03x07 - Reign of Fireworms

Episode transcripts for the TV show "DreamWorks Dragons". Aired: October 2010 to present.*
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1 - Riders of Berk
2 - Defenders of Berk
3-8 - Race to the Edge
9-10 -Rescue Riders
11-13 - Heroes of the Sky

Follows the life and adventures of Hiccup (Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III) and his friends on the Island of Berk.
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03x07 - Reign of Fireworms

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme music playing]

This changes everything.

Okay, that's 542,

43-- Oh, there's one
hiding under that tree trunk!

- [squealing]
- I see you, little guy.

You're 544.

Isn't this exciting, girl?

The first annual
Dragon's Edge census.

Once we get
all these Night Terrors counted,

we move on to the Gronckles.

Ha ha! Maybe you'll
make some new friends.

Okay, there's a big flock.

- [all squealing]
- 575, 576...

Oh, hello.


What is a Fireworm
doing this far out?

They aren't supposed to be
anywhere near our island.

Eh, it could have lost its way.

Now where were we, Meatlug?

Was it 576,

or was it 675?

Whoa! Whoa, whoa.




It began with one Fireworm,

and as we were flying back,
we kept seeing more and more.

Do you think they're migrating?

If they were migrating,
the whole island would be on fire.

- Not necessarily.
- Here we go!

When Fireworms migrate,
they send out scouts

to see if their migration route is safe.

If this is a stop along that route--

An entire flock of Fireworms

could be coming through here.

Well, I say bring 'em on!

I love those little scorchers.

Are you still gonna love them
when they all land here

and burn our entire island
to the ground?

Yes! Wait, no.

Wait, is that a trick question?
Because it's pretty tricky.

Fishlegs, how much time do we have?

Uh, it's hard to say.

If it's a full migration,
the rest of them could be here

as soon as next week.

Ha! Good to know.

It's been nice knowing you, island.

Snotlout is outlout!

We're not abandoning the island, Snotlout.

Uh, yeah, we are. Watch.

Guys, we put too much
hard work into this place to just leave.

Snotlout is not "outlout."

We're staying. Now let's get to work.

Fine! But I still like my plan better.

Okay, Astrid, you and Fishlegs

filled the watering troughs, right?

Yep! Topped off all the barrels too.

Ooh, I found a perfect cave
for the Night Terrors.

High enough and desolate enough

so the flames won't get near them.

Perfect. Good job, guys.

Now if the twins would finally get back,

we could find out what they've done.

Oh, I can tell you what they've done.

Zero, zip, zilch.
I'm forgetting something.

Oh, yeah, goose egg!

Oh, "contrary," my fine fellow.

We have done quite a lot, actually.

- Did you clear the brush?
- Uh, no.

- Build a fire break?
- Nope, not that.

How about water?
Did you bring any back?

Couldn't. Too busy.

Busy with what?

Finding something awesome.

Behold! We call it the Namey Rock.

And why is that?

Duh, 'cause it has our name all over it.

- Cool, huh?
- Oh, yeah.

I mean, no.

Man, you two are completely ridiculous.

Ridiculous? Perhaps.

But answer me this--
Where's your namey rock?


[both laugh]

[both grunting]

Uh, Hiccup, you might want to come

take a closer look at this.
I think it's a claim stone.

"I, Magmar Thorston,
hereby claim this island

in my name and the name of all my family

present and future, forever and ever."

And what else?

"And ever," apparently.

Ha! Long-lost great uncle Magmar!

Oh, my Thor!
Wasn't he the one who could pass

an entire cod through one nostril?

And debone it at the same time?

It's really a lost art.

People just don't appreciate
the craftsmanship.

Oh, come on!
That stone is a fake.

It's so obvious
that these two made it up.

I don't think so! For one thing,

everything is spelled correctly.

Okay, you may have a point.

Let me get this straight.

These two own this island?

It would appear that way.

- Yeah!
- In your face!

- We are so in charge of this place!
- Whoo-hoo!

- Oh, preach, sister.
- Well!

- According to this stone--
- That was a rhetorical preach.

Hey, where are you going, subject?

Ha! You may be
in charge of this island,

but you're not in charge of me.

Ah, ah! Respect the crown.
Don't make us get ugly.

That ship sailed a long time ago.

- Ugly!
- Clearly, we'll need a dungeon.

Okay, let's all just
take a breath and calm down.

