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11x41 - Smash Into You: Part 2

Posted: 06/05/22 09:03
by bunniefuu
(Low hum of chatter)


That looks awkward.

This is looking good,

everything okay?

Uh, yeah.
Why wouldn't it be?

And complete!

great ice-breaker, everyone!


So today is about
overcoming problems

By working together,

Gaining perspective,

And putting yourself
into someone else's shoes.

So you have about a half an hour
to prepare your proposals,

And then we'll get started,

all right.

Off to a good start!

Yeah, I was thinking
the same thing!

just like old times.
Right, dave?

ah! Do you guys know
each other?


Uh, no. Acquaintances.

She's from summer camp.

This is my girlfriend,

So that's why you haven't
been calling me back.

I'm jacinta.

I have a feeling
you've heard nothing about me.

Okay, ignore her,
she's loca.

You'll hold my hand,
but you won't talk to me?

Can we talk alone?

Yeah, I don't think
that I want to.

Alli, you have
to trust me.


♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪


♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh... ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪
(I can make it!)

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪


Oh god, more denim?

It's jake's!

You should wear it
on your blind date.

(Sighs) is it too late
to back out?

She sent you secret
love notes.

You can't just
not show up.

it's a double date,

So it's not like
she'll be left alone.

And isn't dating
a grade nine weird?

What have you
got to lose?

Oh, my dignity.
Like with bianca,

And fiona,
and katie.


Well, does this girl
know you're trans?


See? You have nothing
to worry about.

Just have fun.

It is nice to be
pursued for once.

Like you said,
I'm just gonna go have fun,

And maybe...
I meet someone new.

In a sexy denim jacket

Get that out of my face!

Come on, wear it!

The girl's stalking me.

Stalking you?
How does she even know you?

Look, I didn't wanna
drag you into this,

But we committed to being
% honest.

She's the girl
I had a thing with

Last summer.

Well, did you know
she was coming?

No. No. She must have found out
that model u.n. Was at degrassi

And signed up.

I knew something was off
when I met her outside.

She still likes you.

No. No, she doesn't.

This is exactly
what I was worried about.

I shouldn't have told you.

No, I'm glad you did.

Can I just go back
Can you look at me?

'Cause I just need to know
that you're gonna be okay;

That we'll be okay.

What do you want me
to say, dave?

I was looking forward
to today.

Now I can't wait for it
to be over.

So, if you'll excuse me,
I'm just gonna go inside

And you know,
host your ex-booty call.


I have something to confess.

I put gum in your hair

I know.
Just forget about it.

Let's get through the day
and bank our extra credit.

Okay. I worked on some stuff
for us last night.

Meet me in the resource centre
to go over it?


Go usa!

Go usa!


It's worse than I thought.

He's practically
in love with me.

He wanted to hold
my hand earlier.

Marisol, that was a part
of the game.

It doesn't matter!

There's many other hands
he could have held.

This girl from bardell

Asked me
if mo was my boyfriend.


I guess you and mo
just have natural chemistry.

No, we do not.

This is humiliating.

People need to stop thinking
we're together.

How do I k*ll
this crush?

Just be yourself.

I have to be honest,

Tell him it's never
going to happen.

Good luck with that.

Hey, sorry I was so rude

You practically felt me up
in front of your girlfriend.

Thought we were off
to a pretty good start.

Yeah. Well, there's still time
before we start.

You wanna get outta here?

What's your girlfriend
gonna think about that?

She doesn't have to know.

See you at the side door
in five?

Look, since we have
to work together all day,

It's best we just
clear the air.

(A slow piano tune plays)

What is this?

I was thinking about
your benefit concert.

The one you made fun of?

I was wrong, okay?

It's smart, and populist.

But I took it
a step further.

And wrote a song?

To save the world.

♪ Is it truly our nature ♪

♪ To turn the other cheek? ♪

♪ Is it truly our nature ♪

♪ To just admit defeat? ♪

♪ Pop-y girl line here! ♪

♪ Baritone guy part here ♪

♪ And bridge... ♪

♪ Into the chorus! ♪

♪ The world as one
can make a change ♪

♪ The world as one
can rise above ♪

♪ The world as one
can truly win with love ♪

♪ Love, love! ♪

Rap breakdown!

♪ Save the world
one person at a time ♪

♪ I don't know
how I'm gonna make this rhyme ♪

♪ Mare the mc
will make things better ♪

♪ Don't make poor people
knit your sweater! ♪


I think-
I think we have a hit.

