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02x11 - Full Metal Drama

Posted: 06/10/22 07:16
by bunniefuu
Last week on Total Drama Action

Our competitors took it on the chin as they faced it all you can eat buffet of deadly natural

Disasters, but it was owns own feet that tripped him up at pouch

Owens broken jaw means he can't eat anything till it's met the business end of a blender. Yep

It's a rough life for Owen. But the your own worst enemy award clearly goes to leshawna

You're a total sham better call the fire department because liar liar leshawna's pants were

seriously on fire luckily

We had a submarine tech simulator full of water to douse the blaze and a waterlogged event that had all our competitors

Gasping for air sound tough get used to it because this week it's all-out w*r

It's a desperate battle for survival

on total

Your mom and dad are doing a fine

Asked me what I wanted to be and everything

Working today this crazy bargain-basement show doesn't even have a plunger and I'd have to be crazy myself to give up this primo spot

crazy with niceness

Duncan honey

You take it nice try but you lied to us and I never mess with liars Oh Oh with mouthwash

I got one word for you. Stank breath winter mint Harold baby. Would you like my spot hex?

Yeah figures taking a bribe. I don't do bribes

Then what's with letting leshawna suck up to you as far as I'm concerned, she's off the team

Except that the team needs her thank you for giving me your spot. Leshawna my valued if somewhat

untrustworthy teammate

What are you doing, it's not about what I'm doing it's about what I'm not doing

Pipes a little backed up who knew a diet of blended corned beef and cheese puffs shakes could stop my whole system


Doc disorders I got the cure for your no can do do right here walk through


Don't push kid. They're making me serve you want to counter my bad behavior. Give it here

I've been starving half to death since DJ left

Drew is gonna feel that mama who new liquid brand could be so tasty

Even on the return trip, I'd say that my work here is done, but I never even got started

Today we're all about w*r movies. So look lively you buckets of horse doodoo

So get ready for the first death-defying challenge you disgusting slimy

crustaceans move it privates fall in

I've always wanted to be a Marine the rough tough. They wear rad boots and they say hooah, no clue what that means

But it sounds so cool. Hooah, I

Am so pumped my squad in battlefront has won 10 online multiplayer gaming titles the secret to our success

Teamwork. This is the real world virtual loser

You want to win?

Sit back and let me get my Marine on I'm the main course the rest of you are gravy as in on the side

You won't be saying that when I bust out my deadly numb yo no longer must we live in fear of ninja att*cks

not when I'm carrying this bad boy, I

Will defeat all enemies and smite them with dishonor. Oh, yeah

Oh Oh, my never rejects peril just took a numb you in the numb use

Okay, people remove your blindfolds when it comes to making a w*r movie jumping out an airplane is the most


Lindsay I want to propose something but don't get excited. It's not marriage

Anyhoo, it's a long way from the airplane to the ground below

Comments feedback. What no math is for ugly people. Here's the deal

I need you two to jump before me in case I need a soft place to land

Now you girls know I don't blink these eyelashes at just anybody

Nothing when were your last eye exam straps on a project for malign it's time to

Start people undergo weeks of training before they bear sh**t. Luckily. We're gonna skip all that get to the good part

Jumping are you sure that's a good idea? What's the worst?

That's okay, I just spoke to our research department

There were no parachutes at World w*r one. So what do we do for a challenge?

You're next private no confirm bro for the love of everything deep fried don't ask me to do this

You won't jump for me. Maybe I'll do it for corned beef blending


We're alive

It's good to be alive

let's roll soldiers because the second part of this challenge is gonna blow your minds and everything else within a

50-foot radius

Right folks

Because we've divided the camp into two halves most creative and controlled splatter wins

Talk about a challenge custom-made for me

I'm all over this might I suggest you consult your friendly neighborhood chem expert because what is an expl*si*n?

Other than the chemical reaction of trinitrotoluene

decomposing as c 7h 5 and 306 3 + 2 + 5

H2o plus 7c Oh try speaking in English. I

Think we might have to stick with Duncan honey. Boy vandal boy beats big chem nerd. It's a simple equation

Hotness is about to tell you how this is going to work

How is this going to work? What we need to do is lay the expl*sives in a wide

Interlocking pattern to ensure maximum paint coverage. What an excellent friend came up with okay?

I'm Way too weak to even think about working and my butt needs its beauty rest

Is it getting it hot out here now if you'll notice I don't sport a six-pack I got 12

That's a dozen

Smoking man dominoes just a work lazybone

This this can't be right have I really lost my lady controlling mojo saving soul

It's so Justin signs up Oh looks like you didn't even get started


Now that's what I call thorough. Easy. What did you do? I didn't do it. They go it was my friend


expl*sive. Oh is loka for boom-boom

Gaffers are we ready time for a little punk rock?

And who says vandalism doesn't pay much as it pains me to say so you did good Duncan

Yeah, no kidding. This is my world. You're living in dork boy

Are we ready to blow it up CC x bro steve-o is ready?

