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07x11 - Owner of a Lonely Heart

Posted: 06/05/22 07:27
by bunniefuu
So I walk
into the core

And jesse's sitting there,

Smiling his big,
dumb grin,

Like nothing happened.


The service here
is so weak

I'm ordering
at the bar.

Hey, best friend?

Um, if you're not gonna listen,

Can you at least get us
some more calamari?


Can you spot me?

(Music plays
over lively chatter)

excuse me? Hello?

What does it take to get
some service around here?

More than that
ten dollar bill.

You think this is bad?

I'm doing
the long distance thing

With this guy in spain.

Service there?


For making it work,
what's your secret?

He flies me to spain.


Ever been to cabaret night?

Somehow I've gone
almost a whole year

Without making it
to a pride t.u. Event.

What, drag shows
and general messiness

Isn't your scene?

No. I just...

Haven't had anyone
to go with, I guess.

ah, the straight,
clingy girlfriend.

Hey, (clicks teeth)

what can I get you?

Can I get another round
of sh*ts for my table

And uh...
Whatever he's having.

Oh, uh, calamari.

(Surprised gasp)

I'm marco.



If you want to meet
some new people,

You should come tomorrow.

Leave the girl.

Maybe I will.




(Street chatter,
cars rumble by)


Poly blend
or cotton?

It's just hard,

Especially since jesse's
on facebook now, too.

El, which one
do you like?

And I can see,

Every little thing
he does.

Do you know that
he's looking

For "random play"?

Ellie! Which shirt
do you like better?

That one.

Are you okay?

My fashion consultant,

Is at work,
as usual,

And I just wanna wear
something good

At cabaret night.

We're going?

Ugh! Why didn't you
tell me?

I have nothing to wear!


I was hoping...

I was hoping
I could get out there,

You know,
by myself?


Well, I guess
"project eric"

Is officially a bust?


I don't know.

I could give it
another shot, I guess.

This one.

$ . . Cash?


Ah, crap.

I thought I had it,
I'm sorry.

It's okay,

You can pay me back.


No, no-no-no.
I feel terrible.

No, I feel terrible.

I was so busy with
my old boyfriend problems,

I didn't even notice

You were trying
to get some new ones.


Have fun.

Look hot.

Thank you.


(Car whirs by,
bicycle gears whir)

(Approaching footsteps)

Are you stalking me
from a distance?

I'm still technically
not allowed

On school property.

Oh, hey, I found this
in my suit pocket.

so, funny.

I was just about to poster
the neighbourhood

With "lost lip gloss"

Yeah-yeah, okay,
I came to see you.

I'm busted.

So how's your dad?

Lukewarm about having
an adult daughter.

Warming to theatre school,

Provided I have
no distractions,

A.k.a dating.


Well, do you want me
to talk to him?

And say what?

"Your daughter's debut

Was incredibly profitable
for me?"

Yeah, about that,

Keep the money.

We had a deal.

And what about
the secret car repairs?

I'm just, I'm having
too much fun with this.

All debts are off
the table.

(Car engine whirs)

Wow! Mr. S,
nice car.

(Car door clicks open)

Looks like it's never ever
been in a fender bender.

Mr. Santos:
she runs like a dream.

The secret, jason,
is in regular maintenance.

(Keys jingle as trunk
cranks open)

So bring it by the garage

I'll change the oil,
rotate the tires,

Get it all ready
for spring -

On the house.

this is a smart boy.

(Car engine whirs)

(Muffled music resonates
from club)

(Loud club music plays
over lively chatter)

I'm (unclear) to you.


(Club music continues)

This is great.

Oh, thank you.

okay, spanish boyfriend?


You do not strike me
as the campus pub type.


Anything for a pride
t.u. Fundraiser.

Someone's gotta support them.

I mean, plastic
champagne flutes?

Come on.

This round's mine.
What do I owe?

relax, I got it.

Can we have our table
cleared off, please?

Yeah, sure thing.

Eric? Hi.

You work here?

Ya, since monday.

Student loans disappear
in a hurry.

(Plates clink)

let me help you.

Look, eric,

I'm sorry for...
Last time,

When ellie
set us up.

So... We should
catch up sometime.

That sounds good.
What about tomorrow?


Yeah, sounds great.
Text me, okay?

(Dance music plays)

Check out those shoes!