Yeah. I think the rap part
needs a little bit of work.


So what did you wanna
tell me earlier?

Are we cool?

We're cool.

Let's go kick
some u.n. Butt.


Hey! Am I early?


They should be here
any minute.

You look ah-mah-zing.

Um, so do you.

Aww, thanks!
You are so fab!



Hey, guys.
Adam, this is tristan.

It's nice to meet you.

nice to meet you, too.

so when's my date
showing up?


Did I mention
how funny adam is?


Oh god.

tristan's usually
not this shy.

(Whispers loudly)
say something.

It's nice out.

Yeah, I'm sorry,

I think there's been
a misunderstanding.

The date's just started.

Let's all give each other
a chance!

I'm not gay.

Tristan and tori:
oh my god.

I like girls.

but what about the rainbow pin
on your bag?

Lgbt - I'm the "t" part.

I should never have
let you talk me into this.

Tristan, I didn't know!

That sucks.

Tell me about it.

So what does the "t"
stand for?



(Jacinta changes music stations,
dave turns off the radio)

What's your girlfriend
gonna think

When she notices
you're missing?

I'll text her and let her know
I'll be back soon.

That's illegal, you know.

yeah, my dad's a cop.

I've heard the texting
and driving spiel before.

Where are you taking me,

To the train station.

What's at
the train station?

A train.

I'm taking you back
to kitchener,

Away from me and alli.

I should have known better.

I liked you, dave,
a lot.

I just don't understand
what I did wrong.

You didn't do
anything wrong.

You can't just sleep
with someone

Then forget they exist!

It means something!

Look, okay...
Maybe what we did was a mistake.

Wha-what are you doing?!

Give me back my phone!

I wonder how alli would feel
if she got a text

Saying you and I were
getting back together?

Or that she was a "mistake."

Why are you doing this?

You ruined my life!
Now I'm gonna ruin yours.

(Cars honking)

green light, buddy!


france, where's dave?

(Clears throat)


Okay. With countries

The majority will be set
at twelve.

Now would any one like
to propose a motion

To address the famine
in somalia?


The famine in somalia
is a problem

That many are unaware of.

we propose
a star-studded concert,

Coupled with the release
of a single on itunes,

Performed by artists
like jay z, beyonce, coldplay.

This will help raise awareness
for the cause,

As well as funds
for tangible intervention.


this motion doesn't cross
all borders and cultures.

I mean, I assume this song
is in english,

So how will people in
non-english speaking countries

Be compelled to participate?

It doesn't matter
what language it's in.

Music is not about borders,

Or race, or colour.

It's about love.

If only we all judged less
and loved a little more,

The world would be
a better place.


So we have a proposal for...

(Dully) love!

Interesting first motion.

Now if you'll excuse the chair
a moment,

I just need to use
the facilities.

(Gavel bangs)

(Low hum of chatter)

I'm not freaking out.

I never said you were!

okay, maybe I'm freaking out
a little bit.

Where is dave?
And did you notice

That jacinta girl
is missing, too?

Where the hell
is my phone?!

Did he text you?

He's with her.

It says:
"I talked to jacinta

And we're gonna
get back together."

Something's wrong.

It's him again.
I think I'm gonna throw up.

Okay, breathe.

There has to be
an explanation.

Oh yeah?

Then explain this to me,

(Car alarm beeps on)


One more step
and I smash your phone.

Look, I never meant
to hurt your feelings, okay?

I swear. I'm sorry.

Too little, too late.

Alli never did anything
to you.

At least punish me,
not her.

(Phone chirps)

It's alli.
Guess she got my messages.

Hand it over,

You really love her,
don't you?

I should text her again.

Tell her what
an amazing guy you are.

(Car horn blares)
watch out!

(Glass shatters,
tires squeal)


oh my gosh!
Call !

Can someone call
an ambulance?!

disaster doesn't even begin
to describe it.

How did they think
you were gay?

I don't know.

She saw my rainbow pin
and assumed.

Broken lgbt telephone -
always a fun game.

Guess they were confused.

That's what I do;
I confuse people.


I should have ignored
the stupid note

In the first place.

And grade nines -
what was I thinking?

They thought you were
a gay guy.

Remind me one more time
in case I forgot.

No, listen.

