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13x19 - Dig Me Out

Posted: 06/04/22 06:36
by bunniefuu

♪ Pretty little thing... ♪

Someone looks like
they need a little inspiration.

Sweet, sweet caffeine!

I was talking about me!

Oh. I need to focus.

Mr. Hollingsworth wants
questions for the q and a

I'm hosting here
next week.

How about...
"Did you have fun

Playing video games with me
last night?"

I had a great time.
You're surprisingly good.


But I should focus.

If I impress mr. H.,

He might give me a job
after I graduate.

Your smile alone could win
a thousand votes.


How about you focus now
and we can meet up later?

Some of my friends
are hanging out.

It could be fun.

Uh, I can't,
weekly poker game.

Still rather play poker?

Ah, it's just...
Dallas, he's, uh, um...

He's a better kisser
than me?

No, no.
Actually, let me check.

♪ I'm no good next to diamonds ♪

♪ When I'm too close
I start to fade ♪

♪ Are you angry? ♪

This is an office,
not a bedroom!

So there's no kissing
in here?

I guess you're a president
in the clinton tradition.


Hillary was never president.

Ah, but bill was.

okay, let's just relax.

She wasn't even born
when that happened.

Shouldn't that
tell you something?

Okay, I will see you
in class,

If you can come up for air
long enough to attend!

(Drew scoffs)

So where were we?

Ah, ah, ah!

That was the trailer.

The feature presentation's

Wait, wait!
What do I tell dallas?


You got an offer
you couldn't resist.


♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ (The best that I can be) ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh... ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

(Sighs heavily)

(Frustrated groan)

whoa, bhandari,
did you shrink?

Maybe I'm not shorter,

Maybe you've just gotten
freakishly tall!

Dallas: need some help?
Alli: thanks, but I can manage.

Were you just flirting
with mike dallas?

No, I am so over boys!

Is that why
you're wearing sneakers?

Doctor's orders.

Apparently heels interfere
with my physical recovery.

I can't believe
they let leo out on bail

After he did this
to you.

Yeah, but you go to court
next week, right?

Then that bastard ex of yours
will be under lock and key.

and I can finally stop talking
to lawyers - .

Is there anything
we can do?

Carry your books?

Help you with
your makeup?

Guys, I'm fine,
don't worry about me.

Just go to class.

Are you sure?

Yes, but if anyone asks,
I got mugged, okay?

(Bell rings)

(Alli sighs)

(Lock rattles)

(Sighs heavily)

Mme jean-aux:
mademoiselle moreno,
you're late!

Sorry, I slept through
my alarm!

Mme jean-aux:
are you ready
for your presentation?

Bien sur, madame!

Celine dion est la francophone-

Uh, miss,
can we turn the heat up?

It's a little, uh, nippy
in here.

Stop being gross!

Class, enough!

Hey, can you tell me
what's so funny?


(Students whisper)

that's so embarrassing!

(Guys laugh)

I think it might have
something to do

With your attire.

Oh, is my shirt
inside out again?

No, and you can't see
the holes in my socks,

So what's the problem?

You're not wearing
a bra.

Oh! Eek!
I was rushing.

I think it would be best
if you went home to get one.

You're kicking me out of class
because I forgot to wear a bra?

It's distracting.

try to understand.

there's the guy
who's going to make me rich!

I am pumped for poker!

Me too,
now hear me out.

What if we went
to a k*ller party instead?


There's gonna be tons
of chicks there,

Zoe said there's
like a pool, and-

There it is.



You spend every waking hour
with her!

ah, his little girlfriend?

she is not my girlfriend!

He wants us to skip poker

So we can go
to some grade ten party

With his rebound.

And what?!
Play spin the bottle?

Drink pop and eat chips?

What's wrong with chips?

We probably just have to watch
her cater to your every whim.

Want another drink,

How about a massage?

You're my hero!

Okay, it's not like that!

That's exactly what it was like
this morning.

Guys, it's just a casual thing.