Now, that is commitment
to drag.

I bet you'd look good
in five-inch heels.

Yeah, I'd finally be allowed
to go on every ride

At the amusement park.

Hey, there,
you wanna dance?

Uh, me?


But... Thanks.

Not your type, huh?


I got a moratorium
on cute blonde guys

Since my ex.

Two years ago,

I lost it over this
turkish guy:

Hot, smart, rich...

I miss first class.

So, what,

You only date rich guys?

Someone's gotta foot the bill
for this lifestyle.

Speaking of,

We're hitting tyrade

you're kidding me.

The club with
the swimming pool?

Don't you need a membership
to get into that place?

yeah. So, you coming?

(Chuckles as cell phone rings)

I should probably go.

Early class...

But this round's
on me.

(School bell rings)

seven drama schools?

Get in now,
win scholarship,

Show dad free money,
win game.

Interesting approach.

It's almost like
you've matured,

Or something.

I've learned the secret:

Serve everything
with a side of jay.

I'm waiting for
the punchline.

I'm serious!

Very useful.

I know,
he's a skeezy mechanic,

Who only looks out
for himself.

All I'm saying is
it has its upsides.

One of them being

That you can't keep
your eyes off him?

That's ridiculous...
And beside the point,


So what?

I'd list all the reasons,
"so what,"

But you're not
listening to me.

When are you seeing him?

After school,

But only to pick up
my dad's car,



And maybe something
to eat.


do you know that your number
still comes up

As dylan micalga?



Phone's still
in his name.

But we are like
a zillion percent kaput,

Kinda thanks to you

And missus cupid.

So, eric,

What do you do
when you're not at the core?

Not much.

Watch tv,
dabble in sodoku.


All the...

Boringness of a crossword

With the inconvenience
of counting.

Well, I like it.

(Jazz tune begins)


Do you like jazz?

eric, the guy from the core?

I thought you said
that guy was lame.

I gave him
a second chance.

That's awesome!
How was it?



he likes jazz.


Jazz can be...

Yeah, well,
(hands clap)

I'm meeting up with devon
at tyrade.

Any chance I could,

You know,
borrow a bit of cash?

Oh, yeah, I'll just
put it on your tab,

Along with the shirt.

naw, don't look at me, bud,
I'm broke.

And we are studying.

You should try it

If you can work it into
your party schedule.


Can I get a little passive
with your aggressive?

I thought you were okay
with this.

What is so great about devon?

Why is he so worth
going broke over?

Because I just wanna
have fun for once.

Is that so wrong?

Is using your old friends,

So you can live
the high life

With your new ones,


Hmm... Tough call.

(Somber music plays)

wow! Jay, you've shown me
a whole new world tonight.

See, two can dine
for $ . .

And now you're walking me
to my door?

I can't help
but feel suspicious.

Ahh, beautiful
and cynical.

Where I'm from,

Dates usually end...
With a kiss.

Where you're from,

Dates end
in the back of a van.

Hmm... Touche.


Good night.


Good night.

(Passionate kissing)

(Door thuds open)


Your mother
and I were worried

And now I can see why!

I guess I was wrong
to trust this one.

Goodbye, jason,
don't come here again.

Wait, dad,

Jay and I were
just celebrating.

Celebrating what?


Well, we're engaged!

devon! Hey, guys!

Wait up.

thought you were busy

I ditched them.

It's okay,
he's with us.


I so don't have
fifty dollars.

I guess there's
no chance

You wanna come back
to my place,

Watch dvds?

If you wanna play
with the big boys,

You're gonna need
big bucks.

What should I do,
rob a bank?

Money's the easy part,

If you ever think
we're gonna do

Quiet dvd nights
at your place,

You're outta luck.

Mr. Santos:
why is this the first
we've heard of this engagement?

Mrs. Santos:
is there anything wrong?

Everything's fine, mom.

No need
for a shotgun wedding.

Jay and I want to spend
time together.

I know that would be

If we weren't serious.

Inappropriate, right.

I know how much
our family respects

The part of a relationship

That grows while
a couple's engaged.

(Half laughs)
I'm, I'm sorry

We got a little
carried away.

I'm just so in love
with manuela.

Jay and manny:

You'll treat my daughter
with respect.

Like a maserati
gransport spyder v .

(Clock ticks
in the dead of silence)

There'll be no wedding plans
until after university,


Believe me,
we won't.

