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03x02 - Beautifully Broken

Posted: 05/03/13 09:43
by bunniefuu
Scene 1 : In the woods - Bill, Cooter, Russell, Louie

Louie: My ear. My f*cking ear.

Bill: You're next.

A man arrives on a white horse; it's Russel Edington.

Russell: Heel.

Bill: Your Majesty.

Russell: I said escort him, not hunt him like an animal.

Cooter: He is a g*dd*mn animal. He k*lled three of us, ripped off Louie's ear. You're about to get d*ader, d*ad-ass m*therf*cker.

Russell: Cooter. Back off.

Bill: Cooter? Heh-heh. Seriously?

Cooter: Call me that again. I f*cking dare you.

Russell: Coot can be a little sensitive about his name and the evisceration of his friends. For future reference, Coot, I'm not a fan of improvisation. When I give you an order, I expect it to be followed exactly. You understand?

Cooter: Mm.

Bill: These wolves do your bidding?

Russell: Well, unfortunately, not as well as I'd hoped. I'm terribly sorry, Mr. Compton.

Bill: You're sorry? Your Majesty, you've had me abducted by werewolves. Dragged across state lines. They took silver to me, fed on my blood.

Russell: You drank from my guest? Mr. Compton, join me at my home. I will explain everything. That was an order.

Scene 2: Lafayette's house - Lafayette, Tara, Letti Mae

Lafayette: Tara, what--? What are you doing? Open your mouth. Open up your g*dd*mn mouth. I ain't playing. Open your mouth. Spit it out. Spit it out.

Letti Mae: What are you doing to her?

Lafayette: Saving her life.

Letti Mae: Sweet Jesus.

Lafayette: You're too busy praising Jesus to realize your daughter trying to move in with him.

Letti Mae: Tara Mae, no. You can go to hell for this, baby. Please, Lord, forgive her.

Lafayette: Oh, will you move the f*ck back? Get out of the way. With a mother like you, it's a miracle she ain't tried this years ago.

Letti Mae: Where are you taking her?

Tara No. Let me go.

Letti Mae: I'm going with you.

Lafayette: You failed this girl for the last time, you hear me? Now get the f*ck up out my way.

Scene 3: Fangtasia : Eric, Sookie, Pam, Jessica, Godric

Sookie: It stands for Operation Werewolf, some kind of secret n*zi commando force from World w*r II.

Eric: You found this branded on a d*ad man's neck?

Sookie: Bill summoned Jessica there. He was trying to show us who kidnapped him.

Jessica: Yeah, n*zi werewolves.

Sookie: That d*ad guy was strong and fast enough to take Bill. He had to be something supernatural. I was hoping you could tell us more.

Eric: Never seen it before. Sorry.

Sookie: Why do I get the feeling you're blowing me off?

Eric: He speaks in a foreign language to Pam.

Pam: Let's go to the lad*es' room and stare at ourselves in the mirror.

Pam and Jessica leave.

Eric: Here's what I know about werewolves: There's a reason their existence has remained a myth to humans for thousands of years. They're territorial, vicious, pathologically secretive.

Sookie: Boy, does that sound familiar.

Eric: And here's what I know about you: You're so blinded by your obsession with Bill Compton, you're likely to run through the streets screaming "werewolf bait," alerting whoever has Bill that we're onto them or getting yourself k*lled.

Sookie: You think I'm that stupid?

Eric: No, I think you're human.

Sookie: Don't underestimate me.

Eric: Don't underestimate yourself. Your life is too valuable to throw away.

In the bathroom:

Jessica: So, Pam, when you're feeding on someone, how do you not k*ll 'em?

Pam: Bill didn't teach you that?

Jessica: Bill doesn't want me to feed on people. And now he's gone and...

Pam: It's in the heartbeat. You feel it in the blood.

Jessica: Yeah?

Pam: And when it slows, you stop.

Jessica: Yeah, but how do you stop?

Pam: I think about crying children with soggy diapers. Also maggots.

Jessica: Well, let's say... that you did k*ll somebody by accident. What would you do with the body?

Back to Sookie and Eric.

Eric: You have no connections in the were community. They're not gonna answer your questions. They don't even want youto know they exist.

Sookie: Bill's out there somewhere in danger. I can't just go on with life like that's not happening. You know that, maybe better than anyone. When Godric went miss—

Eric: Bill Compton is no Godric.

