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11x20 - Extraordinary Machine: Part 1

Posted: 06/05/22 08:41
by bunniefuu

♪ I've never been good
with words ♪

♪ Well, at least not
the sweet kind ♪

did you sleep at all
last night?

I was up late churning out
my last revisions.

well, what about mood-wise?
Are you feeling steady?

We could go
to the psychiatrist.

Dad, I'm not losing it,
I promise.

I haven't felt
this good in weeks.

Guess the medication's
doing its job,

Now that I'm doling
the pills.

Do you have
my morning dose?

(Pills rattle)

♪ I get that feeling
and I don't know, don't know ♪

♪ How she keeps stealing
all the air from my lungs ♪

(Bell rings)

Have a great day,

♪ All I can say is uh-oh,
uh-oh! ♪

♪ I get that feeling

And I don't know,
don't know... ♪

(Car rumbles as it backs up)

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪


♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ Oh oh-oh... ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪
(oh oh-oh...)

♪ I can make it through ♪
(I can make it!)

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

So tonight's the night
you meet the couple

Who want to adopt ty.

I can't believe
it's happening so fast.

Yeah, me either.

The adoption agent
said they're perfect.

All they need is our stamp
of approval and then...

I hope ed
and cathy powell know

They're about to win
the baby lottery.

This is what jenna
wants, kc.

What about what I want?

Okay, so, say it's you
and me raising ty.

Who's gonna look after him
when I'm at work?

I'd drop out of school.

Like your own father did?

There's got to be a way.

You would have never
given me up.


But I don't want tyson to go
through what you did, either.

(Door closes)

What's with the suitcase?

Getting a head start
on packing.

Jenna, I was mad

When I said
we should break up.

And you were right.

Once tyson's gone,

There's nothing
keeping me here.

uh, eli, there are changes
on every page!

And a brand new ending -

Ari ends up with clara;
true love triumphs!

ah! That sounds perfect!

Sounds last minute.

Uh, I just memorized my line!

The final change is that fritz
will now be known as jack.

I believe that jack is
a much more worthy adversary

For clara's affection.

So, read it through,
and we'll regroup at lunch.

Director here?

Could've used a heads-up
that you're changing the ending.

Oh, sorry.
There was no time.

It hit me last night
like a comet.

(Sighs) well, comet boy,
the play is tomorrow night.

These are way
too many changes.

Maybe we should talk
to dawes...

Fiona, this is the ending
that the play deserves.

Now, if we can
pull this off

Without the help
of a teacher,

How amazing
would that be?

Tell me, how amazing?

Very, I guess.

Don't worry.


ah, thank you for letting me
crash on your couch

Last night, chloe.

It was a pretty wild night
last night, huh?

I can't believe you're actually
going to school this morning.

Well, my mom's meeting me here
for lunch,

So I kinda have
to be here.

Haven't seen you
with the beefcake for awhile.

No, you haven't.

Owen's not talking to me
and it's all my fault.

Well, there's other meat
in the butcher shop.

Ew! That is so gross
on so many levels.


You still want this?

Oh, yeah.


(Bell rings)

See you around, anya.

Yeah. Thanks again.

(Engine starts)

Uh, owen!
Owen, wait up!

I'm really sorry
about our big fight.

And I was a huge jerk
and you didn't deserve it.

Forgive me?


Good. Thank you.

So, plans for lunch?

Um, my mom wants me
to find my path

Now that university's out,

And she's dragging me
to this career fair

At the library over lunch.


Any chance that you feel like

Going through some of
these quizzes with me?


You're the best.

You know, eli,

I joined the play
to build the sets,

Somehow I ended up
with a role,

And now this?

Jack? Really?

Everyone loves a villain,

Embrace it.

You based this character
on me.

Jeez, ego much?

Man, I know the play
has been

About your relationship
with clare,

And I've been
cool with it.

you're a cool guy.

but this crap?!

You're crossing a line.

This will not
impress her.

Clare's already impressed.

So when you're driving
her around

In that truck of yours,

All clare's thinking about
is how much she loves my...


Stop messing
with clare's head.

Haven't you put her
through enough?

You know,
I'm starting to question

Your commitment
to the play!

Maybe you're all wrong
for the role of jack.

You're losing it;
seek help.

Yep, I'm recasting.

Jake's services are no longer
required on love roulette!

Good luck finding
a replacement!

Riley! Hey!

Have you ever thought
about acting?


Hey, dave.

You know, jenna's moving
out of my place.

alli told me yesterday.

Well, thanks for keeping me
in the loop.

Oh, and for ratting me out,

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Don't put this on me, bro!

