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13x38 - Believe: Part 2

Posted: 06/04/22 16:39
by bunniefuu
(Fire crackles,

Animal calls in the distance)

(Sighs heavily)

(Branch snaps)

What was that?!

Um... Probably just a wolf.

A wolf?
Are you serious?!

I dunno,
maybe a bear.

Yeah, 'cause that'd be
so much better!

If it's a black bear,
we make lots of noise.

If it's a grizzly,
we play dead.

(Branches snapping)

so what do we do now?

(Branch snaps nearby)

Drew: run!
Becky: what?! What?!

becky, come on!


oh my god, come on!
Let's go!

Mrs. Baker:
honey, wait!

It's me!


I'm so sorry
I scared you!

oh mom, it's okay!
It's okay.

You found them!

We've been searching
for hours!

Didn't you hear us
calling your names?

Mrs. Baker:
I was so worried!

I know. I just...

I didn't think I could testify
in court today.

You didn't think you could
just skip it, did you?!

I was kinda hoping,

Because I'm not sure
what I was going to say.

Mrs. Baker:
just tell the truth!

Your brother would never
hurt a girl!


Let's skedaddle.


♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ (The best that I can be) ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

Yay, tristan!
You got my message!

Zo, I know that tv segment
was nasty,

But you don't need
to walk around in disguise.

What tv segment?

That's not why
we're here?


I wanted to get your help
to prepare

For my "wicked"
audition today.

Okay, but today is your
victim impact statement.

It's the one chance
to tell people

How the as*ault
affected you!

People have already decided
it's all my fault.

I need to move on!

After you show me
that video.

Uh, what happened
to moving on?

Because I was really
getting behind that.

(Laughs humourlessly)

(Exasperated sigh)

zoe rivas, former star
of "west drive."

Once a hot up and comer,
is now a hot mess.

We have the true story!


Our journalists uncovered
that this party girl's problems

Started on the set
of "west drive,"

Where she was booted
for pill popping!

An on set source reported
zoe's little problem

Cost the production
mucho dinero.

This is a nightmare!

I guess that report released
a tsunami of bad press.

No one will ever
hire me again!

Well, you should sue
for defamation!

I can't.

Because it's true.

Wait, how did I
not know this?

I'm like the biggest
"west drive" super fan!

It was supposed
to be a secret.

You need to tell me


I need to call my agent.

(Bell rings)

nervous about your testimony?

Yes, that's what I am.
Nervous about my testimony.

Well, you just have
to tell the truth,

And I'll be there
the whole time.

Okay, it's-


Come on!


A lot of things happened
at that party

And I'm just worried about
what people will think

When they hear it.

Well, miles,
they'll think you're a good guy

Who moved zoe to a place
where she could sleep it off.

And what about you?

Do you think
I'm a good guy?


Because really,

You're the only person
whose opinion I care about.

I do!

I do think
you're a good guy,

I mean, I think
you've... Changed.

It feels like
I can trust you now.

I still love you, maya.
I never stopped.

We should um... Go.
We don't wanna be late.

No, we don't!

I've heard they give you
six months for that.

(Court spectators chatter)

Mr. Baker:
ah! You made it!

We had to stop at home
so we could change.

Mr. Baker:
well, you look beautiful,

thank you, daddy.

I'm sorry I couldn't
make it yesterday.

Mrs. Baker:
she was having trouble
dealing with the trial.

She was having trouble?!

Mrs. Baker:

Mom, let me talk to him.

(Mrs. Baker sighs)

You must be really scared.

I'm terrified, becks.

Hey, beck-
hey, becky,

Remember that time that
you dropped grandma's ring

Down the sink drain?

I covered for you.

We were six,

And I confessed
the next day.

This isn't the same.

No, it is!

Except this time
I'm in trouble

And I need your help.

I can't forget
that video.

Becky, it only tells
half the story.

I told you,
zoe wanted to fool around!

Did she say that?

No, but a guy can
just tell!

So it's no big deal.


I knew I could
count on you, sis.

tell them I haven't done dr*gs
in months!

I don't need to take
a break from acting!

I don't need
to get my act together.

I am totally together!

(Bell rings)

Please, I'll do whatever
you say,

You're the best agent
a girl could have,

Just don't-

Give up on me.