The first thing we need to do

is get this claim stone authenticated.


I see.

- Well, Gobber?
- Give me a minute.



Very interesting.

Tastes right to me, Stoick.

This claim stone is 100% authentic.

- Aw, yeah!
- Authentic!

100%! No more percents to be had, folks.

- That's good, right?
- Uh-uh, no!

- No!
- What? No! No way.

All right, that's enough.

It looks like this island
officially belongs...

to the twins.

- It's our island now!
- We got the island.

- We got an island!
- And you can't have it.

The island is ours!
We don't have to do anything

or take any showers.


As chief of Berk,

I hereby declare that under Viking law,

the living heirs to Magmar Thorston

are indeed entitled
to full ownership of this island

with all the benefits
that comes with it.

Now what?

Don't ask me. It's your island.

Heh heh heh!

- Oooh!
- Yes! ♪ This is our island ♪

♪ It's not your island
You cannot have it! ♪

- No, no, no. Ugly!
- ♪ Because it's ours ♪

Now, Dad, Dad, Dad, you can't be serious.

You're not leaving me with this?

Because it's ours! Ours!

It's our island!

Uh, yes, I am.

Welcome to my world.

Only now it's your world.

Ho ho! It's your world!

Great, what do we do now? Any ideas?

Oh, we could always...
[hissing sound]

- You know.
- We're not k*lling the twins, Snotlout.

Please tell me we're not
giving them the island.

Actually, we are.

We are giving them the island.


First of all, we don't
really have a choice.

And second, once they
find out being in charge

isn't everything it's cracked up to be,

and they have to deal
with the Fireworm problem on their own,

they will beg us to take the island back.

And if they don't?

It's our island! Man, how great is this?

[both grunting]

[Tuffnut] I'm fine.


[Tuffnut] Okay, a little higher.

No, no, no, to the left. Yes! No.

Little to the right.

Would you come on already?

My entire body is going numb.

- Feels kinda cool.
- Hey, let's ask Hiccup.

Let's ask Hiccup what?

Our new Thorstonton sign,

does it need to be a little higher?


Yeah, the name of our island.

It came to us in a dream.

That's right-- Same dream.
It's a twin thing.

- [Ruffnut grunting]
- You wouldn't understand.

Anyway, thoughts on the sign?

[wood breaking]

You know what? Never mind.

We've got more important things
on the agenda today.

I agree.
We need to keep fireproofing the island.

No, no, no, that's not it.

We need to give out job assignments.

Job assignments?

Oh, we got some good ones.

Come along, lad. Don't be late.

All right, Fishlegs.

Says here you are now
the official poet laureate

of Thorstonton.

Do you even know what that means?

We were hoping you would!

It's your job, after all.


you are the official royal brush-clearer.

We don't want Thorstonton
burning down, after all.

Or do we?


I'm not clearing brush for you two.

I'm not clearing anything for you two!

- Come on, Astrid.
- [Tuffnut] You'll do it.

And you'll like it, little missy.

Snotlout, you, my friend,
have an excellent job.

You, sir, are our new sergeant at arms.

Mm. I like the sound of that-- "arms."

Knew you would. All right, Hiccup.

Oh, Hiccup, you are our new stable boy.

Stable boy?


Come on, Hiccup.

[sighs heavily]

So, uh, here's a question.

What's a sergeant at arms do, anyway?

You enforce the rules.

If someone doesn't follow them,

you make sure they do.

And if things get really nasty,

you show them
to the fancy new dungeon

and give them some yak dung tea.

- Got it?
- Dungeon!

I like it. Better than "stable boy."

Okay, and speaking of new rules,

without further "adieu"...

Yeah, no more further "adieus."

Anyway, rule number one:

everyone must bow to your rulers

when they enter the room.

Rule number two: everyone must
also bow to your rulers

when they exit the room.

Everyone must bow to your rulers

when they are in the room.

So basically we just bow all the time?

Ooh, stable boy,
coming in for the big win.

That deserve a bow... from you.

I'm not doing any bowing.

- [sighs]
- Thank you.

Next, there will be a small fee

for landing your dragons on the island.

And another small fee for taking off.

There will be a fee for sleeping.

- A fee for waking up.
- A fee for eating.

And a small fee for drinking.

How about breathing?

Good idea! Mark that down.

Way ahead of you.

And finally, the letter "S"

has been officially removed
from the alphabet.

