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02x07 - Release Me

Posted: 05/03/13 09:37
by bunniefuu
Scene 1: In the woods - Andy

Andy: Pig!

Scene 2: Outside Sookie's house - Sam, Daphne, Maryann, Eggs, Tara, Terry

Tara: Just give in. It feels so good.

Sam: What's she done to you?

Andy arrives.

Andy: What the... ?

Daphne: Stop.

Sam kicks Daphne and runs. They all shout. Maryann runs after him.

Maryann: I'm here, Sam. You're gonna be the one.

Sam transforms in an owl and disappears. Maryann takes his tee-shirt.


Back at the party:

Andy: Nobody move! (he has a g*n) I said don't f*****' move! Terry? What the hell are you doin'? put on some g*dd*mn pants. What the hell?

Scene 3: The FotS's basement - Sookie, Hugo

Sookie: Godric. Godric, can you hear me? Isabel and Eric sent us. Godric! I know he's down here somewhere. I heard the awful things they're plannin' to do to him.

Hugo: Remember how I said I was claustrophobic? I wasn't makin' that part up. It's bad. Okay, I can't take elevators, walk-in closets. You know, hotels where they tuck the sheets in all tight? Just thinkin' about that makes me want to scream.

Sookie: Jesus Christ, Vampire Exterminator? Silver and Stakes? Send'Em Back to Hell? So sick teachin' kids to hate like this.

Hugo: Sookie, I don't have time for games right now. I need to get out of here.

Sookie: Take a deep breath. Look at me. It's gonna be okay. We're gonna figure this out, all right?

Hugo: Okay, I'm okay.

Sookie: So the Newlins knew who we were the minute we walked in. Same way they knew to come after me at the airport. 'Cause someone at the nest is a traitor.

Hugo: You think a vampire's siding with the Fellowship to get Godric out of the way?

Sookie: Stan? 'Cause he wants to be sheriff? I've heard of ambitious, but that's just plain crazy.

Hugo: You've met him. I mean, he would rip our throats out for lookin' at his sideways.

Sookie: It's true, Bill and Eric could do a lot worse to him when they find out. Bill had to have sensed my fear. He's gonna come storming through this church any second.

Hugo: And you don't seem happy about that because?

Sookie: These fanatics are about to barbecue a 2000-year-old vampire in front of the entire congregation. Who knows what else they're capable of?

Scene 4: Bill's hotel room - Bill, Lorena

Bill: Get out of my way!

Lorena: But we have so much catchin' up to do.

Bill: Move now! I will not ask again.

Lorena: You smell like her. Sweet. And cheap. William Compton, you're still so sensitive. Some might say it's a weakness, but I've always found it oddly cute. We can play this game all night, but we both know I am stronger and faster, so really, what's the point?

Bill: What are you doin' here?

Lorena: I've missed you. It's been so long.

Flash back: Los Angeles, 1935

Bill is on a chair, reading.

Bill: You're back early.

Lorena: I loathe musicals. They're always so desperately cheerful, aren't they? I brought you a present. (A woman arrives) Frances, this is Alfred. Alfred, Frances.

Frances: Hello.

Lorena: Frances is in this chorus. She has real talent. Show him.

Frances: Right here?

Bill: That will not be necessary.

Lorena: Don't mind him. He's in one of his moods. Again. But I'm sure we can find a way to... cheer him up.

Bill: I meant what I said. No more.

Lorena: You can't starve yourself, darling. Just taste her. She smells like... apricots. Remember those?

Bill stops before biting Frances.

Bill: Leave now.

Frances leaves.

Lorena: You are such a wer blanker. I don't know why I keep bothering with you.

Bill: Why do you? I can't stand the sight of you.

Lorena: So dramatic. Perhaps we should head back South. This town's a cultural desert. It's no wonder we are so depressed.

Bill: I'm not depressed. I'm seeing clearly for the first time in years. I won't do this any longer. It's over. No more innocent lives and bloody beds and cruelty for sport.

Lorena: You are a vampire. They are food. That's your nature.

