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07x07 - We Got the Beat

Posted: 06/05/22 07:24
by bunniefuu
(Pianist plays a waltz)

You're doing it
all wrong.

waltzing's whack.

Not like I had a choice
in the matter.

By the way, manny,
you're looking good.

You've really
grown up.

Okay, jubert,

Let's not forget
you're my cousin.

Second cousin.


This whole debut thing
is so not me.

Uh, manuella,
please don't start again.

You know it's tradition.

We've been planning
your debut for years.

I had one,
your lola did.

You only turn once,

But it's so old school,

Couldn't I just hit up
a karoake club

With some of my friends?

Your friends are here

And uncle eduardo
has karoake.

That's not the point.

I thought when
I moved back home

I'd be able to make
my own choices.

Forget it.

Forget what?

All the gift money
from the family?

I know! "University tuition
doesn't grow on trees."

Mrs. Santos:
manuella, please,

Just do as your father asks:

Learn the waltz.

You don't want to dance
with jubert?

I'll show you.

Jubert, waltz now!

(Small string ensemble
plays a waltz)




My dress looks like some
experiment gone wrong.

How my dad fell for my mom
in that,

I'll never know.

well, at least he let us use
his shiny black true love

To get us to school.


If it's that bad,
why not talk to him?

How th generation
canadian of you.

What's that
supposed to mean?

Your family's all like,
"let's discuss our feelings."

But in my house,
my dad barks orders

And we listen.

What does that have to do
with being canadian?

You just don't get it.

(Engine whirs)

(Newspaper stands
crash and thud)

(Disbelieving gasps)

Oh, I get it.
You're dead.


so, when our demo
gets some action,


Was thinking I could
design the cd cover.

Did you want to finish
my bagel?

It's that bad, huh?

They're great.

I just think we should
lower our expectations

With this whole
music thing.

You're right.

Who wants to hear from
a rapping wheelchair gimp?

That's not it.
What's with you?

I'm sorry.

I'm starting some
intense physio today.

I'm just gearing up
to be let down again.

I know you want to walk,

But if it doesn't happen,
who cares?

You're still you inside,

(Engine whirs)

my life is over.

it's a scratch,
a denty-scratch.

it might as well be on fire!


Sean's old boss tony
can fix anything.

All will be fine.

(Smirks) looks like a tree
jumped out and hit ya, eh?

Happens a lot
when girls drive.

Jay, where's tony?

He's busy.

Ever since sean left,
he's short-staffed.

You heard from him?

Sean? He's still
in the army,

Still not coming
to his senses.

Give me a couple days,
it'll be as good as new.

um, how about a couple hours?

I'm serious.

My dad's coming
to this university

Prep thing at school,

And if this car's
not in the lot,

Then I'm roadkill.

Well, I could clear
my schedule,

But it's gonna cost ya.

What if I told you
that I was about

To come into
a lot of money?

What kinda money?

The kind the filipino community
showers on a girl

In her th year.

As in a lot.
I've got it covered.

And we need a ride
to school.



(Pained gasp)

Okay, I need a break.

(Relieved breath)

This is rough.

(Tired sigh)


Next time, don't give up
so quickly.


I have a therapist.

Good, 'cause I'm only
a student at t-u.

Social work.

I'm still in high school.

Kinda got held up.

So what do you wanna be
when you grow up?

Uh... Taller?

So he has a sense of humour!


Yeah, kinda have to

When you're stuck
in a stupid wheelchair.


S... Sorry, who are you
to make judgment on me,

Based on like three seconds
of observation?


Just seemed to me
like you needed a push.

Stop feeling sorry
for yourself,

Then get back to me, 'kay?


today, I'm gonna give you
the tools

To help you make some
good financial decisions

Regarding your child's
post-secondary education.

So with some smart planning

You can send your child
to school,

To university
without losing your shirt.

Are there any scholarships
you can recommend

For the

Oh, I thought manny
was pursuing

A program in theatre?

Uh, yeah, so did i.

You're good at science,

Acting you can do
on the side.

But this is my dream!

When she's paying
for her education,

She can do
whatever she wants.

Science scholarships,

Thank you.

(Truck rumbles off)

Mrs. Santos:
joseph, (speaks in pilipino).

We already talked
about it.

She resists her debut,

Then she turns her back
on science?

She could have a great
opportunity, julietta,

And I don't want her
to throw it away!

All done mapping out
my life?

Where did you park,


(Car alarm bleeps)

I parked ov...

Right over there!

Not a scratch on it!

(Forceful whisper)
gimme the keys!

Uh, dad?
You'll need these.

it's vegetarian meat
in the cafeteria, degrassi...

Hey, you.

How was physio?

It was good.
It was eye-opening.

(Ashley sings on cd track)
♪ what's wrong with being... ♪

What happened
to my rap track?

Uh, i... I must've
mastered it wrong?

I hope it was on there

When you sent it
to the record label.

