05x08 - Stryke Out

Episode transcripts for the TV show "DreamWorks Dragons". Aired: October 2010 to present.*
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1 - Riders of Berk
2 - Defenders of Berk
3-8 - Race to the Edge
9-10 -Rescue Riders
11-13 - Heroes of the Sky

Follows the life and adventures of Hiccup (Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III) and his friends on the Island of Berk.
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05x08 - Stryke Out

Post by bunniefuu »

[title music]


This changes everything.


Boring! [woman]

Aye, move up, son! This dragon fight is one for the ages, as Steeltrap takes a crushing blow to the head from the upstart, Whip-slash! Yeah, whatever.

Ah, Mr.

Ryker, sir.

Always a pleasure to have you join us.

- [man]

Mind your trap! - [woman]

Oh, what a snore! [man 2]

Why didn't you bite him? [sighs]

This is not the amount we agreed upon.


Ryker, we've done well together in our fighting enterprise.

But now, with your champion dragon, the fights are over before they start.


No one will pay for a fight that ends in five minutes.


I see your point.

But if I were you, I'd find a solution to turn this around.


You call this a battle? [Ryker]

Your cut.


I hate that guy.

The Dragon Hunter base is just up ahead.

Remember, approach with caution.

They might be expecting us.

Hiccup, Hiccup! This is the easiest mission ever.

We fly in, blast the Hunters, and be home in time for lunch.

Boom! - While I appreciate the enthusiasm, I - Come on, Hookfang! [sighs]


There's no one here.

It's completely abandoned.

This place was crawling with Dragon Hunters this morning.

- Something's wrong.

- Did you see anything else? Any dragons? Well, no.

Maybe there is something wrong.

[dragons calling]

Yeah, really wrong.

Come on! Why'd you tell me to be proactive today? [gasps]

I think we've seen way too much of this place already.

Maybe it's time to head back.

What do you think, Hookfang? [screams]

Come on, Snotlout.

This was your idea.

Yes, that was before the blood-curdling dragon screams.

[dragons groaning]



So, Hiccup, question, question, question.

How are we going to free these vicious and wild dragons without being, I don't know, eaten alive? There's gotta be a switch or a lever somewhere.

Once we get them free, we'll just wait them out.

- Anything? - Yep.



Snotlout! Hang on! I'll get you out of there! [coughs]

What is this stuff? [grunting]

Okay, bud, time to go.


That's not good! [grunts]

Hiccup! Toothless! Go, go, go! Get help! Go! [grunts]

What, what? They're gone! They were right here, I swear! Back me up, Hookfang.


There, there, little Snotlout.

I'm sure Stoick will forgive you for losing his one and only son.

Not helping! Hey! Focus! We have to find them.

Sea slugs.

What does that mean? Well, Snotlout, it means that those dragons were lured here with food and then gassed with Dragon Root.

What do you think it means? But why bother knocking them out? The dragons were already captured.

To keep the dragons pacified to make them easier to transport.

So, Hiccup and Toothless are now being taken to Thor knows where? Great! And we've no way of finding them.

Do not fret.

We will find the missing Hiccup Haddock and one Toothless Night Fury.

Yes! That's right, young Snotlout! My brother and I are experts in the delicate and fine arts of detection.

- Interrogation.

- And infiltration.

- We are - [both]

Thorston and Thorston, - sleuths extraordinaire.

- The best detectives on Berk.

Well, really, the only detectives on Berk.


They don't know that.


Nope, nothing here.

Except [retches]

the smell.


Tuff? It's all very suspicious.

- If we - Heather, I've got this.

The Dragon Hunters have taken Hiccup and Toothless somewhere nefarious.

- Guys - Not now, Heather.

I'm detecting.

Now, to find where Hiccup Haddock and Toothless Night Fury have been taken, we need Someone with inside knowledge of the Dragon Hunter ports.

Someone with inside knowledge of the Dragon Hunter ports! Someone like Heather! Thank you, Thorston.

You're welcome, Thorston.


Follow me.


Toothless! There you are, bud.


