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13x20 - Power to the People

Posted: 06/04/22 06:38
by bunniefuu

This looks great!

Are we really gonna fill
all these seats?

Fifty students -
of voting age - confirmed,

And I have planted
insightful questions

In the crowd.

Well, you're a smart guy,

You know,
if I get elected mayor,

There might be a spot
in my office for you, too.

you'd be lucky
to have him.

Well, indeed.
And who is this?

Zoe rivas,
drew's doting girlfriend.

I'm a huge fan.

Oh, and I love your house.

I'm sorry,
when were you at my house?

Miles had some people over-

For uh, some-
some student council stuff.





I'd love to get involved, too!

It would let me spend
more time with drew!

well, I'll look into it.


(Sighs uneasily)

I'll uh...
Leave that up to you.

So I'm gonna see you
this afternoon,

And can we keep the surprises
to a minimum, huh?

Yes, sir.

(Sighs heavily)

you look worried.

Very worried.
If it all goes well,

I could get a job with mr. H.
When he's mayor,

But zoe is so clingy,

I'm worried she's gonna
screw it all up!

Just 'cause you hit it

Doesn't mean
you can't quit it!

Dude, look, I don't want
to be the bad guy here.


Would you rather be
the bad guy for five minutes,

Or the unemployed guy
for the rest of your life?


♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ (The best that I can be) ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

Oh, imogen,
what have you done?!

Bold choice,
I admit,

But I wanted to make
a statement

About the dress code.

No, not that.
Well, not only that.

The facerange page?

It seems like a lot
of people read it.

Imogen: that's great!
Becky: is it?

Students: (chanting)
bra rules are for fools!
Bra rules are for fools!

Bra rules are for fools!

Can you believe this?

Becky: it's-
imogen: incredible!


These girls are dressed
like wanton women!

wanton women who are passionate
about a cause.

My cause.

be reasonable, imogen!
This is a huge issue!

Mr. Simpson:
I agree!

Students: (chanting)
bra rules are for fools!
Bra rules...

My office please,

Yes, sir.

Oh! Hey, cutie!

Is that what you're wearing
to the forum?

Uh, yeah, with a jacket.

I wanted to match.

We'll look like
a power couple.

I'm just gonna be standing
at the podium... Alone.

Which is um...

Actually what I wanted
to talk to you about.

I'm crazy busy
with this job,

I know!

And I'm about to get
even busier.

I'm gonna have like
no free time.


So you and I aren't really
gonna see each other much.

I totally get it.

You do?

When I was on "west drive,"
acting was my whole life.

I had to put relationships
on the back burner.

Wow! Wow,
you're taking this so well.

You're the best,
you know that?

Mr. Simpson,
I can't be in trouble.

I didn't use degrassi tv!

Mr. Simpson:
I know.

And it's not my fault other
girls oppose the dress code!

you're not in trouble.

Then why am I here?

Sending you out of french class
for not wearing a bra

Was... Unfair.


So I wanna know
what you want.

Peace on earth,

And the world's best recipe
for quinoa salad!

No, about the dress code,

I know you oppose
the current incarnation

Because it's sexist,
and that's fine.

So what do you suggest

You're letting me decide
the dress code?

No, I am soliciting you
for feedback.

What do you think
the dress code should be?

I hadn't thought about it.

You know, if you want
to affect change,

You need to know
what change you want.

Can I have time
to think about it?


(Imogen chuckles,
bell rings)

I take it the breakup
went well?

You are looking
at a free man!

So you finally broke it off
with that young lady

You've been seeing?

Just in time to laser focus
my attention on today's forum.

jeez! A grade ten breakup.

How did you handle
all the tears?

Uh, there weren't any tears.

Well, if she didn't cry,
did she scream at you?

No, no screaming.

It was sensible, peaceful,
and final.

that does not sound
like a breakup.

What did you say to her

That I'm gonna be
really busy,

I won't be able
to see her,

She's great,
but I need to focus on mr. H.

now I totally understand
why there were no tears

And no screaming.

'Cause I was so smooth!

No, because you're not
broken up.

Yeah, uh, I am.
Right, dal?

Sounds to me like you might
still have a girlfriend.

You guys are crazy!
It's done.

Besides, I can't worry
about this right now.

I need to go over my remarks
for mr. H's forum.

Hey, jenna,
can you cut me a slice

Of that banana?


Sorry, I was just
reading something.

On how to be a better
lab assistant?

Have you considered it?

The doctor recommended
exercises for my arm.

Has he suggested anything
for your head?

Like a shrink?!

I know you say
you're fine-

Because I am!

Clare and I have been
talking about you.


You went through
something terrible!

You won't share with us -
that's okay -

But you need to share
with someone.

Right now I just need
a slice of banana!

Not until
you say something.

You're fired!

I was just trying to help!

well, stop it!

Because you know
what it's like at home.

"Allia, how could you
have been so stupid?"

"Why didn't you realize
this guy was bad news?"

The lab is supposed
to be my escape!

Okay, I won't bring up
therapy again!

It doesn't matter,

Because every time
my arm aches

I'm reminded of him,
of what he took from me.


What are you doing?!

