06x08 - Gold Rush

Episode transcripts for the TV show "DreamWorks Dragons". Aired: October 2010 to present.*
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1 - Riders of Berk
2 - Defenders of Berk
3-8 - Race to the Edge
9-10 -Rescue Riders
11-13 - Heroes of the Sky

Follows the life and adventures of Hiccup (Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III) and his friends on the Island of Berk.
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06x08 - Gold Rush

Post by bunniefuu »


This changes everything.



Sorry about that, little guy.

Nice shot, bud.

[growls gleefully]

Toothless, faster! [Toothless screeching]

That's it, bud.

Push it! Push it, you got it! Dive! [splashes]

[water bubbling]


Whoo! Nice one, bud.

Yeah, I I don't love the water either, but we have to try new moves.

This'll definitely give us an added element of surprise.

[growls in approval]



Mm-hmm! [chuckles]

Wait! [gasps]

Hmm! Mm-hmm.


Yes! [chuckles]

Oh! Should have seen that coming.

And that makes three in a row.



I'm filing a grievance.

This is totally unfair.

You manipulated my partner with your big brown eyes.

They're green.


Shut up.

Well, well, well, look what the Night Fury dragged in.

[growls wearily]

[laughs sarcastically]

Very funny.

Seriously, Hiccup, you've been pushing it pretty hard lately.

Everyone needs a rest.


I'll rest when Viggo's gone for good.

You wanna hurt Viggo? Talk to me.


Dagur! I told you I'd be back.

[munching, smacks lips]

Oh! Mm, This is good! And cooked to perfection.

Mm, just the way I like it.


So, how are we gonna hurt Viggo? Ha-ha! I should have known it was you, Heather.

Cooking is in our family's blood.

Ooh! I bet you make a wicked Berserk chicken.

[Chicken clucking in panic]

Hey! Watch it! Everyone knows that Chicken suffers from rotisserie-phobia.

He's afraid of the ole' turn and burn.

Sorry, Boy-nutt and Chicken-nutt.

It's just, we've been out there all alone for so long.

We haven't eaten anything in days.

Isn't that right, Shattermaster? [grunts]

[growls in excitement]


Easy, Shattermaster.

Remember your manners.

[gulps, tummy growling]


Dagur, what about Viggo? Yes, of course.

The strangest thing happened while I was out traveling the world in search of Oswald the Agreeable.

Wait a minute, you're searching for our father? You see, since I didn't k*ll him, and you didn't k*ll him, I figure he must be out there, somewhere.

So, there I was, searching for dear old dad, when I captured the wimpiest Dragon Hunter.


I mean he was just a little tiny, wimpy He was about your size and build.

- Hm.

- No offense.

Anyway, all I had to do was sneer at him, and he gave up everything.

I mean, I actually had to give him the Berserker chokehold just to shut him up.

Oh, I love the Berserker chokehold.

It's one of my favorite choke [chokes, gasps]

Not that one.



Oh, that's the one.

So, what did the Hunter say about Viggo? I'll tell you if you call me brother.

Please? Just once.

Please? Okay, okay.

Just a barrel of laughs, aren't you? He told me where Viggo hides his gold.

What? Whoa.

And if I remember correctly, some of that gold Is Berk's gold.


And we could get it back and cr*pple Viggo in one blow.

Let's ride.

Don't forget the best part.

After we get your gold back, if you don't mind, I'll take a few bags of Viggo's for myself.

Heather and I will need it as we embark on an epic journey to reunite with our father and rebuild the Berserker tribe as a family.


Yeah, right, Dagur.

I I think you took one too many to the head.

I'm serious, Heather.

That's why I'm here.

Man, if Heather leaves, she'll take all her great cooking with her.

I don't know how I'm gonna survive.

I don't know if I can survive.

I'm sure she's not gonna leave.

She's one of us, right? Hey.

You okay? [sighs]

Dagur just assumes I'm gonna drop everything and follow him on some crazy adventure to find our dad.

Uh, did he even think to ask me first? He's Dagur.

Well, I'm not going.

No way.

I'm a Dragon Rider now.

[Shattermaster growling]

Berserkers and Dragon Riders! May our first mission be successful! [laughs]

Yeah! Uh, hello? You mean, Dragon Riders and one Berserker.


All right, g*ng, diamond formation.

Remember, we're heading into Viggo's domain.

Expect the unexpected.


What the Well, there's no one here.

Didn't see that one coming.

Are you absolutely sure this is the right island? Yes, I'm sure.

But Viggo might have moved the gold.

He can be slippery.


Something doesn't feel right.

This is an amazing find, Hiccup.

Ancient Vikings must have lived here.

- Huh? - No touching.

We're not here to destroy history, we're here to find the gold.

C'mon, Fishlegs.

If there was any gold here, this place would be crawling with Viggo's men.



The tracks end here? I'm not seeing any gold.

Are you seeing any gold? Is anyone seeing any gold? Snotlout, expect the unexpected.

You want to do the honors or shall I? [grunts]

Oh, we're so close, sister.

Can you feel it? Once we get the gold, our real journey begins.

Hey, don't get too close, guys.