So you're going to want
to avoid words like sword...

- Severed leg...
- ...severed head...

- ...cyclone!
- That's actually a "C."

Uh-uh! Notlout, quiet him!

Notlout? Who's Notlout?

Do you two realize that there is an "S"

in the name of your island?

Ilence, ubject!
How dare you ay such thing?

Any other rules?

Table boy, clean that up.

Okay, while I'm doing this,

you guys need to stay on top
of this Fireworm thing.

It's starting to get pretty real.

Uh, aren't you forgetting something?

What? Oh, right.


That's better.

Now let's have a look
at your work, table boy.


Hmm, good.

That's nice attention to detail.

Uh, we have a problem.

What? What's the problem?

- Pathetic.
- Disgraceful.

- Unacceptable.
- What is it?

This water is lukewarm.

We pecifically asked for scalding--

sorry, calding, if I'm not miskaken.

Oh, you are not mitaken, brother.

Fine, scald-- calding it is.

Toothless-- Toothle-- Plama blat!

[both yell]



I'm keeping an eye on you, Mr. Night Fury.

My good eye.

Wait, are you telling me
you have a bad eye?

Wait, are you
telling me you have a bad leg?

Thought so.

And the weirdness continues.

That's a two-mackerel
landing charge, little lady.


Two more mackerel.
Are you keeping track

- or should I?
- No, I got it.

Look, I don't have any more mackerel.

And if I did, I wouldn't give it to you

for your dumb take-off
and landing charge.

Excue me.

Are you calling
the laws of this land dumb?

You don't like "dumb"?
How about dopey?

Brainless, dimwitted, moronic.

Shall I go on?

- Notlout!
- Coming in hot!

Ergeant at arm Notlout reporting.

Take this mutineer to the new dungeon,

and her little dragon, too.

Give her some time
to think about her attitude.

Dungeon? Are you serious?

Do we look serious?


You know, that's a good question.

- Do we?
- I don't know.

Here, give me your best serious face.

Whoa, pretty serious.
Okay, what about me?

- Oh, yeah.
- Okay, we look pretty serious.

[Fishlegs] There once was an island
named Thorstonton

Where everybody wanted
to have fun, fun, fun

We sang and we danced
and we all peed our pants

When the ruler came up
with a great pun... pun, pun

- [squawks]
- The chicken is not amused.

- Notlout!
- Ir, ye, ir, right here.

- To the dungeon with him.
- No, the chicken is wrong!

- The chicken is wrong!
- How dare you?

- The chicken is never wrong.
- [squawks]

Shh. I'm sorry you had to hear that.

That's it, quiet. There we go.

[all squealing]

All right, giddy up!
Get back in line!

Back in line!

Snotlout, what are you doing?

Never you mind, table boy.

This is official Thorntontonston business.

Welcome to your new home, jailbirds.


- What are you in for?
- Funny.

Exactly how long are you
going to let this go on?

Have you seen all those Fireworms?

Yeah, Hiccup, the migration
is picking up steam.


Ho ho ho! She does not deal well
with prison food.

- Ech!
- All right, all right, I'll talk to them.

I'm sure I can get this
all straightened out.

So you guys surveying the damage?

No, we're looking for a place
to build our summer palace.

That might be a nice area once the fires

burn the vegetation away.

[Tuffnut] Any thoughts, table boy?

Yeah, just one.
Have you considered the fact

that if you throw everyone
in jail, there's no one left

to actually build your summer palace?

We're listening.

And what about the Fireworm migration?

Don't you think it might be a good idea

to have everyone working
so that we can stop

Thorstonton from burning down?

I see your point,
but I also see something else.

- Oh, yeah!
- What? What's that?

Toothless is flying as fast
as Barf and Belch!

And by Thorstonton law--

That is illegal!

- So what you in for?
- Astrid, please.

What? Just trying to be funny.

- [grunting]
- Snotlout?



I was framed.

All right, that's it.
We're breaking out of here.

Great! Then we go back
to my plan. [hissing]

Guys, guys, we're fine.

There's nothing to worry about.

I mean, the twins
can't be that oblivious!

- [sheep crying]
- [twins laughing]



Whoa, check it out!


[Ruffnut] Burns with the heat
of 1,000 suns.

Ah, those little guys.

Oh, look, it has a little buddy!




No! Stop, stop!

