06x04 - Not Lout

Episode transcripts for the TV show "DreamWorks Dragons". Aired: October 2010 to present.*
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1 - Riders of Berk
2 - Defenders of Berk
3-8 - Race to the Edge
9-10 -Rescue Riders
11-13 - Heroes of the Sky

Follows the life and adventures of Hiccup (Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III) and his friends on the Island of Berk.
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06x04 - Not Lout

Post by bunniefuu »


This changes everything.


Pretty good turnout.

Of course it's a good turnout, Hiccup.

The people love the Jorgensons.


Look at that! All of Berk has come out to admire the Jorgensons' handiwork! Nah.

Everyone's just here for the free food.

Nobody comes to these things to admire anything.

[clears throat]

In every Viking's life, there comes a time when you have to take a chance.

Risk everything.

[man cheering]

Today, we celebrate a man who took the initiative.

We now have a new off-Berk storehouse, thanks to Spitelout Jorgenson, of the great Jorgensons! [all cheering]

Woo-hoo! Spitelout, Spitelout, oy, oy, oy! [laughing]

Yes! [all cheering]

Hey, coming through! Drink it in, friends.

We finally showed 'em all what it means to be a Jorgenson! Hey! We didn't show them anything, boyo.

I did.

Look at 'em.

All clamoring for Hiccup's approval.

Workin' every angle.

A Jorgenson doesn't ask permission to be great.

That's the only reason we have this storehouse.

Dad, I think they're just having fun.

Oh, fun? A bit of silly time? Sharpen up, boyo! They're kissin' their way up the ladder.

Thor only knows what they're sayin' about you.

- Look at him over there.

- Who's he kidding, huh? He's ridiculous! Snotlout.

Look at that.

Who does he think he is? What kind of name is that anyway? Snotlout.

- [scoffs]

Snotlout? - Astrid? A Hofferson! I wouldn't trust her to sharpen my axe.

Or that Fishlegs, he and Hiccup are as thick as thieves.

And those devious twins.

Nothing stings more than a dagger between the shoulder blades.

[Tuffnut grunting]

[all laughing]

Right in there! You wanna be like your old man? A great leader takes what's rightfully his.

And if he doesn't, he'll be left in the dust.

Do ya understand what I'm trying to tell ya? [whimpering]

Snotlout? [Hiccup and Astrid laughing]


Who's he kidding, huh? - He's ridiculous.

- You mock me? Do you know who I am? [screams]


I used to be a Dragon Rider.


Snotlout? [sighs]

Poor little Snotlout.

He had such promise.


You know, I even secretly wanted to marry him.

But now? Ew! [all laugh]

Look there, Sister.

It's Snotlout.

Shall we stop and say hello? [chuckles]

No, I'd rather polish our golden sheep.

Onward, Sir Barf and Sir Belch! And try and splash a little bit of dirt in Snotlout's face.

Goodbye, peasant.


I always thought you'd become the leader of the Dragon Riders, but you never had what it took.

So, I found someone better.

A-Gustav! And guess what? Hookfang's mine now! [laughs]




All right, g*ng, stay sharp.

There's been a lot of Hunter activity in this area.

Maybe we should spread out, cover more ground.

Yeah, good idea.




Now, Astrid's making all the decisions? [chuckles]

When did that happen? Uh, guys? If Astrid's making all the decisions, we want to build a second story on our crib, you know? Add square footage and enhance the curb appeal.

Why do they get a better hut? Nobody's getting a better hut! And Astrid is not making all the decisions.

- Guys! - Guys! Hunter ships, dead ahead.

All right, spread out into formation.

Prepare for a surprise attack.

I vote to attack! No, Snotlout! No! Release! [whimpering]


Incoming! [all screaming]


There we go! [grunts]

Is everyone okay? Could be worse.


Speak for yourself.


You okay? Here you go.

Here's the antidote.

Whoo! Now, that's how you lead a mission.

Am I right? By almost getting your team k*lled? Totally uncool.


