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08x09 - Non-Compete Clause

Posted: 06/09/22 06:51
by bunniefuu


can i mr. Qi trip the month announcement

you're just in time but it's gonna be me

yeah right I get this one nailed and the

friendship school teacher of the month

is Fluttershy again come on

oh my I don't know how I keep winning


yeah me neither

the award is based on the students vote

they must really like you


congratulations Fluttershy


next item of business I've been looking

into a new activity for our friendship

classes spike section 147 paragraph 2

states that teamwork is a key part of

friendship and section 2 to 9 paragraph

9 says outdoor activity reinforces

learning add that together and what do

you get okay let me see 147 mmm-hmm a

team work field trip leading it is a

teacher of the month type job so I

thought I'd I am your pony Twilight

sweet Apple acres has taught me a thing

or two about working together yeah but

being a wonderful it's the definition of

teamwork I'm sure you're not saying

fancy flying makes you a better choice

than me I wouldn't say better just a

little more qualified no event maybe you

can lead the field trip together of

course who better to model the

importance of working as a team

um rarity what are you mean spike this

flower pot both of you are team work

experts if the students see the two of

you teaching together they'll learn even

more I know you've been competitive in

the past but I'm sure you'd never let

that get in the way of friendship

education pup course totally


My Little Pony My Little Ponies



magic with me big adventure a beautiful

heart faithful and strong sharing




I've never been on a field trip before

yeah what's the point of this exactly

getting out of the classroom duh pretty

sure the head mayor has something else

in mind all right class today you'll

learn how important working together is

for building a strong friendship hey

y'all ready to get out there and do some

learning the Apple family way gonna be

the best field trip in the history of

ever with me in charge that is with us

in charge

meaning mostly me yeah good one and what

teamwork activity do you two have

planned for today should be racing no

way we kept to do both I bet that's

exactly what your teachers had in mind

why don't you start with shed building

first don't mind if I do every creature

follow the leader

I'll check in later to see how it's

going remember to work together


now take a good deep breath what do you


jack nope try again and anyone anyone

nope the promise of tame lark that bears

an apple shape and this here is what

we're gonna use to build it nothing

brings friends together like a little

hard work and always sweat sweat

seriously it's supposed to be part of

friendship not everypony would know that

Rainbow Dash just teacher of the month

kind of ponies whatever let's just get

this done until we can move on to my



that's it measure twice and cut punch

haste makes waste

slow and steady emphasis on the slow


you can't build an apple shed like that

oh yeah I just did oh no way

impressive if you can call an apple shed

impressive just cuz it's fast don't mean

it's good oh sorry can't hear you

too busy practicing my teacher of the

month pose yeah yeah don't count your

pictures before their snap Rainbow Dash

oh come on these students are totally

gonna vote for a teacher who gets things

done no they're gonna pump for a teacher

who gets things done right yeah this

isn't awkward at all


steady steady

take her nice and slow little to the

left a hair to the right even higher



I'll give you one guess who's sad is

still standing I'm confused about

teamwork now that's because you need a

different teacher Follow Me class what

to the stream as a rotten apple shed

who's ready to smash the all-time

Equestria speed record forever canoeing

is that even a thing first I've heard of

it we need to get to the finish line

before this alarm goes off that means

you gotta go fast


any questions um don't have questions no

time for a get the vote you really think

wooden some canoeing record is gonna get

you that teacher with a month trophy um

maybe sure every creature is gonna like

it a lot better than pounding nails and

cutting wood like water sometimes when

I'm scared to try something new i

whistle we got you jana way I see it

Twilight's gonna give that teaching

trophy to a teacher not a racer

we'll see about that


slower focus on your paddle technique

y'all Oh when do we get to the part when

we knew when every creature starts

listening to me the leader of my

activity Applejack


indeed we can still beat that record





we'll be heading straight into the final

coefficients professor there's no care

plenty when they bite you


you're filling about as good as the

apple shed building until Applejack

messed him up I did not did now yeah

it's been like this all day I wouldn't

say all day just 99% I can't believe

this you're not teaching teamwork you're

competing with each other I thought you

were past that we are mostly we've got

carried away with one to be the Teacher

of the month it's all the teacher of the

month wouldn't care about being the

teacher of the month

I know Fluttershy would be thrilled to

see another pony win that's it I'm

taking over this field trip


hold up Twilight don't count out Rainbow

Dash for the award just yet you should

have seen her fire up those students to

build a shed wait you're the one the

students listen to besides

you saved us from those pony eating fish

long story but Applejack should

definitely be Teacher of the month hmm

maybe you two have learned something

after all does that mean you'll give us

another chance to the teacher of the

path field trip well we get it no more

arguing right Applejack rod is rain and

twice as fresh fine but I'm picking the

next activity you to leave a nature walk

no pony could possibly argue over that

right right see we're agreeing already


well look at that the path splits up

ahead left all right here we go again

where to Rainbow Dash I was thinking

right honest you want to go left because

what makes you happy makes me happy

ah hey forget about me you want to go

right we'll go right but teamwork means

listening to other ponies so it's up to

you well aren't you as sweet as sugar

apple pie but it's up to you follow me

yeah it's no best way okay where y'all





I think we've got in this teen circle

five times only because some ponies

won't make up their minds about which

way to go

do you want to keep going in a circle

Applejack up to you Rainbow Dash I


no no I insist but I insisted first are

we still on a field trip

cuz this just feels like being lost we

can still get back to school before dark

if we cross that ravine and stop

doubling back

we knew that Oh part of our plan right

Applejack Oh yep all we have to do is

build a bridge cross that giant Canyon

and we're home free

that is it if you think a bridge is a

good idea only if you don't want to

build a bridge stop listen we can just

fly everyone over and be done

nope there's still plenty of time to

teach you all a lesson in teamwork

cooperation togetherness you are so

right only as right as you are okay

we'll build a bridge what do we use

bread lines barn chips

I'm going with your idea vans no buts

about it I'm building with your idea

branches end of story




why are you to branch when you can you

define why didn't I think of branches to

begin with they're so easy to work with

huh oh these here find your drug the

rainbow guys not to disagree but

these here branches

at least now they're agreeing on

something let me try let me guess and

they look mighty hungry we gotta get our

professors out of there any creature

have a plan leave him hanging

what I'm kidding kinda

I hate to admit it but this whole mass

just kind of our fault

yeah nope throw me is worth getting

eaten over so what do you say you want

to team up and get ourselves out of this

here pickle barrel I thought you'd never


don't worry I'm just the destruction a

Seles you nearly scared to k*ll you

marks off us


welcome back professors was a rescue can

y'all get it together


no big those fish weren't even a thing




how was the field trip what did you all

learn yeah professors Applejack and

Rainbow Dash were such good teachers it

was kind of crazy genius they showed us

what not to do so we'd figure out what

we should do really it took us a while

to get it especially at the ravine it

would have been so much easier to just

fly home but instead our professors

built bridges the wrong way just to show

us how important teamwork is yeah that

was super dangerous talk about

commitment no it's too early to pick the

Teacher of the month but we'd like you

to consider Rainbow Dash and Applejack

thank you for telling me I'm so glad to

hear your field trip was a success I'll

make sure to schedule another one right

away you were actually just competing

the entire time weren't you to tell you

the truth

yeah well not all the time I do for the

whole nature walk hanukkah's you were

angling for that teacher of the month

award hmm

angling more like bangle area same



