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11x21 - Extraordinary Machine: Part 2

Posted: 06/05/22 08:43
by bunniefuu
♪ Uh-oh! Uh-oh! ♪

♪ Here comes tomorrow ♪

♪ Uh-oh! Uh-oh! ♪

♪ What will we borrow now ♪

♪ And pay back somehow ♪

♪ Whoa-oh-oh-oh ♪

Good morning,

Hello, milady.

Well, hello!

Okay, blood rushing
out of my head.

(Eli laughs)
oh, I'm sorry.

Life is amazing.

I had a great time
last night

And it's all due to you.

I know.

We were pretty hot
and heavy...

Into our characters.

After you left
last night...

You mean after we made out
for like an hour?

After that...

Everything became
crystal clear.

I know exactly
what I have to do

After dress rehearsal.

What you have to do?


I was up all night

And then it hit me -

The only thing
keeping me away

From getting clare back
is jake,

And I've come up
with the perfect plan

To get him out of my way.

(Sighs happily)

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪


♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ Oh oh-oh ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪
(oh oh-oh)

♪ I can make it through ♪
(I can make it!)

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

Mom! (Laughs)


Anya, shouldn't you be
at school?

Yeah, i-i had to come home!

I've got big news!
I found my thing!

I'm joining the army!


I get to travel the world,
meet new people,

Try all these different
kinds of jobs!

What do you think?

I wanted you
to pick something,

But I certainly wasn't
expecting this!

Well, I'll be helping people
that really need it.

By learning to sh**t at them
in afghanistan?

This could be dangerous.

Well, maybe,
I don't know.

I thought you'd be

That I actually
found something.

This is... (Sighs)

I mean, it's great
to see you excited,

But this is kinda nuts!

I already applied;
i-i did all the tests.

Well, call them
and tell them

That you need more time
to think it through!

No way,
i-i want this!

Mom, I'm years old;

You can't tell me
what to do!

listen to reason!

No, I'm done listening
to everybody else.

(Door squeaks open)

(Bus rumbles)

I'm gonna stash my meds
in jake's backpack,

Then I'm gonna call in
an anonymous tip

That someone's pushing
prescription dr*gs

At the school.

Simpson will call
student searches,

Jake will get caught,

And be out of clare's life


(Pills thud on the floor)

(Imogen sighs)

Your hands are shaking.

Yeah, uh...

I'm not feeling so well.
I was um...

I was fine a little
while ago,

But, uh, I don't know
what's happening to me.

Eli, forget about
this crazy plan!

Take your meds
and focus on the play!

The performance is tonight,

Yeah, I'm not gonna be able
to focus on the play

Until I get clare back!

But what about us?

Look, you're great,

But I'm not gonna give up
on clare,

Not when I'm so close!

And you can't be with someone
if someone's between you.

I guess you're right.

You know what?

I'll plant the dr*gs
in jake's backpack for you.

No one will suspect me.


This will work.

Ten minutes,
then make the call.

(Whistle blows)

hey, public enemy
number one,

I heard you sabotaged ty's
adoption meeting last night,

And for the record,
I think it's whack.

Jenna told everyone?

Yeah, that is whack.

No, I mean what you did
was whack.

I panicked, all right?

I just wanted
to delay the adoption

Long enough
to win jenna back.

Where's your head at,

You and jenna don't matter!

There's a real kid
involved here!

My little guy needs
a good home.

And is the best place
for him with you?

All right.

And by the way...
The power squad hates you.

here we go...
Here we go...


Officer turner:
sir, we've got something here.


Clare, what are those?

I have no idea.
They're not mine!

Looks like some sort
of prescription drug.

Those were supposed
to be in jake's!

How could you screw
that up?

Oopsie! (Laughs)

Mr. Simpson:
clare, um, come with me.
Let's go have a little chat.

Mr. Simpson,
this-this is ridiculous!

I have no idea
how those got there!

Mr. Simpson:

No, no, no!
She's never gonna forgive me!

You still have me.

You did this on purpose!

Don't you get it,

You are to me
what I am to clare,

And I am nothing to her!


(Students chatter quietly)

(Silverware clinks)

You were right
about the powells.

They'd be the perfect parents
for tyson.

Too bad you scared them off.

Well, they happen to be
so perfect

That they still want
to adopt ty.

I called the adoption agent
and cleared things up.

We can sign the papers
after school.



I was selfish.

I'm sorry.

Uh, I just freaked out
that I'm losing you, but...

I know that this
is what you want

And that it's the best thing
for tyson.

thank you so much, kc.

come on, mr. Simpson!

You know me!
I'm not selling dr*gs!

