06x03 - Midnight Scrum

Episode transcripts for the TV show "DreamWorks Dragons". Aired: October 2010 to present.*
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1 - Riders of Berk
2 - Defenders of Berk
3-8 - Race to the Edge
9-10 -Rescue Riders
11-13 - Heroes of the Sky

Follows the life and adventures of Hiccup (Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III) and his friends on the Island of Berk.
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06x03 - Midnight Scrum

Post by bunniefuu »


This changes everything.

- [man 1]

Come back here! - [man 2]

Get him! - [man 1]

Where'd he go? - [man 2]

Don't let him get away! [panting]

- [man 1]

We'll get you! - [man 2]

He's on the right! Behind that tree! [panting]

Come on! We're getting closer! [roaring]



Wha Whoa! [screams and grunts]


Toothless! Toothless! [all shouting]

[pants and grunts]



[all scream]

Get 'em, Stormfly.

[both grunting]

Yeah, that's right, keep running! [grunts]

- You okay? - Yeah, I think so.


I'm all right, bud.

Who were those guys? - They didn't look like Dragon Hunters.

- You know, I don't know.

With all the flying axes and tumbling down hills, I forgot to ask.


What you got there, Toothless? I think I know who those guys were.


No way! Viggo put a price on Hiccup's head? Oh, man! Every bounty hunter from here to the archipelago is gonna be looking for you.

Thank you, Snotlout, for your undying support.

No, thank you, Hiccup.


I wonder if Viggo's paying the bounty with Berk's gold? That much irony should be illegal.

Let me see that.

Wait a minute, there's no mention of us at all.

- It's all about Hiccup.

- [scoffs]


I demand a bounty be placed on us immediately and that the hounds be released.

I'll put a bounty on us.

Thanks, sister.

I knew I could count on you.

All right, we'll need flattering pictures for our flyers, a creepy alias, mine will be Nutte Tuff.

All right, enough about the bounty.

Mine and yours.

We have other things to do.

I hate to say it, Hiccup, but it might be a good idea to lie low for a while, until this cools off.

No way.

That's playing right into Viggo's hands.

Wait, you can't still be planning on going to the party? It's Berk's 400 year anniversary.

You know what my dad would do to me if I missed it? And he's finally gonna nail you for losing all of Berk's gold.


It's gonna be epic.

We're not kids anymore, Snotlout.

He's not gonna "nail me.

" I don't know, Hiccup.

A crowded, public event is the perfect place for bounty hunters to slip in undetected.

Fishlegs, I appreciate your concern, but no, I'm not hiding from anyone.

We're going to the party.

[folk music playing]


Can you believe it, Stoick? Four hundred years.

Makes ya proud to be a Berkian.

Yes, it does.

[clears throat]

Now, what else do we need on my list? [Stoick sighs]

I don't have to remind you, do I, that Berk's gold was lost to Viggo? No, Chief.

I was there.

[dragons snorting]


Don't be too hard on him about the gold, Chief.

It wasn't all his fault.

We were lucky to get off that island in one piece.



How's life at the Great Beyond, Son? Ha! Funny you should ask, Chief.

There's actually a Yeah, it's great, Dad.

How could it not be great? It's the Great Beyond.

Right, guys? - Oh, yeah.

The Great Beyond is fantastic.

- The Great Beyond Oh, yeah.

- [giggles]

So, how are things here? - They've been better.

Yeah, about that.

Uh, listen, Dad We can discuss it later, Son.

Always remember, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.


Got it.

Loud and clear.

Now, go enjoy yourselves.

A party like this happens only once in 400 years.


That's it? What a rip-off! - Okay, you heard the man.

- The party is on! [Tuffnut]

Yeah! On and going.

Aren't you gonna tell him about the bounty? No.

I'm not.

He has enough to deal with right now.

[all cheering]

Let's hear it for the wee ones! [all cheering]

We Berkians have come a long way in 400 years.

For a long time, we were at w*r with the dragons, hunting them, k*lling them.

But that all changed one day, when some of our youngest Berkians had the guts to step up and take a stand.

Ladies and Vikings, the time has come to look towards the future of Berk.

I give you Hiccup and the Dragon Riders! [all cheering]


All right, guys.

Let's give 'em a show to remember.





[Astrid grunts]

Yes! [laughs]

[crowd cheering]


Comin' in hot! [all cheering]

This is fun! You're making the nose too big.

Everyone loves a strong, authoritative nose.


Whoop, whoop, whoop! Light it up, Belch! [crowd gasping]

[all cheering]


Suck it in, Meatlug.


Whoo! Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah, Fishlegs! [chuckles]

[all cheering]

Huh? Hmm.

Bounty hunters.


- Who are you? - Please don't hurt them, Hiccup.

Wait, you know these guys? Sure, they're my uncles.

Whispering Waldo, Mute Marvin, - and Soft Spoken Sam.

- Hi.

They're just ship-lagged from their long journey.

Sorry, Sven.

And you too, Muttering Marvin, Wailing Waldo, and Never mind.

Welcome to Berk.


All right, I admit it.

Living with a bounty on my head is more stressful than I thought.

First Viggo gets our gold, now this.

- I just think I should - Tell Stoick.

He's the chief and he's your dad.

No, like he said, "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

" Good night, Astrid.

I'll see you in the morning.

[door closes]


Hiccup! [gasps]

Has anyone seen Hiccup? Hiccup! [snorts]

Have you seen Hiccup? [Hiccup grunting]

Huh? Where am I? [grunts]

[dramatic music plays]


There's got to be something sharp.


Come on.

Come on.

Come on.




He's awake! Quick, Berthel, knock him out again.

- I wouldn't do that if I were you.

- Why not? Because you might accidentally k*ll me, and Viggo wants me alive.