I'm sure Viggo booby-trapped this thing.

Fear not, my fearless leader, Ruff and I are the best booby-trap sniffers that have ever sniffed out a booby trap.


All right.

Check it for traps.

But be careful.

Okay, it's time to out-think the thinker.

Watch for the trip lines! Hmm.

You think you're so smart, Viggo.

Falling axes! Look around, make sure there's none.

- Are there? - Nothing.

That's because he's gonna k*ll us with crossbow arrows! [snorts disapprovingly]


Still nothing.

This guy is tricky.



Wait a second.


I knew it! Stun gas! [chokes, gasps]

[screaming, coughing]


That was just me.

Cartwheeling gives me the vapors.


Okay, clear out of there.

I have a better idea.

[Tuffnut groaning]

Give it a good one, Bud.


[clangs, expl*si*n]

Oh, what the [Hiccup sighs]

It must be reinforced.

You tried your way, Hiccup.

Now it's time to do it Berserker style.

[growling in excitement]

Right, Heather? Berserker style? You mean do something crazy? No.

Everyone thinks Berserker means crazy.

But what it really means is going full speed.

All out, all the time.

Total commitment to your Berserker brothers and sisters.

So, if you wanna know what Berserker style really is.

Show 'em our new move, Shattermaster.


Shatter scatter.

[Berserker battle cry]


[all grunt]


[Snotlout screams, groans]



Not so dragon-proof anymore.

Bravo, Shattermaster.

That's what you call a Berserker Battle Cry.

[groans softly]

It comes from deep within.

Understand? You'll get it.


Well, I guess we're too late.

Viggo moved the gold.

Nothing makes sense.

No guards.

No booby-traps.


What are you thinking? Well, it looks like the cart tracks come in this way, then go off that way.

[sniffing, growling]

Fishlegs, look at the depth of the tracks.

Yeah, no, they're deeper coming in, and more shallow going out.

Someone rolled the gold in here, then off loaded it and carried it away by hand.

So this storehouse is just a decoy.

The gold is somewhere else on the island.

In that case, I say we split up.

Cover more ground.

Viggo and his men could come at any time.

The Berserkers will search the North.

The Dragon Riders search the South.



I should go with them.


Three heads are better than two.

Stay on the ground, send up a signal if you find anything.

We will.

Come on, Heather.

While we search for the gold, we'll discuss our future.

Once we get our share of Viggo's gold, we'll head straight toward the sunrise.

I know a shifty little guy in the Eastern Markets who might have some info on Dad.


Wait, wait, Dagur.

Slow down.

You know, you barge into my life like a Cavern Crasher ramped up on dragon nip and just unload all these grand ideas.


I've been out there, Heather, living and surviving on my own.

It's a lonely, desolate existence.

You don't have to tell me.

[Meatlug groans woefully]

I know I don't.

When I realized how hard it must have been for you, all those years, alone, I knew I had to make it right.

I mean, sure, I have Shattermaster, you have Windshear, but it's not the same thing as having your family, your fellow Berserkers.

Maybe you should have thought about that before you set me adrift.

I don't know how you'll ever forgive me, Heather, but not a day goes by that I don't wish I could take that back.

I was young and foolish And twisted and evil.

Okay, I deserve that.

But I wanna make it right, once and for all.

Don't you see, Heather? This is my chance, our chance, to rebuild the Berserker's tribe.

But we'll only succeed if we do it together, as a family.

Just think about it.

It's time to go home, sis.


No, not over here.

Not here.

Whoa! Look at that.

It's not over there! Well, at least we know everywhere it's not.

- Hiccup - Don't say it.

We've looked all over.

There's nothing here.

We have to find that gold, Astrid.

It will cr*pple Viggo and get Berk back on its feet.

Yeah, I want all those things too, but if the gold isn't here It's here.

I'm sure of it.

You know Viggo, everything with him is a trick.

I I just need to out-think him.

[Dragon Hunters chattering indistinctly]

- Hunters.

- Did they bury it? [Fishlegs whimpers]

Don't worry, Fishlegs.

I'll search this one.

Sometimes I miss the pleasant zen of a deep, dark cave.

Here, goldie, goldie, goldie, goldie, goldie.

[dragons snarling distantly]


So? [chuckles]

[chuckles, sighs]

Look, Heather, I I know that Dagur is your brother, and your blood, but we're your family now, right? I mean, you're a Dragon Rider.

We're a team.

We need you.

But more than that, I need you.



[Terrible Terrors snarling]

[Dagur screaming]

No gold.

No gold.

No gold.

And Terrible Terrors make terrible meditation partners? What'd I miss? [chuckles nervously]

[Dragon Hunter 1]

Grab the shovel.

[Dragon Hunter 2]

Let me move it in.

[Dragon Hunter 1]

That's it.

Push it forward.



- Any thoughts? - Hmm.

[sniffling, snorts]

[sniffling, grunts]

[all sneeze]

[both gasp, scream]

Let's go, bud.

[both panting, grunting]

[growls, screeches]

[both panting]


We got 'em.