Did you hear anything back?
I mean, did they like it?

(Ashley singing continues)

Jimmy, your track's
not on there

Because I took it off.

When craig's album
came out,

I realized that I'd put aside
my music for him.

And then you put me aside
for your music.

I just needed to take
the next step on my own.

They didn't want you
without my rap.

I wasn't trying to hurt you.

You've had so many


And you're the biggest.

(School bell rings)

Ashley: (on cd)
♪ tell me lies ♪

♪ Tell me lies ♪

Thank you.
You totally saved my ass.

Hey, I'm awesome.

Your dad'll never know
the difference.

If he cared about me

Half as much as he did
about that car...

it's a -year-old car

That looks like it was
just driven off the lot!

You gotta respect a guy
like that.

How can I respect someone

When he thinks every choice
I make is wrong?

Well, best choose
to steer clear of me,

'Cause I'm daddy hate-bait.

You ever been to a debut?

"A day-boo?"

Yeah, it's kind of like
a big debutante ball thing.

Listen, be my escort,

And if you're on
your worst behaviour,

Then I'll pay double
for the car repairs.

Family drama, eh?

Count me in.

There's an open bar,
I assume?

And a free get-to-know-
my-parents dinner tomorrow.


Wear something grimy.


(Traffic rumbles by)

Mmm. Mm!

More halo halo, jay?

Oh, hells yeah,
mrs. S.

Whatever this is,
it is delicious!

Has our daughter
explained to you

The importance
of tomorrow night?

Yeah, th year, candles,
lords a leapin'.

Sounds like fun.


Mr. Santos:
(comment in filipino)

You certainly have a better
attitude than she does.

I got it!
Shammy time.

These shammies are amazing.

I use them all the time
at the shop.

So you're a car guy,
are you?

He's a mechanic
and a dropout.

You didn't finish high school?

actually, dad,
jay got expelled.

You're , ?

Nobody knows for sure.

Mr. Santos:
manuella, don't interrupt.

I'm speaking to jason.

Thank you, sir.

Actually, my boss
is teaching me

How to run a business.

Mr. Santos:
and you think that's enough
to set up

The rest of your life?

well, he started
with a bank loan

And now he's got a big house
in forest hill, a jag...

A wife that you wouldn't
kick out of bed

For eating crackers.


Sounds like you have goals,

No, he doesn't.
Really, none.

There's nothing wrong
with honest hard work.

Sure beats acting, eh?

(Grunted laugh)


Mr. Santos:
let me know what you think.

"The five p's
of prosperity."

Chapter one: debuts.

With all those presents,
you can make a k*lling.


Pleasure meeting you.

An unexpected pleasure.

wow, not the kinda guy
you'd think I'd invite

To my debut, huh?

High school dropout?

Yes, but he seems determined
to make the best for himself.

So, it's okay for him
to be a screw up,

But not me?

I never called you that.

No, you just make me
feel like one.

You wanted to bring your own
escort to the debut.

Your father's just trying
to be accommodating.

But he- uh, I mean...


(Door slams shut)

keep going.

Awesome job.

Good. Good.


I was hard on you

I'd get it if you want
to roll me over

With your wheelchair.

Nah, nah. I mean, uh...

You being hard on me
was what I needed.

I'm back, right?

Well, I guess you should know
who's terrorizing you.

I'm trina.

Semi-professional hardass.

Jimmy brooks.

Aspiring wheelchair escaper.


So what brings you
to this lovely physio centre?

Well, um, two years ago
I was rock climbing,

Lost my grip.

When I woke up,
couldn't move my legs.

I'm sorry.

Hey, it's old news.

Don't feel sorry for me.

What about you?

School sh**ting,

Ripped from the headlines.

I was even the star
basketball player at degrassi.

That was you?


Ooh, crazy.

How did your family
and friends take it?

If I only had a dime

For every single time
that someone's gone,

"Your back is broken,

But you're still
the same person."

Same here.
Totally same here.

It's like the more positive
they tried to be,

The more pissed off I got.

It's like,
I'm not the same person I was.

Me neither.

I don't know who I am.

You didn't die the day
you were shot, jimmy.

You were given
a second chance.

So grab onto it.




And to this day, cold fusion
remains in the realm of fiction

Rather than science.

Not that there's anything wrong
with science fiction movies!

Thank you.


Thanks, manny.
Good stuff.

Now this might label me
as a sci-fi nerd...

you're becoming quite
the science geek, ms. Santos.

Uh, good thing,

Since I'll be spending
the rest of my life in a lab.

Maybe you can play
a scientist in movies?

Ol' glass-is-half-full

At least you have
"plan jay."


The one where he and my dad
become best friends?

No matter what I do,
my dad wins.

Teacher: is completely
science fiction,

Cold fusion generators

(Inaudible announcement)

I put your track back.

Take it to griffin

And you two'll be meeting
a&r reps in no time.

This is supposed
to fix everything?