Where are we? [snarls]

[crowd exclaiming]

Dragon fights.

We have got to get out of here.

[door lock clinking]


That's right, you smelly beasts.

You know who the boss is.

- Who's he? - [groans]


He was with the Night Fury.

I've heard about him.

He's a friend to dragons.


Then maybe he'll be useful.

I've got a very special event planned for his dragon.

Don't you worry, my friend.

I'll let you watch.

And don't touch that muzzle.

Ladies and gentlemen, get ready! Tomorrow night, two new dragons enter the ring in a battle royale! Only one dragon will leave victorious.

Will it be the Razorwhip or the Night Fury? - A Night Fury? - Night Fury? Oh, I've never seen a Night Fury! [audience clamoring]

Hey, gotta back off, bud.

They can't help it.

They're starving, injured and scared.

Okay, how about you? [snarls]


That's one of the main Dragon Hunter trading ports.

These Hunters will know where Hiccup and Toothless have been taken.

Hey! [exclaiming]


Where is the Night Fury? [grunting]

Very well.

[guard yelps]

Excuse me.

Can any of you tell me where the Night Fury has been taken? [grunts]

Whoa! Guess not.

Hi! I'm looking for a one-legged Viking and a Night Fury.

Tell me where they are! Hookfang? I'm not telling you anything.

Leave this to us, Snotmaster.

Thorston and Thorston are on the case.


All right, Dragon Hunter.

We can do this the easy way or the hard way.


[joints cracking]

Tell me where Hiccup and Toothless have been taken! Where? Hey! Wait a minute.

It's my turn to be bad Viking.

Can we talk about this later? You're kind of ruining my vibe here.


We should talk about this now.

Tuff, not in front of the suspect.

If not now, then when? Okay, fine.

You want to do this here? Right now? You're always bad Viking.

I'm always good Viking! Someone else should have a chance to be bad Viking.

Hey, you were bad Viking last time.

No! You threatened the suspect with Macey, and I offered the suspect cookies.

That's not how I remember it.

Every time, Tuff.

You do this every time.

You take over my interrogations and ruin them! [both shouting]

Have you two muttonheads gotten any information out of this guy yet? He was just about to crack, but someone ruined it.

Oh, please! He was never gonna spill the beans the way you were grilling him.

You shouldn't be grilling beans, anyway.



Why do we trust you two with anything? I'll get him to talk.

Just watch.

Where have you taken Oh, come on! Another Hunter just gave up where Hiccup and Toothless are being held.

Come on, let's go! What? Are you serious? I was this close.

- You were not! - Yes, I was.

- Were not.

- Yes, I was.

- Were not.

- He was gonna be spillin' and grillin'! Would you two just go? He was gonna grill and spill those beans.



We've got to warn Ryker.

The Dragon Riders are going to attack the dragon fights! So, the twins didn't get any information out of that guy? What do you think? Of course they didn't.

Well, we would have if somebody whose name rhymes with "Gastrid" hadn't interrupted us.

Or if someone had just let me do the interrogation in the first place.

Ruff, Tuff, be quiet.

Now! If my detective senses are correct, I would say that Astrid lied to that Hunter, got him to send a Terrible Terror and we're gonna follow it.

Nice job.

In the sleuthing business, we call this "tailing.

" In the idiot business, we call this "the twins.

" [Tuffnut]

And business is booming.


Hey, look, a delicious rock.


Num-num-num! Yeah, yeah, good Gronckle.

That's it.



Okay, let's try this.


Well, it's a start.

[keys jingling]


In you go.

Now get the Night Fury.

You stay away from him! [grunts]

[guard straining]

You keep him feisty.

I like that.

[audience cheering]

Ladies and gentlemen, tonight, I bring you, for the first time in the ring a Night Fury! [cheering]

Battling the most vicious dragon this side of Changewing Island, the Razorwhip! [audience cheering]

Toothless, get out of there! No, no! Toothless, no! Yes, that's it, bud! Thank Thor.

You did it, bud.

You did it.