Sookie: But he's everything to me.

Sookie begins to cry.

Eric: Please don't do that. It makes me feel disturbingly human.

Sookie: I risked my life to help you find Godric, and I don't expect you to do the same for Bill, but at the very least, I hope you'll help me if you can.

Jessica: Sookie, you gotta get me home before dawn.

Sookie, Pam and Jessica leave. Eric remembers a night with Godric in Germany in 1945:

Eric (in Swedish): It's here Godric. I feel it.

Godric (in Swedish): Wait.

A sold*er comes in. He finds a naked girl crying.

Girl (in german): Help me.

Sold*er: It's going to be all right. I won't hurt you.

She turns into a wolf and k*lls him. Eric and Godric come down.

Girl (in German): We're on the same side you fools.

Eric sees the mark of Operation Wewolf on her neck.

Eric (in German): No, we're not.

Back to reality.

Scene 3: Russell's mansion - Russell, Talbot, Bill

Talbot: You're late.

Russell: Talbot. William Compton.

Talbot: Welcome to Mississippi, Bill. Sorry I'm not dressed, but we were expecting you last night.

Russell: There were complications with his escort.

Talbot: f*cking werewolves. Let's show you to your room, get you all cleaned up, huh?

Bill: My room? Your Majesty, you promised me an explanation.

Russell: And I have no intention of letting you leave without one.

Talbot: I just redecorated the guest room. Wait till you see the bed, Bill. It's marvellous. It once belonged to Countess Elizabeth Bathory, Hungary's legendary serial k*ller. Rumour has it that she loved to t*rture virgins and bathe in their blood. Now, be careful at the door, Bill. It's 100 percent sterling silver from Morocco. It's light-tight, of course. Bathtub's through there. And if you need anything, anything at all, someone will always be right outside of your door. Just ring the little bell.

Bill: You're only making matters worse for yourself by holding me c*ptive.

Russell: Oh, no one's holding anyone c*ptive. We're, uh-- We're conducting business. You're a guest in my home.

Bill: Guests are invited. Guests can leave of their own accord.

Russell: And once you've heard my proposal, so can you, if you choose.

Talbot: Enough business. Time to rest. You had the bleeds twice this week.

Russell: We'll talk over dinner.

Talbot: So nice to meet you, Bill. Enjoy the bed.

Talbot and Russel leave.

Talbot: He's a challenge.

Russell: I think I'm gonna have to bring in the girl.

Talbot: Hm.

Scene 4: Lafayette's car - Tara, Lafayette

Tara: I threw up all the pills. I'm okay. I don't need to go to the hospital. Just pull over, please.

Lafayette: Bitch, you tried to k*ll yourself.

Tara: I didn't plan it. I just saw the bottles, and I thought, "Enough." I deserve some peace.

Lafayette: And I deserve to plan your f*cking funeral? Spend the rest of my g*dd*mn life blaming myself?

Tara: I'm sorry. If you take me to the hospital, they're gonna lock me in a padded room pump me full of dr*gs, and force me to tell them what happened. Lordy. And if I tell them about Eggs and Maryann, they'll throw away the key.

Lafayette: Eggs would want you to live, Tara.

Tara: Eggs doesn't want shit. Eggs is d*ad. The one time in my entire life I thought I was happy, I was a f*cking zombie. What the hell is wrong with me, Lafayette?

Lafayette: Life ain't not having problems, Tara. It's about being able to deal with the ones you got.

Tara: Well, obviously, I can't.

Lafayette: You can and you will, if I gotta drag your narrow ass through this world kicking and screaming. Look, the Buddhists weren't lying when they said life is suffering. It don't mean you get to check out early and leave me here.

Tara: What are you doing?

Lafayette: First I'm gonna get some food in you. Second, there's something you need to see.

Scene 5: Bill's house - Jessica, Sookie, Hoyt

Sookie: You want me to stay here? I feel weird leaving you all alone.

Jessica: I'm a vampire, Sookie. I don't need-- (She sees Hoyt) I don't need a babysitter.

Sookie: Of course you don't.

Jessica: Be gentle with him. And if you feel anything from Bill--

Jessica: I'll call you.

Sookie leaves.

