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11x42 - holl*back Girl: Part 1

Posted: 06/05/22 09:03
by bunniefuu
are you done already?

You still have time
to check over these answers

If you want to.

no need, mr. Perino.
I nailed it.

(Nail file rasps)

I'm trying
to concentrate here.



Simpson: (over pa)
bianca desousa,
to the principal's office.

Bianca desousa.

it's all I can find.

thank you.

(sighs) time for another
random check-in.

Have a seat.

Now, mrs. Clarke?

It's a condition
of your probation,

Miss desousa.

So how much longer
do I have to do this?

Mrs. Clarke:
as long as it takes for you
to satisfy

Your plea bargain agreement.

as you well know,

You will face
serious charges

For your association
with vincent bell.


First things first.

Shall we visit
the ladies room?

You know the drill.

Yeah. I do.


♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪


♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh... ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪
(I can make it!)

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

oh! Heads up!
Coming through!


Excuse us, conehead.

so you two are
holding hands now?

oh yeah.

well, I'm happy you finally
found love, mo.

Mo: thanks, man.
Connor: no problem.

Oh yeah.
Thank you.

We probably shouldn't
throw our couple-dom

In everybody's face.

Oh. Yeah. No...

You're right.

We'll tone the pda
down a smidge.

I mean, it's not like

We're even "official"
official, right?

Uh, yeah.
Of course.

good thing I had my eight
daily glasses of water already.

Bianca's attendance record.

Which has been spotless
since the start of the year.

Are we done yet?

Also, parent-teacher meetings
are happening this week

And I've also heard
great things

About bianca's class work.

Mrs. Clarke:
I've been trying to schedule
a home visit, miss desousa,

But it seems that
your guardian,

Juliana santoro,

Is never at your apartment.

My auntie works
a lot of double shifts.

Well, that suffices
for now.

Continue to observe
your nightly curfew.

Do you have
any questions?


As a woman of
a certain advanced age,

Do you prefer your bracelets
with a lobster clasp

Or a spring ring?

(Chuckles humourlessly)
I don't accessorize.

She's friendly.

(Bell rings)

Can I get to class?
I have geography.

Yeah, listen,
before you go,

I just... (Sighs)

Your grade average
is up,

You're working hard
in all your classes.

Yeah, so I can stay
out of jail.


That's the only reason?

Fine, you got me.
I like school.

Big whoop.

You have options,

Take a look.

The programs are all
on their websites.

I'll write you
a late slip.

(Phone chimes)

is everything okay?

Yeah, yeah. According
to my dad's last email,

Jacinta made it through
the last surgery okay.

Well, that's really good,

How long is she gonna be
in the hospital?

I don't know.

I guess I'll find out
when I go visit her.

Uh, you're gonna go
visit her?

It's been a week
since the accident.

I think I should go
talk to her.

Well, you can talk to me,
you know.

I did.

Yeah, for a bit,
and then you just clammed up.

Well, my parents are going
out tonight.

Instead of talking,

We could watch an action
adventure-y movie maybe?

Yeah. Okay.

I guess I could see her
another time.


(Struggling grunts)


Easy. Jeez!
You're welcome.

Shouldn't your knee
be better by now?

You're not even
wearing your brace.

Yeah, well,
it still throbs sometimes.

hey, bianca,
is everything okay?

Why'd you get pulled
out of class?

Probation officer.

It's part of the deal.

And uh...
All the university stuff?

Ah, simpson gave them
to me,

As if I'm higher education

What makes you think
you're not?

You should apply.

Like I'd have
any idea how!

I have to choose a school,
pick a major,

Blah, blah, blah.

Well, katie knows
all about that.

Maybe she'll give you
some tips.

Don't worry.
You don't have to.

No, it's okay.
I'll help you out.

Cool. Thank you.

okay, the difference
between endomysium,

Epimysium and perimysium.

Which one contains
the nerve?



You get girls,

Well, I mean...
You mean "get" as in get?

Or "get" as in... Get.

"Get" as in understand.

Okay, me and marisol
have been mad flirting

And it's awesome.

I can see
why you're upset.

Sometimes she acts
really weird

Around other people.

Like we were holding hands
in the hall the other day,

And people saw us

And she dropped mine
like a hot potato.

Then she went on to say,

That we're not "official"

What does that mean?

Okay, how into you was she
on your last date?


You haven't gone
on one yet?

I mean i...

I took her for...

Take her out,
make it official...

