05x01 - Enemy of My Enemy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "DreamWorks Dragons". Aired: October 2010 to present.*
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1 - Riders of Berk
2 - Defenders of Berk
3-8 - Race to the Edge
9-10 -Rescue Riders
11-13 - Heroes of the Sky

Follows the life and adventures of Hiccup (Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III) and his friends on the Island of Berk.
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05x01 - Enemy of My Enemy

Post by bunniefuu »

[title music]


This changes everything.


Oh, come on, bud, work with me here, please? [shushes]

We're almost out of here, so Toothless, just [nervously]

Astrid! Hey! Hey.

So, what brings you here so early in the morning? You just going for a test flight with Stormfly? Yeah, well, same here.

With Toothless, though, of course, because, Stormfly, that would be, you know I don't believe this.

You're going for a recon flight.


With no support.

No cover.

We talked about this.

I-I know.

I just didn't wanna wake anybody.

It's no big deal.


Yes, it is.

It's way too risky.

Hiccup, he's not out there.

- It's been months since the Viggo - Fiasco? I was going to say "episode.

" You have to stop this.

You're gonna wear yourself into the ground looking for this guy who doesn't want to be found.

I'm fine, Astrid.


Besides, maybe Viggo isn't out there, but his Hunters are.

- If I can find one to question - They won't tell you a thing.

You don't know that.

Look, if you're going, at least let me and Stormfly go with you.


Okay, bud.

It's now or never.

[Hiccup grunts]


When Astrid finds out you're not wearing your armor, I am not covering for you.

Woo-hoo! But, with all that armor on, would we be able to do this? Yeah! [laughs]

Woo-hoo! Man, that new tail is awesome.

[Hiccup laughs]


Whoo! I owe you one.



[Toothless chuckles]


Hey, bud? Let's get in closer.

Looks like a dragon might have got the best of 'em.


Yeah, let's get out of here.

[all grunting]


What the Sky, Toothless! [man]

Fire! Whoa! [Toothless screams]

Toothless! [straining]

Come on, bud! [grunts]

We can make that! [Toothless groaning]

Whoa! [grunting]


I gotcha, Toothless.

I'm right here.

[screeches in pain]

[both grunt]

I know, Dragon Root.

We just gotta wait it out, bud.


But who knows how long that's gonna take.

Oh, come on.


[hunters clamoring]

Oh, I am so sorry, bud.

I am so sorry I got us into this.

I know, bud.


- [hunter]

What's that by the big tree? - [hunter 2]

I can't tell.

Oh, why didn't I listen? Why didn't I What is wrong with me?! [Toothless groaning]


Toothless, please.



You stay still and keep quiet.

I'm gonna buy us some time.

I'll be back for you.


I promise.

[roars weakly]

- [hunter]

Perhaps this way.

- All right.


Through there.

Where'd he go? [grunts]

Landed here [sighs]

[twig snaps]

Uh There he is! Get him! [hunter]

After him! [screams]



[hunter groans]

What the [panting]


[hunter 2 grunts]



Keep your eyes peeled.

- You two, go that way.

- Aye! - All right.

Let's go.

- And you go that way.


Phew! [chuckles]



We think they got away, sir.

They didn't get away.

I saw the dragon go down myself.


Gather more men and double back.

And check the caves.

We're not leaving until we find the Rider and that Night Fury.


How you doing? You think you can stand up, bud? Come on, let's try to get you up.

What do you say, huh? [straining]

Come on, no, no, it's okay.

I got you, Toothless.

It's okay, bud.

Oh, come on! Think, Hiccup.



Keep looking! That Night Fury went down somewhere around here.

[Toothless groaning]

No, no, no, Toothless! You gotta be quiet, bud! [screeches]

Hey, over here! Okay.

If they want you, Toothless, they're gonna have to go through me.

[hunters grunting and groaning]

What? - Hello, Hiccup.

- Dagur? I wouldn't do that if I were you.

Toothless! [growls]


Easy, brother.

Hiccup! I'm not here to hurt you.


I'm here to help.

Seriously, you need to calm down.




- You? - Plenty of time to answer all your Hiccupy questions later.


Right now, we need to move your dragon before these guys wake up.

Or you can handle them yourself.

Hmm? [Dagur]

Okay, keep it moving.

- That a boy, Hiccup.

- Don't need the encouragement.


Hi, there.

Oh, come on.

If I was gonna harm you, don't you think - I would've done it by now? - I don't know.

You're pretty crafty.



Thank you, Hiccup.

I appreciate the kind words.

They were kind, right? [Hiccup]

You are so weird.


- Thanks.

- You're welcome.


Dragons are a little heavier than they look.

Come on, Hiccup.

That's it.

Help me out here.

Wait here.



We're good.


Huh? Oh, I knew it! What was I thinking? Hiccup, this isn't a trap.



What What are you Hiccup! Just look! Please? I'll stay right here.

[Toothless groans]


Whoa! Be careful, now.

It can be a bit [screams]


Toothless! Come on, bud! You gotta help me, Toothless! [screams]

[both screaming in panic]

Whoa, whoa! [straining]


Sorry about that.

My fault.

I should've warned you earlier.

I'll try to do better.

And I have officially stepped into an alternate archipelago.

Okay, right over here.

Good job, Hiccup.

Yeah, I tend to have a lot of time on my hands these days.

Here you go, little buddy, there you go.

It's important to keep the mind sharp.


Yes, answers.

I did tell you those were en route.

Well, after I came to the unfortunate realization that I was completely expendable while part of the Dragon Hunters and under the command of Viggo Grimborn Oh, I would have loved to have seen the look on his face as I drove a ! [grunts]

[exhales deeply]

Have you ever tried that? It's cathartic.