Well, folks looks like we're having some technical

Explosivo is one crazy hombre

expl*sive yes creative and controlled not so much. The gaffers are victorious

Is my honor to present your prize the big truck of mind-blowing

Secrets you'll be defending it with your very lives when we return two more

Total Drama

Action Oh

Baby you don't look so good. I got what you need my hero and taste the brass smooth it for you. Sorry Bunga bitter. No

Bran, smoothie. I need bacon cheese

Last time I checked it was bacon blend is the gotcha here drink. I'll take it chef

That sounds a little like the time I ain't 92 chili dogs on a dare it wasn't pretty

Contestants get ready to begin your next w*r challenge. It's a giant game of capture the flag

Except in this case. The flag is the trunk of


Secrets there's only one way to learn what's in the trunk and that's to win the challenge as your reward

will give you immunity from tonight's vote and

A peek inside but be ready the secrets inside will blow your brains to bits

I need my brain not to worry a roll of tape will be provided so you can tape the gray matter back together

Gaffers this is your base camp our set decoration team

Wanted to build you guys a towering castle full of defensive possibilities

But they went to see a movie instead. So

we're gonna give you this I

Think it's a tool shed

Was a tool shed good luck how we gonna defend this big old trunk of secrets with no floor

We'll put our heads together and come up with a group plan. You do whatever you want. I'm gonna go set some booby traps

He said booby in first world w*r movies. They always have underground hiding places

Foxholes if I'm digging, we're gonna have to call it off boxy home

Duncan the rest of us have agreed on an actual plan

If you wouldn't mind we could use a little help if you wouldn't mind

I could use a little as you shutting your useless pile. I'm busy. I

Have had it with Duncan. I've been giving my all since day one then mr. Too. Cool to care

Suddenly wakes up and everyone falls all over him

He might be standing tall after that first challenge, but the taller the mohawk the harder it falls

What's going on?

Well Duncan sort of like disappeared and the rest of them are digging a hole for some weird reason. I recommend we attack immediately


First Admiral Lindsey a suggestion, um from explosivo. He says we make a Trojan taco

Okay, first we make a giant taco shell five kilometers wide then we load it with beef beans cheese

Angela panels I like it spicy. See wait wait Kelly hunting but the salsa my friends

From tnp. We bring the Trojan taco to their camp. They take a tasty bite


Admiral Lindsay her hotness decrees that although Mexican food is very tasty. We will not be making the Trojan taco

Attack remember we are going to attack. So let's go down our fight

Now listen peeps, I know your friend of going into battle

But I'm here to say be strong be fierce be ferocious

Going fight for that trunk. Like it's Boxing Day and you're fighting for the cutest pair of yoga pants


Where are they I just saw them

Loading up like a puffer fish

And when it blows leshawna, you are not farting in here. Not only will it be

Disclosing the sound will give us away

But there's an air baby in there and it wants to be born

Hush little baby, don't you cry?

I'm Charlie die. Hell baby. I'm sorry for lying it was wrong. Can you forgive me? I will if you keep holding

There's there's just there's a scratch my face can't continue to take all this abuse I'm losing it

You gotta let me go on leave Admiral Lindsay. Are you buying this? Nope?

Her hotness says to drop the crazy Act. Okay

Is he your sort of female, right?

Can you help I mean I had Beth and Lyndsey wrapped around my finger and now I'm getting zero play

What's the deal honestly? I never really got it. I don't think you're so cute. I think I care what you think

Me not cute

I'll tell you who's not cute blind crazy people named dizzy

You think I'm cute, right? Of course, you're super cute


That's great is because even though I'm weak and torn down you still really like you

That's nice big. Oh, but ex placebo

Exclusively loves just two things. The first is boom. The second is boom put them together. And what do you get? Oh,

She's going on in here I'm trying not to puke is all yeah. I really think it might be over now. I'm feeling much I


Smells like blue cheese in here. I'm so sorry

I feel like I really let the team down you think Harold what have you been doing all this time?

Trying to keep the team together. No, thanks to you or miss toxic admissions here be mad at chef

He made the stupid smoothies. You can't do anything, right? You're an idiot. At least I'm here. At least I'm trying

What kind of lousy Marine leaves his squad all alone?

Dude, we gotta get out of here

not until you say we're a team who cares when we're gonna die in toxic but poisoning and say you value my


That ominous warning usually means a really bad one is coming if there are worse ones. You're not a complete loser

Okay, I value the small portion of you. That isn't a loser. Can we go now anything you want t me?

For them two of us don't like these odds, well, we do have a secret w*apon

The number or deadly I

Respect your strength, but I will defeat you

What can I say you did good you did real good the team did good time's up

The gaffers have defended the chest putting them in the winner's circle

That means the grips. We'll be sending home one of their own tonight

And now it's time to reveal to the winners the mind-blowing secrets within this truck

Here's what you were fighting for teams

All this sadness all these years dude no tears

So is just our eyes watering off with Shauna's pop lasts still all this hatred

For what an empty trunk the madness of w*r?

This one's a nail-biter I'd say no one's safe tonight

Lindsay how do you feel about your chances?

Let's face it Chris. It was my lousy. I'm rolling the cost us the challenge if I go home tonight, I won't blame anyone

except Beth

I have to blame someone

Then there's Izzie. You overdid it on the first challenge it cost your team an important victory

Will it be your crazy bum sitting in the limousine tonight for the second time?

Explosivo does not answer most questions

Just in Beth and Lindsay seem to have kind of left your corner pretty boy

Are you worried ix ever worry causes ring clich. All right, then boats have been tabulated

So it's time to present the awards tonight. The gilded Chris goes to Beth

Lindsey and

Owen and now only two nominees left

the final award goes to


I'm not saying I voted for Izzy just because she said I'm not cute

Okay, it was just because of that thing is Beth and Lindsey told me they were sending me home

So you see I didn't lose my mojo

I just needed to shake things up with my new patented all-time lady k*lling mega flip

I'm back, baby

Well, we finally got rid of Little Miss weird and weirder again for the last time


catch you next time on total

At ease