Jessica: What are you doing here? It's almost dawn.

Hoyt: B-positive. Thought you might be hungry.

Jessica: Hoyt, you can't keep showing up, leaving stuff at my door.

Hoyt: Now, listen to me.If there's one thing that I learned from this whole thing with my mama, it's that I gotta take better care of you. You couldn't control yourself. Be like if I hadn't eaten and people were walking around with hamburgers on their necks.

Jessica: No. That's not what it's like at all. You don't know what it's like. You never will. Biting people, getting so mad that I do bad things by accident, that's in my-- It's in my nature.

Hoyt: Wanna know what's in my nature? Running back to my mama and doing anything that she tells me for the rest of my life. I ain't gonna do it. We can fight our natures together.

Jessica: It's too late.

Hoyt: Don't say that, Jessica. I--

She goes in the house. Behind the door, she cries. Hoyt cries too and leaves, angry and sad.

Scene 6: Sookie's house - Sookie, Jason

Sookie arrives home. There's someone in the kitchen.

Sookie: So gross.

Jason: Oh! God. Unh! My family junk. Oh, Jesus.

Sookie: Oh, Jason. I'm sorry. I-It's 5 a.m. What are you doing eating my chicken in the dark?

Jason: I couldn't sleep. And, um, well, I just kept thinking about how Gran would be doing handstands in her grave if she saw her-- Ugh. Her house like this. So I thought I'd come and clean up, and-- And then I got hungry. I figured you'd be with Bill. (Sookie begins to cry) What did I say?

Later in the morning:

Jason: There's werewolves?

Sookie: Yes.

Jason: Holy shit. Bigfoot? Is he real too?

Sookie: I don't know. I guess it's possible.

Jason: Santa?

Sookie: Jason, focus.

Jason: Uh, yeah, sorry. Well, what can I do to help?

Sookie: Nothing. Apparently, that's what I'm supposed to do too, which is totally impossible. Every sound I hear, every time the phone rings, every shadow, I think it's Bill. I keep expecting him to come through the door and say, "Sookie."

Jason: Let me talk to Andy. I won't tell him the whole werewolf part but maybe there's something he could do to help.

Sookie: Andy Bellefleur?

Jason: Yeah, we went through some pretty intense shit together during the whole Maryann thing.

Sookie: What kind of shit?

Jason: I don't know. I don't remember half of it. And don't even think about reading my mind, because I just wanna put all that behind me. You heard about Eggs.

Sookie: I helped him remember things. That's why he went after Andy and got himself k*lled.

Jason: Yeah, that wasn't your fault, believe me.

Sookie: Well, tell that to Tara. I don't think she's ever gonna forgive me. Maybe I deserve that.

Jason: Well, you were just trying to help. It's the thought that counts. And, uh, Tara's tough. She'll get through it. Sookie, you just need some sleep. Let me worry about Bill for a while.

Sookie: Thanks, Jason.

Jason: It's just you and me now. Well, you're gonna marry Bill, and now it's you, me and Bill.

Scene 7: The Mickens - Sam, Tommy, Joe Lee, Melinda

Sam in sleeping in his car when Tommy points a g*n at him.

Tommy: Don't move. Get out of the car.

Sam: Which is it? Don't move or get out of the car?

Tommy: Come on.

They go on the house.

Tommy: Hey, Mama! Joe Lee.

Melinda: Oh. Quit hollering.

Melinda: It's too dang early. Who the hell are you?

Joe Lee: Who the hell is he?

Sam: My name's, uh, Sam Merlotte.

Tommy: That's the guy I told you about, the one asking all the questions. Found him spying outside.

Sam: Spying? I was sleeping. All right? Put the g*n down. I'm not here to hurt nobody.

Joe Lee: You from Collections? Because I put that check in the mail yesterday.

Melinda: Merlotte. That name's familiar. We met before?

Sam: Thirty-four years ago.

Melinda: Tommy, put the g*n down.

Tommy: What?

Melinda: Put the g*n down. (To Sam) It's you.

Sam: Yeah.

Melinda: It's really you.

Tommy: It's really who? Who is he, Mama?

Scene 8: Merlotte's - Sookie, Terry, a man

Sookie arrives and parks in the parking. She hears a man's voice.

Man: Grab her, knock her out. Be back in time to watch Let's Make a Deal.