Or lose her.

okay, you're gonna
need transcripts,

Recommendation letters,

You might need to write
an essay or two and-

Is it pathetic
that I have no clue

What I want to major in?

No. You just need
to narrow it down.

I'll ask you
a few general questions.

Okay, off the top
of your head,

What's your greatest skill -

And something that doesn't
take place in a boiler room!


I'm kidding.

And I guess selling weed
doesn't count either.

No, wait.
What does that involve?

Sourcing a product,
customer service,

Maintaining clientele.

You could apply
to business school.

Yeah, and you forgot
the chapter

On how to not get thrown
in prison or k*lled.

So how did you find dr*gs
to sell anyway -

When you were doing
that stuff?

Are you serious?

Just curious.

Okay, um...

Well, it's all about
the connects;

You know someone
who knows someone,

You hang out
at the right places.

But I'm done with
that scene for good.

Just trying to be
a better bianca.

You know, we should
hang out more.

I mean...

Ooh! You can probably get us
into a club, right?

We could go out
and have a girl's night,

Just the two of us.

Us? Don't you have marisol
for that kind of thing?

Yeah. Well, marisol's
got her own thing

Going on these days.

I don't know,
could be fun.

(Bell rings)

Hey, do you have
a minute?

Uh, yeah.

So what's the deal
with katie?

Oh man,
was she all judge-y type-a

About the university

No. Not at all!

She was actually
really helpful.

But now she wants
to hang out with me

And have a girl's night.

That's great!

Isn't it weird?

Ever since katie's surgery,
she's been so depressed.

And I've been really busy
with football,

So if she wants to go out
and have fun,

Please take her.

But katie has
her own friends.

Why does she want
to hang out with me?

Because you're awesome!

Why are you
so negative?

It's like you're waiting
for the sky to fall.

Do you blame me?

Past history and all...

You need to start believing
you deserve happiness.

Because you do.

You're a good person,

Take her out, please.

Maybe it'll lift her spirits
and yours, too.

Okay. I'll make plans
with her tonight.

All right.


jenna, exactly when did my life
become a soap opera?

Oh, honey,
that was a while ago.

So dave wants to visit jacinta
in the hospital.

He can't talk to me,

But somehow he can talk
to the girl

Who he cheated on me with?


Stop making that face!

Alli, you can't be
jealous of her.

She may never walk again.

I know.

But the only reason
he even wants to visit her

Is because of the guilt.

It's not healthy.
He's just shutting down.

What's jacinta's last name?

How am I supposed
to know?

Was it on the model u.n. List?


Um, morley, I think.
I don't know.

What are you doing?

I'm not sure this is a problem
google can solve.

well, it looks like
somebody posted

A "get well, jacinta"
facerange page.

Oh, look.

Her friends posted
their well-wishes.

Whoa! What is this?

Oh my god,
dave cannot see this.

This'll k*ll him.

(Loud music plays,
party chatter)

you think these fake ids
are gonna fool that guy?

Say "fake ids"

We'll get in,

As long as you can play the part
of a girl who's of age.

What do you think?
Do I look of age?


You might have better luck
if you...

You know, unbutton?

Why didn't you just wear
a turtleneck?

Oh, I'm sorry.

I don't have a closet
full of slut wear

To choose from!


Don't be.

Keep the attitude
and just do what I do.


If you can harness
that confidence,

You will totally rule

Bianca: you think?
Katie: yeah.

Sketchy-looking guy:
hey, b, long time.

Who's your friend?

move along, skeeze.

who was that?

A connect?
A dealer?

Never mind him.
Come on.

(Keys clack)

Are you're still obsessing
over that page?

They are just completely
slandering dave

And I'm just setting them

You know, one person
even accused dave

Of pushing jacinta
in front of the car

That hit her.

It was an accident!

Okay. You're stirring up
a hornet's nest.

I'm frustrated!

Yeah, but venting
at strangers

Isn't gonna help.

(Doorbell rings)


uh, hi.

I didn't hear
the doorbell.

What were you
looking at?

Oh, it's nothing important.

I'm just gonna go
wash my hair.

uh... (Awkward chuckle)

Let's go make
some popcorn.

(Loud dance music plays)


Gross! Was that loser
trying to pick you up?

Not exactly.

What the hell
is that?

Oxy. I bought them.
Want some?

Oh my god.

Okay, relax.

They're the exact
same pills

I already have
a prescription for.

I'm running low

And my dumb doctor wants
to take me off them completely.