You cheated with marisol.

Obviously jenna's
moving out!

Alli's acting like
it's one big sleepover.

She's moving in
with alli?!

Well, short-term.

Me and alli had to vouch
for jenna with her parents.

I thought we'd make it
through the adoption

And then maybe
after a couple weeks...

And then what?
Get back together?

Happily ever after?

It could happen.

I've just got to find a way
to get her to stay.

Good luck with that.

(Bell rings)

Okay, so...

Would you rather,
a: fly a plane;

B: fix a plane;

C: be a passenger
on a plane;

Or d: be a bird?

Is that an actual question?

Well, I maybe made up
the last choice.

um, any chance that you
wanna check out a career fair?

With your mom?

Oh, she'll love you.



Hey, mom, this is owen.
We're dating.

Oh, hi.
Nice to meet you.

I'm pam.

Nice to meet you, too.

Um, owen's gonna come
to the career fair with us.

Uh, it looks like
I'm not the only one

Who doesn't have
my whole life figured out,


I got a few ideas.

Yeah, sure,
everybody's got a few ideas.

Uh, I wanna get
my coaching certificate.

Anya: what?
Owen: yeah!

Play my way through college,

And then one day

I hope to work
with the national team.

Oh! You sound like a man
with a plan.

I'm impressed.

Yeah, well, I mean,
I'm no doctor, but...

(Sound of car door opening
and closing)

Wait! Switch drinks!

Fine by me.

Switch drinks, riley.

Sorry, um...

I mean, fine by me
as well.

Okay, now you drink.

You throw it behind
the roulette table;

You grab the knife
that's hidden beside chantay;

You lunge at me,
I block it-

Whoa, hold on.
I drink?

Okay, this isn't
that difficult.

He just got the script.
Can we go slower?

We can't go slower.

Are you okay?

(Yells) yes!
I'm fine!

Everyone just needs
to work harder!

This has to be perfect.
I want it perfect!

Okay, take five,

Why are you yelling
at everyone?

And what is riley
doing here?

He's playing jack.

What happened to jake?

I fired him.

Okay, that's it.
We're going to dawes.

ari, there's enough room
for you

And jack in the world!

But...not in your heart,

Not in your heart.

And... Scene.

Well, imogen is already

Looks like you're
halfway there.

ms. Dawes, they're putting
on a good show here,

But with all these changes,

The play's gonna be
a disaster.


Ms. Dawes, I had to make
these changes because...

It's about...

Having the courage
to write a happy ending.

Like if shakespeare decided
to rewrite romeo and juliet.

Instead of a tragedy,

Changing it
to give the audience hope;

To have the two people
who are supposed to be together

Walk off into the sunset...

A writer's catharsis?


This twist ending
will put this play over the top.

Give me a break.

Who even knows
what he's talking about?

I do.

No offense, fiona,

But you don't have
the experience with plays

Like I do.

You're not an artist.

Okay, fine.
Do whatever you want,

But I won't be responsible
for a play that bombs.

I know creative differences
are common,

But you two started out
like a dream team.

Why isn't it
working anymore?

Okay, fiona,
the show must go on.

you're still not taking
your meds, are you?

I've been off them for weeks
and I feel awesome.

You stopped taking them
to unblock your creativity

So you could
write the play.

But now that play
is already written...

Okay, forget about
the pills.

We've need to get
the word out

About this amazing
twist ending

For love roulette now.

Will you tell everyone
you know?

Of course.


And I know exactly
who I need to talk to.

(Bell rings)


I got these for you.

I made a mistake
with marisol.

It was stupid
and selfish,

And I'm sorry.


Thanks for the apology.

Can we maybe
un-break up?

look, kc,

The truth is,
if it weren't for the baby,

I'm not sure
we would've stayed together

This whole time.

I don't believe that,

Look, I love you.

Just tell me what you want me
to do and I'll do it.

The only thing I want

Is to find the best home
we can for ty.


Press girl!
I've got a scoop for ya!

Hey, eli.

I wondered if you could do
a last-minute article

On love roulette.

Ah. I heard there
were changes, fired jake?

Uh, yeah. That.

He was just a casualty
of the creative process.

Did he say anything
to you?

Not really.

I think you did him
a favour, actually.

Well, not everyone
loves theatre.

Not the way you
and I do.

So how about
that interview?

I'm kind of in
the middle of something.

Of course.
How about later?

Seven-ish, say,
at the dot?

Sure. Let's do it.

Then it's a date.

It's an interview.

Isn't that what I said?

♪ Get up, get up, get up for ♪

♪ Get up, get up, get up for ♪

You're up.