Jenna: does she know that?
Drew: of course!

so you've talked about it?

Uh, well, no,

But zoe's a cool chick.
She gets it, trust me.

Then she won't mind
if you skip the party for poker.

Uh... Well,
she actually might mind,

Only because
I already promised her!

Promises - very casual.

Look, can we just postpone poker
'til tomorrow, please?


Tell your girlfriend
she owes us one.

She's not my girlfriend!


thank you, principal simpson,
for agreeing to meet.

Mr. Simpson:
let me get this straight:

You're upset
because mme. Jean-aux

Asked you leave class?

Because I forgot
to wear a bra!

It was mortifying!

It was distracting.

I was doing
my presentation!

It was the boys
who were making all the fuss!

We can't have classes

By violations
of the dress code.

Okay, but where in
the dress code

Does it say
I have to wear a bra?



But there is language
about community standards.

So, since the boys
can't control themselves,

I get punished?

Mr. Simpson:
we have to think about
the learning environment

For everyone.

Okay, so if we're so concerned
about undergarments,

What underwear
are you wearing today,

Mr. Simpson?


No, you seem like
more of a briefs man.


Ooh, testy!
Are they leopard print?


From now on,
I need you to wear

The appropriate
undergarments to class.


Loud and clear.

And don't worry,
mr. Simpson.

From now on,
no one will ever question

If I'm wearing a bra.

♪ Can you hear the siren call ♪


Zoe, I can't be here!

Why didn't you tell me
this party

Was at the hollingsworths'?

relax, miles has people over
all the time.

His dad is never home.

I can't believe
you showed up here

And brought a narc.

I'm not a narc!

(laughs) dude,
you're like thirty.

Why else would you
be here?

He's my boyfriend.


yeah, not this again,

You two never have
your stories straight, do you?

Anyway, I don't recall
sending you an invite, so-

I'm pretty sure
I got one.

It read "I work for your dad,"
and if you don't let us stay,

I'll tell him about
all the underage kids

You're supplying
with free alcohol.

Isn't that right,

(Miles sighs)

wow, blackmail.

You two are made
for each other.

(Miles laughs)

That was amazing.

You're my hero!

Do you um...

Maybe wanna go
talk somewhere?

Okay, but um...

There's some people
I want you to meet first.

look who I brought!

(Grunts of effort)

Ah, it still fits!

It feels so good to be
back in the lab.

You better get to work.

Cohen's only picking
two projects for regionals.

That'll be you and me,

Not the girl working
on the volcano?

(Alli scoffs)

What is this,

So how's your
experiment going?

Have you proven organic food
reduces cancer risk?

Not yet.

I still have to document
the results of my test group.

No. No, no, no,
no, no!

What's wrong?

My fruit flies,
they're all dead!

Looks like volcano girl's
chances just improved.

I'm still in this,

I just need to work
twice as hard.

You could also ask
for extra help.

I can do this
on my own,

I just...
Need more flies.

♪ Summer nights
when you cry ♪


(Both laugh)

I've gotta admit,
this is pretty fun.

Lesson learned!
Never doubt zoe.

all right, who's got
the next chicken fight

Against tristan and me?

Think you and your boy toy
can take us?

I assure you,

My boyfriend can beat you
at anything, anywhere!


We'll get in
the next round.

Come with me?

this uh...

This can't wait any longer.

Look, zoe, I never said
I was your boyfriend.


I just wanted those jerks
to shut up.

They're so mean to me.

And you like me,
you're great,

And I wanted them
to see that.

It was all for show.

I just got out of
a long-term relationship-


And I'm not ready
for anything serious.

So you wanna stop
hanging out?

Is that it?


Look, we like
each other, right?


And we have fun

Yeah, a lot.

Then can't we just keep doing
what we're doing?

No need to label it.

Are you sure
that's okay?

You're like the first
nice person

I've met at degrassi.

You make me excited
to come to school every day.



Was stupid enough

To break up with you.