Bill: No. it is your nature. You have lost your humanity, and you have stolen mine, made me into a monster. I forgot myself, and I will have to live with the things we've done for an eternity.

Lorena: I sometimes forget how young you are. This conscience of yours, you will outgrow it. Trust me. We will get through this together.

Lorena: I will never again be what you want me to be.

End flash back.

Bill: If Sookie is hurt in any way because of you, I will not stop until I drive a stake through whatever semblance of a heart you have left.

Lorena: It's true. You're in love... with a human. That's so tragic it's funny.

Scene 5: FotS - Eric, Isabel, Jason, Sarah

Eric: You have got to be joking me. This is the Fellowship of the Sun? That's their army? Scared little boys with bibles and crossbows.

Isabel: Don't underestimate them. Support fir their movement is growing. Their leadership camps are overflowing with self-righteous extremists, all willing and ready to die for their cause.

Eric: That can be arranged quite easily.

Isabel: Not until we know for sure the Fellowship of has Godric.

Eric: What about your boy Hugo, and Sookie? They've been in there too long.

Isabel: There's no sign of alarm. And if Hugo were in serious danger, I would know it. I felt something earlier, but it passed. He's okay now.

Eric: Tell me, what is it that you find so fulfilling about human companionship?

Isabel: They feel much more strongly than we do. Everything is urgent, exciting. Maybe because their lives are so temporary.

Eric: Yes, they certainly don't keep well. Don't you find the prospect of him growing old, sickly, crippled, somewhat, repulsive?

Isabel: No. I find it curious. Like a science project. How does Bill Compton feel about your interest in Sookie?

Eric: I'm not interested in Sookie. And even less in how Bill Compton feels. My only interest is finding Godric.

Isabel: Of course.

Eric: Don't look at me like that. Do you really believe these fools could overpower a vampire such as Godric and hold him for weeks?

Isabel: Stan is sure of it. But I have known Godric a long time. It's hard to imagine anything could overpower him.

Eric: Not anything human.

Jason and Sarah are in the church.

Jason: It just don't make sense. How somethin' wrong could feel that right. Hey, ain't that a song? Don't cry. It's my fault. If anyone's goin' to hell, it's gonna be me.

Sarah: I waned this every bit as much as you did. And the strange this is, I don't even feel guilty about it.

Jason: So you're cryin' 'cause...?

Sarah: Because I'm so happy. Oh, Jason, I thought I loved Steve, but I never even knew what love was until you just showed me.

Jason: Waw. That's... intense, huh?

Sarah: I know. Right now, here with you, I feel closer to God than I ever have. Come on, we have to go.

Jason: Yeah. I gotta get ready for training.

Sarah: No, forget trainin'. We have to go tell Steve.

Jason: What?

Sarah: Vow of honesty, Jason. Just 'cause I broke my vows to my husband doesn't mean I'm ready to throw all my beliefs out the window.

Jason: Hold on a sec. We just can't walk in there and tell him.

Sarah: No, we have to. Somehow, someday, God will forgive us. It's the only way we can have a future together.

Jason: Let's just think about this for a second. A: Steve has g*ns. Then there's the lockdown tomorrow night. And secondly, we're gonna be locked in this church with Steve and his g*ns all night.

Sarah: Oh my Lord, the lock-in. the morning ceremony. You're right. We have to put God's interests before our own.

Jason: That's right. God comes first.

Sarah: But I promise you, when I am standin' up there next to Steve, all I'm gonna be thinking about is you.

Jason: Yup. Yeah, me too.

Sarah: And the minute it's over, we'll tell him, right?

Jason: Absolutely. I can't wait.

Sarah: Me either.

Scene 6: Hotel Carmilla - Hoyt, Jessica, Eric, Stan, Isabel

Hoyt and Jessica are on the bed, kissing.

Hoyt: There's somethin' I have to tell you. I haven't... I ain't never told nobody before. Not even my best friend. Hell, especially not my best friend. I ain't never done it. With a girl, I mean.

Jessica: What have you done it with?