Sookie sees a man in the woods. Terry arrives.

Terry: Morning, Sook. You okay?

Sookie: Did you just see someone here?

Terry: No. Usually when I see things other people don't it's because I ain't taking my medication and I...

The man disappeared.

Sookie: Come on out, you big coward. What have you done with Bill?

Terry and Sookie are in the woods where the man stood.

Terry: Motorcycle boot. Size 10. Now, that's just weird.

Sookie: What?

Terry: Tracks end here. Which don't make a lick of sense unless he turned himself into a bird and flew away.

Sookie: Or a wolf.

Terry: Yeah. Panther or coyote maybe, but I ain't never seen no wolves in these parts.

Sookie: Until now.

Scene 8: Meadowglde Clinic - Tara, Lafayette, Ruby Jean, Jesus

Tara: Jesus Christ.

Lafayette: Tara, calm down.

Tara: What the f*ck, Lafayette? You drive me two and a half hours to show me something and you take me to a f*cking nuthouse. How could you, Lafayette? You can't commit me against my will.

Lafayette: Ain't nobody f*cking committing you, but if you don't chill out quick, somebody might change their mind. (To the person at the front desk) Hi. Um... We're here to see Ruby Jean Reynolds, please.

Woman: Let me check.

In a room:

Jesus: Just one bite. Come on. Come on, Ruby. You come on. You gotta eat something. Come on, give me some. Why do you always do this?

Lafayette and Tara arrive.

Jesus: Can I help you?

Ruby: Oh, that's just my son, Lafayette.

Lafayette: Hi, Mama.

Jesus: You told me your son passed away.

Ruby: He did. God k*lled him because he's a f*gg*t. But he keep coming back.

Ruby: Hey.

Ruby: This is Jesus. He's a Mexican, but he ain't r*ped me yet.

Lafayette: I'm sorry.

Jesus: Don't worry. I'm used to it. Nice to meet you

Lafayette: Lafayette. This is my cousin, Tara.

Jesus: Hi, Tara.

Tara: Hi.

Jesus: I'm glad you're here. I've been taking care of your mother for six months. I think you're the first visitor she's had.

Ruby: Don't listen to him. People just keep coming and going. They coming and going, baby. What you want with me, Lafayette? Wish to hell they'd leave me alone.

Jesus: Listen, if you can get her to eat something, you'd be my hero.

Ruby: He spits in my food through them rotten-cheese teeth. w*tback.

Lafayette: Oh, my f*cking--

Jesus: Nice to meet you.

Jesus leaves.

Lafayette: Mama, you remember Tara.

Ruby: God k*lled you too.

Tara: Almost.

Scene 8: Police Station - Andy, Jason, Journalists, Bud

Andy: Well, that's my job. I was just doing what I had to to protect myself, but I ain't no hero.

Journalist: Detective Bellefleur, in addition to being stabbed, the victims were also clawed by an animal. What kind of animal was that?

Andy: Well, that's a good question. (Jason arrives) And, uh, I'm sure Sheriff Dearborne would love to answer it for you.

Journalist 2: Detective... Can I get one other question?

Bud: Ahem. Uh... We're still working on that. We're not sure if the suspect trained the animal.

Andy: Hey, what are you doing here, Stackhouse?

Jason: Wow. All these reporters, they're here for you? Is this because of Eggs?

Andy: No, it's because of me winning the Miss America Pageant. Thought I told you to lay low.

Jason: I need your help with something.

Andy: Ain't I done enough for you already?

Jason: Hey, I was trying to save your life.

Andy: Now I'm trying to save yours.

Jason: Listen, I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't be here, but Sookie, she's trying to blame herself for k*lling Eggs. Andy, we gotta make this right. We gotta make it right.

Andy: Okay.

Journalist: Yeah, but, sheriff...

Andy: Hey, how about a second lunch?

Scene 9: Merlotte's - Sookie, Terry, Arlene

Terry: Won't he come looking for his clothes?

Sookie: I'll bet he'll come looking for more than that.

Terry: I'd feel a lot better if you let me call Andy.

Sookie: I've already got somebody on it. He's a sheriff and a vampire. Listen, Terry. You can't tell anyone about this. Okay?

Arlene's voice: Could I get help here?

Sookie: This guy is my one sh*t at finding Bill.

