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11x25 - Don't Panic: Part 2

Posted: 06/05/22 08:46
by bunniefuu
(Ripping and crumpling)

it's election day, degrassi.
Don't forget to vote!

You only get one,
so make it count!

Katie, can we chat?

Sure, ms. Oh.
What's up?

I overheard some girls

Talking about you,

Saying you might be

It's just a stupid rumor.

Nonetheless, I'm going
to arrange a meeting

With a guidance counselor.

School protocol.

And completely

Fine, but can it wait
till after elections?

I'll set something up
next week.

mo mashkour's
the only candidate

To promise better food
in the caf.

Vote mo
for student council prez!

Hey, sweetie,
you okay?

You need to tell everyone

That I don't have
an eating disorder!

give us a second.

I don't need
to do anything.

You called me
a home-wrecker.

At least that was true.

My bulimia
is under control.

I've kept everything down
for months.

You still watch
every calorie you eat.

So do half the girls
at school.

I'm glad I chose drew
over you.

He's been so supportive.

For now.

What's that supposed
to mean?

You think drew's
the type of guy

Who sticks around
when things get messy?

Because you, katie,
can get very messy.


I'll clear my name

Oh, and mare,

I thought you'd
like to know,

Drew's a great kisser.

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪


♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ Ooh-oh-oh... ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪
(I can make it!)

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

bet this project's gonna
knock perino's socks off.

Hand me another branch.

Where'd you learn
how to do this?

My dad's best friend
was this mohawk guy.

He built one of these
every summer.

Sometimes I helped.

Bet that was a great
bonding experience.

Two men working out
in the woods,

Pouring their
hearts out.

Mostly, I just chopped trees.

That's too bad.
Talking can be therapeutic.

For example,
if you had a problem,

Shared it with me,

I bet you'd feel
a whole lot better.

Good to know.

I know you and clare
aren't getting along

And I think I can help -

Give you some advice,
man to man.

Look, I dated clare
for three months.

I know her.

Just tell me
what's wrong.

Then you'll leave me

Yeah, sure.

(Sighs) clare wants
to go to this movie

And I said
it wasn't my thing.

So you're gonna go
with her, right?

She said she didn't
want me to.

I know that's
what she said-

No offense, dude,

But I'm not gonna take advice
about clare from you,

So... Can we just finish
the sweat lodge?

Okay, but-
I shared.

Now you need
to shut it.

(Bell rings)

good morning, degrassi.

We're here with
the smokin' hot candidate

For student council president,
katie matlin.

So tell us, katie,
if I give you my vote,

What will I get
in return?

A nice long foot massage
every day?

Doesn't dave do that
for you?

Seriously though,
you'll be getting a leader

Who's been running
student activities

Since she was a freshman.

After three years
on the social committee,

I can plan a dance
in my sleep.

And as editor
of the daily,

I know how to get the word out.

Like you got the word out

About marisol's dalliance
with kc?


I feel terrible about that.

well, you shouldn't

Because we heard she's spreading
a rumor about you.

A ridiculous rumor.

Well, which is why
mano-a-mano with dave and adam

Want to give you a chance
to prove to the whole school

That marisol's lying.

Uh, what's that?

it's a lie detector app.
You ready?



Is your name katie matlin?


(app chirps)

Are you running for president?


Also true.

Have you ever suffered
from the urge to purge?


(App buzzes)

What do you expect
from a . Cent app, right?

Yeah, I mean,
it's a piece of crap!

How about some music?

(Dance music plays)

it's all right.

Yo, you should've
seen it.

Katie and marisol were like
this close to a cat fight.

Wait, why weren't you

I was working on
a song.

With ms. Oh oh oh?

Did you...
(Kissing noises)

Uh, I don't kiss
and tell.

There was kissing?!

(Bell rings)

Ms. Oh:
class, we're about to begin.
I need everyone's attention.


Ms. Oh:
come on, guys!
Settle down!

yo, you heard ms. Oh!
Shut it!

bro, get a room, man!


Now, if everyone doesn't
settle down now,

Whatever material
I don't get through

Before the bell rings

Will be covered tonight
in detention.

Sav, find your class.

Who should I vote for?

The liar,
the home-wrecker,

Or this guy
I've never seen before?

How can I think
about elections

When my life's
falling apart?

Jake won't take my advice
about clare.

I don't blame him.

You haven't exactly been
his most trustworthy ally.

Yeah, well,
I've changed.

I'm not the same eli
I was two weeks ago.

How am I supposed
to help him with clare

When he won't even
listen to me?

Why don't you
let jake solve

His own relationship

No. No.
This is my chance to make up

For all the crazy stuff
I've done.

Then you need to get him
to trust you.

Well, that may take weeks,
maybe months.

Then trap him and clare
in a room together

And force them
to talk it out.