Hoyt: Just myself.

Jessica: So you're a virgin. Well big whoop. So am I.

Hoyt: You are?

Jessica: Well, just 'cause I'm a vampire, you think I'm a slut?

Hoyt: Of course not. I don't think you could ever be a slut. I don't think anybody is, really. Some people, they just want somebody to be with.

Jessica: Well, I totally would have been a slut if I could've gotten away with it. Me and my friend Laurie, we had this bet since eight grade over who'd lose it first. I mean, she was like pregnant before I even got my first kiss. Man, my dad was such a dickhead. So what's your excuse?

Hoyt: I was gonna wait, you know, till I met the right one. But the right one just never showed up, and by then I'd waited for so long, I figured I can't just give it away to anybody. So now I'm 28. And most girls probably think I'm like some kind of bisexual gay or somethin'. Not that I got any kind of problem with them. But I'm not.

Jessica: Well, I'm not most girls. I'm not even a girl, technically. But if you're okay with that, I'd be your first.

Hoyt: You would? Now?

Jessica: No, silly. No, not tonight. It's gonna be dawn. I get sick if I don't rest during the day.

Hoyt: It's no problem. That's great.

Jessica: But, we can cuddle if you like. Just don't freak out if I look a little... dead.

Eric, Stan and Isabel are in the corridor.

Stan: Maybe the little rats run off. Joined the Fellowship themselves.

Isabel: Careful. Hugo is mine.

Stan: Oh, please. If you cared about him so much, we'd have been in that church hours ago.

Isabel: With no plan, no exit strategy. That's why you'll never be sheriff Stan. You don't think.

Stan: And you're too chicken shit to act. That's why we been getting' Godric's coffee for the last 40 years. (To Eric) And you, Fellowship has your maker and your telepath, and still you do nothin'.

Eric: Are you questioning my loyalty Stan?

Stan: Just trying to return Godric to his rightful position.

Eric: Really? 'Cause I think maybe you have another agenda. Maybe you think starting a w*r with the Fellowship will distract us from the truth... that you're so starved for power, you m*rder*d Godric for his title.

Stan: That is a lie. How dare you accuse me?

Isabel: Eric. We don't know this. There's no proof.

Eric: Not yet. But I will find it. And when I do, there will be no mercy. In the meantime, you two can stand here and quibble over his position, or run into that church and k*ll them all. I no longer care. If Godric is gone, nothing will bring back what I have lost.

Scene 7: Sookie's house - Tara, Eggs

Tara and Eggs are sleeping on the couch. Tara wakes up.

Tara: Eggs, wake up.

Eggs: Hey, gorgeous.

Tara: What are we doing on the couch? How'd we get here?

Eggs: I have no idea.

Tara: Last thing I remember was followin' those Reese's Pieces clothes into the woods. I don't even remember coming back here.

Eggs: Me neither. I guess that joint must have knocked us out cold.

Tara: That's never happened to me before, at least not from smokin' one joint.

Eggs: t's happened to me a couple times. Maryann's weed is some serious shit.

Tara: Yesterday, that weird place you took me to with the blood, you couldn't...

Eggs: I got no idea what that is, but I'm pretty sure it's got nothin' to do with us gettin' high and passin' out, ok?

Tara: Maybe we been smokin' too much. Maybe we need to sober up.

Eggs: Hey. That's okay. I'm high enough just bein' with you. Listen. Just because you got a little too stoned, that don't make you your mama.

Tara: You're right. Sometimes it's like you're Sookie. Like you can read my mind or somethin'.

Eggs: I just get you, that's all.

Scene 8: Merlotte's - Sam

Sam arrives at Merlotte's. He enters in his office and takes a g*n.

Scene 9: Fellowship - Sookie, Hugo, Steve, Gabe

Steve: Mornin'. Refreshments? How did y'all sleep?

Sookie: They're coming for us, you know?

Steve: Yeah, well, that's what I thought. Figured a pretty girl like you'd have a vamp running off to her rescue. Actually, we were kinda hopin' for it, weren't we Gabe?

