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02x15 - Million Dollar Babies

Posted: 06/10/22 07:21
by bunniefuu
Last time on Total Drama Action

Our caveman movie challenges made some people look good and other people look better

Bald Heather was obsessed with getting hair by any means necessary


Duncan fell for Kourtney

Again as their reward the grips won a mammoth rack of Mastodon ribs

Which due to an on-set accident may be preserved for future

paleontologists instead

Will Heather keep her hair will Kourtney survive the ire of her teammates and what will become of her in?

Duncan find out the answers right now on total

drama action

Mama dada doing fine. I wanted to be in


Can't take the shelling anymore Sarge I just can't take it

Harold if you added trumpets to your snoring, it's definitely time for you to die. That's it. I'm moving to Canada

Except I'm already there

I'm so sorry. I started sleep whirling again

Did she say sleep twirlin that PDA is my legal right in this game?

Touch it again Beth and prepare to be served

Morning sports fans

Whoa, that was a spit ball. That was breakfast pasta for brekkie. It's called carbo loading

Contestants today you're all going to give

200% in our exciting sports movie challenge you are aware that 200% is a mathematical impossibility

Suck that getti back. You lovable underdog destined to come back from certain failure. We've got a training ride

That all you got sports fans man up

It's time for more action three cups of spaghetti followed by a three K job. All I'm ready for is a nap

What what is this plastic lost?

Astroturf hello

It's a set. Today's competition is gonna require sweat God's heart and sweat

You said sweat twice?

That's cause it's not just your sweat you'll be dealing with there's chef sweat - God

You'll be pushing him the length of the field and he just ate a huge jar of jalapeno peppers

So he's spraying like a gym-class shower. We got a push spiced up chef like he's a football dummy. Don't call me a dummy

I am NOT swapping sweat with an oversized jalapeno

You're taking it for the team now get your skinny behind out there and push that honey

What'd I say about the dummy thing? You can do this one without me gotta side with leshawna on this one you're doing it

side with leshawna

Are they finally coming around?

That'd be like rolling up Christmas Kwanzaa Easter candidate and BOGO day at the shoe store all it's one sweet sweet forgiveness

Sorry dummy yes. I came to play hardball

Oh, really I'm sorry wait till they get a loan to the mousetrap

You're right but we had some mud and barbed wire left over from the w*r movie and it just seems fun to me is it

That truly bit one anyway, let's see

three carry the five

Nobody, huh?

It was just to establish who's playing who for the real contest to follow

We're running for Sporto contest with competitors seated according to these results

He did there's a gardening challenge. Okay, so he might like sports eating

I knew that but if there was a gardening challenge seriously kick, but I mean nobody can even touch my tomatoes

From the k*ller grabbed set to the blonde bombshell the live of Lollapalooza

the blue

From the screaming gaffers

That deluded dork the lightweight loser the knock-kneed numbskull self like Europe

Be why me because you and Lindsay came in last in the football drills loser

Vs. Loser. We're going to build to the top two players glove me

but these are

Marshmallow props so you don't hurt those pretty actor faces and in true boxing movie tradition

You'll be fighting in

Oh sure

He has a lot of experience getting it

I like when you talk like that my boyfriend

No, it was more like it Yala just jelly

Thanks for Shana, it's nice to

Two three four five six seven eight nine and ten

He's scored a bunch of extra points for doing such great slow motion and I had to dock you for biting very

unsportsmanlike, Miz Tyson

Hey, it's a miniature tennis racket, where are the miniature tennis balls and how come the net is so stupidly high

This is a badminton court Justin

There was never a sports movie about badminton that be seriously lame. There was a movie about badminton. It was very

Unnamed and it starred the very talented


Thanks for asking I'd love to recreate my finest scene I

Just want you to know you guys are the best darn badminton players

I've had the pleasure of coaching your beacons of

Freedom, let's go show the Olympic Committee. We deserve a shot show them. It's not badminton

It's good. Mminton, heck it's great Minton

And win one for the flipper

What kundi Olympic Committee just give the flip a break it was b3

Battling for supremacy in our second round Beth and Heather me against her

piece of cake

Watch the birdie

Feathers are about to fly. You can do it Beth

It's topped with a squeaker that okay Chicken Little serve to Heather

That's right Heather no mercy serve her up a hot steaming bowl of

Humiliation judge anthem the women are Jeff the baddest real as your boyfriend

We have a winner

Now that's some great mintage you might have game girl, but you still don't have a boyfriend

You just resent me for being a champion baton twirler just like you resent everybody here

Excuse me

Why don't you admit it or should we have Courtney play what you said about all of us on her PDA