So not cool! Opposite of cool.

- [Ruffnut groans]

Little help? - No, thanks.

I'm good.

You help yourself.

Okay, fine, maybe it was a little messy.

But everybody, let's face it, I'm the reason we won.

That's not exactly what happened, Snotlout.


You were supposed to cover our wing, blasting arrows, while we made a pass.

But you peeled off.

[snarls angrily]


And Meatlug was lining up a perfectly good blast when you came out of nowhere to take the shot.


Out of my way! [screams]

Snotlout! [grunts]

- Oh, Thor! - [Tuffnut]

And we were about to spark our new move, when you used us as a diversion.

[both screaming]

Hey, it's not my fault, I had to cover for you guys.

Snotlout, we almost lost the battle because of you.

It's called "initiative," Fishface.

You know that word, from your books? - You could have ruined something again! - You don't know what initiative is! All right.

All right.

All right.

Snotlout, why don't you gather up all the Dragon Root arrows, take them as far away as possible and burn them.

We don't want the dragons anywhere near them.

What? Now? Fine.



I know.

I know.

I'll talk to him, okay? But right now, I'm much more concerned with the Hunters' supply of Dragon Root.

They've obviously increased production.

And we're running low on antidote.

Well, hopefully, this'll help.

I pulled this chart off a ship.

Might lead us to the source of the Dragon Root.


Hurry up, Hookfang.

You saw their faces.

The moment we're gone, they're gonna jump all over me.


Forge, cliff, what's the difference? Come on, man.

Come on, you got this.

- You can do this.

You got this.

- Oh, not right there.

Harder, right there.





Maces and Talons.

Epic marathon.

But Fishlegs is about to win it for us.

Any luck with the chart you pulled from the Hunters? Yeah, I have a good idea what chain of islands they're coming from.

Toothless and I will do some recon tomorrow and search for the Dragon Root.


Where's Snotlout? He loves Maces and Talons.

I thought you invited him.

Uh, I thought the twins invited him.

We thought Astrid invited him.

I never invite him.

The Edge is under attack! Hunters are everywhere! [all grunting]

[all exclaim]


It's called a "drill"! Hello? I was seeing how'd you all react in crisis.

And you all failed! Miserably.

Well, Hiccup, obviously, there are followers then, and there are leaders.

Guess we know which ones we are.

Don't we? Did you find anything on the chart? Where are we attacking? Snotlout! What is going on with you? First, you ruin the battle.

Then, you play a prank that could have hurt someone.

Listen, Hiccup.

It's past time you realize how important I am.

What? What are you talking about? I'm not gonna end up a beggar in the streets, eating dust and watching Ruff and Tuff polish their golden sheep.

I'm just as good, if not better than the other guys.

I want to lead the Dragon Riders when Stoick makes you chief.

Okay, but Snotlout, you can't just force your way into a leadership position.

It doesn't work that way.

You have things you need to work on.

Like, uh you need to sharpen your battle tactics, like Astrid.

Uh, you need to prove you can be trusted, like Heather.

And you need to be thoughtful and strategic, like Fishlegs.

Do you know what I'm saying? Yeah.

You're saying I can't do it.

Well, guess what! We Jorgensons don't ask permission to be great.


There they are.


There who are? [whispering]


The Terrible Terrors.

Oh, right.

Why are we whispering? Because we're practicing stealth and infiltration.

If those dragons don't know we're here, Hunters never will.

Battle tactics.

I like.

[heavy footsteps]


Yeah, Hookfang! [shushes]

[snorts in surprise]

All right, if we can just [screaming]



Don't fight it! It only makes it worse.



Nailed it.


You mean, you destroyed it.

The exercise isn't about surprising one, Snotlout.

It's about tricking all of them.



[snarls in panic]


Now, there are some Hunter ships down there, bud, but I don't see any Wait a minute.

They have a ton of arrows, but where's all the Dragon Root? [Hiccup]


Nice try, Viggo.