I'll need your help.
Eli, that was a joke.

No, no. This is
the perfect plan.

You, my friend,
are the perfect accomplice.

You know, you haven't
changed that much.


There is one quality
every leader should possess.

There's one quality
every leader should possess.

A visit from drew torres.

Nice, but it won't win me
the election.

Everyone's talking about
the radio fiasco.

You're still
the most qualified candidate.

Kids at school want
their leader to be fun,

Popular, uncomplicated.

Not bulimic.

Maybe if I ace the q & a
this afternoon,

The rumors will stop

Yeah, but they are
just rumors, right?

You believe a stupid app
over me?

No, I'm just saying...

But if it were true-

It's not.

I got flustered
this morning.

Now I need to finish
preparing for the q & a.


(Bell rings)


breathing heavily)

I'm sorry about the outburst
with the grade elevens.

Sav, don't.

Right. Not in school.

Not at all.
I'm your teacher.

For three more weeks.

Ms. Oh, the way your class
was mocking you,

I had to say something-

Sav, I don't need you
to stick up for me.

I'm a big girl.

This is all my fault.

I'm sorry
if I lead you on.

(Sadly) oh.

(Quiet chatter)

Hope you guys can make it
to the debate.

♪ Down by the river,
by the boat ♪

♪ Where everybody goes
to be alone ♪

♪ Where we won't see
any rising sun ♪

♪ Down to the river
we will run ♪


(Bathroom door opens)


Hey, are you okay
in there?


Hey, in there,
are you okay?

Katie, is that you?

(Katie clears her throat)

Oh my god,
did you just...

Like you care.

I'm gonna lose it all:

The boy,
the election.

I crossed the line,

You ruined everything!

All because some boy
liked me better.

I hate you!

you don't mean that.

Yes, I do.

You're a horrible person.

I can't believe
we were ever friends.

You're dead to me.

♪ everything is torn
in the river deep ♪

Tae-kwon-do is
really helping you.

When I'm practicing,
my mind goes blank.

I forget all my fears.

Sounds perfect.
Need a partner?

Wait, I thought you
were busy

Prepping for
the presidential election?

I'm quitting the election.

I have so many other things
in my life.

And besides,

Now that people know
the truth,

There's no way
they'll vote for me.

So the rumors
are true?

It started at soccer camp.

I was the slowest
on my team,

So my coach suggested
I get leaner.

I started working out,
eating only eggs,

Chicken, broccoli.

I got faster.

That's a good thing,
isn't it?

except my body craved carbs.

And whenever I ate one

I could feel myself
getting fatter,

So I made myself
throw up.

If you wanna break up,

Because you had
an eating disorder?

I still have it.

But you don't puke

No, I don't,

But... Sometimes
I still want to.

I'm not mr. Perfect.

I'll always have
what happened to me too.

So you don't care?

That you're bulimic?


That you're gonna let marisol
win the election

After all the crap
she pulled...

Now, that's your call.

Yeah. Yeah, it is.


we're all ready
for the presentation.

Let's take ten
and let this thing steam up.

but before you go,

Can you check if that beam
is structurally sound?


Yeah, looks good.

Well, how about that one?

Eli, what's going on?


jake, are you okay?

Why wouldn't I be?

Uh... Oops!

Must've misread
the situation.

You owe me huge!

What is going on?

You and jake aren't
getting along.

I can't believe
you told him that.

Neither can i.

okay, well the natives
used sweat lodges

To pray for
their innermost needs.

(Steam hisses)

What you need now
is to talk things out.

well, I'd love to stay,

But I have a presidential debate
to cover.

So I'm going to go.

sorry! Can't let you out!

You've trapped us
in a sweat lodge?!

Just until
you work things out.

sorry to keep you waiting,
mr. Simpson.

okay, so let's get this

Who has some questions
for our candidates?

Uh, what's your number one

More dances.


More options in the caf!

(laugh and applaud)

Mandatory sports.

Research shows exercise
enhances self-esteem.


Those researchers
haven't seen me

Climb the rope in gym class.


You make five hundred dollars
on a fundraiser,

How do you spend the money?

I'd throw a party.

With lots of pizza!


I'd poll you guys,

Then base my decision
off your feedback.

After all,
it's your money.

Being president is
a lot of hard work.

How will you manage
the pressure?

Well, personally,
I have a lot of experience-

Female student:
losing your lunch!

(Students titter)

Okay, um, I want you guys
to know the truth

Behind these rumors.

I made them up.

There was no way
I could beat katie

Without playing dirty.

What am i,
chopped liver?

I've known katie
my whole life

And she's the perfect girl
for the job.

That's why
I'm withdrawing.


Tell me
you weren't in on this.

You think I wanna be trapped
anywhere with this guy?

I don't know what you think!

Well, that makes two of us!

Okay, guys, I didn't plan this
so you guys could fight.