Gabe: Yes, sir. Bring it on.

Steve: Yeah, we're ready for him. We've been ready for a long time.

Sookie: You're gonna get yourself k*lled. That's not a threat, it's a fact.

Steve: They've got you all twisted up, haven't they, with their... with their glamoring and their empty promises and their evil blood.

Sookie: You're the ones who are twisted. You call yourself Christians? Jesus would be ashamed of you.

Steve: Oh, I guess we're just gonna have to agree to disagree on that one. Now, things got a little out of hand last night, and I apologize for that. I'm not the monster that the vampire-lovin' media makes me out to be.

Sookie: Yeah, right.

Steve: All I want from you is a couple of answers, and then I'll be more than happy to feed you a nice hot breakfast and send you on your way.

Hugo: What do you want to know?

Sookie: Shut up.

Hugo: Sookie, we need to get out of here. Just tell them what they want to know. Her name is Sookie Stackhouse, and I'm Hugo Ayers.

Sookie: Hugo, no.

Hugo: We were sent here by the vampires of Area Nine to find their sheriff.

Steve: Sookie Stackhouse. From Bon Temps?

Sookie: How do you know where I'm from?

Steve: You're Jason Stackhouse's... sister. Am I right?

Sookie: You know Jason? He's got nothin' to do with this.

Steve: Come on, Gabe.

Sookie: How do you know my brother?

Steve and Gabe leave.

Sookie: Nice work.

Hugo: We sat down here all night waiting for your boyfriend to show up. You can go on and ply damsel in distress all you want, but one way or another, I'm getting' us out of here.

Sookie: Hugo, do me a favor, please. Just shut the f*ck up.

Sookie (in her head): Barry. Barry, can you hear me? You've got to help me. I need you to go to the hotel and find Bill Compton and tell him I'm at the Fellowship of the Sun Church in the basement. The sheriff is here somewhere and I'm in big trouble. Please, don't ignore me. This is a life or death situation. Please.

Scene 10: Hotel Carmilla, Bill's room - Bill, Lorena

Bill: We need to rest.

Lorena: So the minute I shut my eyes, you can run into the sunlight and destroy yourself to save her? Care about you too much to allow that.

Bill: I may love her, but I am not suicidal.

Lorena: I know better than anyone what you are capable of.

Bill: Lorena, this is foolish. We are getting weaker. The bleeds have begun. You may be able to keep me here awake for a day, maybe two, but not forever.

Lorena: You're right. Forever is a long time. Then again, I'm very patient.

Lorena takes the phone.

Lorena: And who were you going to call?

Bill: If you will not let me go to her, at least let me find someone who will. I am begging you. Let me call and wake up Eric Northman. He is the reason that Sookie's in danger.

Lorena: He is also the reason I'm here. He wants the girl, William. Just let him have her.

Scene 11: FotS - Jason, a man, Steve, Gabe

Jason is walking, carrying his suitcases.

Jason: f*ck, f*ck, f*ck.

Man running: Hey, Stackhouse.

Jason: How's it goin'? Lookin' good?

Steve is in his car, driving through Jason.

Steve: Hey, where you off to, Jason?

Jason: Oh, just takin' a walk.

Steve: With your suitcase?

Jason: Yeah.

Steve stops the car. Gabe come down.

Gabe: Get in the car, Stackhouse. Get in the f*cking car.

Jason: Okay, okay.

Gabe: Now. Go.

Scene 12: Police station - Andy, Bud

Andy: With a bull mask and these giant claws.

Bud: Claws?

Andy: And the whole town had these big black-saucer eyes like zombies.

Scene 13: Sookie's house - Tara, Eggs, Maryann

Tara and Eggs are watching the TV when someone enters; it's Maryann.

Maryann: Good morning.

Tara: Maryann, you okay?

Maryann: Oh, I am fantastic. I slept outside last night and I communed with my animal nature.

Eggs: No shit.

Maryann: This little fella hopped by, and I thought, "Yummy. Rabbit stew."

Tara: Poor bunny.