What you up to? Nothing.

Why? I just see you're heading towards my hut.

With flowers, no less.

Don't get excited.

They're for Astrid, as a thank-you for letting me borrow her axe.

She loaned you her axe? She sleeps with that thing under her pillow.

That's what friends do.

Man, nobody loans me anything.


Well, maybe because nobody trusts you to bring stuff back.


Building trust.

- Snotlout.

- I'm here to return everything I've ever borrowed from you guys.

Hurray! Hey! My favorite mug! My favorite pillow? And wait a second, this is my favorite crate! Fluffers! You didn't borrow any of this, you stole it! Hey, you say "stole," I say "borrowed.

" [chuckles]

You guys trust me now, right? Gimme that! Trust is like a delicate bird with feathers of silk.

And yours is dead.

[exclaims in surprise]


So, should we give back the stuff we stole from him? - Nah, our bird's dead, too.

- Yeah.


Someone ripped out all my flowers.

Who would do such a thing, Meatlug? [snoring]

Oh, don't over-water it, girl.

Fishy! Hello.

- Playing in the dirt again, I see.

- You! Me? You know anything about my missing flowers? Nope.

Can't say that I do.

Oh, I did see Heather with some flowers earlier.

Suspicious? Now, I have to replant the whole area.

The Zen is totally out of balance.

I could help you.

[scoffs, chuckles]

You want to help me fix my garden? [suspiciously]

Why? I'm just trying to be, you know, more thoughtful and strategic.

Truthfully, I've always respected your work, Fishlegs, and I really like plants.

Oh, well, in that case, let's get started.

Your two basic types are ornamentals and edibles.


You don't want to mix those up, believe me.

Then you have your floriculture Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it, okay.

Let's stick this one over there.

Oh, no, no, no, no.

You have to be strategic in your planting.

This type of topiary only grows in the sun.

You see, some plants like sun, some like shade, some like partial sun, some like partial shade.

Oh, my Thor! Okay, how do you know what it likes? They don't talk.


Snotlout gave us these flowers and they totally died.

Yeah, can your mystical garden bring them back to life? [growls]


Snotlout! - He totally ruined my training exercise.

- And he totally ruined my serenity garden.

And let us not forget, he almost got us k*lled.

We're mainly here to watch the drama unfold.

You have to do something, Hiccup.

Look, Snotlout is clearly going through something right now, and we need to be there for him.

As hard as that can seem sometimes.

We're a team.

He's one of us.


Hiccup's right, guys.

While flowers can be replanted, a fractured team can take years to fix.

Just so we're clear, the tides have turned.

There's not gonna be any banishing of anyone? No banishments, Tuff.


I should have stayed in bed.


I should have stayed under that bed.


I agree that Snotlout's a member of the team.

But we have a mission to destroy the Dragon Root.

How are you gonna snap him out of this? [Hiccup]

Now, Viggo's growing the Dragon Root in these fields, underneath camouflaged tarps.

They make the arrows over here.

And this is their stockpile.

The island is heavily fortified.

Sounds complicated.

If by "complicated" you mean "impossible," and if by "impossible" you mean "not possible," then I I actually I'm lost now.

[chuckles lightly]

Nothing's impossible.

I'm sure Hiccup has a great plan.

We're gonna do a practice run, here at the Edge, just to make sure we're perfect.

And Snotlout's gonna lead the mission.

Me? Now? Yes, you.




All right.

Right, okay, I'm the leader.

So So, that means you have to pick who drops the barrel of Monstrous Nightmare gel on the arrow stockpile.

It has to be a precise drop, so Toothless can blast it.

- Please! Pick us! - Let us do it! Monstrous Nightmare gel! - MNG! MNG! - I'll do it.

I'll do it.

[both groan in disappointment]

- MNG - You sure? Do I not look sure? Are you positive about this? He needs a confidence boost.

This'll be good for him.

- Yeah, but Hiccup - That's why we're doing a training run.

I'll be right there in case something happens.