Then let us out.
Yeah, this crazy,
even for you.

Okay, I'm not crazy,
I'm bipolar.

That's why,
until a few weeks ago,

I thought I could win
clare back.

I no longer believe that,

But I still want her
to be happy.

You make her happy.

So please don't screw it up
over a stupid movie.

I don't care about the movie.

Then why are you
so pissed at me?

If you can't suffer
through one stupid movie,

How are you going to deal
with other stuff?


Like when our parents
find out we're dating,

It's gonna get weird.

How do I know you're not gonna
just take off?

He loves you, clare.

I love you too.

♪ I had my eye on you ♪

♪ And I was just a boy ♪

♪ I pray I make it through... ♪

You wanted to see me,

Yeah, come on in.

(Door shuts heavily)

Sir, if this is about
the election-

It's not.

Take a seat.

Rumors have been circulating

About an inappropriate
relationship with ms. Oh.


Now, I've been a victim
of rumors myself,

So I'm not going to jump
to any conclusions.

Do either of you know why
these rumors started?

I, um, have been helping sav
with his music.


Do I need to remind you
of the staff code of conduct?

Uh, I started the rumors.

Yeah, um, some guys
were teasing me

About being unlucky
in love,

So I told them that ms. Oh
and I were an item.

If this had spread
any further,

Ms. Oh could have been
in serious trouble.

I know.
I'm really sorry.

Well, sorry's not good enough.

Detention every day
until graduation,

And a written apology
to ms. Oh.

Of course.

I hope this is
the last of it, sav.

(Bell rings)

Eli! I just saw perino.
What are you doing?!

Get them out of there!

What? No, wait!

Ah... (Laughs)

Well, I can see why
the call it a sweat lodge.

oh, hey. We were, um...

checking the structure.
Checking the structure.

Of each other's tonsils?

wasn't that eli's plan?

What can I say?
I'm a sucker for romance.

Aw, sweet.

Well, come on, clare.

The boys have
a presentation to give.

Hey, dude, thanks.

♪ And she will never
love me ♪

♪ And she will never love me ♪

♪ And I will lo-o-ose
the presidency ♪

(Door clicks open)

Man, I'm such a loser.


Ms. Oh,
do you need the room?

No, but I'd like to speak
to sav for a minute.

Election results
should be in.

I'll go see
how badly I lost.

I wanted to return the disk
you loaned me.

Uh, I never loaned you
a disk.

You're a great guy,

♪ Oh girl,
you make my heart burn ♪

♪ You've got so much to teach ♪

♪ I've got so much to learn ♪

♪ Oh girl,
you make my heart burn... ♪

How will we celebrate
katie's win?

Actually, katie and I
already have plans.

Maybe marisol could join us?

Sure. Whatever.

all right,
ladies and gentlemen,

It's the moment
you've all been waiting for.

and next year's president is...

Dave turner!

(Claps for himself)
give it... Up!


he's kidding, folks.


Katie matlin!
(Students cheer)




(cheering and whistling)

I can't believe it!

I wanna thank everyone
who came out to vote,

And I promise to be the best
president degrassi's ever had.

And the prez gets
to choose her vice,

So, I mean, if you...?



Um, my best friend, marisol,
of course.

(applauding and cheering)

Oh my god!

We are going to rule
the school!

(cheering and applauding)

so, the plan worked?

Jake and clare made up?

What can I say?
It had to be done.

You still love her,
don't you?

Probably always will,

But she doesn't feel
the same,

So I have to let her go.

I guess you'll have
to find a new activity,

Now that all your apologies
are done.

I have one more.

Imogen -
I was horrible to her.

guess you should get down
on your knees for this one.

If I've learned anything
from the jake situation,

It's that actions speak
louder than words.


Hey, imogen.

Eli, I prefer
if we continue

To ignore each other.

I wasn't ignoring you,

I was in therapy.

And I was just waiting
'til my mind was clear

To face you.

During the play,

You used me
and completely threw me away.

I did every thing
you asked

And you broke my heart.

Okay, I know I did,
and I'm sure that an apology

Probably doesn't mean
very much.

But I'd rather prove to you
how sorry I am

By taking you out.

Coffee at the dot?

Let me guess.

Another plan to win over
the heart of clare edwards?

I just want
to be your friend.

You saw me at my worst.

I want the chance for you
to see me at my best.

I suppose I could
squeeze you in.


madame president.

We should keep the pda
to a minimum

Until marisol gets used
to the idea

Of us being together.

You're kidding,

I don't wanna hurt her.

Like the way
she hurt you

By telling the entire school
that you were bulimic?

She's my best friend.

She's not mine.

What are you implying?

When she's around,
I won't be.

Hey, you forgot
to save me a seat.

You can have mine.

Your boyfriend
is such a gentleman.