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11x26 - Take a Bow: Part 1

Posted: 06/05/22 08:47
by bunniefuu
Holly j:
I can't believe prom
is only a few days away.

right after we graduate!

Oh, sorry.
Most of us graduate.

it's okay.
I've made my peace.

I'm just excited
to spend prom night

With the two most gorgeous
girls at degrassi.

Holly j:
now if we could only find you

An equally gorgeous
pair of shoes.

Oh my god, charlie.

is that a shoe store?

No. My ex.
Over there.

Anya and holly j:

over there!
Don't draw attention.




I thought that was you!

How are you?


I'm doing my first art show

Um, I gotta get back to work,

But I'd love it
if you guys came.

Yeah, sure.

Bye! (Giggles)


so she seems to be over
any awkwardness.

Yeah, she does.

You're not actually thinking
of going, are you?

No. Of course not.

Charlie and i...
Are complicated.

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪


♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ Ooh-oh-oh... ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪
(I can make it!)

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

(Sighs) please tell me
that's the cheat sheet

For the history exam.


This finally arrived
in the mail this morning!

You're looking at a future
private anya macpherson!

You got into the army?!
That's crazy!

I leave for basic training
in a few days!

Can you do all
this physical stuff?

Physical stuff?

Well, it says here,

Basic training may be
the most demanding experience

Of your life.

You must pass
a fitness test

In order to be considered
for the forces.

Let me see that!

You'll be up
before sunrise,

You'll do push-ups,
sit-ups and chin-ups -

So many ups!

(Sighs) I worked so hard
for this chance.

We need to celebrate!

I know a hot jock

That wants to take you
to prom.

Me? Really?
What about zane?

You know we broke up.

I'm moving on.

Well then,
it's a date.

Suddenly my history exam
doesn't seem so scary.

(Bell rings)

Holly j:
okay, so the limo is gonna
cost us forty bucks each,

But fifty if we go
for the stretch suv.

What do you think?

Fiona, suv limo -
tacky or classy?

Charlie seemed like she was
doing well yesterday, right?

you're not having
second thoughts

About going to her
art show?

no! I'm just happy
she's happy.

ladies, do we have room
for one more in the limo?

another lady going stagette?

uh, no. A guy, actually.

Riley asked me
to go with him.

(sighs) okay, fine.

At least holly j and I
will have each other.

Fiona, I'm so sorry.

Sav asked me to be his date
last night

As co-presidents.

And you said yes?

Well, I thought
you'd have anya.

So, I'm the odd one out.

Maybe we could find you
your own date.


Or you can go alone?

'Cause as long as
we're all together,

What does it matter?

Everyone find your seats
according to grade.

Exams are on your desks.


(Bell rings)

(sighs) three down,
one to go!

Three more days,

Then it's sunshine and beaches,
here I come!

Yeah. Sounds nice.

Have you talked
to drew yet?

Not since you aired
my dirty laundry

To the whole school.

I said I'm sorry!

I know,

But he can't believe
I forgave you so easily.

Maybe you should make
the first move?

Offer him some one-on-one
exam "tutoring."

If drew can't accept
my best friend,

Then maybe we're not...
Meant to be.


gotta go. See ya!

Are you okay?

Marisol and I have been
best friends forever.

I know.
And if you can't
accept that,

Then you and I can't
be together.

I know.

Wait, what?

I might not get
girl friendships,

But you're loyal...

And I like you.
A lot.


Well, turns out,

I might be looking
for a date to prom.

Elevens are allowed
to go?

Well, more people
means more cash,

Means bigger party.

Well, if you want the night
to be truly special,

I'm your guy.


Why so glum, chum?

I think I failed
my history exam.

Is there anything
I can do to cheer you up?

Be my date to prom?

(Laughs) didn't think
I was your type.

All my friends are going
with friend dates this year.

You're the only friend
I have left at degrassi.

Well, friend,
I'd love to,

But I've already
weaseled my way in.

You got a date?

Well, not exactly.

Adam volunteered us
to be servers.

(Groans, sighs)

(Sighs heavily)


I guess I'm just gonna
have to accept the fact

That life at degrassi
is going to be lonely

From now on.

There has to be someone

You wanna go
to prom with;

Somebody who's not
just a friend.

there is someone.

A certain
scooter-riding girl?

Name rhymes with gnarley?

♪ I'm a princess
of the world ♪

♪ I'm a princess
of the world ♪

♪ I'm a princess
of the world ♪

♪ And you're a princess
of the world ♪

♪ I tried to be
the perfect little girl ♪

♪ Uh-oh uh-oh ♪

♪ And then you told me
I should be ♪

♪ Yeah! ♪

♪ He might know this ♪

♪ It didn't work for me ♪

Maybe you should try

And I'd appreciate it
if you can keep

Your wise-ass comments
to yourself.

Someone's serious.


Okay, look.

I know you think
I'm pathetic,

But I need your help.

Are you kidding me?

I don't help coke-heads.