Terry: I'm not so good with secrets.

Sookie: I think you're a lot better at things than you give yourself credit for.

Arlene arrives.

Arlene: I've been out there hollering for help for 10 minutes.

Terry: I'm sorry, darling. I didn't hear you. Let me get that.

Arlene: No. I can do it all by myself. Just like I do everything else.

Arlene leaves.

Terry: Would you mind telling Arlene how I'm good at things and all?

Sookie: Sure. But if you want my advice, tell her yourself. You wait to tell people how you feel about 'em, you never know what can happen.

Terry: Sookie, hold up. You know how to use one of these?

Sookie: I ain't that blond. Thanks, Terry.

Terry: I... I've always liked you, and I'd miss you if you got k*lled. Just so you know.

Scene 9: Micken's house - Sam, Tommy, Melinda, Joe Lee

Melinda: I was 16. Your daddy was doing 12 years in prison.

Joe Lee: For a crime I didn't commit. Your mama didn't even tell me about you till after she gave you away.

Melinda: I didn't know what else to do. The Merlottes seemed like good people. They had money and a big house. They said they could give you a better life. Did they? Did you have a good life, Sam?

Sam: Till I was 15.

Tommy: What happened when you were 15?

Sam: I think y'all know. Was that the real reason you gave me away? Because of what I am?

Melinda: I knew there was a chance, but your daddy's regular. And I prayed and I prayed that you'd turn out like him.

Joe Lee: Why would you pray for that? What you are is special, son. You got something extra in you. You should be proud of that.

Sam: Is that right? Because what, uh, being special has meant to me is walking this world alone, not knowing what the hell I am, why I am this way.

Melinda: Sam, Joe Lee may be married to a shifter and raising another, but there ain't no way he can understand what it's like to be one. I am so, so sorry you had to go through that all alone.

Sam: I am too.

Tommy: What about no one telling me my whole damn life I had a brother? Anybody f*cking sorry about that?

Joe Lee: Boy, don't use that tone with us!

Melinda: Joe Lee, calm down.

Tommy: Welcome to the family. You can have them.

Scene 10: Clinic - Tara, Lafayette

Tara: Why didn't you tell me?

Lafayette: She made me promise not to. Didn't want nobody seeing her like this.

Tara: But six months, Lafayette? Alone in this place? Even she don't deserve that. She don't deserve it.

Lafayette: You know how much it costs keeping her here? More than two legal jobs' worth, that's how much. I mean, the only reason why I'm paying, because I hate her raggedy ass so much, I don't wanna take care of her my g*dd*mn self.

Tara: If that were true, you would've left her to the state, or on the street where you found her. You think I can end up like her.

Lafayette: There's some darkness in this family, Tara. My mama, your mama. But they ain't strong enough to beat it. We are. We've been f*cking fighting tooth and nail to survive this bullshit our whole life, and I ain't letting you give up now.

Tara: Okay. I get it.

Lafayette: You promise?

Tara: Promise.

Lafayette: All right, now let's get the f*ck up out of here. It stink in here. But, hooker, if you ever try to pull the shit you pulled last night again, I swear, your ass is gonna get a room next to Ruby Jean. And I'm gonna make sure the m*therf*cker spooning your peas ain't half as hot as Jesus. Is you feeling me?

Tara: Yeah, I'm feeling you.

Lafayette: And we clear?

Tara: We clear.

Lafayette: We got it.

Tara: We got it.

Lafayette: All right, now.

Scene 11: Micken's - Tommy, Sam

Sam: 1958 Plymouth Fury. You know that's the same car they used in Christine? Stephen King? Horror movie?

Tommy: Yeah, you think I don't know that? Probably think I can't even read.

Sam: Hey, I didn't say that.

Tommy: I bet they sent you to one of them fancy f*ck schools, didn't they? I'd give anything to be adopted, grow up with rich, normal parents instead of these freaks.

Sam: Would you, now?

Tommy: Yeah.

Sam: Well, they weren't rich, and they weren't so normal either. When they saw what I was, they walked out on me.

Tommy: I'm supposed to feel sorry for you now? At least you had 15 good years.

Sam: Did you know you were gonna shift? Did they tell you what to expect? Yeah. Would've much rather had that than what I got.