- Is that true? - Well, what does the poster say? I lost the poster.

Berthel, you had one thing to do, hold the poster.

Holding things is not my strong suit.

You know that.

Maybe we'll knock you out later.

You know, if I were you two, I'd release me.

My friends will be here any minute, with their dragons.

Their fire-breathing dragons.

He's bluffin'.



What's that? Dragons? [gasps]


[Hiccup grunting]

[hunters grunting]

[hunters screaming]

I'm down here! Yes.

I know you are.







Oh, Thor! [grunts]

Slippery one, aren't you? Wait, Savage, you don't want to do this.


For once in my life, I know exactly what I want to do.

Thanks for getting him off Berk, muttonheads.

Hold me, Amos.


Since Viggo's island is north, the bounty hunters should be heading in this direction.


We'll find him, boy.

Don't you worry.

The Deep Sea Channel is calm this time of year and cuts right through to Viggo's island.

We'll follow the channel and hope he's on it.

Why wouldn't he tell me about the bounty.

It's because of what I said, isn't it? He's Hiccup, sometimes his pride's bigger than his brain.

In the interest of full disclosure, Chief, Ruff and I have a price on our heads as well.

We've been dropping these all over the archipelago.

Ha! Hey! Hey! [snorts]


And after we get Hiccup back, I'm going to collect your bounty.


There it is.

We got 'em now.

Search the rest of the ship.

Leave no stone unturned.



It's all right.



Push me up, Berthel! How can I push you when I'm pullin' me? [both grunting]

Finally, we made it.

Where is Hiccup? [snarls]

We don't have him anymore.

[both grunting]

We searched below deck.

He's not here.

See, we told you.

Savage took him.

[hunters grunting]

I see you found some of our posters.

But why are they on a roll in the outhouse? The soft, two-ply parchment is soothing.

You picked up on that.

Very observant.

And absorbent.

See what I did there? Yes.

Let's sit down and negotiate a deal for the surrender of one Ruffnut and one Tuffnut Thorston.

[both whimpering]

[both scream]

We'll have our people Terror Mail your people.


That'll hold you.

Savage, think about what you're doing.

I'm the only one standing between Viggo and his rule.

Once you hand me over Quiet! I've been disrespected my whole life, but now, I'll be a Viking of legend.

Viggo will never respect you.

He's playing you for a fool.

At least I'll be a rich fool.

If gold is what you want, Berk has more gold than you can imagine.

Stoick will pay you double what Viggo is offering.


Nice try, Hiccup.

Berk has no gold.

Everyone knows that.


Who's the fool now? [grunting]


Gonna swim home with your hands tied? Now, you can't run either.




[chuckles softly]

- Throk! - I've been looking all over for you.

No, wait.



Mala heard about the bounty.

She sent me to rescue you.

This way.

Come on.

We gotta get to the Edge.

There are bounty hunters everywhere.

Not to worry, Hiccup Haddock.

You're safe now.



Is anyone not after me? [both grunting]

Now, you're safe.

Where is he taking my son? I don't know where he is.

One minute I was holding his leg, and the next, I woke up and he was gone.

I swear it.

A masked Viking surprised me.

He must have Hiccup Haddock.

- You let some random guy beat you? - He was very skilled.

Where is he taking Hiccup? [growls]


[all gasp]

Wait! Wait! Sleipnir Island.

Ryker is waiting there with the gold.

I don't know what they're gonna do to Hiccup.


It's his own fault he got grabbed, not mine.





You're right.

I'm sure you've heard about the Thorston bounty.

We're accepting offers, but you can expect a bidding w*r.


Riders, mount up! Thor be with you, Dragon Riders.

[grunts and pants]



Don't do that again.

[Hiccup grunts]




Hiccup Haddock.

No dragons to save you, no friends to save you.

All alone.


The gold.

Your eyes look familiar, masked man.

Do I know you? The gold.

You did good.

But there'll be no gold for this one-legged fool.

[Ryker laughs]

Then there will be no prize.

Hunters! [all shouting]


[all grunting]






Come with me.

[grunts and pants]

There's got to be something on this island.

A dragon.



Huh? [bleating]

That's not exactly what I had in mind.

Hurry up! He can't get far! [all grunting]

[all gasp]


[all screaming]




I'll take you to Viggo myself.


I know you.


You were at Viggo's auction.

[both grunt]


[both grunt]

Pull me up.


What are you doing? Wait No! No! [grunts]

Whoa! Whoa! [sighs and groans]

Oh, I'd love to drop you, but Viggo wants to k*ll you himself.

[both grunt]


That's very considerate.


Huh? [roars]

Go after Hiccup.

We'll clear the hunters.






Blast em' Hookfang.

Yeah! [hunters screaming]

[all shout then grunt]


You get him, Toothless.



No, don't.

It's all right, Toothless, we got him.





Good to see you, too, bud.


I want you to deliver a message to Viggo.

You put a bounty on one of us, you get all of us.


[sighs in relief]

Well, that felt good.

Hiccup, your leg.

Are you okay? I'm okay.

Let's just go home.

[dragons snarling]



Okay, if that was a bounty hunter, I'm rescinding my bounty, effective immediately.

You know, I don't think I've ever seen you that mad, and that's saying something.

Nobody messes with a Haddock without paying the price.

Now, about Berk's gold, that was my fault too, son.

We both learned a lesson.

- But, Hiccup - I know what you're gonna say.

And you're right.

I should've told you about the bounty.

After all, I'm your son.

Yes, but it's more than that.

We're allies, peers.

The people of Berk depend on us to keep them safe.

And if we're gonna do that, we can have no secrets between us.

But that's a conversation for another day.

I'm just glad to have you back.


We both are.
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