03x06 - Gone Gustav Gone

Episode transcripts for the TV show "DreamWorks Dragons". Aired: October 2010 to present.*
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1 - Riders of Berk
2 - Defenders of Berk
3-8 - Race to the Edge
9-10 -Rescue Riders
11-13 - Heroes of the Sky

Follows the life and adventures of Hiccup (Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III) and his friends on the Island of Berk.
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03x06 - Gone Gustav Gone

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme music playing]

This changes everything.


[Savage] Pull! Pull!

Keep pulling, you maggots,
unless you want to be giant eel chum!

Hello, gorgeous. Mwah.

Oh, hello again.


Work for me, baby. Work for Daddy.

The Reaper is starting to surface, sir.

- I can see that!
- Oh, right.

[sighs] Hello, gorgeous.

So... pretty.

That's the last of it.

Well, now we have everything of value
from the dragon-hunting ship.

No. Not everything.


Okay, give me a slow burn, bud.

Okay, I've seen this before,
but what happens if I push...

Cool. Dragon classes.

What do you say we check out
the Night Fury, bud?


Try to contain your excitement, would you?

[chuckles, groans]

Now, Monstrous Nightmare gem
plus Night Fury equals...

nothing. Okay.

Oh! Astrid class. Heh heh.

Hiccup, we have a problem,
a huge problem.

- Dagur?
- Worse.

What could possibly be worse than Dagur?

- Aah!
- [dragon snarls]

- Gustav!
- Gustav?!


Gustav, what are you doing here?

I-- I mean, to what do we owe the pleasure
of this visit?

Hiccup, did you hear Gustav is...

standing right beside you. Perfect.

You're looking a little different there,

Yeah, I'm growing a beard.

Really? Let me see.

Ha! Even Ruff has more hair
on her chinny-chin-chin than that.

- [snap]
- Ow!

Ow! Hey, what's that thing?


Oh! Whoa!

You see these spots?
Some sort of sun sword?

I'll take that.
No, Gustav, it's not a sun sword.

It's the Dragon Eye,
and it's very old and very fragile.

Whoa, these spots, they're not going away.


It isn't something to just be touched.

Relax, Fishlegs, I know what I'm doing.

- Hey!
- [snarls]

- [growls]
- Gustav, Gustav, over here.

Uh, when are you leaving?

That's funny, Snotlout,
but I'm not leaving.

I'm moving here.


Ha ha!

Yeah, yeah, you are.


Imagine... he would never...

Wait, he's serious?

I'll get the stake and firewood.

Oh, hold on, hold on.
No one is burning anyone at the stake.

Hiccup's right.
Let's just throw him off the cliff.

Guys, I'm sure there's
a simple explanation.

Please tell me there's
a simple explanation, Gustav.

Yeah, very simple. By the way, do not look
right into that sun sword thing.

Ha ha ha! Whoo!
Anyway, you said when I was ready,

I could join the Dragon Riders.

Well, I'm ready and I'm here to join.
Where's my hut?

Wait a minute, why do I have to watch him?

I would do it, but I'm making some, just,
major breakthroughs with the Dragon Eye.

- So?
- Well, I did promise him

that when the time was right
I would train him to be a Dragon Rider.

But I just didn't think
that said time would be today.

What am I supposed
to do with him in the meantime?

I-- I don't know. Just keep him occupied.

Great, so I'm a babysitter.

[laughing] Babysitter!

No, I mean, come one. He's-- He's 16.

How much trouble could he possibly be?

[Smidvarg shrieking]

Smidvarg, what is happening?

[Gustav] Hey, Hiccup,
did you know they could do this? Awesome!

Please? I just need more time.

Fine! Gustav, arena, now.

By the way, your timing... impeccable.


[romantic music playing]

Oh, Gustav, you're so much older
and more mature,

and I just love that rugged beard
you're growing.

Oh, Gustav.

- Gustav!
- Oh. Hey, Astrid.