Tommy: Oh, you've known them a couple hours, and all they did was coo on you and cry. You got no idea what you're talking about.

Sam: Well, I didn't realize this was a "whose life is more f*cked?" contest. If it means that much to you, you win. Look, I got no idea how to deal with this whole family thing. Never imagined I had a brother, something like that was even possible. All right, I'm not here to take anything away from you.

Tommy: Yeah, well, good, because I ain't got nothing to take. I need to run, cool down.

Sam: Care if I join you?

Tommy: No. Don't care. I used to get in a lot of fights. After you.

Scene 12: Bill's house - Jessica, Woman on the phone

Woman on the phone: Bon Temps Hardware.

Jessica: Hi. Do you carry chain saws?

Woman: Yep.

Jessica: Yeah? How much are those, huh?

Woman: Two sixty-eight twenty-two.

Jessica: How much?

Woman: Two hundred and sixty-eight dollars and twenty-two cents.

Jessica: Uh, can I rent one of those for the night?

Woman: Uh-huh. Forty-nine ninety-five.

Jessica: Awesome. Thanks. Thank you.

Scene 13: Russel's Mansion - Talbot, Russell, Bill

Talbot: Chilled carbonated blood. It's cruelty-free, all willingly donated. Note the citrusy finish. This one ate only tangerinesfor weeks.

Russell: Mr. Compton, thank you. It is an honor to have you in my kingdom again.

Bill: Your Majesty has been very hospitable. Perhaps my queen will take this into consideration before she has you staked.

Russell: If staking vampire royalty were a viable option trust me, you would not be sitting here.

Bill: Why am I?

Russell: I wanna make you sheriff of Mississippi Area 2. The world's only cactus plantation.

Bill: You didn't kidnap me and drag me across state lines just to offer me a job.

Russell: Oh, you're too hung up on state lines. Those lines will soon cease to exist.

Bill: You're waging w*r against the queen of Louisiana?

Russell: w*r? Heh. How barbaric. Look, vampire politics may be med*eval, but I'm not.

Talbot: Excuse me, gentlemen. I need to drain the second course. Carlo, bring me that Thai boy.

Talbot leaves.

Russell: I mean Sophie Anne no harm. In fact, just the opposite. I intend to marry her. For the moment, she says no. But a queen is entitled to change her mind.

Bill: And how will you make that happen?

Russell: With your help, of course.

Scene 14: Merlotte's - Andy, Jason, Man, Reporter

Andy (on tv): Well, that's my job. I was just doing what I had to protect myself, but I ain't no hero.

Reporter: The citizens of Bon Temps may beg to differ.

Jason: Andy.

Man: TV star.

Jason: I mean, detective. Detective Bellefleur, you are a real-life, honest-to-Jesus hero. You're the wind beneath my wings, man.

Andy: Stop it. You are embarrassing me.

Jason: Well, you got nothing to be embarrassed about. You sh*t the bad guy. Right in the head. Everybody loves you.

Andy: Well, what do you want me to do? Stand up and tell them all the truth? You'll go to jail.

Jason: Maybe that's where I belong. I keep trying to do good all the time, but all I ever end up doing is just hurting people.

Andy: You're a good guy, Stackhouse. You got a lot of heart. You're prettier than most girls. If you just applied yourself right, you could accomplish almost anything.

Jason: You really think so?

Andy: Why else would I be babysitting your drunken ass, making sure you don't piss your entire future away?

Jason: I love you, Andy. You're my best friend.

Andy: Now, that's just sad.

Scene 15: In the woods - Tommy and Sam

The are running in their animal form. A car hits Sam. Tommy leaves him alone naked.

Scene 16: Bill's house

Somone goes to Bill's house and finds a file that contains information on Sookie and her family.

Scene 17: Sookie's house - Sookie, Eric, Godric, Woman

Sookie is in her house when she hears noise from outside.

Eric: Hello, Sookie.

She opens the door.

Eric: They came for you.

Sookie: Just one. This morning. He took off before I could get anything out of him. That why you're here? Or do you know something about Bill?

Eric: I lied to you.

Flash back in 1945:

Eric (in German): Who is your master? Who is your master?

Woman (in German): Give me your blood. I will tell you.

Godric (in Swedish): The blood is sacred.

Eric gives her blood.

Eric (in German): Who is your master?