I used to think that the only deep breaths were the last ones.


- How's Heather? - Yeah, you know, Heather, she's okay.



And her dragon? - What was it, Windshower? - It's Windshear.



Here you go, little buddy.

Anyway, after that learning experience, I drifted at sea for quite some time, then shipwrecked here.

I've been alone on this island for months.

You know, it's amazing what a near-death experience and hours upon hours, upon hours, upon hours, upon hours upon hours of alone time will do to the mind, body and soul, Hiccup.

I mean, you should try it sometime.

[Hiccup chuckles]

What's so funny? You.


I mean, I knew you were crazy, but this takes the cake.


I am not crazy! But I do understand your skepticism.

Dagur, why in the name of Thor should I believe a word you say? You shouldn't.

I don't deserve the benefit of the doubt.

Oh, you take that little water, yes, you good boy.

He's not looking good.


He's never been hit with one of these.

I don't know, maybe maybe Night Furies react differently? I never liked those Dragon Root arrows.

Seemed like cheating to me.

I hate cheaters.

There is an antidote for this, you know.

I saw Ryker and his men make it.

I can give you the ingredients and together make the antidote to save your glorious Night Fury.

Unless you want to take the chance of him surviving this on his own? You may need that.

They're still out there.


That's the first ingredient.


Looks just like this, but darker.

So, what caused this new Dagur? I told you.

Near-death experience and a lot of time to think.

About what? Well, when you only care about yourself, life is simple.

Your actions are clear.

Consequences? [laughs]

Who cares? When that changes - Heather? - She's blood, Hiccup.

Which makes her even closer than you and me.




Changewing! [roars]

[Dagur grunts]


[exclaims in fear]



What? [sighs]

A little something I picked up along the way.

Okay, now we need the branch of a Fire Fern.

It's the long, red plant underneath the big Elm tree.

Just make sure you don't [Hiccup screams]

touch it with your bare hands.

[exclaims in pain]

- Thanks for the early warning.

- [groans]

I gotta work on that.

Give it here.

Get, come on.

Can't take you anywhere.

Keep it in the water.

Hey! Next ingredient fresh water.


So, you wanna tell me why you're out here on your own? Not really.

Let's just say you aren't the only one who changed after Viggo Grimborn.


That stuff can k*ll you from the inside, Hiccup.




Trust me, I know.

It can make you do things you never thought you were capable of.

Cause you to take chances, make mistakes.

If that doesn't end you, it'll eat away at you slowly.

Hmm? You'll live.

- Are you sure? - Yes, I'm sure.

Purple Oleander.

Do you always nag like this? Kidding.


Sense of humor? No? Sense of humor? Hmm? Blue Oleander can k*ll a dragon.

How How is purple any different? - Well, for one thing - Please don't say, "It's purple.

" I was going to say "nature.

" It's always a great mystery, Hiccup.

Take Heather and I.

We're brother and sister, and yet we're very different.

I must be out of my mind to go along with any of this.



- [grunts]

My face.

- Ooh! That feels good.

[Dagur and hunter grunting]

Dagur! [shouts]

I told you, I've changed.



What was that for? [grunts]

Huh? Stuck right in there, look at the way it's [shouts]

I got a little [hunter groaning]




Oh! Whoo! Those were some crazy dreams.

You'll live.

You did this? For me? [sniffles]

I don't know what to say.

I mean, nobody has ever Dagur, it was the least I could do.

Think of it as payback for, well, everything.


- Was just about to give it to him.

- Hmm.

Needs more purple.



That should do it.

Hey, we can always wait for the effect of the arrows to wear off and hope they don't find us before then.

But that could take quite a while.

It's up to you, Hiccup.

But I would suggest you lose the paranoia.

It's a terrible existence.

And it's not you.

[Toothless snorts]


There you go, bud.

It's okay.

It's okay.


Toothless? Are you okay? [roaring]

Toothless! What did you do?! Oh, come on.

Come on.

Stay with me, bud! [snarls]

You stay away from him! Hiccup, I didn't know.

You have to believe me.


[both scream]




I'm gonna k*ll you! [both grunting]

I didn't hurt your [snickering]

We're going to find that dragon.

It's only a matter of time.

Why don't you make it easier on everyone? [hunters snickering]

Maybe this will burn a hole in your memory.


This way.


Now you'll be part of the Dragon Hunters forever.

Okay! Enough! Enough! - I'll take you to the Night Fury.

- [Hiccup]

No, Dagur! [straining]

Take a few more men with you, just in case.

[hunters mumbling indistinctly]

[hunters exclaim]

[all grunting]


Come on, come on, hurry, hurry, hurry! [hunters clamoring]

Sorry, brother.

You'd just slow me down.

You're a fake, Dagur! A fake! I hate you! You hear me? I hate you! Forget him.

He's worthless.

This one will take us to the Night Fury.

We'll come back for Dagur later, put an end to his miserable life.

[hunters snickering]

Last chance.

You wanna help that dragon? Help yourself? I'll die before I talk.

Then die you shall.

Viggo will see to that.

Take him.

[hunter snickers]





Whaat? [Dagur screaming in panic]



Easy, dragon! [Dagur screaming]



[Dagur screaming]


Bud! [laughs]

It's good to see you, too! [whimpering]

I have no idea how you stomach that.

Oh, Toothless! It's good to have you back! Now, what do you say we show him how it's done? [exclaims]


Toothless! Barrel roll, multiple blasts! [hunters clamoring]

[hunters screaming]


They're so much tougher when they have you chained up, huh, bud? [Changewing growling]



Wait? Where'd he go? [music]

[Toothless grunts]


We owe him one.

Besides, maybe he'll get to Viggo before we do.

Hiccup! Tell Heather I'm coming for her!
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