Maryann: Feeling sorry for things is just an excuse not to celebrate your own happiness. Speaking of... you two look positively glowy. What did you do last night?

Tara: We just crashed out, I guess. Did you throw a party here while we were gone? 'Cause when we got home, the place looked like a frat house.

Maryann: I had a few people over for drinks. That a problem?

Tara: It's Sookie's house, and she can come home anytime.

Maryann: And when she does, I'm sure she'll be grateful that you fixed that nasty old water heater and you took care of the place. You're such a good friend. Carl.

Maryann leaves.

Tara: She is so f*ckin' weird.

Eggs: I know. Isn't it great?
Scene 14: FotS - Jason, Gabe, Steve

Steve: You know what burns me the most, is that I brought you into my home. I treated you like family.

Jason: I know, and I'm so sorry. It's just that, uh, I'm weak.

Steve: Yes, you are. I gave you a chance at salvation, a chance to live in His holy light, and you chose them?

Jason: I know it was wrong. I... Wait. Who are "them"?

Steve: Oh, please, cut the act. I know who you are and who you're workin' for.

Jason: The road crew?

Steve: That's funny. Oh, boy, I didn't think that you were the sharpest tool in the shed. Good at takin' orders, but not too bright. But boy, was I wrong. You are snakier than a snake in the grass.

Jason: Steve. Buddy. You're making a mistake, okay. You're confusin' me with... with somebody else or somethin'.

Steve: Say a prayer. You are going to hell. And you are going there today.

Jason: Steve.

Steve: Take care of him.

Gabe: Yes, sir. Start walkin', vampire lover. Come on.

Scene 15: At the river - Daphne, Sam

Daphne is at the river. Sam arrives and points a g*n on her.

Daphne: Hello Sam.

Sam: Been lookin' for you.

Daphne: Figured you would be. Now, what's that for?

Sam: Come any closer, you'll find out.

Daphne: You think I'm scared of dyin'?

Sam: I know you're scared of Maryann. Those scars on your back, that how she got you to be her whore?

Daphne: It ain't whorin' of you do it for love.

Sam: You can stop pretending you ever gave a shit about me.

Daphne: Honey, I ain't talkin' 'bout you. We had fun, but...

Sam: We had fun? I f*cking trusted you! I shared parts of myself I never shared with anyone. How can you do this to your own kind?

Daphne: Sam, I used to be scared and stupid, full of shame, just like you. She could've k*lled me. I deserved it. But she saw something in me, and she saved me. Gave me a whole new life. No fear, no limits, just love.

Sam: k*lling people, cuttin' out their hearts, that ain't love.

Daphne: You know what you are next to Maryann? An ant. No, a flea. It's kinda perfect.

Sam: If I'm so f*cking insignificant, why is she going through all this trouble trying to get me?

Daphne: 'Cause you got away from her once. She can't control you. See those funny big black-eyes folks we were all runnin' around with actin' all crazy? That's Maryann's energy inside if them. She is drivin' them like tiny little remote control airplanes.

Sam: But that don't work on us 'cause we're shifters?

Daphne: All supernatural's, we got a natural resistance. And she can force our shifts and other stuff with other supes, but she can't get inside us. We gotta go to her on our own free will, and she just loves a challenge.

Sam: I'm not a challenge, I'm a person.

Daphne: Well, not exactly. I'm sweatin' like a pig. God. You want to get wet with me one last time, Sammy?

Daphne removes her dress and jump in the water.

Sam: What is she? What the f*ck is she?

Daphne: She's God, dumb-dumb.

Scene 16: FotS - Hugo, Sookie

Hugo: Hey! Hey, I need to use the bathroom. Hey! Come on, let me out of here!

Sookie (she gives him a bottle of water): Here. I'll turn my back.

Hugo: I don't need that. I need to get the gell out of here.

Sookie: Hugo, this is not helping. Just sit down. Try to relax.

Sookie touches Hugo's hand and sees a flash back.

Steve, Hugo and Sarah are in the church:

Steve: Praise his light. Open your hearts.