Woman (in German): He is one of you.

She jumps on Eric and tries to k*ll him but Godric stops her and k*lls her.

Godric (in Swedish): A vampire is never at the mercy of his emotions. He dominates them. We will find him. Patience.

End flash back.

Sookie: You and Godric were in the SS?

Eric: We posed as whatever would help us in our search.

Sookie: But you were hunting the n*zi werewolves?

Eric: The symbol is runic. This, uh, pack dates back a lot farther than the n*zi Party.

Sookie: So they aren't Nazis?

Eric: No, they're much more than that. These are not ordinary werewolves. They're organized, well-funded, highly trained, and fuelled by vampire blood.

Sookie: Why didn't you tell me last night?

Eric: The big question is why am I risking everything to tell you now? My loyalty is not to Bill. In fact, it would advantageous for me in numerous ways if he were never found. But...

Sookie: But?

Eric: Now they're coming for you, and I owe you.

Sookie: When you say you were risking everything to tell me, what did that mean?

Eric: The goal tonight was to keep you out of danger, not put you in more of it.

Sookie: Eric, you can't just say something like that and then leave.

Eric: Oh, I'm not leaving. You're going to invite me in so I can protect you. Or have passionate primal sex with you. How about both?

Sookie: You're not gonna distract me by talking nasty.

Eric: I already have.

Eric: So... are you going to invite me in?

Sookie: I'm still Bill's.

Eric: So you are.

Scene 17: Russel's mansion - Talbot, Russell, Bill

Talbot: Warm blood bisque infused with rose petals.

Russell: Mm. There's a lot of natural gas to be had in Louisiana. I enjoy the music. Frankly, I've outgrown my sandbox. Sophie Anne is a delightful eccentric.

Talbot: Please, she's as madas a monkey on a trike, and she has been for centuries.

Russell: Talbot. We don't need to say everything we think. For a number of reasons, she's incapable of managing her queendom. Take you, for example. She has one of the most promising young vampires in the country under her command, and she sends you to where? Bon Temps. What a waste of talent.

Bill: She didn't send me to Bon Temps. It was my home before I was made. After the Great Revelation, I chose to go there to mainstream.

Russell: You expect me to believe she'd allow you to move to a tiny town in the middle of a swamp and date a waitress? I know you're still working for her and I know she has secrets, and I wanna know what they are. In return, I'll make you sheriff of Area 2.

Bill: Perhaps Your Majesty is using werewolves to gather his intelligence as well.

Talbot: Ouch.

Bill: There's clearly been mistake. I am not the vampire you are looking for. I am not privy to the queen's secrets, nor do I have any interest in being your sheriff. I'm sorry to waste your time.

Russell: Poor Sookie. Such a shame she has to pay the price for your stubbornness.

Bill: You leave Sookie out of this.

Russell: You're in my house, Mr. Compton. Put your fangs away.

Scene 17: Merlotte's - Tara, Lafayette, Terry, Arlene, Franklin

Lafayette: I'm sorry if it's hard on you being here, but I gotta work, and I am not leaving you alone.

Tara: It's hard being anywhere right now. Might as well be here.

Lafayette: Love you.

Arlene: How long you been standing there?

Terry: Little while. You sick? Because of my shrimp again?

Arlene: No.

Terry: Good. Now, I know Coby and Lisa are part of you, and maybe you think I'm not the kind of person you want around them. But-- But I made a list.

Arlene: A list of what?

Terry: Ten reasons why you can trust me with your kids. Number one: I'm a nurturer. I found a baby armadillo by the side of the road and I nursed it. Now it sleeps under my bed, and its name is Felix. Number two: I have a diploma from anger management, where I learned talking about your feelings is the manly thing to do. Number three - - Number three: I never k*lled nothing by accident.

Arlene wants to vomit. She goes back to the bathroom.

Terry: Number four...

At the bar:

Franklin: Busy night? You the only waitress?

Tara: Actually, I'm a bartender, and I ain't working tonight.

Franklin: Then what are you doing here?

Tara: Honestly? Trying not to k*ll myself.

Franklin: And how is that going for you?

Tara: Well, I'm still alive.

Franklin: Makes one of us. You got any of those Tru Bloods?

Tara: We only got the B-positive, and the microwave's busted. You a friend of Bill Compton's?