[dragons screeching]

[screaming, groaning]



No! [all grunting]

Whoa! - [Tuffnut]

Oh, no! - [Astrid groans]

Hiccup? [grunting with effort]


Look what we have here.

The catch of the day.





Oh, this is bad.

Really, really bad.


Funny, Hiccup was never that easy to capture when I was chasing him.

[Dragon Hunters chattering]


- The gold? - Secure.

And no sign of the other Dragon Riders.

- I think we should - Don't think.

Keep looking.

They're out there.

And bring Hiccup to my chambers.

I'd like to have a word with him.

[growls in annoyance]

We can't just sit here.

We need to rescue them now, before Viggo disappears.

We should save 'em Berserker style.

I have the perfect plan.

No! Dragon Riders rescue Dragon Riders! I have known Hiccup for my whole life and he is my best friend, Dagur.

Whenever I have needed him, he has been there for me, and now, he needs me.

We are doing this my way.


That was That was beautiful, man.


Just beautiful.



I'll stand.


[Ryker grunts]


Forgive my brother.

He doesn't understand the concept of savoring victory.


You and your Dragon Riders could have spent months searching that island and you'd never find my gold.

Well, you never know.

We might surprise you when you least expect it.

Ah, you're referring to your impending rescue? Don't count on it.

[chuckles sinisterly]

[dragons snarling]

[Dragon Hunter groaning in annoyance]




There's gotta be a way out of here.


Not useful.

You're wasting your time, Astrid.

We're in a cell.

Cells are built to keep people in, not let them out, okay? I'm starting to think you're not as [gags]

Now it's useful.

[muffled voice]


There they are.

You two attack the flanking ships.

Meatlug and I will take out the lead vessel.

Got it? [chants]


[Dragon Hunter 1]

Dragon Riders! [growls]

[both gasp]


Dragon Riders! Do your thing! [snarls]

[grunts, screams]

[both grunt]

[Heather grunting with effort]



[Heather grunts, screams]

[Berserker battle cry]

[all screaming]

[Berserker battle cry]


[Dragon Hunters screaming]




Ooh, [chuckles]

that was close.

[Berserker battle cry]


Look, there are your friends now, coming to save you.

Such loyalty.

I can hardly keep my own brother focused and on task.

What are you getting at, Viggo? Do you really think, after all we've been through, I'd expose myself without some added protection? You're about to have a front row seat for the deaths of your Riders and their dragons.

[both exclaim]

[Shattermaster growling]

[both gasping]

Fire! Fire! [ship creaking]


What? Dragon-proof ships? [Dragon Hunters screaming]

[all grunting]



That didn't work.

Anyone have any other thoughts that, you know, I might have mentioned earlier.

Fishlegs, I think maybe, we should try it my brother's way.

Your brother? I mean, what do we have to lose? Yeah! Berserker style! Ah! Give 'em what for! [growling]

You sure this is gonna work? We're doing it together, as brother and sister! How can it fail? Flying Shatter Scatter.



[Dragon Hunters screaming]

[both gasping]

[water bubbling]

Uh [laughs]

See, Heather! We're a match made in Valhalla! Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Whoo! [laughs]

Coming around for another pass.




Grab his keys! [all grunting with effort]




Hmm? [dragons snarl]

[gasps, whimpers]




Come on! [keys jingling]

Let's finish this, sis.

Are you with me? [Berserker battle cry]

Music to my ears, sister! Now, Windshear! [clanging]

[Dragon Hunters screaming]

[water bubbling]

That one's for Oswald! [laughs]


[all gasp]

[both groan]

[both grunting]


Whoa! [laughs]

Yeah! We did it! Now, that is Berserker style.


I love you, sis.




[Toothless growling]

[Dragon Hunters grunting]


[growls in anger]

[Dragon Hunters grunt]

[Dragon Hunter 1 screaming]

Hey! [exclaims]

Ah! [screams in surprise]





Hey, thanks! [Dragon Hunter 2 grunts]

[Toothless growls]


There he is.

Grab him! [screams]

Toothless! [exclaims]





[water bubbling]

[Dragon Hunter 3 whimpering]


[all screaming]

- [Astrid]



- [Hiccup]

Whoo-hoo! [Dragon Hunters clamoring]

How did you figure out where the gold is? A few things tipped me off.

First, the tracks leading to the storehouse didn't make sense.

Then, the Hunters had shovels and pick axes, like they were building something.

But ultimately, Viggo gave it away himself, when he pointed to the map of the island over his desk.

There weren't any Viking ruins on Viggo's map.

Hit it, Bud.



It was hiding in plain sight all along.


Thanks, bud.

[both grunting]

I have to go.

I know.

He can't do it without me.

And you need to find out about your family.

Your heritage.

You've been looking for a home since the first day I met you, Heather.

And maybe this is, finally, your chance to find it.

Just know that we will always I will always be here for you.



Thank you.

[growls adoringly]

She'll be safe with me.

She better be.

Be safe out there.

Let us know if you find Oswald.

I will.

And thanks, Hiccup.

For everything.

Until we meet again, Dragon Riders.

[Berserker battle cry]

Hey, she'll be back.
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