Hugo listens Sookie speaking with the vampires at the Hotel Carmilla:

Sookie: I'll infiltrate the Fellowship of the Sun.

Bill: Absolutely not.

Eric: Let her speak.

Hugo (on the phone): They're sending her in a spy tomorrow. I'll be with her.

Sookie removes her hand.

Sookie: You. You're the traitor.

Scene 17: At the river - Sam, Daphne

Sam: Maryann is not God.

Daphne: Well, she's as close to God as we'll ever get. People call her all kinds of things. Kali, Lilith, !sis, Gaia. But what she really is, is a maenad.

Sam: What the f*ck is that?

Daphne: According to the Greeks, maenads were handmaidens of Dionysus. But they're really a lot more than that.

Sam: Dionysus, the god of wine?

Daphne: Maybe if you own a bar I suppose it makes sense that you would know that one. But guess what else they called him? The Horned God. Sound familiar?

Sam: Satan?

Daphne: Dionysus, Satan. It's really just a kind of energy. Wild energy, like... lust, anger, excess, v*olence. Basically, all the fun stuff. Maryann brings it out in people. She channels it, controls it. She's immortal, Sam. She never wasn't here, so there ain't no point in fightin' her. You see, you'll never win.

Sam: I'm not gonna let her k*ll me.

Daphne: Bein' a part of something divine is worth dying a thousand times. You'll see.

Sam: If I give myself up, will she go away, leave everyone alone?

Daphne: I wouldn't bet on that. She's havin' too much fun, and this town's full of crazies ripe for the pickin'. She's like a pyro in a room full of matches. Just go to her, Sam. Play nice. She might even let you live.

Sam: Stay the f*ck away from me.

Sam leaves.

Scene 18: FotS - Hugo, Sookie, Sarah, Steve, Jason, Gabe

In the basement: Sookie and Hugo

Hugo: I used to be just like you. Thought I was a real emancipated thinker, especially when Isabel took me to bed, and the sex was... amazing. The best I ev... well, you know. It's addictive, isn't it? To be desired by something that powerful.

Sookie: I'm no addict.

Hugo: Nah. I guess you wouldn't know how your life changes to suit them. You start missin' work, can't get up in the morning, can't stand to leave them after dark. Before you know it, you're somebody you don't even recognize.

Sookie: So you went to the Fellowship because you can't control yourself?

Hugo: I begged her to turn me. It was the only way we could be together as equals. But see, they don't want us to be equals. No, she's just been using me. The same way that Bill's been using you.

Sookie: You don't know Bill.

Hugo: I know he and his friends are having you do their dirty work. I mean, a telepath's gotta be a real trophy for a vampire.

Sookie: Shut up.

Hugo: All they care about is their own kind. That's why I joined the Fellowship.

Sookie: So if the Newlins care so much about you, how come you're still in here? Face it, Hugo. You're nothin' but a fangbangin' traitor to them.

Hugo: Gabe. Gabe, she knows everything. You can let me out now. Hey. Anybody. Come on, let me out!

Sookie: Yep. You're so all-fired important to them, aren't ya?

Outside the church, Sarah welcomes the people

Sarah: Welcome. So glad you're here. Praise His light. Cute pajamas. Simon, Julia. This is your first lock-in, right? I'm excited too. Amen.

Steve arrives.

Steve: hey, darlin'. Looking good.

Sarah: You too. Well, I told you that suit was a winner.

Steve: I need to talk to you in private. It's about Jason Stackhouse.

Sarah: Of course.

In the woods, Jason and Gabe

Jason: I'm a good soldier for Christ, and I'm tellin' you, man, there's been some kind of mistake.

Gabe: You're damn right there's been a mistake, boy. And it started the minute your mama spread her legs and pushed out you and your whore of a sister.

Jason: Don't ever... talk about my sister.

Gabe: That the best you can do, sister fucker?

They fight.

Jason: That's the best I can do, d*ck brain.

Jason runs away.

