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01x11 - Speed Metal

Posted: 06/10/22 06:33
by bunniefuu
Speed Metal As metropolitan P.D.continues investigation of illegal streetracing real danger remains for both, drivers and pedestrians.

Not from here, european design? Sure is pretty.

Too pretty.

Big mistake.


You scratch my paint, I scratch yours.

transcript: f1nc0 Hey, cherry moped.

This moped has dual carbs and goes 0-60 mph in 3.

5 seconds.

Jack, a ladie's vital stats are her own bussines.

Hey, Nick, right? - Actually, it's Jack.

- Jack, sorry.

- I'm Sierra.

- I know.

You once offered to take me for a ride? Of course, I did.

At anytime.

I'm your guardian, kiddo, not your wingman.

So, how about now? Hey hey, small world - I'm having a conversation - Cheer captain here might into a watching you on four wheels of muscle car.

Are you challenging me? To a race? You catch on quick, punch, what do you say? - You didn't give me chance to answer.

- Nope.

- Arcee, we can smoke him.

- Yep.

- You just don't get it.

- I don't make the rules, Jack Optimus does.

A rule number One, in case you missed it Never abuse power for personal gain.

That includes horsepower.

Vince, maybe the racing isn't such a good idea.

Ha, I figured! You bike around here, like your bike is something special but it's just a chunky-clunky trash and ugly.

That's it, the yahoo is going down! What happened with rule number one? Get bent, just this once.

Hey, girls.

- Your pal Darby, he is - Ready when you are, Vinnie.

Dirt road by trucker's ranch.

One hour.

From here, to the next mile marker.

Ready, go! Like that was fair - Arcee? - Winning is not enough, Jack.

You wanna make him cry.

Outstanding! Now it might be a good time to offer Sierra quick once around the block? Don't push it.

Ah, Breakdown has there be any change in Megatron's condition? - Only cosmetic.

- Well, I'm sure .


that you and the doctor have been doing everything in your power.

Where is Knockout? Could you believe, what some skin job they did to me? You've been streetracing among the humans again, haven't you? I'm not only an automobile I'm an automobile enthusiast.

I do strived run a tight shift, Knockout.

I would strongly suggested you seek my permission next time you decide to disappear on one of your little jons.

No worries, commander.

It is lord, to you.

Only if Megatron takes a nose dive.

The day our master emerges from stasis I will graciously reliesh the title.

But I believe that outcome is unlikely something to do with the quality of medical care around here.

So continue buffing we do want Megatron looking his best for the memorial.

Buff this! Not a word to anyone.

Our little secret.

Dude! And the winner is - Miko, who told you? - You kidding? It's all over school.

You beat the pants of that bully Vince.

You guys have to keep this on the D.


Especially the Optimus.

Hey! I've been looking for you.

The race, how grate was that I was like yeah, go Jack! - It was no big deal.

- You've got that right.

If you think you can run with the big boys the circuit, tonight, 11:oo PM.

You agreed to what? It was something like a secret racing club.

I don't know, I had no choice.

- Sierra was standing right there.

- You always have a choice, Jack.

And what part of "Just for once" did you not understand? I know, I'm sorry.

- But we're on, right? - We're not on.

Knockout, Starscream has been looking for you again.

- Where did you go? - Out for a little drive.

I just roll from town to town, sniffing around until the next opportunity presents itself.

Raf? Is there any way I could borrow Bumblebee for an hour? Jack, you know racing is against the rules.

What if Optimus finds out? But Raf, he has to get the girl.

And beat the bully? Well Come on, Raf, just this once? Bike is in the shop.

Circuit riders, are you ready? Play it hard, but keep it clean.

Fire on the five four three two one! The autobot they call Bumblebee.

What was that Bee? Wait, I know that car.

What a? Can you lose him, Bee? What did you say? I hope that means "yes.

" Except I should call base for backup.

Has anyone seen Jack? Not since we last saw him.

They're racing, aren't they? - Just this once.

- Did you know about this? No, maybe.

A little.

You've been chased by Knockout? That sounds like a Decepticon.

Bee, do not engage, your first priority is to keep Jack safe.

Until I get my hands into him.


I think we lost him, Bee.

Oh, you gonna be kidding me! Darby! Vince, you have to get out of here.

You win, ok? Congratulations.

Now go! No, start to backup loser, we're finishing this race.

Don't want to take it to the finish line? Fine.

Then we've got something to settle right here, right now.

What's going on? What Breakdown, you never guess what I'm packing.

Bumblebee's human friend.

And when the Autobot attempts stage to rescue him he has a Breakdown.

Bee, he's getting away! I can't understand you.

Look, I'm not Raf.

Can you just honk ones for bad and twice for good news? - Jack, we need a little chat.

- Later, Arcee.

Vince got snatched by that slick sportscar Con.

What would Knockout do with the random human? He probably mistood, that Vince is Bumblebee's human friend.

I'm not even Bumblebee's human friend.

I don't know, it doesn't matter, why he took him? Vince is in trouble.

- Oh well, tough break for Vince.

- Bulkhead! What? I heard that guy is a jerk.

No argument there, but the guy is also innocent.

Vince doesn't deserves to get crushed by Cons.

Hop on.

They should be back right now.

You think Bumblebee is ok? Don't worry, Raf Bulkhead would let anything happened to Jack or Bee.

We should just tell to Optimus the truth.

Absolutely not! We made a deal.

Just act completely normally.

Raf, Miko.

Don't either of you know where the others have gone? - Oh no, sir, we don't know.

- Miko is correct.

- We do not know.

- Why would we know? Bumblebee brought company.

On your guard boys, could be a trap.

Remember, no sh**ting.

Speaking of safety, here is where you get off.

Where is the two-wheeler? Hey! Watch the paint! That's my girl.

Breakdown, in case you're looking for me things got messy, so I hit the road.

One screap is enough for today.

Eat my dust.

Optimus, Knockout has a hostage.


Do you know, how hard that is to replace? Optimus, this was my fault.

We must get this boy to safety immediately.

Explanations can come later.

From all of you.

How? What happened? Some guys jumped on you under the bridge and they tosed you into their trunk.

- Must have been some kind of initiation.

- Really? Yeah, I found you knocked out by side of the road.

Look, I gotta be honest after what I saw tonight I'm thinking, racing isn't my thing.

I hear you, Darby.

Hard to win a race driving a pedal car.

Knockout, was I not clear? You had defined my orders yet again! My mistake, commander Starscream.

But I've learned my lesson.

And paid the price.

It's his LORD! And you have payed, when I say you have payed! Not worry, your punishment shall be merely cosmetic.

No, not the finish, anything but not finish! Nooo! So Jack, do you have time for that ride? I'm sorry, Sierra, I can't right now.

No problem.

I guess I'll just see you around.

Hop on.

- Wow, really? - Just this once.