What're you looking at, huh?


What have you got?

A reason to get out
of this hallway!

Don't worry,
I won't tell precious maya

You're still dealing dr*gs.

I'm not!

Fine, then I guess
you won't mind

If I take a look
in your backpack.

Hey, give that back!


(Plastic bag rustles)

and when they ask
if you saw zoe at the party

Before she passed out?

Not really,

There were a lot of people

Okay, and if they ask if you saw
me and zoe together

Before that?

I can't say for sure.

All right,
and that's it.

And that's it?!

You're asking me
to perjure myself on the stand!

Look, maya and I are
finally getting close.

If she finds out the truth,
we're done!

Look, maya's gonna be
back in a minute,

Let's go over everything again,

I need a break!

Mr. Perino:
just after sixteen months
of becoming

Henry the eighth's
second wife,

Anne boylen-

Male voice: (whispers)
she shouldn't have put herself

In that position
in the first place.

Female voice:
(whisper) she's a drug addict!

Male voice:
(whispers) she's been
to rehab twice!

Female voice: (whispers)
she can't get a boyfriend!

Female voice: I saw her take-
female : she's a slut!

Female voice: it's cause of...
Male voice: she's a lost cause!

(Overlapping whispers)

(As if on broadway)
♪ something has changed
within me ♪

♪ Something is not the same ♪

♪ I'm through with playing
by the rules ♪

♪ Of someone else's game ♪

♪ Too late for second guessing ♪

♪ Too late to go back to sleep ♪

♪ It's time to trust
my instincts ♪

♪ Close my eyes and leap ♪

♪ it's time to try
defying gravity ♪

♪ I think I'll try
defying gravity ♪

♪ and you can't pull me down ♪


Mr. Perino:
zoe? Zoe?

stop! I'm trying to move on.

Mr. Perino:
so am i.
With the class.

Are you okay?

No, I'm not.

It's all that stupid
journalist's fault.

(Students whisper)

hey, have you seen zoe?
She's got something I need.

The sleeves
to your shirt?

Oh, ha ha!

Uh, she stole a bunch
of pills.

Jeez, novak!

You selling again?!

You could get kicked out
of the matlins!

Yeah, I know.

Then why didn't you use
that crap

Your g*ng intervener
taught you?

Because that stuff doesn't work
when the dude has a g*n!

get outta my way!

Female reporter:
oh! Oh! Oh! We got her!
Here she is!

oh, there she is!

Zoe? Hey, zoe!
Zoe, hey!

What are you doing?

Giving that woman
a piece of my mind!

Okay, well, listen.
Maybe we'll just count to ten?

Get out of my way!

Or twenty.

You! You ruined my life!

You mean like you ruined
the lives of luke baker

And neil martin?

You think I wanted
to be assaulted?!

Sophia rosen:
I think you got way too drunk
and made some poor choices

That you regretted
in the morning.

So I was asking for it?!

Sophia rosen:
we all make mistakes.

We just don't all take them
to court.



When you come down
from your high,

Are you gonna blame me
for this, too?



Winston, would you please
describe what is happening

In that photograph?

uh, miles and I are carrying zoe
to the pool house.

Rhonda patterson:
and when you found her,
she was unconscious?

no, she was totally loaded,
but she was awake.

Rhonda patterson:
and what was she doing?

Remember, you're under oath.

Um, she was sitting
on miles' lap.

They were about to start
fooling around when-

So if you hadn't interrupted,

There's every possibility

That it could be
miles hollingsworth

On trial here today,

And not luke or neil.

maya, come on.
Let me explain, okay?

I don't want
to hear it!

Maya, listen!

Winston wasn't supposed to say
those things in there!

So you wanted your best friend
to lie for you under oath?!

Calm down!

I didn't think you needed
to hear that, okay?

You left the party,
I was drunk,

I was upset,
I didn't know what-

Yeah, we had a fight,

But that doesn't mean
you have to hook up with zoe!

You abandoned me!

I needed you!

Why didn't you just
tell me that?

Right, because when things
go wrong,

You do the horrible thing!

You do the ugly things!

So that's it then?
You're writing me off?

I can't wait around every time
to pick up the pieces

Every time you freak out!

Stop! Okay, don't do this!
Okay, don't leave me again!