So that's what you
think of me?

my coke era is over.

It's in the past.

I wanna forget
about it.

Yeah, me too.

I made it
into the army.

But if I can't do
one lousy chin-up,

I'm not gonna cut it.

And you're serious
about this?

I've never been
more serious

About anything
in my life.

You'd have to be
a % committed,

Do everything I say.

Yeah, I will!
Totally committed.

Get ready to sweat.

♪ I'm grappling for something
to hold on to ♪

♪ Any nine miles of line
so I could... ♪

Guess who gets
to go to prom

With her main guy?!

You're going with drew.

Is that okay?


Are you allowed
to be friends with me?

He's over it.

And he might want
to be friends with you.

then have fun at prom!

(squeal and giggle)

So are you ready
for it?

For what?

Uh, afterwards?

How did you get sex
from a prom date?

Did he, at any point,
say the word "special"?

Yeah, but-

you are going to lose
your virginity!


Drew is not like that.

He took bianca
to the boiler room.


(Sighs) well, you don't
have to do anything

You're not ready for.

I wasn't going to.

Drew's sweet.

He's seen me at my worst
and he still likes me.

But he'll at least expect

Some clothing-optional
activities, no?

Oh my god, mare!

he's only the second guy
I've ever kissed!

Soon to be the first guy
you've ever had-


sex with.

I'm not ready.
What am I gonna do?

Uh, other than tell him
the truth?

Something better.

(Brush whooshes on canvas)

(Surprised) oh!

Oh my god!
Hey! Sorry!

(Laughs) oh my god!
I'm really sorry!

How long have you been
standing there?

I just came in,

But you just seemed
so intense,

You were like
in the zone,

(Rambling nervously)
totally just painting away,

And your trees and stuff,
I just...

I'm really sorry.

Fiona, slow down.

well, I came...

Because I can't stop

About how awful
I was to you.

It was so unfair of me

To just invite you
to move in

And then kick you out
for no reason at all.

We both rushed into things
too soon.

Still, I should've been
honest with you

About being an alcoholic.

It's in the past.

You know,
after things ended,

I channelled my heartbreak
into art

And now I'm putting on
a show.

So what you're saying is,
I did you a favour?

You were kind of
my inspiration.


So, uh,
how's living with mom?



No surprise there.

Charlie, that sucks.

It's okay.
I can handle it.

Worst part is

Is that she kicked
mr. Tuxedo pants out,

So poor guy's cooped up
in the gallery.

aww! Poor little kitty!


Mr. Tuxedo pants
could stay with me

For a few days.

Are you sure?

Yeah, I mean,
he'll be right at home

And I could use
the company.

that would be huge!

How could I repay you?

Well, you could be
my date to prom?

The thing to do
this year

Seems to be
to go with a friend.

I know it's lame
high school stuff

And if you don't
want to go,

I totally get it,

(Mr. Tuxedo pants meows)

I think that's a yes.



♪ Pow-pow disco
like-like my body ♪

♪ I'm-i'm wild
so I'm going to party... ♪

Holly j! Just the person
I wanted to see.

Someone's in
a good mood?

What's to be glum

The sun is shining,
exams are over,

And prom's
a few days away.

Have you been drinking?

I'm three months sober,
thank you very much.

I shouldn't joke.

I know you've been
doing so well.

Well, I'm just getting
this place ready

For mama coyne.

She's flying in
tomorrow morning.

I've been thinking about
this prom date thing.

I can tell sav
to find another date.

No need to fret,
holly j.

I found a friend date.

Oh, who's the lucky


And before you rain
on my parade,

It's just as friends.

God, fiona!

What, would you rather have me
spend the whole night

Being a third wheel?

You won't be
a third wheel!

Yeah, you're right.

I'll be a fifth wheel
or a seventh wheel-

No. No one's gonna
be a wheel.

This isn't just about prom,
holly j.

Once you're off at yale
next year,

I'm gonna need
a friend.

Okay. Well, are you sure
that charlie

Is looking at this
as just a friend-date?

I'm going to her
art show tonight.

If it looks like things
are complicated,

I'll call it off.

(Mr. Tuxedo pants meows)

Holly j:
good lord!
Is that her cat?!

that I can't explain.


Okay. I've been on
this thing

For like an hour.

How much longer
do I have to suffer?

What's that?
You want to go faster?



Stop it!

I'm gonna be sick!

Well, you're training
for the army,

Not the ice capades,

Let's go!

(Grunts) okay,
this isn't training,

This is t*rture!


I thought we'd just like
ease into this,

You know,
with baby steps.

Can you climb
a foot wall?


Can you do a k run
in army gear?

Not yet, but-

Well, then you don't
have time

For baby steps!

I need a minute!

Okay, well,
if you wanna quit,

I've got better things
I could be doing with my time,

I assure you!

I am not a quitter!


(Yells) push-ups!
Let's go!


No, no, no!
On your toes, like a man.

One. Two.


I hate you.


(quiet chatter)

...specifically the lighting
to have it on one side

As opposed to having it...