Giving up.

You can't!

Look, I'll be a better
lab assistant,

Just tell me what to do!

Right now,
just give me time alone.

(Sighs shakily)

(Students chatter)


Fellow sisters.

(Students chatter)

Everybody shush!

Together we have fought
the good fight

And we have emerged victorious!


simpson wants to know
what we want in the dress code.

Now we can make a dress code
for the people,

By the people!

So... What do we want?

Bra tops.

I'm not sure
they're gonna go for that.


Ugh! You wear those?
Wedgie central!

um... Okay,
how about more cleavage?

can we be more realistic?

we are.

You said this dress code
is for us, by us.

This is what we want.

How else are we gonna
get boyfriends?

that's the only thing
that dictates your wardrobe?!

We also dress like this
to intimidate other girls.


Becks, what's happening?
This isn't what I fought for!

I don't know,
but say something!

I'll take this all
under advisement.

Protest dismissed.


Stage set,
mics checked,

Bios being distributed.

Everything's perfect!

Not everything.

Oh, crap.
Maybe she won't see me.

You're standing
in the middle of a room.

All right, then I'll ignore her
'til she goes away then!

Well, I can't see how
that could go wrong.

(Sighs heavily)

I brought these
for your podiums.

Anything else I can do
to help?

Why are you ignoring me?

What are you doing here?!

You said you're gonna be
too busy to see me.

If I help out,
you can do your work

And see me!

i-i don't want you here.

But I'm your girlfriend-

No, you're not!
I broke up with you!

No, you didn't.

I was trying
to let you down easy.

Clearly you didn't
get the message!

That's what that was?!

It was that easy
for you?

We had sex!

I totally regret that now.

Look, zoe, I'm sorry-

Don't you dare touch me.

Have a good "q and a."

Spoiler alert:

The "a" is
you're a jerk!

(Sighs heavily)

A little birdie told me

You're looking
for a new lab assistant.

Well, you can tell
that little birdie

That I'm done
with the science fair.

You don't quit things
you love.

Yeah, but it used
to just be me

In the lab.

I was at the top of my game,
and now...

you wouldn't understand.

You'd be surprised.

I got kicked off
the ice hounds.

Mike dallas
without hockey?


I was a disaster.

What'd you do?

I found a rec league
to keep me on the ice.

I joined the basketball team,
but it's not the same.

So, I ask again,

Do you need
a lab assistant?

Are you sure this isn't part
of some elaborate pick-up plan?

Don't flatter yourself,

But I have two requests:

One, we win this thing,
and two-

You want a date
with me.

Someone's a little obsessed
with themselves.

What's your request,

That when we're
in the lab,

We only talk
about science.

Nothing personal.
Think you can handle that?

I... Do.


Then you'll need
your lab coat back.

You fished it out
of the garbage?

You might want
to bleach it first.


Mr. Hollingsworth:
unlike my opponents,

I won't get rid of
the vehicle registration tax.

Seventy-five bucks?

That's youth soccer programs,

That's housing
for homeless families.

And I'm sorry,
but I believe in community!

Thank you.


Uh, next question.

So, uh, who's next?


Ms. Rivas:
I have a question.

What were you thinking when
you had sex with my daughter?!


This forum is to get know
mr. Hollingsworth,

Not me.

Ms. Rivas:
okay, fine.

Mr. Hollingsworth,

How do you feel about
your youth outreach coordinator

Taking advantage
of a -year-old girl?!

Mr. Hollingsworth:
um, ms.?

Ms. Rivas: rivas.
Mr. Hollingsworth: rivas.

Ms. Rivas, I don't believe
this is the forum

To explore this.

So perhaps you could continue
your discussion with drew

In the principal's office?

(Drew sighs)

girls don't have
to wear bras.

Okay, what about boys?

They don't have to wear
bras either...

Or they can
if they want?

No! Shouldn't we put stuff
in there to stop boys

From pulling their jeans
down low

And showing
their boxer shorts?

That look has passed.

But that's oppressive too.

Why is this so hard?!

Can't people just wear
what they want?

We don't want people
walking around naked.


But it's like any dress code
infringes on people's freedoms.

And since boys and girls
don't dress the same,

We can't have one set
of rules.

Maybe it doesn't matter
what people wear,

Only why they wear it.

So if you accidentally
forget to wear a bra...

Or expose your midriff...

You won't get in trouble!

But if you do it

With the intention
of distracting other students,

You will.

Think you can sell it
to simpson?

I'm gonna try.

(Keys clack)



Did you have sex
with this girl?

Drew: mom!
Audra: this is serious.


Oh dammit, drew!

It was consensual!
Tell them.

It doesn't matter.

He's eighteen;
he's old enough to vote.

She can't even get
a driver's license!

You have to call the police.
This is statutory r*pe!

Mr. Simpson:
uh, it isn't.

The law here says
there's a five year window.

If it was consensual,
it wasn't illegal.

It was.

This boy hurt my daughter!

Is there anything
you can do about it?

I can't get involved
with the romantic dalliances

Of my students,
I'm sorry.

Can I go back
to my forum now?


I have to save
my job!

You can go.