As the ruler of Thorstonton,

I'm ordering the ruler's sister
to do something

about this Fireworm problem.

What do you want me to do?
I'm not the boss of them.

Well, if we don't do something,

they're going to burn
Thorstonton to the ground.

Just like Hiccup said.

This is all your fault!

That smoke's getting close.

- And where there's smoke--
- There's Fireworms.


All right, you know what?
Experiment over.

We are getting out there
and stopping them

before there's nothing left
of this island.


Toothless, plasma blast.

- [growls]
- Hey, guys?


Now's our chance.
Hookfang, destroy!

Oh, hey, rulers.

How's stuff in the old kingdom?

Having lots of fun
with all the smoke and fire?

Yes. No. Okay, fine.

As it turns out, we can't save
Thorstonton by ourselves.

So we talked about it,
and we hereby decree

that you can all come
and help us put out the fires.

Ah, that's a shame,

'cause from where I sit,
you guys are on your own.

I mean, rules are rules, right?


You have to help us
save our island!

- It's all we've got!
- I don't know. Guys?

I think you've got to
stick to your g*ns.

You make a rule,
you follow it through.

Otherwise it's-- You know.

Anarchy. I'm with them.

Come on, you guys, please?

Is there anything we can do?

- Name it, we'll do anything.
- Well, now that you mention it,

I suppose we could consider
one possibility.



I'll make you assistant ruler.

Ruler's best pal?
Second string ruler?

No, I have a better idea, actually.

We divide the island up
amongst all of us.

We all own it.
There's no ruler,

- no sister of the ruler.
- [gasps]

We're all rulers.

What? That's blasphemous!

You can't do that to the ruler.




Whaaa! Okay, you guys can have
whatever you want.

The island's all of ours.
Just get these things out of here!

Ow! [groaning]

Okay, Fishlegs,
gather up all the Night Terrors

- and take them to the cave.
- On it.

Okay, guys, we need
to redirect the Fireworms

around our island and on
to the next one in the chain.

You really think
it's gonna make a dent?

- I mean, look at them all.
- Do you have a better idea?

We don't really have a choice.

Stormfly, fire!

Come on, Barf, Belch,
do it for Thorstonton!

[both growl]

Fall back! Maybe we can at least
protect our base.

Let's get started
on building a fire break!

Just keep digging, guys.

The fire can't get past it
if there's only dirt.

Oh, I can barely see, bud.

If this gets much worse,
we're going to have to bail out.

What do we do now?

It's getting really dangerous.

The cave! We'll go there

and wait it out
with the Night Terrors.

Uh, Hiccup, you may want
to come up with another plan.

- Why?
- I couldn't find the Night Terrors.

I called them till my lips
almost fell off. They're gone.

I told you we should have
bailed on this place.

No, we're not bailing.

This island is ours.

- Tuff?
- It's all of ours.

And no one burns our equally-shared
island to the ground but us.

I may have to
disagree with you there.

What the-- Is that--

Fireworm queen! If she's here,

then the entire flock
can't be far behind it.

Well, that settles it.

Grab what you can.
We're out of here.

Uh, Hiccup,
that's not the Fireworm queen.

The Night Terrors!
They're protecting the island

by forming a Fireworm queen.

There's not going to be
anything left to protect

if all of those Fireworms land here.

Well, we just won't let them.

Okay, I sense a plan.

I'm gonna lead
the Night Terrors out to sea.

Hopefully the Fireworms will follow.

You guys stay behind
and put out these fires.

Come on, bud!

All right, bud, we need
to get the terrors' attention

-and turn them out to sea.
- [growls]

All right, g*ng, let's take
a little trip, shall we?

Toothless, now!

[all squawking]

Yes! Nice job, bud.

It's working!

There we go, bud.
That island's all rock.

Perfect stopover for these guys.

Going down, g*ng!

Now that is something
to write about.

And Fishlegs thought
the Book of Dragons was finished.

Ruff, Tuff,
you guys did the right thing.

I just hope you learned
something in all this.

Yeah, we sure did.

Leading blow.

Oh, we don't have to do
the "S" thing anymore.

Leading blows.

Seriously blows.

You know what, though?
At least we have our cool claim stone

to remember our glorious reign!

No respect.

No respect at all.

♪ It's everyone's island! ♪

♪ This is our island
It's everyone's island ♪

[Tuffnut] Ours.
It's our island!
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