I was just dream--

Uh-uh-uh, don't creep me out.
You're gonna help with target practice.

Do you think you can handle that?

Oh, I can handle that.

Ugh. When I say "throw," you throw.


She sure is something,
isn't she, Fanghook?



Okay, Gustav, throw!



[romantic music playing]




Okay, definitely creeped out.

[Tuffnut] I'm telling you,
if you get five boars,

you can stack them on top of each other.
That's a four-boar stack-- Aah!

- [dragon groans]
- What's he smiling about?

I don't like it.

Whatever he's selling, I'm not buying.

Yeah. We don't want your cookies!

Hey, guys. Astrid dropped me off,
told me to help out around here.

Yeah? So? What's it to us?

You know that big hole under your hut?
Filled it in.

- Oh, no. He doesn't mean...
- [gasps]

Oh! He filled in the boar pit.

He filled in the boar pit!

Who fills in a boar pit?

Boa-oa-oar pi-i-i-it!

- [clucking]
- What kind of sick monster

would fill in a boar pit?

- It's a boar...
- Hey, back off!

[Tuffnut sobbing]

Haven't you done enough?

This-- This feels weird, Fishlegs.

Trust me, Gustav,
this is exactly what you need.

You're not centered,
you're all over the place. Shh.

Just breathe in, breathe out.

Focus on avoiding all conflict.

Breathe in, breathe out.


Aah! My topiaries!

I have had enough of you, Gustav!

Stay. Stay.

Uh, Snotlout, your head--

Stop! I'm not falling for that again.

[Snotlout] Aaaaah!

- [water splashes]
- [Snotlout sighs]

Hello? Hiccup?




Huh. What have we here?

[imitating Hiccup] "Gee, Gustav,
there must be a simple explanation

for you being here."

[Fanghook laughs]

[normal voice]
"Well, yeah, Hiccup, because I'm awesome."

[imitating Hiccup]
"You are awesome, Gustav.

Definitely ready to be a Dragon Rider."

- [snarls]
- [grunting]

Oh, no. Oh, no.

Oh, yes!

Is that... a treasure map?

Oh, Fanghook, we are so in!


That's it, Fanghook,
just like the Dragon Eye said.

All we gotta do now is find the cave,
grab the treasure,

and guess who's gonna get
his own hut on Dragon's Edge?

Uh, Gustav.


Uh, I'm not worried. Are you worried?



Fanghook? Flame up.

Which way do we head?

[cracking and rumbling]



Oh! Ah!


Good thing we brought this along.


I think we go this way.

[rocks cracking]

It says it's just up this way.

- [rumbling]
- Oh, whoops!

Ah! Ooh!

Whew! Ahh.

Huh? No, no, no, no!

Whew. A little help here, Fanghook?
A little help?

- Hiccup!
- [growls]

I can explain.

Of all the irresponsible, insubordinate...

Don't forget idiotic, imbecilic, inane.

What? I've heard a lot of words
for "stupid."

I mean, come on, people say that
more than my proper name.

Of all those kinds of stunts
you could have pulled,

this was the worst.

Do you know what Dagur would do
to get his hands on the Dragon Eye?

I just thought if I came back here
with the treasure,

you guys would accept me.

First of all, there is no treasure.
Second of all, we've already been there.

And that entire island is honeycombed

with the most unstable caverns
we've ever encountered.

I'm sorry, I just--

You could've been k*lled, Gustav.
Fanghook could've been k*lled.

Look, this isn't Berk, Gustav.
The rules are different out here.

- You have to be smarter than this.
-I just wanted to prove myself.

Oh, you have. You have proven
that you are not responsible enough,

you're not mature enough

and you're not trustworthy enough
to be one of us.

Now, it's been a long day.
We all need some rest.

We'll talk about this in the morning.

[animal howls]


Talk about it in the morning.

Like there's anything left to say.


That's right! It's not fair.
I did everything they asked.

I shoveled dragon poop for two years
without a single complaint.

For what? So they can tell me
I'm not good enough?