I told you to stay away from my PDA. It's on the total drama website. Leshawna

Everything you said about all of us when you went on that spa night. Oh,

The underdog is about to take a bite out of a rival. This can't end well

Don't go away. There's plenty of sports team backstabbing fun to come on Total Drama

You said mean things about me

Let me see. Let me see no, come on corny, you know you wanna only because I think you all have the right to know

There's nothing to see you guys

You don't understand that was outside the game I didn't know anybody see it so you weren't just joking. I thought maybe you were joking

Yes, I was and I wanted you to see it. Yeah, is that all right, ha ha psych

Leshawna just told it like it is I don't see what the big deal is. I do it all the time

She called you mean and nasty I can live with that you can

Thanks, girl. Don't push it. It's not like we're new BFFs

silence the school

No second seat Courtney will attempt to break the tie competing in greco-roman

wrestling with

Duncan he sh**t he scores

My heart can't be swayed by just any tattooed bad boy using danger out of every pore

And well quaffed little package of pure

Competition. Oh, oh, she's a fit in well quaff little package

Alright, but I'm not going there even though I could remember what happened to Trenton Gwen. He


Just compete just compete just compete

Wait, wait, wait a second. I have to wrestle her in a kiddie ball pit

Things have been washed

Anyway, I

Don't know the kid called me mama and it threw me off my a-game

What am I funny to you? Let me come over there and you can laugh to my face so

As we head to the fourth and final leg of the total drama sports tourney

The grips are ahead two to one final face-off a slam dunk competition

With points going to the most creative dunk. Let's play it for the camera

It's Justin and leshawna

Looks Raider look Benedict Arnold. Look, I'm too sad to think of another insult

Play it for the camera. I just wanted to hide under the bleachers till the whole thing was over

Think anyone's ever done a slam dunk from under the bleachers. That'd be creative

All right. I call this the Justin freezes the gaffer's slam

It's just telling it like it is and then there's just being a big old jerk I

Call this the leshawna clamps to the top wham bam. Thank you, sir. Real creative

Going to lashana and the gaffers prepare for the ultimate extreme sports

Where there are pom-poms there are pom-pom girls

The only cheering will be done by you and your team

Each team's got to dig deep and create a cheer for someone they think deserves cheering. Ooh

Ooh, I got it let's cheer for Norbert's win low hill the inventor of the pom-pom, duh

I say we cheer for me you I'd rather cheer for my school principal my mother. Leshawna. Hmm

Okay, that's really low. Hey while we're fighting no, we're gonna whip in our butts time

Gaffer's awesome. Well Chris we

Courtney she's my pouch. She loves to PD ain't even organized gasps Lindsay and Justin might be dumb

but I think so proudest they call me that chump head the head the queen of beef got a nice scalp for

Grooving teeth, don't get it back. They're quite up pear. He's tough. She's goofy, but they both got Flair and

He's quite a guy poofy and scrawny. Buddy's got my

That was either the coolest thing or the dorkiest thing I've ever seen

I'd like to see the grips beat that

Amazing the performance is the artistry the incredible kissing up

We have the winners losers. I'll see you in the theater

Get my bed ready listen ekwa you're trash-talking cousins coming home

So the gaffer's lose it again

Must be tough, especially with your own teammate dissing you all over the World Wide Web

Hey, I got enough problems without you mixing things up and Heather

You gotta feel awful over your humiliating loss to Beth on the badminton court


Sorry, I'm trying to remember what feeling awful he's like Duncan might remember seeing as he lost to a girl in

Wrestling she's not a girl. She's Courtney. It's a whole nother thing Harold I'd say you're the only one here who might be safe

Well Chris hi

Nobody wants to hear it just take the statue wiper shark. You're safe, too

Leshawna, yes, I'm sorry, but yes

I know the Shana dissed us sure. Leshawna called me deluded but that's here. Well

We counted her out but she showed us she at heart guts grit and it bounced the won't stop

Sounds like a sports movie. The thing is she didn't totally sh**t me down

Okay. She still has a hold on me. I can't help it almost sl*ve to love

Pepper if it's worth anything, you can count me as a friend

Just don't tell anyone I said so and if it ends up on the TDA website, I'll pretend it was all CGI. Hey

Something to remember me by and to wear next time your hair looks as bad as it does today


Heather's finally gone

How's that for a dramatic sucker punch is?

LaShawn are gonna be able to stay in the good guy corner our Courtney and Duncan got a kiss

Am I gonna knock big ol chef out with my k*ller uppercut?

Find out next time here on total drama action