Yeah. Sounds like
a good idea, katie.

first of all,

My knee still hurts

And I'm under
a lot of pressure.

Everyone expects me
to have it all together

And I just don't!

I thought you
out of all people

Would get how much
it sucks

To have a reputation
you can't shake off.

Yeah, I get it.

And that's why
I'll get blamed

If something bad happens
to you.

Nothing is gonna happen,

No one even has to know
where I got the pills.

It's our little secret.

Pinky swear?


And now that my knee
is feeling better,

We can go boogie!

Come on, don't be
a party pooper.


here you go.


Thank you.

Whoa! Wait! Wait!
Wait! Wait!


ooh, thanks.

You know,
this is a good idea, mo,

Us chillin' outside
of school.

Yeah. I thought...

Time for us
to have our first date.


I'm so excited!

What do you mean?
It's happening...

...this weekend,

And believe you me,

I have plans -
big plans.

Blow-ya-mind styles.


What is it?
Tell me!

It's a surprise.
(Laughs nervously)


I love surprises.

But if I don't know
what it is,

How do I know
what to wear?

Um, you'll be wearing...

A harness and jumpsuit...

'Cuz we'll be twelve hundred
feet in the sky, baby!

We're going to edgewalk
around the cn tower!

Oh my god!
That's awesome!

I'm freaking out!
I can't wait!

And following that we're
having a romantic dinner

At the revolving restaurant.

Aw, you're spoiling me.

Maybe a little too much?


Like I'm gonna take you out
on some cheap first date!

Drink your latte.
It's getting cold.

(Dance music plays)


ew! Get up off of her!

I'm having so, so much fun!

Okay, too bad.
We're leaving.

My curfew's up.

No, I wanna stay!

Did you take
more pills?

I mighta tooken
a widdle wee bit more.

Oh my god, katie,
you're high!

You're so much fun!


That's why you wanted
to hang out with me -

So you could score oxy.

You're my connect, b.

Of course.
Let's just go.



This isn't fun anymore.
Let's go!


(Door bangs shut)

I'm home!


I can't feel my hands.

Stay put, will you?

oh, I can't feel my hands...

Hands are weird.

Oh please with that face.

Like you haven't been waiting
for me to screw up.

Excuse me?

Acting like a sheep.

You've been waiting months
to steal drew from me.

Yep, I know it.
You're no sheep,

You're a wolf.

You're such a mess.

You're a wolf!
Shut up!

This has nothing
to do with drew.

I actually thought

That you wanted to be
my friend, katie.

Well, bianca,
I already have friends.

(Water sprays)

(screams) oh, my gosh!
Stop it!

what the-?!

What's going on?

your sister took
a bunch of oxycodone,

So you might want to wake up
mommy and daddy, okay?

(Katie cries)

(Movie soundtrack blares
from the tv)

okay. That was barely
a five out of ten.

And all five points
are for the rock's triceps.


This was nice.

I should get going

Wait. Can we talk,
for a minute,

About jacinta?

Look, I know you
don't want to.

Yeah, and yet you keep
pushing me anyways.


Jacinta's friends made
a facerange page

Where they're posting things
about you.

About what?
What did they say?

Terrible things.

I wasn't gonna tell you,

Whatever. Look, they can say
whatever they want.

Look, you can't go
visit her, okay?

They think you're
the reason she got hit!

It's true, isn't it?

It's my fault.

You happy?
We talked.

(Door slams)

(Punching bag rattles)


Thanks for letting me
come over.

This is a face-to-face
kind of thing.

sounds bad.

I take it
your girl's night out

Didn't go so well.

I don't think
a relationship

Between me and katie
is in the cards.

I was hoping,
but I'm not surprised.

Things between me and katie
haven't been great lately.

It's like she's changed
or something.

katie has a problem.

With me?

I don't know,
what should I do?

Should we break up?

No. I'm not touching
that one.

I can't give you
relationship advice.

I need seriously honest
advice right now.

I can't.

Why not?

Because my honest advice

Would probably be
something like,

If you're that miserable

You should break up
with her

And be with me...

And that would be
a really stupid thing to say.

You're joking, right?

Oh my god...

So stupid.

No, it's okay.

It's not okay, drew!

This good girl thing
is a joke.

hey, drew,
you down there?

It's getting late.
You should get to bed.

Can we just forget this
ever happened, please?


No, because I feel
the same way about you.

Shut up.


Are you trying
to push my buttons?

Come on,
get up to bed now.

Yeah, I'm comin' up.


We'll talk about this tomorrow
at school.