I'm inclined to believe you,

But these were in your backpack,

So I have to call
your mom!

principal simpson,
those pills are mine.

My prescription.

(Aggravated sigh)

if these are yours, eli,

Why is clare carrying them
in her backpack?

I was struggling
with them,

So she was holding them
for me to help.

She was just being
a good friend.

This is all my fault.

Clare, is this true?

Yes, I was holding them
for eli.

Okay, clare,
you can go.

About this medication...

Maybe I should
call your parents

And check in.


They're coming
to the play tonight,

Maybe you can talk to them

They're really looking forward
to seeing it.

They're so proud of me.

(Sighs heavily)


I'll talk to them
after the play.

(Relieved chuckle)

(Cell phone rings)

(Button beeps)

Lieutenant stedman:
anya, it's lieutenant stedman

We processed your application
and initial tests.

I put a rush

Because I felt that
you were the perfect recruit.

Uh, felt?
As in past tense?

Lieutenant stedman:
there's a problem, anya.

You failed the drug test.

Oh! Uh...

Lieutenant stedman:
your urine analysis
came back positive

For a banned substance.

We won't be able
to enlist you.

(Sighs heavily)

(Students chatter)

so how would you describe
this creative process?

you know, there's been
a lot of changes,

Which has been
a little bit confusing, but-

Sorry, i-i need to talk
to clare.

Excuse me, I'm in the middle
of an interview.

let's go.

(Sighs, mad)

Clare, listen!

The pills were supposed
to be in jake's backpack!

Like that makes it

Yeah, I know,
it was stupid.

It's just hard to see you
and-and... And him.

I can't just...
I can't...

You're not making
any sense.

I'm-i'm trying.

It's just that my mind...
Everything is racing!

Take your medication,

I can't! I can't!

Please don't yell.

You don't want a dulled,
doped up guy

Who can't write
or think.

I have to be the guy
you fell in love with!

I also broke up
with that guy!

We are never
getting back together.

(Sighs heavily)


(Lighter rasps and clicks)

(Lighter rasps and clicks)

Minutes till curtain,

And no one has heard
from imogen.

Any idea when she's going
to grace us with her presence?


I haven't seen her either.

Well, great.

I knew this
was gonna happen.

What's up with you?

I can't do the play,

We're minutes away,
the theatre's packed!

I'm a complete mess.

well, uh, get it together!

We don't even have
a leading lady.


I'll do it.

I'll play clara;
I know the lines.

You don't know
the new ending!

If I have to read my script
on stage,

Then so be it.

Bottom line,

It says,
"directed by fiona coyne"

In the program,

And like I said before,

I will not be responsible
for a b*mb.

So, are you with me,
or what?

I'm with you.

(Dramatic music plays)

That's the cue.

I better get stage left
for my big entrance.

See you in the spotlight.

♪ Running through the hallways
of my heart ♪


(exasperated sigh)

Mom, we're gonna be late
for riley's acting debut!

Come on!

What's wrong?

Did you lose
your necklace?

I, uh, I took it off.

It must've fallen out
of my coat pocket

Or something.

And this...
Is this cocaine?

(Sighs heavily)

God, mom i-

How long has this been
going on?

Do we need to send you
to rehab?

Who are you getting
this from?

Answer me, anya!
Why would you do this?

I don't-
I don't know!

I just-
I was...

I was so... Lost.

I'm really sorry, mom.

I don't understand.

I don't understand

I mean, not really.

I mean...

That's why I wanted
to join the army -

Just to make one
good decision.

But I messed that up, too.

So you don't need to worry,

I'm not going
to afghanistan.

They didn't accept me.

because of the cocaine.

(Pam sighs heavily)

♪ The first glimpse of light ♪

♪ I'll be looking for you,
lord ♪

♪ The first glimpse of light ♪

♪ I'll be looking for you,
lord ♪

♪ Oh I'll be looking for you,
lord ♪

♪ Oh I'll be looking for you,
lord ♪

♪ I'm in the belly
of a whale ♪

(Tyson cries)

♪ And the first step I take ♪

♪ I'll be headed the right way ♪

(Tyson cries loudly)

♪ Oh the first step I take ♪

♪ I'll be headed the right way ♪

♪ I'll be headed the right way ♪

♪ Oh I'll be headed
the right way ♪

♪ From the belly of a whale ♪

Eli: (as ari)
thanks for coming,
I just...

I hated the way
we left things.

The truth is,
you should be with me,

Not uh... Him.

Um... I'm sorry.

Uh, what?

Fiona: (as clara)

Maybe we should go away
from here.

No, th-that's not how it goes.