Scene 19: Merlotte's - Lafayette, a girl, Tara, Eggs, Arlene, Andy, Sam

Lafayette is in the bathroom.

Lafayette (on the phone): Forget what I said last week. Live in the now, baby doll.

Girl on the phone: I don't know.

Lafayette: 'Cause I'm back and I'm packin' somethin' wild.

Girl: I got out of rehab.

Lafayette: So yes or no, sweetness? 'Cause this shit is goin' faster than fritters at a fat farm.

Girl: I can do half a vial.

Lafayette: Well, okay.

Tara and Eggs are kissing over the bar. Arlene arrives.

Arlene: Eggs, Tara, y'all seen Sam?

Tara: He ain't here. Blew off the whole day with little Miss Employee of the Month.

Arlene: Thank you, Jesus, Santa Claus and Hare Krishna. I need to borrow her a minute.

Tara (to Eggs): Wait for me.

Eggs: Okay.

Tara and Arlene come in the bathroom. Lafayette is in there.

Arlene: Excuse you. It says "ladies" on that door.

Lafayette: So what you skank ho's doin' in here?

Tara: Watch yourself, bitch.

Lafayette: I am. And I's is gorgeous.

Tara: How's your leg?

Lafayette: Great. What? I got a powerful immune system.

Tara: You got a powerful death wish is what you got. And we're gonna talk about this later.

He leaves.

Arlene: Oh, Tara. Oh God, I think I might have done somethin' bad, somethin' real bad.

Tara: Comin' out of your mouth, that's scary.

Arlene: So Terry and I, we've been, you know...

Tara: f*ckin'.

Arlene: No. Well, Lord knows I've been pullin' out all the stops. My hot oils, my nasty lingerie, but you know every time we get cosier than first base, he goes runnin' like somebody lit a fire in his whiteys.

Tara: Okay, cut to the real bad part.

Arlene: So last night, I thought I'd try getting', a few drinks in him, loosen him up and, seemed like it was workin' pretty good. Till I blacked out.

Tara: You blacked out?

Arlene: Hadn't happened to me since junior prom. The thing is... I think I might have had my way... with him a little bit, kinda against his will, maybe?

Tara: Are you telling me you date-r*ped Terry Bellefleur? How's that even possible?

Arlene: God, I don't know. But he was just... he was acting so weird when we woke up. I mean, weirder than usual. And... there were certain telltale signs that we'd... you know?

Tara: And you don't remember anything?

Arlene: No.

At the bar, Lafayette and Eggs.

Lafayette: Now, see, that just ain't m*therf*cking fair.

Eggs: Excuse me?

Lafayette: The first time in my g*dd*mn life I ain't chasin' after trouble... and it just keep walkin' in my f*ckin' door. Look at you. Damn. Ain't nothin' good can come out of somethin' so pretty.

Eggs: You must be Lafayette. I'm Eggs.

Lafayette: Tara's Eggs?

Tara (arriving): You know that just don't sound right. Your name's Benedict. Why don't people call you Ben?

Lafayette: Or Dict.

Tara: Behave.

Lafayette: Satan in a Sunday hat, girl. I'm trying to tell you, Satan in a beautiful f*ckin' Sunday hat.

Andy arrives, drunk.

Andy: Terry. Terry Bellefleur. Get out here. I'm gonna kick your ass so hard, you'll be shittin' boots.

Tara: Andy, what happened to your arm?

Andy: I ain't talkin' to you, devil worshiper. I saw you last night. I saw all of you.

Tara: You...? You saw us what?

Andy: Go ahead, deny it. Laugh at the crazy drunk guy, but I know what I saw. Terry.

Arlene: He ain't here, Andy. You want me to go call him?

Andy: f*ck you, zombie woman. f*ck all y'all devil zombies. Turnin' this town into a orgy from hell. I'll stop ya. I will stop ya if it's the last thing I ever do.

He leaves. Sam is walking in the bar.

Arlene: Oh my God. Did you smell him?

Eggs: At least it never gets boring around here. Pick you up later? Hey Sam.

Eggs leaves.

