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02x12 - The Aftermath: II

Posted: 06/10/22 07:17
by bunniefuu

you'll see my star on the Walk of Fame

Edgar walkin

I'm gonna do what I should have done

long ago make mama proud

I'm voting myself








everyone I'm Joe and I'm frigid great to

have you back for another super juicy

episode of the aftermath where we'll be

dishing the dirt on Total Drama Action


Wow there's a lot of love out there a

job no doubt bridge I wish today could

be all about the love but oh there's

always some haters too we may see some

of those toots

on today's show cuz we've got one year


we've also got our friends from first

season joining appear in the VIP section

Katie Katie and Sadie Cody Trenton is he

here to us he's what

that is so not cool though there have

been three pretty shocking elimination

since we last saw you anything you'd

like to comment on Courtney a lawyer has

advised me not to at this time Wow

so we've also lost is the aka e-scope

aka expl*sive Oh again but since she's

already been a guest she won't take the

hot seat today so some pretty insane

things on the show the prison movie the

hospital drama haunted set the disaster

movie and w*r flame

Wow guess you guys are into terror and


I was freaking I was almost glad I was

booted off the show I would not have

made it through prison food day mmm-hmm

me I've got a stomach of Steel you can't

tell me you'd have wanted to go through

it Owen did a busted-up jaw ouch

Oh true that but we've got loads more

wicked bad moments of pain coming up rad

hits like you've never seen time

that's gonna leave a mark



you can't just leave me out here alone

like that on live TV I saw my hair on

the monitor bridge there were like seven

strands out of place looked like I'd

never met a blow dryer when in fact

we're very good friends Oh better

friends than you are with your

girlfriend so uh guys that was one great

montage of ouch oh it sure was Trent

haha did you see oh and go down like a

sack of bunny glazed ham oh check it

left and right at the same time I'm

pretty sure your leg is not supposed to

go in that direction but here's my faith

check out DJ fading now that's what

panic looks like people how about we

check in on DJ and see how he's holding

up they're gonna skewer me out there DJ

they're gonna make me into a Gwen kebab

I tell you to be okay but I'm not gonna

lie my mama's here today I promise I

never fit again so yeah you're probably

dead hi mama

nothing's on hey everyone I'm Glen and

I'm a nice person

before we bring out our first guest

let's take a look at his journey on the

show a touch up you spent six hours in

makeup I took ten minutes my nose was


I needed powder yeah be nice to get a

real man out here

DJ started out as a strong contender

this with a soft spot oh yeah

that's a real man bridge but when chefs

secretly took him under his wing making

a deal to split the cool mil if they won

things got dicey for our man happily for

the rest of the cast DJ had a thing or

two to teach chef about cooking actual

food but ultimately DJ's conscience had

something to teach him to leading to his

dramatic exit our guest doesn't eat

dolphin dogs does a heck of a ribbon

dance and once thought he caught a

pepperoni disease welcome DJ



hey everybody what's up so DJ how are

you feeling after everything what kind

of question is that

dude lost a million bucks hey but I have

my integrity and that's worth more total

bull am I right dudes do we clap if we

agree or disagree thank you

homeschool glad someone's keeping real

the rest of you are fold it cut and you

know what we do to lawyers that's right

it's truth


it's true Thor hammer what happened to

the hammer producer sought an anvil

would add more drama more total drama

that falls on me by fifth yep so DJ

first question okay I'm not cool with it

that makes two of us

I already said I'm not lying DJ wouldn't

you say the way you took advantage of

your teammates was completely heinous

and utterly unforgivable I never meant

to hurt anybody

chef just intimidated the heck out of me

this is ridiculous

can we run some footage or something

instead no probs

how about some never-before-seen footage

of DJ's fast moves behind the scenes

while everyone else smelled like a dog

park in August you were wearing spring

fresh duds

ah thanks chef gave you

performance-enhancing vitamins and

healthful dairy products while everyone

else was forced to eat the rudest slop

you received therapeutic massages

packages from home and beef jerky and

never once felt bad about it it's a whi

like winnin hats yeah I want to do

whatever it takes to keep racking up the

winds do I feel bad

do I look like I feel bad

whoa whoa that's not fair

don't you guys got another angle on that

can't you so we run the show here man

that's how TV works so no can do my hair

fine run the clip Hey

I said okay take off nine-one-one on

touch up here

do I have to set okay okay do I like

winning yeah chef do I actually have to

say hex cuz I don't come on it'll be

funny and our producers will love it

just once

sorry you want me to get it amble to the

head to make your producers happy so

ditch who'd you hate the most on the

show hi why hey you guys know what we

have a great webcam question from one of

DJ's loyal fans and viewers fine party


let's go to Jordan from London hi mate

hello Joel I'm from London Ontario and I

want to be a chef I'm making DJ

sandwiches but there's some stupid

ingredient I can't figure out

Oh Cass Gordon's got a temper on him got

an answer for him bro is there a secret

ingredient we'd all like to know well

Bridget that's a tough question because

I don't use a recipe and there isn't


Hungarian paprika in the Mayo it zips

the sandwich right up mmm fantastic no

no way I'm seeing Chris's personal

trainer and she'll k*ll me if I'm even

in the same room is carbs you sure you

don't want one Jeff I'm also seeing

Justin sir mythologist and he says Mayo

murders the pores maybe you need to

lighten up light males actually just as

bad if you ask me you should skip these

little appease too you know what they

say a moment on the lips a lifetime on

the hips





there how do you like that man

this is amazing oh you tasty cards come

to Papa full makeup