Now you're gonna
make me blush.


Whoa! Someone's in
a good mood!

Who? Oh, me?
No, I'm in a great mood.

Oh, we missed a k*ller party
last night, didn't we?

You sure did.
You guys got zoe all wrong.

She's totally chill.

"Byot" to class today?


"Bring your own table."

Oh! Uh, no, no,
it's for poker night tonight.

Sounds fun.

it will be,
especially for the guy

Who empties out drew's wallet.

You wish, buddy!

So what time
should I show up?


Poker night.

Don't worry,

I used to play with the crew
on set, between scenes.

I'm good!

Well, uh, it's not...

It's just, uh,
it's a guys' thing.


She's practically
a dude.

After last night...

I thought you'd
want me there.

Your friends
don't like me.

Bingo. I'm sorry.

Don't be!

Poker's the perfect way
to get acquainted.

I'll make them laugh,
I'll let them win.

They'll fall in love
with me.

(Laughs uneasily)

Come on,
little fruit flies,

Let's get you some healthy,
organic food.


(Sighs heavily)

(Frustrated groan)


(Breath hisses)

(Sighs heavily)

Need an extra hand?

I'm fine, connor.

Uh no, you're not,

You're bleeding
all over the place!


What happened?

What happened is
I had a bad boyfriend

That broke my heart
and my arm,

And I was trying
to get over him

By focusing on
the one thing I love,

But apparently you can't
do science with one hand.

The school has a fund
for disabled students.

I don't need a ramp,
I need another hand!

And if you don't get
some help in here,

You might need two.


Friends, country people,
lend me your ears!

Remember when degrassi abolished
the uniform?

Well, there's still
a dress code,

And it's sexist.

I was kicked out of class
for forgetting to wear a bra.

So I thought I'd make it easier
for the administration.

See, degrassi up and ups,
I'm wearing a bra!

Wouldn't want our medieval
and repressive dress code

To make me miss class

So, girls, remember:

Wear a brassiere
or you're outta here

Because we don't want
to distract the boys!

For degrassi tv,
I'm imogen moreno.

Feminism, huzzah!

Are you sure about this?

Using degrassi tv
to air your personal beef

With the administration?

Well, it should be
everyone's beef.

Yeah, but I'm sure
there's another way

You can change
their mind!

Like collect signatures

And send them off
to the board?


But that would take
such a long time!

Once we broadcast
this segment,

Everyone will know
how I feel.

including mr. Simpson,

Who's gonna be really,
really mad!

Do you think gandhi worried
about ruffling a few feathers?

No, but he also spent
ten years in prison.

Simpson can't arrest me.

Yeah, but he can
suspend you!

No, we're airing it;
that's what gandhi would do.

Maybe though,
in a slightly different outfit.


Mr. Simpson: (on p.a.)
The beakers and test tubes
in the science lab

Are used
for dangerous chemicals.

They are not used for beverages
for consumption.

Hey, have you seen jenna?

about yay tall,

Never met a curling iron
she didn't like?

You're incorrigible.

Also available.
Maybe I can help.

If it's girl talk, you know,
I can totally do that.

but I don't need a gossip sesh,

I need a lab assistant.

I love science.

Oh yeah?
Since when?

About uh...
Ten seconds ago.

Hey, I got your text.
Did you get any news?

About my mugger?
Uh, no.

It's about something else.

Adios, ladies.

Okay, so apparently,
it's like impossible

To do a science experiment
with one hand,


Oh, of course
I'll help!

When do we start?

Now would be good?

this is great!
Yeah, totally!

Look! Those girls
got my message!

I don't think
she quite got your message.

I can live with that,
it's just one girl.

One girl in only her bra
is one girl too many.

This is amazing.

The revolution has begun!

Simpson has to see
my point.

Well, he sure sees something.


You must be pleased
with yourself.

I'd be lying
if I said I wasn't, sir.

Mr. Simpson:
uh-huh. You think this
is a victory,

But it's not.