Arlene: Sam. You look like you just saw a ghost.

Scene 20: Hotel Carmilla - Hoyt, Jessica

Hoyt: Hey. I was just... decoratin'. I got these at the gift store downstairs. Blood scented. But to me, they just smelled like soup. You like 'em?

Jessica: They're perfect.

Hoyt: That's what I was goin' for. 'Cause you're perfect, and I want your first tome to be as perfect as you are.

Jessica: Hoyt. Just, take off your pants.

Hoyt: Okay.

Scene 21: FotS - Jason, Sarah

Jason runs in the woods. A car arrives through him.

Jason: f*ck. Shit!

Sarah: Jason!

Jason: Sarah?

The car stops. Sarah comes down.

Jason: Thank God it's you. Been runnin' for hours. Steve and Gabe, they've gone crazy. They tried to k*ll me. Oh Sarah. No.

She sh*ts him. Jason falls down.

Scene 22: At the river - Daphne, Maryann, Eggs

Daphne is at the river. Maryann arrives.

Daphne: Finally. I've missed you.

Maryann: Thank you for your service.

Eggs arrives, he has black eyes. He kills her with a dagger.

Scene 23: FotS - Sookie, Hugo, Gabe

In the basement, Gabe comes in.

Hugo: Gabe. What happened to your face? Listen, she knows everything, which never would have happened if you hadn't kept me locked down with a g*dd*mn mind reader. I hope the reverend knows that I'm gonna need protection now.

Gabe punches Hugo.

Gabe: You want protection, you fangbangin' sack of shit? How's that for protection, huh? Here's a little more protection dor ya.

Sookie: Stop it!

Gabe: You and your moron brother think you can make an assh*le out of me? That's what you think, huh?

Sookie: Get your filthy hands off me!

Gabe: What's wrong? Your own kind not good enough for you? How about if I show you what you've been missin'?

Scene 24: Hotel Carmilla - Bill, Lorena, Barry, Eric

Bill feels Sookie is in danger.

Lorena: ... and a decade or so in Miami. The beaches are gorgeous at night, and the German tourists are delicious. Open that door and I will end you.

Flash back:

Lorena: I've given you everything. Everything! And you threw it away moanin' over what you've lost. You disgust me.

Bill: Then let me go.

Lorena: No. I made you, and you are mine.

Bill: You know I don't love you.

Lorena: You have never tried.

Bill: I have spent decades tryin'! I despise myself for what I did for you. God help me, I k*lled innocent people to prove to you that I loved you. But it was pure nihilism. I do not, I cannot, I will never love you.

Lorena: Men have readily laid down their lives to spend just one night with me. What more can I give? Then what is it that you want from me?

Bill: Choice. Let me go.

Lorena: Without me, you would me alone... forever.

Bill: You're the one that's afraid of that. You are the saddest, loneliest creature I have ever know.

Lorena: How dare you! You hate me that much?

Bill: Let me go.

Lorena: I cannot live without you.

Bill: You'll have to.

Lorena: No, don't. As your maker... I release you.

End flash back.

Bill: You released me. There was nothing left between us. What could you possibly have to gain from this?

Lorena: You're making a fool of yourself with that girl. You have no future with her. Everyone knows it but you. Someday, you'll see this for what it is, an act of love.

Someone knocks at the door.

Lorena: Yes?

Barry: I have a message for Bill Compton. He there?

Lorena: I'm sorry, he's tied up right now. I'll be happy to pass it along.

Barry: Tell him Sookie Stackhouse is in the basement of the Fellowship of the Sun Church. She said the sheriff's there and she's in some kind of trouble.

Eric listens and leaves his room.

Barry (in his head): Sookie you hear me? This is the last tome I'm doin' you and your vampire buddies a favor, so don't even...

Someone gets him in the room.

Scene 25: FotS - Sookie, Hugo, Gabe, Godric

Gabe: Yeah, show me how you scream for that big fat vampire cock. Scream for me, baby.

Someone take Gabe and pushes him away from Sookie.

Sookie: Godric?