Three hundred booths
at a career fair

And not one -

Not one is even remotely
appealing to me.

(Laughs) what?

You don't think
you have a future

In television repair?

Hilarious, owen.

You know, you really
sucked up to my mom.

I made a good impression.

You made me
look like an idiot.

I brought you along
for support.

You should've
just played along.

All right, I understand
that you're upset, okay?

But don't take it out
on me.

You will find something

Not everybody has it
all figured out.

Like you do?

You must think
I'm a real loser, then.

I didn't say that.

Yeah, well,
you don't have to say it!


Ty's a really good baby.

He's a great sleeper
and if he cries,

All you have to do
is play him some music

And he's happy again.

(Ty babbles)

He sounds perfect.

he is.

He's perfect.

Mrs. Harrison:
ed and cathy,

Do you have questions?

We know this is
an open adoption,

And we just wanna make sure
that giving tyson up

Is definitely
what you guys wanna do.

We've heard horror stories
about parents

Who change their minds

During the probation period.

We both love tyson,

But we also want
what's best for him.

I'm sorry,
I have one more question.

What sports would you
put him in?

Oh, well, we hadn't thought
that far ahead, I guess.

Neither of us
is very athletic.

I see.

Uh, well, that's all.

Right, kc?

It would be an honour
for you two to raise tyson.


I'm sorry,
I don't approve.

What're you doing?

Do you two need a moment?

I just don't feel comfortable
with this.

(Loud rock music plays
on stereo)

♪ You gotta kick out
and jump! ♪


(Turns music down)

You're pretty jacked up.

I have a date
with clare, dad.

She's feeling it,
I'm feeling it!

(Sighs heavily)

You been tracking your moods

In that journal
the doctor gave you?

Extreme emotions,
even positive ones,

Can be a sign of a problem.

That's ridiculous.

I'm happy.
How can that be a problem?

Fair enough.

here's your evening dose.

I know this can't be
easy for you,

But I'm proud of you,


Sorry I was such
a beeyotch,

But uh...
I'm all good now.

Please tell me
you didn't just do coke

In the bathroom.

So what if I did?



I thought you were done
with that?

We're playing pool!

Sorry, mr. Hockey
coach wannabe.

I have seen a new side
of you today

And honestly,
I don't like it.

Well, you can't tell me
what to do.

That's exactly
what you need!

Problem is,
you won't listen.

And why would I
listen to you?

You're pathetic.

Hey! Okay.

Oh, come on!
I'm sorry!

I'll be good!

Extra sugar,
just the way you like it.

Thanks, but I could've
paid for mine.

No way.

So, new ending...

You look really pretty.

I'm here for newspaper,

You get that, right?

I'm the one
who requested the interview,

So yeah, I get it.

Tell me about
your leading lady.

You and imogen have been
working pretty closely

On the play.


It's pretty obvious
she has feelings for you.

Why are we talking
about it?

We're not...
There's nothing between us!



Let's start over.

Can you tell me
what inspired

The new ending?

Well, I was...


What's he doing here?

We're going to a movie
after this.

for a date?

Can you please
just tell me

What inspired
the new ending?

Well, what inspires
anything really?

Love and blood.


Whatever comes out.

I'm not sure I follow.

I'm sorry, i...

I can't seem to get together
my thoughts.


Are you okay?

Yeah, i-i... It's...

it was a stupid question!

hey, is everything all right?

This is a bad idea.

I'm tired
and I need to get some sleep.

Yeah, you should go home
and rest.

We can do this later.

Enjoy your movie.


(Phone beeping)

Hey, are you busy
in like a half an hour?

I just want to go through
the script or something.


Um... My house.



you look like roadkill.

(Toilet flushing)

It's the coke.

Chloe sold me
a bad batch.

I've heard she does that.




I've totally ruined
my life!

yep, cocaine can
have that effect.

My parents have lost
total faith in me.

Owen thinks
I'm a complete wasteoid.

(Sighs) if I could just find
something, anything.

Like her!

Flying an airplane,

All the confidence
in the world.

Why can't I be like that?

Lay off the blow,
who says you can't?

I just hated the way
we left things.

The truth is,
you should be with me,

Not him.

We'll run away,

Where no one can ever
come between us again -

Just you and me
against the world!

You and me
against the world!

That was close,

But I think we should
rehearse the scene

A few more times, eli.

This play is so amazing.

No, it's you
who's amazing, clare.

You mean clara?

♪ Doing god knows what ♪

♪ To god knows who ♪

♪ If I'm not watching ♪

♪ I'm not listening... ♪