Well, I am good enough.
We're good enough.


And someday they'll find that out,
but it'll be too late.

We're leaving.

They're gonna be so sorry
when they wake up in the morning

and see that we're gone.

Once they realize that we're missing,

they're gonna be begging us
to come back to Dragon's Edge.

Those huts were lame anyway.

- I can't wait to get back to my--
- [clatter]

Whoa! Fanghook, dive!

Ha ha! Missed!

- Aah!
- [roars]



[Savage] Ha ha!
We captured a Dragon Rider.

[laughs] Which one is it?
Oh, I sure hope it's brother Hiccup.

Or I suppose the girl would work, too.

- Which girl?
- There's more than one?

[indistinct chatter]

[men grunt]

This is not one of Hiccup's Dragon Riders.

Who are you?

Larsen, Gustav Larsen.

And that's all you're getting out of me.

Hmm. Fine, feed him to the eels.

But I know Hiccup,
I know the Dragon Riders,

and I have information!


What kind of information?

I can get you the Dragon Eye.

And what's the Dragon Eye?

That. That's the Dragon Eye.


Mmm. Mmm.

[smacking lips]



- So, are you enjoying your meal?
- Mm-hmm. Mmm!

Good. Good, good, good, good, good.
So, here's the plan.

We'll draw Hiccup and the Night Fury
into the open,

neutralize the other riders
and seize the Dragon Eye by lethal force,

as if there is any other type of force.
I mean, really, come on.

Then the Dragon Eye will be mine.

Yeah, that's one way to do it.
And you might get the Dragon Eye.

Or Hiccup could crush you just like every
other time you faced off against him.

Mm. You have a better idea, Gustav?

Can you hand me the sauce, please?

I do, one that will guarantee Hiccup
delivers the Dragon Eye right to us.

More mutton thigh, friend?


- Anything?
- I checked the clubhouse, your hut,

even the stables. He's not there.

Nothing else is on fire around here,
so he must be gone.

Well, we have to find him.

Or... do we?

Yeah, why are we worried?

Shouldn't we be celebrating
the fact that he's gone?

Not until we know he's safe.

Well, we could ask Fanghook.

And, Ruffnut,
how do you suppose we do that?

Turn around.


[sniffs, growls]

Fanghook, where's Gustav, boy?
Where's Gustav?

- [Fanghook groans]
- Ah! He's not talking, you guys.

- He's completely shut down. Typical.
- [snarling]

Hey, hey, Fanghook. Hey, it's okay.

Easy, boy, easy.

Well, doesn't look like he's injured.

But he's definitely upset.
You guys, look.

Dagur. He wants to make a trade.

The Dragon Eye for Gustav.

- I don't like this, Hiccup.
- Well, we have no choice.

You sure we have no choice?
Like, none? Zip? Zilch?

- This is all my fault anyway.
- Ninguno?

- I never even gave the kid a chance.
- Ni Portugal?

- Tuff, that's really not helping at all.
- Yeah.

If I wasn't so busy tinkering
with this thing,

I don't know,
maybe I could've kept him busy.

Uh, yeah, nobody can keep Gustav busy.

At least let us back you up out there.

Dagur was very clear.
I have to come alone.

We don't know what he'll do to Gustav

if I don't follow his demands
to the letter.

No, we can't risk it.

I'll be careful, I promise.



- Fanghook!
- [growls]

Oh. I was worried about you, boy.

Aww, dragon and Dragon Rider love.

Makes me want to hurl. Blech!


Yeah, I see 'em, bud.
Gustav, are you okay?

That's close enough, Dagur.

Oh, wow. Where's the trust.
After all we've been through together?

No? Nothing?

No Hiccupy barbs, quips, snappy comebacks?
But I really love those.

We've developed such a nice shorthand,
you and I.

Dagur, let's just get on with this.

- Send them over.
- You first.

You have no choice.

One false move and my men
will take out you,

the Night Fury and the kid!
So roll it over and I'll let him go.

