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01x06 - Masters and Students

Posted: 06/10/22 06:27
by bunniefuu
Starscream: Such a shame.

But I applaud you, Megatron.

You certainly made
a grand exit.

Ah, soundwave.
Cue the audio/visual.

I wish to address the troops.

[ Beeping ]

The loss of Megatron,

leader of the great
Decepticon uprising,

is certainly a blow
to our cause.

Yet we mustn't despair
over his tragic demise

but instead embrace
his ultimate sacrifice

and build upon the foundation
he laid

with an even mightier hand.

With all due respect,

Commander Star--
Uh, lord Starscream.

Yes, yes. What is it?

If we failed to conquer earth
under lord Megatron's command,

what hope do we have now

while the autobots
still defend it?

[ Sighs ]
Allow me to be crystal clear.

I studied for millennia
under our former master.

Thus, I am equipped
to lead you --

I, Megatron's true heir,

lord Starscream,

emperor of destruction!

[ Crowd murmuring ]

[ Scoffs ]

What use are troops
who can't rise to the task

of inflicting unspeakable
destruction in my name?

Ah, but wait.

Legend tells
of one capable warrior,

one who exists here,
upon this very planet,

one who can be student
to my master.

Optimus, why so glum?

This planet --
all planets --

Are finally free
from Megatron's tyranny.

I do not disagree, Ratchet.

It's just...
A small part of me

hoped to change
Megatron's mind,

not extinguish his spark.

Optimus, his vileness
was not slain by your hand

but by his
own twisted arrogance.

I'm sorry.

I know the two of you
had quite a history.

But the Megatron
whom I once fought beside

perished eons ago,

the day he chose
to become a Cepticon.

The Decepticons may be
in disarray,

but they aren't
without leadership.

And while Starscream
is no Megatron,

he is far from predictable.

[ expl*si*n ]

We're under attack!

It's no attack, Ratchet.
[ Coughing ]

It's my volcano.

Or was.

Hold still, bulkhead.
Jupiter needs its red spot.


What...ln the allspark

is going on in here?

Our projects are due tomorrow.

Maybe it needs
one of these doohickeys.

You're a motorcycle, Arcee.

Shouldn't you know how
to build a motorcycle engine?

You're a human, Jack.

Can you build me
a small intestine?

Well, you can't work
on these projects in here.

You're...Making a mess.

But the science fair's
a big part of our grade.

Yeah, if bulkhead
doesn't help me

finish this model
of our solar system --


And what does bulkhead know
of your solar system,

or Bumblebee
of your volcanos, or --

Arcee of our motorcycles?


we're not earthlings.

And they're not scientists.

But the autobots are
their guardians, Ratchet.

Would it hurt to learn
more of earth

by helping our young friends
with their schoolwork?

Well, maybe our young friends

should try learning
more of Cybertron.

During the great w*r,

so much Energon was hidden
on this forsaken rock

that our departed master

sent some of Cybertron's
greatest to guard it --

True warriors
now lying in stasis,

waiting to be reawakened.

Such folly that, late in life,

Megatron searched
distant space for warriors

rather than here,
beneath his feet.

[ Beeping ]

What do you mean you can't
pinpoint his signal?

I know we are close!

Boost the power
to your sensors!

[ Beeping ]

Yes. There.

[ Buzzing ]

Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

Really, Bumblebee?

Then how do you make
warrior class?

[ Buzzing ]

But I've seen you in action.
You're awesome!

I second your opinion, raf.

But autobots life cycles

are much longer
than those of humans.

And though it may be hard
to believe,

our young scout still has
much to experience.

[ Computer beeping ]

Exposed Energon,
and it's on the move.

And since we ain't moving it,
guess who must be.


Without Megatron?

Megatron's legacy will live on

as others rise
to take his place.

Autobots, you have
projects to complete.

Ratchet, I may require aid.

Science fair is
a big part of their grade.

Perhaps I'm better suited
to remain behind and advise.

Very well.

Bumblebee, let us see
about this Energon in transit.

[ Rumbling ]

Excellent, soundwave.

The cube.

The Energon infusion --
It''s working.

[ Buzzing ]

No, Bumblebee, it does not.

Hold your position
and await my command.

[ Clanking ]

Awaken, warrior.

Rise and serve your new master!

Skyquake serves
only one master.


Your loyalty and devotion

will set a fine example
for the troops.

No need to be timid, Skyquake.

You may bow.

You fail to grasp my meaning.

I am here on a mission
assigned to me

by my one master --

Yes. Him.

Sadly, Megatron is
no longer with us.


Why is this so difficult
for everyone to accept?

Skyquake, I located you.

I awakened you.

Thus I, lord Starscream,
am now your master!