They thought you were
a gay guy.

Emphasis on guy.

adam, you're passing.

I guess that's pretty cool.

There's no reason
to be embarrassed.

Not for me,

But what about that poor
-year-old gay kid?



He must want to crawl
into a hole

And never come out.

we've all been there.

I should talk to him.

simply sending money
doesn't help in a tyranny.

The money needs to go
to the right people

Or organizations

And not get taken
by corruption.

Furthermore, we need to address
the underlying problem at hand.

Do you think our motion
stands a chance

At getting voted in?

I don't know.
Your plea for "love,"

While passionate,
might not cut it.

What was all that about?

You inspired me
with your song.

I did?
I admit it,

At first, I thought I was
out of your league,

Or whatever.

But I learned not to judge
based on appearances.

What are you trying
to say here?

I like you, too.


I mean, at first,
I was embarrassed

That you have a crush
on me.

But now I'm think
it's kind of a good thing.

I don't have a crush
on you.

It's okay,
you can admit it.

It's not a big deal.

It's actually really cute.

I was being nice
and polite.

Don't get me wrong,
I'm flattered-

Screw you.

Uh, u.s. Delegate,
we'll be voting soon.

I abstain.

(Police radio chatter)

(Siren wails in the distance)

(Breathing hard)

Not again.

Wait up.

Um, I'll let you
two talk.

I know this is weird,

But I've been in
your shoes before.

Yeah, right.

I'm serious.
Maybe worse, even.

I'm not sure
that's possible.

The first girl I tried to date
at degrassi

Ripped my shirt open
in the hallway,

Then had her friends
throw me into a door.

My brother got suspended

For throwing someone
into a door.

Owen or fitz?


(Sighs) that was you.

I'm so sorry.

It's okay.

The second girl loved
to make out with me

Only after drinking
a bottle of champagne.

Sounds terrible.

I didn't even wanna
go on a date.

Tori forced me.

She said she wanted me
to be happy,

Or whatever.

dating in high school

Isn't always the best route
to happiness.

How did you ever
want to date again

After all those disasters?

I didn't.

But you've gotta
stay open to stuff.

You never know
when you'll get a small win.

P.s. I didn't think
you were gay.

Tori has terrible gaydar.

Well, if you ever
wanna set me up

With one of your

You know where
to find me.

(Ambulance rumbles away)

(Siren wails)

Hey, you okay?

She walked
into the street.

She didn't look.

They told me
what happened.

It was just an accident.

They're gonna fix her,

Dad, what if she dies?

Hey, hang in there.

(Shaky breaths)

(Dialling beeps)

Hey, girl.

why aren't you delegating?

You're recovering
from surgery.

You don't need to hear
about my problems.

Oh, please.

Anything to get my mind
off of my knee.

So did mo confess
his crush for you?


That was all
a big misunderstanding.

Thank god.

Marisol lewis,

Am I sensing
mild disappointment?

(Knock on door)

Can I call you back?

is that him? Marisol-
(beeps phone off)

you missed the award ceremony.

We won the peace prize.

Is that it?

I also wanted
to let you know that...

I never had a crush
on you-

You already told me! Bye!

Would you
let a brother talk?


I never had a crush
on you because...

I never thought
I had a chance.

You're a popular hot girl
who drives a convertible.

I always thought you were
out of my league.

You're not.

Leagues are stupid.

Well, then it's
with great pleasure

That I present
the peace prize

To marisol lewis,

And the grammy

For outstanding female
rap performance.

Thank you.
Thank you.

♪ The world as one
can make a change ♪



♪ The world as one
can truly win with love, ♪

♪ Love, love!

(Bus rumbles by)

do you want me to stay?

no. This could get messy.

After everything
we've talked about,

After everything
we've been through,

How could you?!

What? You're just gonna
stand there?

What happened?

yeah... We...

I wanted to take her
to the train station

To get her away from us,

So we went for a drive.

And uh...
We were stuck in traffic...

And then
she stole my phone.

She wanted to break
you and me up,

So I tried to stop her.

And then she uh...

She ran into the street,

Oh my god...

Is she okay?

We don't know.
The doctor said that she's...

She's in surgery.

She may never walk again so...


It should-
it should have been me.


I treated her
like she was nothing

And now her life is ruined.

It should have been me.

Stop saying that.
It was an accident, okay?

It was an accident.


it was an accident.

ragged breaths)