That's my line,
not yours.

You're not following
the script!

You're not exactly following
the script either, ari!

(Audience laughs)

it doesn't matter,
you're not her.

eli, come on,
we're almost done.

Just stick to the script!

What script?
There's no script!

You can't write
your life!


(Pages rustle)

No matter how much all of you
want a happy ending,

You can't have it!

I tried to write one,
but it's impossible.

I rewrote and rewrote
but things kept changing,

And I hurt people,
and i...

I knew they were hurting,

But I didn't stop

Because your mind
tricks you.

It tricks you into thinking
that things are fine.

They're not fine,
nothing is fine!

It's all wrong!

I'm all wrong.

That's it.

There's no happy ending.

(Sighs heavily)


(Lighter clicks,

(Script clatters,
fire crackles)

(Eli thuds on the stage)




(Camera snaps,

(Audience applauds)

(Audience cheers
and applauds)

(Cameras snap photos)

(Audience member whistles)

♪ I asked the caretaker
'cause he was the maker ♪

♪ He looked at me and laughed

♪ Took another sip
from his glass ♪

♪ And said open up your ears
and hearts ♪

♪ You put a big bird
in a small cage ♪

♪ And he'll sing you a song ♪

alli and her mom
are waiting for you.

thank you for everything.

(Sighs heavily)

I'll see you at school.

(Door clicks shut)

You gonna be okay?

(Kc sighs heavily)

I love them, mom.

I know.
Me too.

But sometimes love's
not enough.

Come here.

♪ The ceilings weren't tall,
the floors weren't grand ♪

♪ But the sound that they made ♪

♪ Just warmed your heart ♪

Ms. Dawes:
what an extraordinary monologue,

You were right,

It was the perfect
twist ending.

Mr. And mrs. Goldsworthy,

Your son is
a very talented writer.

Mrs. Goldsworthy:
thank you.

Who knows where
he comes up with this stuff!

Ms. Dawes:
yeah, I've never seen
a student production

Take such risks
with experimental elements.

Very meta!

Yeah, and there were
a few yuks.

Y-yeah, yeah.

Some dark humour,

you all right, kid?

I just need some water.

mr. And mrs. Goldsworthy.


(Pages rustle)

(Loud thud)

Everyone's talking.

Nice pyro.

Looks like you're a hit.

I'm a fraud.

That wasn't ari
up there tonight,

Was it?

Your principal told me

About the little mix up

You haven't been
taking your meds,

Have you?

What does it matter?

Meds or no meds,
she hates me.

(Sighs heavily)

I wanna scream at you,

For lying to us
this whole time.

But I can't

Because I'm afraid
of what you'll do;

If you'll hurt yourself.

I won't!

Your mom and i,

We always kinda let you do
your own thing.

But we gotta start
treating you like a kid,

Watching out for you

Don't blame yourself.

I wouldn't let you
help me.


I wanna get better.

So you can get clare back?


I wanna get better for me.

(Sighs heavily)


massage therapist...

Dental hygienist...

mm, you hate the dentist.

But I like massages.

getting them!



I'm not gonna give up
on the army yet.

What do you mean?

The recruitment officer,
she told me about this thing

Called "enhanced reliability

And it's like a second chance
for rejected applicants.

They would interview
my teachers and friends,

Who can vouch for the fact
that I'm not a drug addict.

And it's a longer road,
but i...

I think I can make it happen.

I want it to happen.

(Bell rings)


Well, that sounds
like a plan to me.

I mean, you don't-

You don't hate the idea
of me joining the army?

Well, you seem so sure
that this is what you want,

And all I want is for you
to be happy.

okay, well, um...

After school,

I'm going
to the recruitment office.

Do you wanna come
with me?

Yes, sir!

(Both laugh)

"'coyne's directorial debut -
crazy good!' By clare edwards."

Suspicious lack
of playwright mention

In this article.

Well, I couldn't find eli
at the after party

To get a quote,

So how'd you like
the new ending?

(Half laughs)

I don't think eli
will ever be done

Rewriting that play.

Anyway, I'm just glad
to be done covering it,

So he and I can go
our separate ways.

It's about time.

See you at lunch?



♪ If you pack up your bags ♪

♪ And leave here today ♪

this is good, eli.

We're gonna try
some new things -

Family therapy stuff,
tweak the meds.

but do you have to take me
out of school?

it's only for a few days.

The doc thinks
a little mental holiday

Will give you a chance
to reset.

I guess I won't miss much.

No. I gotta sign
the absence forms, okay?

I'll meet you in the car.


♪ If you never answer ♪

♪ Anymore phone calls... ♪