[ Growls ]

Uh, uh...

It has been a while, Skyquake.


Optimus prime.

I haven't seen you
since the battle of Technar.

Megatron ordered me
to annihilate you.

That was a long time ago.

That may be, prime,
but my orders still stand.

Is this ancient w*r
still worth fighting

when so many comrades have been
lost and worlds destroyed?

If you want to be a true leader,

then stray from Megatron's path

and lead the Decepticons
toward peace.

I would be willing
to consider a truce...

If you would be willing

to bow before me,
optimus prime.

Bow to this!


[ Groans ]

Skyquake, this is a new era
on another world.

Side with the autobots,

and help me end
this conflict forever.

I will never side with a prime!


[ Sighs ]

What need have I for peace
when I have Skyquake?

With some discipline,

he will learn to respect
his new master.

And once it becomes known

that Skyquake destroyed
optimus prime under my command,

all Decepticons
will gratefully bow to me.

[ Buzzing ]

Bumblebee, no!

Starscream: Do not miss
a single moment, soundwave!

We shall need
visual documentation

of optimus prime's demise
for the historical record.

[ Buzzing ]

Skyquake has not yet acquired
a vehicle mode.


Fall back!

So, time has made you
a coward, prime?!

Let's see.
Where is it?

Um...What is it?

You'll find out.

But, Ratchet, shouldn't I
be doing the work?

Eh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Don't touch!

Just watch and learn.

So, we're just gonna go help
Jack and Miko finish their --

Without my supervision?!

You want them to be right,
don't you?

Then watch a master at work!

Control freak.

We've lost sight of them.

Soundwave, why aren't you
tracking them?

[ Beeping ]
What? What is it?

A second
Decepticon life signal?

But Skyquake is the only sleeper
buried in this area.

The site of our destroyed
space bridge.

You're not telling me
that life signal

belongs...To Megatron?

B-b-but he was microns
from the detonation point!

Nothing could have survived
that blast!

Your sensors must be faulty!

Ignore the contact!
Delete the coordinates!

[ Beeping ]

Oh, what am I saying?

O-of course this [Chuckles]
Must be investigated.

If lord Megatron is up there,
I shall bring him home.

Remain here
and monitor the outcome.

When Skyquake snuffs
prime's spark,

I must bear witness.

Must bear witness.

Man: Tango 6 Alpha
to central command.

We're picking up transmissions

originating from unidentified
technology, possibly hostile.

We are moving to investigate.

Negative, tango 6 Alpha.

This is special agent
William Fowler intercepting.

Strike your report
from the records

and provide origin coordinates.

I'll take it from here.

It will be a shame
to crush you, bug,

but it is my duty.
[ Horn blares ]

Excellent strategy, Bumblebee.

[ Groaning ]

Skyquake, stay down.


Agent Fowler, fall back!


Well, I'll be a bald eagle.

Air superiority achieved.

[ Tires screeching ]

Stealing plans for
a classified military aircraft

will not be tolerated
on my watch!

[ Beeping ]

Heat seekers!

I still got it.

No one could have
survived this.

[ Sighs ]

As I suspected --
Faulty sensors.

The last thing I need now

are rumors that Megatron
is still --

[ Groans ]

[ Gasps ]



[ Gasps ]

[ Groans ]

But how?

Ah, dark Energon.

Everyone believes
you are deceased.

Who am I to disappoint

[ Groans ]

And this time, stay dead!

[ Buzzing ]


if you are listening,

I have found lord Megatron,
and he is...Unwell.

We must transport him
to sickbay immediately.

Optimus: Agent Fowler,
we require immediate assistance.

[ Groaning ]

[ Buzzing ]

Any time, fella.

Ground floor's coming fast.

Happy landings, 'con.

Had Skyquake chosen to stray
from his master's path,

we might not be
burying him today.

putting yourself at risk

was perhaps not the wisest
of strategies,

but you performed admirably.

[ Buzzing ]

[ Horn honking ]

There you are.

[ Tires screeching ]


How were my -- Uh,
our projects received?


Judge: Miss Nakadai,
what planet would that be?


[ Clank ]

It's...Large, Mr. Darby,
but is it operational?

Whoa, whoa!

[ Indistinct shouting ]

[ Electricity crackling ]

I hesitate to ask,
Mr. Esquivel,

but, uh, is it active?

[ Indistinct shouting ]

Well, on our planet,

you would have been awarded
the highest honors.

Absolutely no gratitude.
See if I help them.

[ Buzzing ]

Indeed, Bumblebee.

Our human friends
would have been wise

to stray from Ratchet's path.

The troops will be pleased
to hear of our success

in rushing lord Megatron
into stasis.

Let us hope that our master
pulls through.

[ Computers beeping ]