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02x38 - Eggman's Anti Gravity Ray

Posted: 06/07/22 18:24
by bunniefuu
nothing like a lazy Sunday morning got a

cup of tea stuck at Yacht rock albums on

vinyl and a brand new loofah just

waiting to be made unreturnable now all

I needs my morning paper every Sunday

that lousy draft ruins my morning


mother nature's gotten real smug ever

since my factories gave her the power to

rain acid it's time I take her down a


once I rotate my lair 16 degrees I will

have beaten mother nature at her own

game breakfast is served we worked all

morning on this bountiful feast but it

was a labor of love oh look what you did

clean that mess up while I go get my

gravity boots and don't touch anything

whoops knuckles how many times do we

have to tell you not to dig tunnels


oh but diggings what I dig you dig well

not anymore it's not

touchdown sometimes I think Eggman

doesn't appreciate us what makes you say

that the way he kicks us when we're down

calls us names and always says I don't

appreciate you dr. Eggman Wanda does

gravity boots because to Fashion Week's

just around the corner no to counteract

the effects of this anti-gravity ray

this new invention could revolutionize

the world as we know it and it makes a

swing hat too give me that hang on I'll

get you down just wait'll they see me

sporting these babies during Fashion


I told you half-wits not touch anything

extra gravitational forces scrambling

his processors minions get me that

gravity ray know that winds not gonna

get the best of me again this one

penalty kick can a young woman break the

glass ceiling and prove once and for all

that a female can be just as good an

athlete as a male you know Amy

anytime someone calls attention to the

breaking of gender roles it ultimately

undermines the concept of gender

equality by implying that this is an

exception and not to status quo what

just because I'm a me Ted doesn't mean

I'm not a feminist well I'm Lois to call

a halt to this very important dialogue

I'd be remiss if I didn't point out

I don't think it's aliens we got to

worry about


you've got the knob do something or I'll

dock you a year's pay actually he can't

dock their wages because he doesn't pay


you could probably dock there for room

and board not if he's claiming them as

dependents on his taxes could we perhaps

discuss my financial matters at another

juncture I guess if I want to fix this I

gotta pull myself up on my gravity

bootstraps and do it myself

hello sir would you care for a car wash

while you dine you can handle this

Eggman just got a inventor thingy yeah

I'll do that

looks like we've got a rescue more than

just our beach towels oh great now he's

affecting cannon this has gone too far

tails you got anything that could launch

me into the air just got to connect this

hyper tube to that oscillator Oh

Sonic's here he'll save today or

something I'd never get died down again

you still got it see see


that can't be good it's also clear now

as if I'm seeing the world from a new

perspective gee imagine that we should

all float freely one order french fries

please do you want fries with that hmm

good question you know what I do want

fries with my fries

not any grab thing is really turning

into a pain in the butt guess it falls

on that man to take care of business and

make my own fries the path to true

enlightenment is by breaking free of the

invisible forces that hold you down

thank you bye guys starting to make a

lot of sense yeah until everybody floats

so high they run out of oxygen and can't


good point when she said that before I

went all-in yeah these fries are either

burnt or frozen or somehow both

you're free now free to express yourself

Oh No

the last thing we want is a me

expressing herself we gotta do something


join my movement sonic and together will

hand up annoying pamphlets to people at

the airport

I can feel crabby sticky hands all over



huh glad that's over

I'll never be swayed by charismatic

charlatans offering vague promises of a

better future again can I interest you

in an exclusive timeshare opportunity


great job up there tails I learned from

the best

TV Oh cruel fate sending me back to my

mundane low-altitude existence

cubot have your Diagnostics return to

operational capacity no but I'm working

just fine he's back to normal

hey something isn't right anyone else

feeling a little heavy well I did eat an

entire extra-large pizza lovers Pizza

this afternoon that's a pizza with the

little piece of thought up

I'm with Sonic something in kosher here

I don't think you switched off the

antigravity ray I think you put it in


I finally done the perfect batch of

fries now to taste your closest you'll

have to take up the gravity ray no


actually yes problemo remember what I

said before about not digging tunnels

forget it forget what dig


by my calculations we've managed to

rotate the layer an entire eighth of a

degree great only 127 eighths more to go

then you can come back inside