I think Jeff needs a lip gloss

reapplication and it's time to meet our

second guest but first take a look our

second guest started out as a fan

favorite until things got complicated

like they do when you're competing

against or working with your boyfriend

what's that supposed to mean just read

the script step so when broke up with

Trent but that wasn't the last of the

drama when was forced to make a deal

with the opposite team Trading Trent to

save her butt and Trent was voted off

down one boyfriend and several friends

not long after that Gwen followed I know

right I wish I pull my team Trent

t-shirt our next guest is claustrophobic

owns two lizards and once drank fruit

punch out of the communal John

not to mention dumped her boyfriend on

national TV Gwen



all the black nail polish in the world

wouldn't get me out there hi everyone

whoa when it must be tough coming out to

this way hard let's make it harder

here's an interview recorded after

learned of your deception on our last

show at first we mostly felt sorry for

Trent but now we love him we're starting

a Trent fan club or maybe it should be

an anti Guang Club except for my auntie

Gwen hi oh you mean Gwen we hate her so

JD and Sadie got more you want to say to

Gwen in person it's my turn seat hog


they look busy so Gwen let's talk about

why you sold out such a sweet guy can't

we talk about something else

I would love to truth is I'm kind of

over this trend blah blah blah after

last episode great what about some

behind-the-scenes drama Kristen camera

two guy are having a brutal prank w*r

yeah awesome but that's not gonna get us

ratings watching you squirm over Trent

is so start spilling but I thought we

were friends you know got this new gig

and I gotta say it seriously Trump's the

time you and I made s'mores

you really believe that you think

ratings are more important than

relationships you kidding me babe course


relationships rock the ratings a little

lovin is like the number two ratings

booster after breakups

which is why Gwen's gonna start talking

watch would you say Gwen oh no fun that

thing is gonna fall on me only if you

lie but trust me it happens fast nothing

but the whole truth or you might be half

a Gwen a book or maybe an N huh when did

you get so horrible Network orders turns

out horrible is great for ratings too

listen I still like Trent a lot I've

always liked Trent I've got a lot of

love for all of you guys for anyone else

Duncan maybe leshawna a fantastic girl

great friend and DJ have you tried his

peach cobbler it's unreal you're sweet

Thanks I love Beth and and Lyndsey I

seem to remember Beth and Lyndsey being

pretty ticked after they found out about

Trent rowing their team's challenges uh

don't mention the prank w*r between

Chris and camera two listen I don't

think I did anything that bad people

break up every day

yeah put the way yours went down Megha


you didn't leave many friends behind in

the game

Duncan didn't vote me off only because

you had your goth girl hooked into him

Courtney we're just friends please tell

her Trent

how many more rotten veggies

Duncan is all about you Courtney

actually I think we have a

never-before-seen clip on that topic

thank you

is it just me or does that constellation

look like Harold's pancake butt with his

spaghetti legs attached see ah I just

gave you the perfect setup for a d*ck

and you leave me hanging

what's your damage you think Kourtney

might be looking at the stars now see

Courtney Duncan's always thinking about

you ooh what a guy keep it rolling Wow

who knew you were such a sucker for the

a type oh ho do you want to make

something of it

you can do better than that oh yeah I

get that up close and personal with all

of my friends no do one centimeter

distance between their lips

we're just Oh what you say friends I am

so calling my lawyer

you're totally twisting this we rest up

for like two seconds then winds stole

everyone's underwear and flew it up the

flagpole wow you sound like a really

great friend and teammate what is with


I think Fame has gone to his perfectly

quaffed head I'm still here you know and

I think it's time to bring out our next

surprise request and the crew here seems

totally into it

come on Gwen I'll give you a boost what

this is happening okay enough

look I through the king knock when

wasn't her fault

us everything's awesome now I've been a

ton of chicks trends thank you um trying

I'm so sorry I didn't mean for

everything it's cool yeah

not into the Sakae stuff you wouldn't

believe the fan mail this dude's getting

get dumped on TV puts you in good with

the ladies bro bridge


oh don't tempt me we've got one more

viewer on webcam Kelsey from Kamloops

has a few words for dread hey everybody

this is my boyfriend Trent


hahahaha that's awesome what do you have

to say to Kelsey from Kamloops I think

she made that doll of you Wow

did she just kiss the doll nine times


thanks for sharing Kelsey Oh seems we've

lost Kelsey and right when her poem was

getting good too but Snoop through

Trent's fan mail instead and that's the

sixth bin this week oh my god - that's

Trent's fan mail

hey wow guys I thought we were talking

about me what it's an easy standing

guess she didn't want to be here


everybody wants a piece of Izzie you had

your chance is he which is why I turned

this into a stealth mission please

welcome miss Izzie Esquire security can

we get security out here hello

achievements in fun to catch the hurtle



maybe we'll take one last question well

I've got a queue here from digit 1 2 3 4

what my boyfriend isn't acting like


he's totally turned into captain smarmy

Hollywood and doesn't care about anyone

except himself he's vain and mean and

what should I do

that's from who not sure who'd be asking

you for romantic advice well if there's

anything I've learned from this it's to

be straight up as long as you're upfront

nothing can bite you in the butt Oh

Gwen's right honesty would have saved my

butt - if you can't be honest Bridgette

no no that wasn't for me awesome getting

cozy with DJ now and the anvil all of it

I think that was meant for Bridgette

today join Chris in the cast

next time for the most dramatically

hey rich oh oh watch you and I need to

talk captain Hollywood now