Thank you, sir.
See you at home, mom.

Mr. Hollingsworth:
ah, your mom has a crush on me.
I get that a lot.

Anyway, thank you for coming.
That was really great.

You guys are great,
thank you.

thank you!

Sir, please don't fire me.

That was what
my grandmother called

An unfortunate spectacle!

Look, this job means
so much to me.

Was it true?


And then she got upset
because we broke up,

And she told her mom.

But I didn't do
anything wrong!

Well, you definitely exhibited
poor judgment

At some point,

Look, you're right,
I did,

And I apologize for that.

But if you keep me on,
I promise you,

I won't date,
I'll be a monk!

I'll wear one
of those robes

And I'll shave my head!

That won't be necessary.

I believe
in second chances,

Just ask my son.

So you're not firing me?

You're on probation.

Don't make me
regret this!

You... You won't, sir!

And thank you!


♪ White noise,
white noise ♪

♪ Ooh... Ooh-ooh ♪


Oh hey, ma,

Sorry you had to come
down there today.

What a mess.

Turn that off!

Sorry, was it-
was it too loud?

I'm just excited.
I managed to keep my job.

So you're pleased
with yourself?

Yeah! Yeah, I mean,
I love working with mr. H.

I feel like I might have
a future in politics.


What about the girl,

What, we dated,
we broke up!

Why are you so mad?


Well, mom,
I didn't do anything wrong!

You know what's worse?

You don't even understand
what you did!


Why did you sleep
with her?!

I-i don't know,
she liked me?

Did you like her?

Yeah, sort of.


So that's your criteria?

Sex is serious,
especially for a girl!

Especially at that age!

After bianca,
I was so hurt!

Zoe made me feel better,
all right?

And this year has been
so hard on-

No, no!

Don't you dare make this
about your brother!

Okay, fine.

I did a dumb thing.

and a selfish thing,

And an insensitive thing!

I thought I raised
a better man.

(Door slams)

(Becky laughs)

Imogen, why are your
eyes closed?

Because I'm scared!

I can't believe simpson agreed
to my dress code idea.

One rule for boys
and girls.

New degrassi dress code:

Respect yourselves
and each other.

If you intentionally distract
from the learning environment,

You will be asked
to change.

Okay, but what if everyone
took advantage

Of no specific rules?

What if the girls are
in their underwear now?

That sounds more like
your fantasy!

Now, open your eyes!

props on changing
the code, imo.

You're my hero.

you're not wearing crop tops
or see-through skirts?

She was,
but I talked her out of it.

This is our win, too.

We don't wanna ruin it
for everyone.

(Both laugh)

I did it!

Yeah, even those niner girls
took it down a notch!

I can't believe
my plan worked!

Hold it there, hugs-a-lot,
there's still one problem.

Your socks are mismatched.

Oh, that was intentional.


(Bell rings)

Hey, have you guys
seen zoe?

oh, come on!

did you do that
and regret it, too?

It wasn't me,
I swear.

I know.

It's someone else
who thinks that about me.


I got you these.

I didn't know
what else to do.

You used me!

Nothing changed for you.

You get to keep your job
and your friends.

I'm sorry.

Don't be.

I should thank you.

My mom always told me
never to trust guys,

But I didn't believe her.


I'll never make
that mistake again.

♪ Oh you captured my attention ♪

♪ I'm anticipating ♪

♪ I'm watching,
I'm waiting ♪

♪ For you to make your move ♪

♪ Got me on my toe-oh
oh-oh-oh-oh-oh oh

♪ Oh oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-es ♪

(Sighs heavily)

It doesn't make sense!

The flies eating
non-organic food

Lived longer!

If my hypothesis
is wrong,

I can kiss my slot
at the science fair goodbye!

Run that data again.


It might...

(Keys clack)

If you add
the missing decimal point.

I can't believe
I missed that!

Me either.

Hey, watch i!

I fired my last
lab assistant, you know!

I'm way better looking
than jenna.

Oh, mrs. Cohen's here.

Ready to show her
what we've got?

Nah. You can do this part
on your own.

But you stayed up
all night helping me.

Don't you want credit?

You did all the work.
I was just an extra hand.

Mrs. Cohen:
okay, alli,
do you have what it takes

To make it to regionals?

Yes, miss, I do.

Mrs. Cohen:
okay, show me what you got.


♪ I was in the coldest state
I know ♪

whoa! Drew torres
reading a book?!


I wanna stop being a jerk
to girls.

"Nut up or shut up:
from caveman to gentleman

In easy steps."

Still feeling bad
about zoe?

I didn't get to deliver
the apology she deserved.

What would you have said?

Sorry I had sex with you
in the pool house

And then dumped you?


Zoe, I'm... I'm sorry.

I was stupid and immature
and you deserve better.

I don't expect you
to forgive me

Or forget this.

Just know that...
Neither will i.

I'm impressed.

yeah, me too.

Maybe there's hope
for you, yet.

I'm trying.

This is going to be my bible
if I ever date again.

"If" being
the operative word here.

I'll lend it to you
when I'm done.


Is there anything in here
about unrequited love

For a science nerd?

(chuckle lightly)