[Snotlout grunting]






All right, Riders.

Astrid, Heather, twins, take out the catapult.

Fishfa legs, focus on the farm.

Hiccup and Toothless, get in position to blast the barrels and burn the fields! - [Astrid]

Spineshot! - [Heather]

Fire! [Ruffnut]

Woo-hoo-hoo! [screaming]


All right, bud.

Get ready.

Can't mess this up, Hooky.

We gotta be perfect.

[snorts in approval]


[inhales and exhales]

- What's wrong with Snotlout? - I dunno.

Straighten out, Hookfang.

This is our shot.

We cannot mess this up.

He had such promise.


He's all over the place.


I always hoped you'd become the leader of the Dragon Riders, but you never had what it took.

Did you? Drop it.

No, don't drop it, Hookfang! [snarling]

[speaking in Spitelout's voice]

You wanna be like your old man? [gasps]

A great leader takes what's rightfully his.

Drop it now, Hookfang! Look out! [snarls]


[snarls wearily]

So, how's Snotlout? Not good.

He's not going on the mission.

He's grounded himself, indefinitely.

[birds chirping]

[wind whistling]

Might as well get used to sleeping in the dirt.


Knock it off, Hookfang.



Stop it.

I'm not going, Hookfang.

Just leave me alone.

[growls angrily]



I said I'm not going, and there's nothing you can do that will change my mind.



It's not happening.

And get used to the fact that we're beggars.

And stay away from Gustav.

He's nothing but trouble.

Enough with the act, Hookfang.

We both know you're not gonna [gasps]


Hookfang! [groans]

Ow! Oh, my Thor.


Nice, soft grass.

Ha, look at that.

Little baby Dragon Root.

Guess you guys like to grow in the sun.

Wait a second.

If Dragon Root grows in the sun, then the Hunters must be hiding something else underneath those camouflaged tarps.


Hookfang! Dragon Riders! Approaching from the south.

[hunters grunting]

Diamond formation, g*ng.

Stay low to avoid the catapults.

Fishlegs, ready the barrel.


[Meatlug growls in approval]

All right, bud.

Let's do it.

Loose! [Heather grunting]

Focus on the catapults.

Right with you, Astrid.



Hit the gas! [whizzing]

[hunters whimpering]


Yeah! [screaming]

Do it, Sparky! Spark it, Belch! Spark it, boy! [screaming]

Wait for it.

Wait for it.

Now! Hit it, bud! [hunters screaming]

Nice sh**t', Toothless.

Now, let's roast some Dragon Root and go home.


I've got the Night Fury, dead to rights.

[catapult clangs]

Snotlout? It's a trap! Evasive action! [Astrid]

Circle back around! [hunter grunts]

Wait, Snotlout! [exclaiming]

Now, we can mow the field.

Follow me.

I'll draw their fire.


You got it! We'll flank 'em.



Watch it, bud.

[hunters screaming]


[dragons snarling viciously]

Snotlout, peel off and help Hiccup.

No way.

Go! I'll be all right! I'm not leaving your wing! Go! Now! [hunter growling]

[hunter 1 shouting]

[hunter 2 growling]

We're hit! [screams]

[Hookfang growling in panic]

[all gasping and screaming]


Now, finish it.


Snotlout, can you hear us? Snotlout? Hiccup? [whimpering]

No! [screams]

[coughs and grunts]

- Did we win? - That was some move, Jorgenson.

You saved my life.

Yeah, two times.

But if the Dragon Root crops aren't here, where are they? You see, Hiccup, some plants grow in the sun, and some in the shade, and some in the, some the partial something, and some in the also partial the something.


You know, I gotta say, I'm pretty proud of you, Snotlout.

But who really knows what the future holds for any of us? Yeah, I've been thinking.

Whatever greatness I end up doing, and trust me, it will be great, [chuckles]

it's gotta be what I want to do.

Not what my dad wants me to do.

You know, we may not be so different, after all.
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