Trust me,
it's the last time.

I'm done.

We're done!


(Door creaks open)

don't worry.

It's gonna be okay.


It'll never be okay.

Everyone hates me.

Who cares what a bunch
of stupid reporters think?

it's not just them.

Even my friends think
this is my fault.

Maybe they're right.

Okay, no one deserves
to be a victim.

I won't be much longer.

You're not seriously thinking
about k*lling yourself,

Are you?

There's no other way.

You think you're the only one
with problems?

If maya finds out
I'm dealing again,

She'll k*ll me.

If I stop,

The g*ng probably will.

I don't know how
to get past this.

You can start
by getting rid of those pills.


Danny yegovan:
please state your full name.

Rebekkah baker.

Danny yegovan:
sister of luke baker.


Danny yegovan:
and you're the one
that reported the sexual as*ault

To the police?




Because I found a video
on my brother's phone.

(Spectators gasp
and whisper)

(Sighs heavily)

Please describe it.

Luke was on top of zoe,

He was kissing her
and feeling her up.

Danny yegovan:
was zoe conscious?

I-i can't say for sure.

Were her eyes open?


Danny yegovan:
at any time, did you see
or hear zoe rivas

Consent to sexual relations
with your brother?


Danny yegovan:
thank you.

How long was this video?


It was three to four minutes.

So zoe could've consented
before it was shot?

She could've...

But she didn't.

Rhonda patterson:
you weren't at the party,
how could you know?

because my brother told me
this morning.

He said that she never
said yes.

(Spectators gasp)

Thank you.
That's all.

(Court spectators whisper)

Judge sanders:
you may step down.

(Becky cries)

Judge sanders:
let's begin closing statements.

Rhonda patterson:
this is a case
that pits two boys

Without any prior history

Against one troubled
young girl.

A girl who didn't even have
enough respect for herself,

Or the legal system,

To show up here
and give her impact statement.

And so the question is,

Did this event impact
the girl at all?!

Yes, it did.

(Court spectators murmur)

If I can still speak,
I'd like to.

please approach the bench.

I'm sorry, mom.

Ms. Rivas:
where have you been?

You didn't answer
any of my calls,

I was so worried!

I didn't think
I could do it.

I'm just glad you're safe.

Judge sanders:
all right, let's continue.

Zoe, I am going to permit
your statement.

I'm a mess.

But you already know that.

You've spent the last day

Listening to people say
terrible things about me,

And I don't blame them.

I've made a lot of bad choices

And I'm probably going
to make a lot more.

But I did not choose
to be sexually assaulted.

If you don't convict
luke baker

And neil martin today,

Then you're saying
I deserved it,

And you're saying to other
girls and boys

That they'll deserve it, too.

Well, they don't,

And I don't.

I'm not sure I want to live
in a world where that's true.


You were great up there.

No matter what happens,
you should be proud.

I couldn't have done it
without you.

You saved my life.

Which is why I want you
to have this.


First good deed's
on the house.

Pay off the g*ng.

I'm getting a fresh start,
you deserve one too.

You know
it's not that easy.

A wise man once said,

You can start by getting rid
of those pills.

And you actually fell
for that crap?


Judge sanders:
luke baker, neil martin,
and zoe rivas

Are three bright, talented,
young adults

With unlimited potential.

Before the jury began
their deliberation,

I reminded them that they have
two questions to answer:

Was zoe too drunk
to consent to sexual relations

With these boys?

And did luke and neil record
and distribute this as*ault?

Let's hear the jury's answers.

On the charge of distribution
of child pornography,

The jury finds
the defendants...


Oh my god!

Judge sanders:
on the charge
of sexual as*ault,

The jury finds
the defendants...


(Court spectators murmur)

(Half laughs,
half sobs)


(Mrs. Baker sobs)

you did it.

mom, I'm sorry!

I'm sorry
I couldn't lie.

But don't worry,

We'll get through this
as a family, okay?


Oh, I'm not sure
we will.

(Sobs hysterically)

Congrats, zoe.

What do you have
to say?

I guess you didn't
totally mess this up.

(Both laugh)

And thank you so, so much.

What's with the waterworks?

give me a sec.

♪ Lights fade out ♪


(Camera clicks)


should I tweet this?


This moment's just for me.