Franklin: No. Are you?

Tara: Not really.

Scene 18: Bill's house - Jessica

Jessica arrives. She opens the trap where she sleeps but Hank's not there.

Jessica: What the f*ck? Holy shit. f*ck.

Scene 19: Merlotte's parking lot - Andy, Jason, Rosie, Kenya, Kevin, Calvin, Crystal

Jason: Andy, I'm telling you, I can walk in a straight line. Look.

Andy: Mm-hm. Like a f*cking arrow. I ain't letting you drive like that. Get in.

Jason: Well, this is fun. I ain't never been in the front seat before.

Rosie (over the radio): Detective Bellefleur, we've got a 586 in progress in Hotsh*t.

Andy: Uh, Rosie, you realize a 586 means illegal parking? Over.

Rosie: Oh. I could have sworn that's what Kenya said. Anyway, they're busting a meth lab, whatever the code is for that. Over.

Andy: Wanna take a drive?

They arrive at Hotsh*t.

Jason: Huh. I ain't never been to Hotsh*t.

Andy: Nothing to write home about.

Kenya: Andy, you ain't even on duty. What are you doing here? But more importantly, what is Jason Stackhouse doing here?

Kenya: Take two, one--

Andy: Stop it. You stay in the car.

Jason: Staying in the car.

Andy: This is my town, Kenya. And whatever happens in my town concerns me.

Kenya: Quit speechifying. There ain't no cameras here, you damn fool.

Kevin: You sure did sound smart on the TV, Andy.

Calvin: There a problem here, officers?

Kenya: Calvin Norris, we got a warrant to search your property.

Calvin: What for?

Andy: Kenya.

Calvin: Get off my land, you f*cking pigs!

Kevin: Stand back, sir.

Calvin: Don't tell me what to do. You got no right to be here.

Kevin: Calm down, Mr. Norris.

Calvin: f*ck you.

Kevin: I'm an officer of the law, and you are not allowed to say that to an officer of the law. That's the law.

Andy: In there. Inside. I see him.

Kenya: Stop. Andy. Andy!

Jason sees a woman in the woods.

Jason: Hey. Are you all right?

Andy: g*dd*mn it, stop! Sheriff's Department. Stop!

She leaves. Andy sees a man escaping; he stops him.

Jason: Hey, I got one. I got me a drug dealer.

Scene 20: Merlotte's parking lot - Tara, two man, Franklin

Man 1: Whoo. Big night. Whoo!

Man 2: Hey, hey. Just ride on that shit. f*ck that shit.

Man 1: I'll ride that shit like a pony. Hey, this is where it happened, dude. Andy put that serial-k*ller n*gg*r down right here.

Man 2: Oh, shit. Hey! Shit. It's the freak's girlfriend.

Tara: His name was Eggs, you r*cist piece of shit.

Man 1: Well, you're the one who went and f*cked a k*ller, bitch.

Franklin: Apologize to the lady.

Man 2: Serial k*ller weren't enough for you? Now you gotta go f*ck a g*dd*mn vamper too?

Franklin: I said, apologize to the lady.

Man 2: f*ck you.

Scene 21: Russell's Mansion - Talbot, Russell, Bill, Lorena

Talbot: Blood gelato.

Bill: Sookie has nothing to do with this. She's innocent.

Russell: We know that you love her, that you've k*lled for her. And from the look in your eye, I can see you'd do it again if you thought that would save her.

Talbot: So romantic.

Lorena: It's not romantic, it's delusional.

Russell: Lorena. Oh, good*e.

Talbot: I'm just in time for dessert.

Bill throws a light on Lorena. She burns.

Scene 22: Sookie's house - Sookie, Eric

EricL To have and to hold, to love and to cherish, to blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, until d*ath do you part. Doesn't bother you that you'll be the only one dying?

Sookie: I'm not gonna talk about this with you.

Eric: Okay. So you'd really rather stay out here all night than invite me in?

Sookie: One minute you lie to me, the next minute you ask me to trust you. You do something generous and selfless, and then you follow that up with something nasty or downright cruel.

Eric: Invite me in.

Sookie: You can't bully your way into--

Eric: Invite me in now.

Sookie: Mr. Northman, will you please come in?

They are in the house. There's a wolf. Sookie sh*ts.