[crowd chanting]

Night Fury! Night Fury! Night Fury! Tell Ryker I've found the solution to both our problems.


You did a great job today, bud.

I am so proud of you.

I'm sorry.

I know, I know.

To the victor goes the spoils.

All right, he fought for you, made you a nice fortune.

Now you need to let us out of here.

And why would I do that? When word gets out that I have a Night Fury, Vikings will come from all over to see it fight.

Night Fury, meet your next opponent, the Triple Stryke.

Eh, gotcha! Dragon fights? Hiccup and Toothless have been taken to dragon fights down there.

Forcing dragons to fight each other? That's inhuman.

And people will go nuts when they find out it's a Night Fury that's fighting.


Why are we even discussing this? Hiccup and Toothless need us.

Ergo, we go.

As in, dragons blazin'.

We can't do that, Snotlout.

You saw that chain dome.

There's no way we can get in there.

So what do we do? We'll use our superior slothing skills.

Uh, no offense, but your sleuthing skills have not gotten us very far.

Don't worry, Fishlegs.

Remember, we're masters of infiltration.


Oh, this is gonna go well.


I've seen this before.

Hang on.

Okay, now, call me old-fashioned, but I'd prefer to not lose another limb.

That was the problem.

It's okay.

It's okay.

Hey, hey.

It's all right.

It's okay.

I'm just gonna find the blind spot and There you go.

How's that feel? See? I'm not gonna hurt ya.


You make sure you lock that manacle tight.

A Razorwhip tail can cut through anything.

Easy, now.

Welcome, welcome.

Great fight tonight.

Great fight! Well, this is promising.

I have a new challenger for the Triple Stryke.

A most formidable opponent.

- What kind of dragon? - You shall see.

Okay, infiltration plan number 34.

You got it? 34.

Copy that.

Gentlemen, we are Thorston and Thorston.

Sleuths extraordinaire.

We've been tailing a very dangerous suspect who is inside.

If you help us, my good man, a hefty reward will be coming your way.


Reward, you say? Oh, yeah.

Mad bricks of gold, my Viking.

Oh yoo-hoo What's wrong with you? What are you doing? Infiltration plan number 34.

And it's working.

Ruffnut, that's plan 43! Uh, nah.

Pretty sure it's 34.

You and I need to have a discussion about our numbering system.

Oh, boys! So, what do you say? Will you help us catch our suspect? Fine, you can go through, but I want the bricks first.

Sure, they're right over here.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the main event! The reigning champion, the Triple Stryke.

[audience gasping]

Versus the newcomer, the Night Fury! The Night Fury? Stop the fight! We need that dragon alive! Do you want a riot on your hands? I'm not stopping anything.

Listen to that crowd.

Where's the boy? Oh, you don't have to worry about him.

If the Triple Stryke kills that Night Fury, I k*ll you.

I really hate that guy.





[audience gasping]


Stormfly! [screams]



Snotlout! Come on! There's only one way Toothless is gonna survive.



[guard grunting]

Hiccup! Yes! Astrid! Thank Thor you're okay! I'm fine.

But it's Toothless I'm worried about! We gotta hurry! Tail slice.

[Toothless snarling]

Oh, no.

[audience gasping]

[all gasp]

And now, for the final strike! [audience booing]

[both snorting]

[door clanging]

This ends now! I would get out of here if I were you.


It's good to see you, too, bud.

Oh! Justice! Get your justice here! Get it while it's hot! Dragon fighting! I'll give you dragon fighting! Come on, girl, put your meat into it.

Go on.


You're free.

He's been in captivity for too long, Hiccup.

He doesn't know how to be free.


Yes! Come on, guys.

Let's go home.

It's good to have you back.

I was really worried.

- [laughs]

Well, I wasn't worried for a second.

- [Fishlegs]

Sure, you weren't! Astrid would've k*lled you if we hadn't found Hiccup.


Shut up, Fishface! Look at that magnificent creature.

So dangerous, so deadly.

I shall name him "Sleuther.

" Hiccup, I think he wants to come back with us.


Sleuther, I think you'll like the Edge.
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