We're gonna have
a looong engagement,


eric, hi.


Didn't think I'd ever
see you again

After yesterday.

Look, I know ellie
really wants us to click,

But I think we're putting
to much pressure on ourselves.

tell me about it.

Listen, maybe we should
just work on

Being friends first.


Do you think
you can help

A new friend
get a job here?

(Paper rustles)

A resume?

You obviously
have no idea

What a busboy does,
do you?

I'm pretty sure
it doesn't involve

Driving a bus.

I'll check with my boss.

You're saving my life,

And you do know
we get paid

Every second friday,

I don't suppose

You can front
a new friend some cash

Until then?


Ellie always said you had
a great sense of humour.

("These new friends of yours"
by paper moon)

♪ These new friends of yours
speak of ashes and dust ♪

♪ Where are they taking us ♪

♪ Feels like the end
but we're just beginning ♪

♪ These new friends of yours ♪

♪ Won't show their faces
to me ♪

Doo, doo, doo,

Doo, doo, doo...

♪ They stand in shadows ♪

♪ But I can see
they're always near ♪

♪ And I have no time for them ♪

♪ Can we leave them behind ♪

♪ We'll lose them
in the sunshine... ♪

(Crowd cheers)


(Students chatter nearby)

Genuine cubic zirconia.

Fake diamonds
for maximum believability.

Not in front
of the school.

This better be
some kind of joke.

The best,
the best kind.

We have fun,
we keep up the ruse,

You buy yourself
some freedom.

I can go away
to university next year

Without my parents

Worrying about
the boy factor.

Your parents continue
to adore me,

You get to do
whatever you want.

It's really about
their peace of mind.

And what are you getting
from all this?

The three things
that I love most:

A hot girl,

Fake commitment,
and free food.

It's a win-win-win.

(Nervous murmur)

I am both attracted
to you

And very, very afraid.

Sounds about right.

(Crickets chirp,
car whirs by)

Hey, I got your text.

This is nowhere near
club tyrade.


Which is good

Devon, I don't know
how you do it.

You're going out
every night partying.

I can't keep up.

Luckily, I'm gonna help
your cash flow issues.

What, you got some
magical money tree

Lying around somewhere?

Here's our ride.


You know how I feel
about discretion.

Marco's cool.

Local politics
will remain unscandalized.

Just get in.

(Car door opens)

(Steady rumble of vehicles)

(Gears crank into park)


Three hundred apiece?

That works for us.

devon, why are we stopped?

Is this some kind
of drug deal?


Before he gives us
a ride to the club,

We give him a ride
to paradise.

Just go with it.

Hold up! What-

This is what you do?

You have sex
for money?

He's new to this.


You need cash.

You got three hundred
coming your way.

No need to be embarrassed.

This is awesome,

Yeah, mom.

What, too soon?

Mrs. Santos:
I'm glad you're enjoying it.


(Sigh of contentment)
oh, a beautiful woman
that I love

And a weekly dose
of culinary splendor.

God smiled on me.

we have company.

Father phil?!

When you announced
your engagement,

I called the parish
right away.

The wedding
may be years away,

But it's never too early
for premarital counseling.

(Nervous chuckle)
I'd, I'd love to,

But I'm not catholic.

Mrs. Santos:
not yet, dear.

(Disbelieving gasp)

(Water runs)

you're here?

I didn't hear you come in
last night.

Yeah, I didn't want
to wake you up.

So, how's devon?

How much more in debt
are you today?

There is no such thing
as devon, el.


Did you run out of ways
to mooch party money?

Did your sugar daddy
finally dump your scrub-ass?

enough with the sarcasm,

Devon set me up
with a client of his,

For money.





Wait, did you?

I almost thought
about it, though.

All for one night out.

What does that make me,


But, fortunately,
not a prost*tute.

What are you
looking for?

I dunno.


Luckily, the vast majority
of gay guys at school

Aren't like devon.

yeah, some of them
are pretty cool,

Despite their positive
attitudes toward jazz.

Oh, I will make you
like eric.

Yeah, well,
it might not be so hard.

Eric got me an audition
for the role of busboy

At the campus club,

And my first paycheck
directly to you.

for that fancy,
fancy shirt?

I just...

I wanted to feel happy,



You know?


But money can't buy
those feelings, marco.