Oh. It-- It really is
one beautiful artifact.

And I hear it can be very useful
to those who possess it?

Hmm? Is that true?

- Gustav, let's go. It's okay.
- [roars]

Yeah, about that, Hiccup.

I've been treated
much better by these guys

than I ever was treated
by you and the Dragon Riders.

Ooh! And the plot thickens.


You could've given me a chance,
you know?

All you guys ever did was tell me
I wasn't good enough,

tell me I didn't belong.

Well, I belong here.

Gustav, you have no idea
what you're getting into.

Oh, yes, I do, Hiccup.
I know exactly what I'm doing.


Well, I'd say your work
is finished here, brother.

Ordinarily, this is where
I would double-cross you

and fill you full of arrows.

But the kid is squeamish.
He made me promise to let you go,

and in return,
he's gonna take me to a treasure.

That's right, Hiccup. We have
the Dragon Eye and Fanghook's fire.

- And you know what that means.
- [growls]

Untold treasure awaits.


You are going to regret this.

I don't think so, Hiccup.

- [growls]
- Ha ha ha ha! Whoo!


You know, I'm actually gonna feel bad
when I k*ll this kid.

- This is it.
- Why are we stopping?

No reason. I was just kind of impressed
that you trusted your men enough

to show them exactly
where the treasure is hidden.

Especially when there's so much of it.

- Stay here.
- Why?

Oh, uh, let's see, uh...

I don't know. Maybe because...
[shouts] I said so!

Oh, good idea, sir. We'll stay here.

Fanghook, slow burn.

Ah, I see.

You outdid yourself, Hiccup.
I love this thing.


Uh, so, does that happen a lot?

You get used to it.

Are we there yet?

We're close, very close.

Good, that's what I wanted to hear.


Aah! Aah!

[gasps] Oh, bright light,
bright light, bright light!

Come out, come out, wherever you are!

- [grunts]
- [rumbling]


- Gotcha!
- No... we've got you.

Good work, Gustav.
Oh, what's the matter, Dagur?

No barbs, no comebacks?

I thought we had a shorthand,
I thought you loved that stuff.


- Dagur, you hand over the Dragon Eye.
- I don't think so.

- I'm not asking.
- [snarls]

Oh. It's a long way down, isn't it?

Dagur, you've got nowhere to go.
It's over.

It's over? Really?


- Oh, no! Ah!
- Gustav!


Come here.

Got it!

- Hiccup!
- There, Toothless!

Ah! We got you, Gustav.

Let's get out of here.

- [snarls]
- Oh!


- Toothless!
- [roaring]

Don't worry, bud.

Hang on, bud!

I'm gonna have to come up with something
in case that happens to us again.

[Gustav screaming]

Fanghook! Yeah!

- [rumbling]
- Thanks, boy.

- Whew!
- Whoo!

- You okay?
- Yeah.

Hiccup, I'm really sorry.

I'm sorry, too, Gustav.

You're still irresponsible,
immature and reckless,

but the way you handled yourself
with Dagur,

maybe you do have what it takes
to be a Dragon Rider... someday.

Someday? I will take someday.

- [rumbling]
- [growling]

What do you say you and me
find a way out of here?

[gasps] What the Thor is this?

- [rumbling]
- Let's go, bud.

- Gustav, I--
- Uh-uh, stop right there, sweets.

I can't stay. My mom would k*ll me.

She usually notices I've been gone
after about three days.

All right, Fanghook, let's go.

You take care, babe. Don't worry,
Gustav will be back soon!

[Astrid] What's that?

Oh, just something I found
at the bottom of that cave.

Oh, a new lens.

Yeah, there was treasure
in those caves after all.

The Dragon Eye was giving us clues
on how to find it all along.

We just weren't looking
in the right place.

And if there's one of these out there,
that means there has to be more.


Huh. And to think, we never would've
found that without Gustav.

Awesome, so let's just tell Gustav.

[all] No! No, no, no!
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