It's over, imogen.

Don't you want to bargain?
I thought you came to talk.

No, I came to take.

Take what?

Your broadcast privileges.
You are off the airwaves.

You must be joking!

um, I think
he's pretty serious.

No, I know when he's serious

'Cause he puts that
serious face... On.

Yep, that one.

As of this very second,
degrassi tv is off the airwaves.

You can't do that!

I can and I am!

What about freedom
of the press?

Mr. Simpson:
somehow, I don't think this
is what the founding fathers

Had in mind.

(Bell rings)

Guys, um...
I'm really sorry.

What now, are you ditching us
for a grade nine party?

No, no,
of course not.

what dumb thing has zoe
got you roped into now?

Inviting her
to this poker game.

Dallas: no!
Clare: drew!

we don't have enough visors!

Well, I couldn't say no!

Why? What magic spell
does this girl have over you?

They had sex!

You had sex with-

Shhh! Okay?
She's gonna be here any second!

but you said you were casual;
that doesn't sound very casual.

Guys, okay,
it's just sex, okay?!

drew! This girl is in love
with you!

so is she coming to prom
with us as well or-?

It's not like that.

has she changed her facerange
relationship status?

No, because it's just casual!

and if we asked her,
she'd say that?


Hey, everyone!

Whoa! This game is serious!

Just please don't be mad at me
for ruining poker night!

Don't worry about it.

I think this game just got
a lot more interesting.

then mr. Hollingsworth said,

"Of course it would be nice
if taxes were as low

As the s,

But how do you like
running water?"

this guy sounds impressive.

He is. Very.

Uh, clare,
it's to you.

I raise two dollars.

Zoe, didn't you help drew
get that job?


Oh, yeah,
but he's drew, right?

So he didn't need
much help.

Yeah, you two crazy kids
spend a lot of time together.

The job keeps drew
pretty busy,

But hopefully we'll be able
to spend more time together

After the election.


in six weeks? Huh.

that's great! And then,
prom's right around the corner.

You two planning on riding
in the same limo?

We haven't talked
about it yet,

But I assume so!
Right, boo?


You two really
are getting close.

Zoe, it's your bet.


I'm all in.

Somehow, I figured.

(Sighs heavily)

I think I'm out.

(clears throat)

(Sighs heavily)


I still can't believe
simpson took me off the air.

I know it's unchristian
to say I told you so,

But I'm glad
this is over.

It's not over.
Look at this.

The school dress code?

There's not a single thing
in here about boys' attire!

It doesn't specifically
say girls either!

It doesn't have to.

"No spaghetti straps."

"No exposed midriffs."

"No yoga pants."

I still don't understand
why girls wear those to school.

I mean they're for yoga,

The dress code is sexist,
plain and simple.

Girls have all
these restrictions.

Boys have none!

Which is why...

you made a facerange page?!

This isn't fair

And I wanna do something
about it.

Viva la revolucion!


Wait, it's totally...

One hundred percent me.

Oh, just relax, drew.

Just be firm
and-and straightforward.

You can do this.

You wanted to see me?

uh, yeah, yeah.


Look, we um...

Uh, we need to...
We need to talk.

No, you can't!

I haven't even said
anything yet.

Do you know how many times
my character got broken up with

On "west drive?"

I've heard those words enough
to know what they mean!

you're a great girl-

We had sex!

I know.

And I thought
you liked me.

I thought you were a nice guy,
but you used me!

I-i would never
do that to you!

We had sex

And now you're breaking up
with me!

What else
would you call that?

(Sighs shakily)

I can't believe
I shared my first time with you.

your first time?

Like in a pool house?


Why wouldn't you
tell me?

I didn't want
to ruin the moment.

I thought it was special.

It was special!

But you want to throw it
all away?

That is not what I meant!


What do you wanna
talk about?

I think we should...

We should change
our facerange status

To "in a relationship."

(Sighs heavily)



I feel so silly!

Me too.

(Sighs heavily)