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02x48 - Don't Make Me Angry

Posted: 06/07/22 18:31
by bunniefuu



if I want to destroy Sonic once and for

all I'm gonna need physical abilities of

my own how you gonna do that boss you're

no bio technician I'm looking for some

books on biotechnology actually

according to our records your library

card has been revoked

it says here you never returned the copy

of savage passions Guatemala heat that's

preposterous I've never heard of that

book and even if I had read it who would

believe that

Aloise would leave Juan Pablo for a

mysterious billionaire you can use my

library card I bet you oh thanks kid

people don't usually do nice things for


not sure why face beater there's like a

million types of mutations and these

textbooks aren't very helpful on the

subject of which ones you should

intentionally inflict upon yourself oh

great another to be continued if I add a

comic I'd never end it like that Bruce

Bandicoot was just a timid scientist

until a lab accident changed everything

struck by absurdly dangerous levels of

purple rays he became the

and be able clunk finally somebody put

it in terms I can understand I'm about

to expose myself to dangerous purple

rays so stand back I don't want to share

my awesome new powers with you losers


I don't feel any different

lousy piece of junk in whack







one nice Howard that's just a plate of

shredded iceberg lettuce oh sorry one

premium a salad


what happened last night I can't

remember a thing

just like my weekend in casino night

zone what happens in casino night zone

stays in casino night zone after

exposing yourself to purple rays you

became agitated which cost you to morph

and turn a durable creature of some kind

I follow the unenviable clunks origin

story to the letter but he just turned

me into some sort of B level cereal

mascot if you can't trust comic books

for accurate representations of science

who can you trust

says here the effects of purple rays

wear off if one can last 48 hours

without a transformation how can that be

I just have to not get angry for two

days easy-peasy

just gonna pick up some delicious

arugula and get back to the lair and

wait out the 48 hours so egghead why

were your dunder BOTS chasing that

little purple dude yesterday you can't

prove I had anything to do with the

creation of that purple whatsit it is

way above your skill level after all

you're no bio technician is it really

that far-fetched that a mechanical

genius such as dr. Eggman could learn

some new science skills you no-good

stinkin muskrats make me don't you okay

boss it's my secret town huh don't worry

we've known about your toenail

collection for years not that my other

is slightly less that you turn into

a little purple guy every time you get

mad don't worry Eggman will handle this

news with the utmost maturity stop

squirting yourself stop squirting

yourself squirting me that's not even

how this joke supposed to work


I'm sinking to all new lows bringing

myself here

welcome to anger management you're

teaching anger management

aren't you just a powder keg of emotions

waiting to explode you insensitive lout

it's important to maintain your

composure even in the most frustrating

of circumstances be it physical t*rture

or listening to a doddering old coot

ramble on about nothing please be

t*rture please be t*rture please be

t*rture a lots changed since I was a

youth back then this city home wasn't

even here it was across the street of

course we didn't call it a city hall

then we called it the old gather round

gather round the City Hall we'd say oh I

guess we did call it a city hall will

you just get to the point you boring out


to be free of any rage one must clear

one's mind Center one's Chi upload one's

anger to the cloud man



I am calm I am one with this hippie

dippie mumbo-jumbo and now for the final

test hello I'd like to schedule an

appointment to get my cable TV service

five weeks that seems unreasonable but

I've learned to accept that which I

cannot control well well well if it

isn't purple Macoutes Tufts the most

adorable villain will hello my dear

nemesis lovely day isn't it are you

gonna lose your temper I have moved

beyond such trivial things what if I go

thank you for not touching me

I appreciate your restraint now if

you'll excuse me kudos dr. Eggman only

15 more minutes until the effects of the

purple ray wear off completely nothing's

going to stop me now oh good a

last-minute complication hey mister I

feel bad that everyone was teasing you

so I made you cookies I ran out of

baking soda so I used toothpaste gee

whiz I love science stuff hey mister

what's this button do that's my

subatomic Annihilator you know it's so

good to see young people taking interest

oh there's a funny story behind that my

knight and how about this one

oh man she fell down the garbage chute

cubot going after her ouch great not

even in my most felt robot can squeeze

in there and that trash compactors gonna

turn on any minute now there's only one

guy I know who can fit through that

chute but to summon him I'm gonna need

to get angry or bot you insult me tell

me everything I create is a failure oh

that's not true you have lots to be

proud of that's sweet but not helpful

hang on kid I'll think of something

I don't get angry okay I'll have to

double net burgers extra pickles on one

an order of lightly fried humdrum rings

and a large Cola a half diet half

regular the light of the ice and hurry

no way he gets this right once he screws

up I'll be on a one-way trip to rage

town but this is exactly what I ordered

a broken clocks bound to be right twice

a day by the way do you have the time my

clocks broken Oh Sonic great make fun of

me listen Eggman I know I was harsh on

you the other day I'm sorry no no no no

no no you're not sorry you you you think

I'm a buffoon a joke yellow-bellied

marmots boy I don't mean to rush you but

the trash compactor walls are closing in

I finally won again great I can't know

that little girl's gonna get pancakes

why can't I get angry why why why it

makes me so mad

don't worry Eggman I heard the whole

thing let's book it come here you




thank you thank you mr. purple dr.

thingy yeah I hope to you're doing good

Eggman just free your mind of all

distractions soup's on boys