Um, I'll be right back.

You came!

(squeal, giggle)

Uh, and I forgot
to mention

That there'd be alcohol.

No, I'll be fine.
Wow! Look at you.

Are you sure?


Okay, good.

'Cause there's something
I want you to see.

Okay! (Giggles)

(sighs) so,
what do you think?

Did the artist
do her subject justice?

charlie, it's...
It's breathtaking.

Ha! Well, I can't take
all the credit.

It's easy when the model
looks like you.

So, there are a lot
of people here.

And not one painting
has sold.

I've reapplied deodorant

I am so anxious.

Well, it's early.
I'm sure things'll pick up.

I mean, who wouldn't
want this face

In their living room?

Yeah, I couldn't agree
with you more.

Sorry to interrupt.

There is a man
that's really interested

In painting number .

A meeting with the artist
might seal the deal.

I really need this.
I'll be right back!

Oh, excuse me.

Are you the person to ask
about buying a painting?




Um, I've been thinking
about us

And I want to get to know
you better.

So I have a few questions.


What's your
favourite movie?

"Fast and the furious v."

What's your
favourite book?


What's your
favourite food?

Hot dogs.
No, pizza!

Have you been checked
for sti's?


Sti's: chlamydia,

I know what sti's are.

Wait, you want
to have sex?!

Um... Yeah.
One day.

Sure. Yeah.
Of course I'll get tested.


Um, I'll need a note
from your doctor.

I'll give him a call!

All right.

Um, well, it might take
a little while

For the results
to come back.

Like days.
Weeks, even.

You see, this is what
I like about you.

You've always
got a plan.

Most girls are way
too afraid

To even talk about sex.

Nope. Not me.

Better safe than sorry,




♪ I was takin' my time ♪

♪ Trying to write
the perfect letter ♪

♪ So i... ♪
(So i...)

♪ (Unclear lyric) ♪

♪ And tried to keep it
all inside ♪

♪ My oh my ♪
(oh my)

♪ I capsized ♪

♪ But if you look up ♪

♪ I'll write your name
in the sky... ♪



And fifteen.



Did you see that?!

I just-
I just did it!


Do you still think
I'm pathetic?

I should've had more
faith in you.

I'm really glad that...
We could do this.

I couldn't leave
with you hating me.

I could never hate you,

It's just that when you
were on your coke binge,

You were ruining something

I was in a dark place.

I know.

I like this anya -

Strong, confident,
sexy as hell.

I'm really gonna miss you.

I'm gonna miss you too.

Um, I have something
that I wanna show you.

Wait here.


fiona coyne.

Dude said he'd
think about it

And then he asked
for my number.

This is the worst.

Oh my god!

Did this just...?


I thought who better to buy
a painting of me

Than me, right?

You really didn't
have to do that!

Thank you!

Fiona's purchase
will create a buzz,

Get other people
to buy.

Totally forgot
to introduce you guys.

Um, meredith,
this is the fiona coyne.

Fiona, this is my girlfriend,

Oh! It's so nice
to meet you!

Charlie's told me
so much about you,

But I must say,

You're even more gorgeous
in person.

So, the two of you
are going to prom.

It's going to be
so cute.


You're going to have to find
something to wear.

(Voices echo)

maybe you can borrow
something of mine?

(Fading) mm-hmm.
I'm thinking black dress.


You are going
to look gorgeous.

You're gonna have
to take photos.

Speaking of photo ops,

Excuse us, fiona.

It's time
for charlie's toast.

Thank you so much,

You're such
a good friend.


I would like to raise a toast

To the incredible, beautiful,
talented charlie...


(Bottles clink)

you ready?

The anticipation
is k*lling me.

Army recruit
anya macpherson

Reporting for duty.

Whaddya think?

It's the first time
I've put it on.

It's the first time i...

Really feel like
I deserve to.


You know that I'm leaving

The day after prom,

(Sighs) then we're gonna
make these last few days

As amazing as they can be.

Starting with
who do I gotta beat up

To take you to prom?

Well, he's a jock...
And he is strong.

I mean,
like really strong.

But I'm sure that riley
won't mind.


♪ And we'll only talk ♪

♪ 'Cause that's how
things are ♪

♪ You're as far from me ♪

♪ As the farthest star ♪

(Phone rings)

♪ oh, and how I wonder...

♪ Wonder who you are ♪

(Mr. Tuxedo pants meows)

Don't look at me that way,
mr. Tuxedo pants.


I can't talk to her
right now.

Not like this.


I'm sorry,
it's not your fault.

(Sniffles and sighs)

You know,
I don't deserve you.

I don't deserve anyone.

Holly j is leaving me.

Charlie doesn't love me.

I'm unlovable.

You know what?
Just... Just go.

Just... Go!
Go away for your own good.

I need to learn
how to be alone.


♪ I tell ya no lie, baby, lie,
baby, lie ♪

♪ I'm gonna cry, baby, cry,
baby, cry ♪