I know you hate me,
but this - our music -

It's more important.

(Hum of overlapping chatter)

you look stunning!

We're extremely

Mrs. Santos:
my old dress never
looked better.


I'm sorry about
all the drama

That's been going on
around this.

mr. Santos.

Hello, ladies!

Jason! So handsome!

And you, mrs. Santos?

Like a mercedes
in diamond silver metallic.

(Laughs and makes comment
in pilipino)

(Fake laughter)

Uncle eduardo:
ladies and gentlemen,

Put your hands together
for the parents!

(cheering and applauding)

What are you doing?
You look amazing!

You're not so bad yourself,
ms. Santos.

You know, if there weren't
so many people around, I'd-

Stick to the plan,

Make my parents regret
forcing me to do this debut.

Hey, you're not paying me
to do your dirty work.

That's exactly
what I'm doing!

Uncle eduardo:
ladies and gentlemen,
please welcome the cotillion.

Manny, I am a lover,
not a hater.

And since it looks
like every girl here's

Got an available sister...

That's the jay
I'm looking for:

The guy that acts
like an ass.

Well, if we're talking
about acting,

You are the drama queen.

You got the tiara
and everything.

You're right.

Uncle eduardo:
ladies and gentlemen...

I am a drama queen.

Uncle eduardo:
the debutante: manuella...

Change of plans, jay.
If this is all an act,

Let's put on a show.

(applauding and cheering)

(rapping on cd track)
I'm ahead of the rest

And proud of the fact
that I've accomplished that...

This is k*ller, man.
We'll package you,

And the labels'll
eat it up.

Can't wait to be packaged.

You know, all these rappers
glamorizing g*ng culture?

You're the antidote.

I was shot in the back,

Running away
from a trivia nerd

Covered in yellow paint
and feathers.

So we'll bend the truth
a little.

Wouldn't be
the first time.

You thought of a name yet?

I have a name.

No, no.
Like a stage name.

Something that
sums you up -

You and the chair.

So, that's all I am?
Just a guy in a chair?

Whatever gets you noticed.

So without it I'm nothing?

(Incredulous chuckle)

Jimmy, don't take this
the wrong way.

with this demo,

You and ashley
can go places.

You know what?
You keep the demo.


And whatever happens
talk to ash,

'Cause I'm out.

(Music plays, hum of chatter)

Uncle eduardo, this is jay,
my boyfriend.

Hello. So manny,

Where are you going
to university next year?

I don't know if university
is for me.

Jay and I have
other plans.

Manuella's looking into

My dreams were
to pursue acting,

But um,
since I'm a girl...

yup, me and this pretty
young thing

Are gonna head up
to the oil patch.

I could be a maid
in fort mcmurray

And jay work
in the tar sands.

Excuse me.

what is this?

You were right, dad.

Why should I follow
my dreams in acting?

And university's expensive.

Jay and I will be better off
if we just go.

You're giving up
on your future?

Isn't that what
you wanted?

I just want you
to be happy.

I am happy, daddy.

I don't understand
why you're acting this way.

I'm glad you
finally noticed.

That was acting.

That's what I'm doing
with the rest of my life.


♪ I like a good time
but I always find ♪

♪ I need something to break ♪

♪ 'Cause when you
get your back up ♪

♪ Yeah, I'm outta luck ♪

♪ I need someone
to fix my mistakes ♪

♪ It wasn't worth it,
were we a sure thing ♪

♪ More like a puzzle... ♪

I keep having this dream

Where I'm running up
the court again.

That ever happen to you?

Well, mine has more to do
with scaling grouse mountain,

But... (Laughs)

No, dreams like that
are good.

'Cause if you don't believe,
then doctors sure won't.

Yeah, but with surgery
and stem cell,

I mean, it's worth
looking into, right?

Something tells me

You won't take no
for an answer.


Also good.

Yeah, and I've been


Yeah, really.

Check this out.

(Mutters to himself)


(Tight exhale)

(Breathing hard
as he struggles)


Oh, wow.

Are you okay?

That was slick.

So much for trying
to impress you, huh?

You want to impress me?

Get back up.


♪ when you're with me ♪

♪ It's my time ♪

♪ Whoa, it's my time ♪

♪ I'm so sure that
I'll be worth it, babe ♪

♪ You could be mine ♪

You've made
your point.

I admit,
you have acting talent.

Mrs. Santos:
this debut was to celebrate
the fact that you're an adult.

So, we've agreed
you can make your own choices.

(Elated gasp)


What did you say to him?

Well, it was actually his idea.

We'll find a good
drama program.

If you promise to take
some science courses.

I think
it's a fair compromise.

How first generation


And now that I'm an adult,

I'd like to make
my first choice.

Will you dance with me,

Is this you acting again?

It's the real me this time.

(Classical music plays)

Mr. Santos:
I'm proud of you.

Since you've come home,
you've come a long way.

And so have you.
