which let's face it won't be much of a


meet my bad I guess and his sidekick

kitty under boy they will sabotage you

at every turn any questions no perfect

and action

forget superpowers hornies on a super

power trip


now wearing a superhero costume of our

own design our first supermodel state

your name and superpower lumber woman

you're a superhero act like one



you're serious

what do you talk about the best brand of

fertilizer that's where the whole three

points I guess not so great minds think


I am timber man and my superpower is

seriously woodchips oh and I can float

and make fire as long as I've got

matches and I don't get too close to the


ouch lame two points next I'm captain

Alberta and I can swirl up a hot chinook

wind that's a spicy burrito

it burns impressive gross but impressive

now that Owens gone someone's got to

carry the fiery torch and extra points

for keeping a

seven points or captain Alberta all


where are your tights I don't do spandex

I'm the all-seeing eye and I've got

psychic powers I can see into the future

Yeah right Harold is about to experience

a painful life lesson Oh even though I

saw that coming I'm the human cricket

what are you gonna do chirp us into

submission actually okay okay that's a

pretty effective superpower eight points

finally we're getting somewhere

yes next I'm super aqua chick and what's

your superpower fair enough

seven points that's so fast

I'm like in the costume what's your

superpower right here or did I leave it

over there you win

I loved Wonder Woman as a kid ten points

what what about originality Wonder

Woman's already a superhero oh I'm sorry

is this your show oh no no it's my show

which means I make the rules actually I

think my lawyers make the rules possibly

but I'm still the judge of the contest

and I deem Lindsay the winner which

means she gets an advantage in the next


you may have won the first round but

we'll see who comes out on top where you

just stepped on my invisible jet

Courtney - two points for stepping on

Lindsay's jet but can I have a ride sure



for your second challenge we will be

testing your super prowess I don't know

if Chris gets that our super powers are

fake I mean I can't really talk to

plants hi what's your name you'll have

to leap over a building in a single

bound using this trampoline from the set

of the movie trampoline Thunder -

awesome flick you'll be judged on how

far and how high you jump and please

properly time your landing edge we

wouldn't want you to land anywhere other

than on this soft cushy mattress

our first and foremost priority at Total

Drama Action is your safety and

well-being next you'll have to save a

woman falling from a building the woman

will be played by a sack of potatoes in

a dress which will be a real catch for

you guys like Chris is one to talk you

probably had dinner with that thing last

night and finally you'll walk across a

power line during a meteor shower the


person to finish the course with the

best time wins invincibility Lindsay

you're up first

ten seconds will be shaved off your time

for winning the first round Lindsay may

have won the first round but I have the

law firm a fleckman fleckman Cohen and

Strauss behind me they'll make sure I

win the million with all these out of

office messages


this mattress is so nasty oh really I'm



whoopsie sorry lady looks like it's

gonna be real mashed potatoes tonight a


none of that powdered stuff not such a

wonder woman now huh you got issues

looks like you didn't make it

what's with those mattresses Oh Harold

you're up what are you gonna do use that

chinook wind to get a little more hang

time as a matter of fact that's right

eat my Prairie dust

I call upon the great thermal winds of

the mighty Shanna

to the rescue there you go ma'am all in

a day's work for captain now birddog

hurry it up captain you're on the clock

I'm not sure if it was the heat or

Harold's burrito breeze but seeing that

boy is Captain Alberta made me feel a

little lightheaded

come on pythonic ass

yes never thought I'd say this but nice

work captain Alberta made good time too

36 seconds could have done without the

change in weather patterns Oh top that

all-seeing jerk you may have forgotten

that my real superpower is being able to

cream thoughts like you sounds familiar

I'm giving Duncan a false sense of

security I'm just waiting for the right

moment to strike Kouga next


while captain Alberta did a surprisingly

good job even incorporating his

superpower the winner of the second

challenge and invincibility is the human

cricket with 30 seconds

you guys may be superheroes but you

smell super gross

time to hit the showers and decide who's

gonna get kicked to the curb I got

robbed on that challenge whatever the

girls are kicking our butts who we gonna

boot the biggest threat

Courtney dude she's got invincibility

which I'd say leaves

leshawna there is no way I'm voting off

leshawna we're supposed to have an

alliance with her Duncan we should vote

you off for treason pals before gals

Harold we're outnumbered and if you

don't do what I say I'll tell leshawna

you picked your nose in your sleep you

have circumstantial evidence at best


girls got game that's for sure I think

we vote off Duncan he's super strong and

as much as Courtney would hate to admit

it it'd probably k*ll her k*lled two

jerks with one stone I like it but

there's only three of us we can't do it

on our own leave it to me huh I really

hope that girl's not gonna talk to the

plants I need your help and why would I

help you cuz you won't have

invincibility forever and I'm thinking

it's just a matter of time before the

girls give you the heave-ho you've got

to convince Harold to vote off leshawna

captain Alberta just won't listen to

reason you mean your fists that too are

you in

we have to get rid of Duncan tell me

something I don't know

my boyfriend Brady has two dogs named

Steve really there's four of us vote for

him and he's gone

Harold's I need to talk to you me

I knew Courtney would come around

eventually you are the only person who

can be reasoned with the girls are gonna

pick the guys off one by one and you're

the first to go why are you telling me

this seeing you today I think I could

take you with me to the Final Four but

we have to take down the biggest threat

and I don't mean Duncan or Beth or

Justin or Lindsay

you don't mean leshawna I won't think

you can trust her after everything she's

done it's up to you captain Alberta it's

either her or you


and now we vote and the gilded Chris

goes to Courtney and Josten Beth and

Harold and we're down to the final three

Lindsay you guys voted from me oh I'm


I didn't know if I could trust you but I

made a mistake a big mistake

oh honey pie don't you worry I made a

mistake once too

don't hate the player hate the game do

you forgive me come here sugar baby

the Shawna's got a whole night of love

okay okay enough with all the warmth and

affection time for the walk of shame

I'll miss you I'll miss you too baby

and I'll be rooting for you just make

sure you stand up for yourself you hear

you kick Duncan's butt

hey Harold what's that in your pocket I

guess I should have seen that coming

ouch I guess he should have seen that


and you should see what's coming next

time on total

drama dang you broke my glasses


