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13x16 - Spiderwebs

Posted: 06/04/22 06:34
by bunniefuu
(Students chatter)

looks like things are
actually coming together.

Yeah, after all
of our planning,

The needy families
will be here tomorrow.

I even set up some entertainment
for the kids.

Congrats, prez.

Yeah, we wouldn't be here
if it weren't for drew.

Yeah, I'm glad
I voted for you.

Don't tell clare,

how could we?
She's not even here.

Some vice president.

All right, we're gonna have
a meeting in the foyer

In about five minutes.
Sound good, guys?

(Horn honks)


Wow! My son organizing
a dinner

For underprivileged

Don't act so surprised,

I'm not.
Just proud.

Too bad bianca's
not back yet

To see you in your element,
mr. President.

She'll be back tonight,

Just in time
for the feast tomorrow.


Well, you tell her

I want every detail
about university.

Yes, ma'am!

I wish b was home already
so she could see this.

Dude, she is home.

I saw her with some people
at the dot.

Well then,
I need to see her right now!

Dude, you just called
a meeting!

You can't ditch
right before it starts.

So what do I do?

Act cool.

I mean, after all,
you are the president.


♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ (The best that I can be) ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

Hello! I've been honking
for like ten minutes.

helping families in need?

I'm not going.

So what, you're gonna spend
the rest of your afternoon

In this cave
of sadness?

Try lifetime.

Eli hooked up
with someone, alli.

It was once.
One time.

No, there's no coming back
from that.

It's over.

You and eli haven't spoken
for like a week.

You don't know for sure
that it's over.

He was with another girl!
How do I trust him again?

Enough stewing!
Crockpot off!

Just drink your coffee
and put on your brave face

Because you're talking
to eli.

What?! No!

You're either
breaking up with him

Or you're not,

But decide right now.

I'm not sure.

Because you can't make
an informed decision

Without knowing
all your facts.

Now, sip, sip.

All right,
I'll talk to eli.

winston, you're on cutlery
and place settings.

Dallas, you're decorations.

Jenna and connor,
you are tables and chairs.

And, um, you guys are dating,

that's correct.

okay, hypothetical question:
if connor was away all year,

And he came back
for thanksgiving,

And... He didn't call you,
what would that mean?

Are we really doing this
right here, right now?

Uh, well, connor and I have
a strong relationship,

So if he didn't call,
I would trust him.

but I would call.

but if you didn't,
it wouldn't suggest anything.

Except I no longer wanna be
involved romantically.


sounds like a classic
turkey dump to me.

I'm-i'm sorry,
a turkey what?


When your girlfriend goes away
to university,

Comes back for thanksgiving,
and dumps your ass!

Turkey dump.

That's a thing?

All right, meeting's over!
Everyone go!

Dude, I've never been
dumped before.

Don't worry,
you're not gonna get dumped.

Go, talk to b.

We've got a lot of work
for the feast tomorrow

And I can't have you
melting down on me.


Thanks, dude.


Potatoes, good.

Cranberry sauce, yum.

And the turkey...

Gobble, gobble.


The guests are starting
to arrive

And they are hungry.

What's wrong?
Is the turkey not ready?

You could say that.

Okay, zo,
this scene is funny,

Um, but isn't it
a little juvenile?

Well, that's the point.

Because I've booked us
to perform at the family feast!

Isn't that exciting?


Performance anxiety?

No, I promised maya

We'd spend all day together

So? Invite her.

She's under house arrest,

Plus, I kinda lied to her
about hanging out with you.

She still hates me
for calling her the s-word

All over the internet?


And I can't lie to her,
it's k*lling me.

And if she finds out

I'm cheating on her
with you...

(Clucks tongue)

Time to pick a side,


(Low hum of chatter
and laughter)


You're back!
Why didn't you call me?

raquel offered me a ride home.
But my phone was dead -

I was gonna call you
as soon as we got here,

But I knew you were busy
with the feast and I never-

Slow down!
None of that matters.

I'm... I'm just happy
to see you.

so this is the fiancee.

Nice to meet you,

You too.

Pull up a chair.

So, tell us,

What was bianca like
in high school?

Has she changed?

I hope not.

(Laughs uncomfortably)

Knock, knock.

Maya: (gravelly voice)
who dares darken my doorstep?

Impressive, no?

I've got tomorrow
all planned out.

We're gonna watch
every ryan gosling movie

In reverse order,

All the way back to the choicest
eps of "breaker high."

I have to cancel.

What?! No!
I'll be all alone!

Miles is gone
for thanksgiving

And katie's in california!
I need this!

The comedy troupe
got invited to perform

At the family feast.

We're putting on a show.

So you can just
come back after.

It's not just that.

Um, there's somebody else
on the team - zoa.

My number one
most hated person

In all of life
right now?!

She's not that bad.

(Maya sighs)

I'll skip the feast,
if that's what you want.

Who can say no
to ry-gos?

As much as I hate
the thought of you

Out there having fun
with that witch,

You have my blessing.

Aw, you're the best badass
blonde friend

A boy could ask for!

Aggghhhh! Stop!

(Both laugh)

And I got down on one knee
and I said,

"Bianca, will you open
a joint bank account with me?"

You didn't.

He did.

Ah, we've gotta go.

Pleasure meeting you,

Drew: you too.
Raquel: bye.

Bye, guys.
I got it.

You should come back
to the school,

Everyone would love
to see you.

I still have to drop off my bags
at home.

please? Everyone thought
you were gonna break up with me.

(Drew chuckles)

What's wrong?

I didn't want to ruin
your thanksgiving.

You do want to break up
with me.

Is there someone else?

No, of course not.

Then we can fix this!

We're engaged,

We're supposed
to be getting married!

When I told my friends
at school,

They thought
that was crazy.

Who cares what they think?

You've known them for like
two months!

I know,
but they get me, drew.

Better than I do?

We've been through
so much together.

I don't feel like
that girl anymore.

I've changed.

And I haven't?

University has opened my mind
to so much opportunity.

There's so much
I want to see and do.


Have a good thanksgiving.

answer the question.

her full name
is lenore mantino.

Do you have feelings for her?
Do you love her?

No, absolutely not!

Did you sleep with her?

Clare, no!
I would never do that to you,

You know that.

Clare: but clothes came off?
Eli: how is this helping?!

I need to know!


Some... Yeah.

I feel like
I can't believe you!

but it meant nothing!

So you keep saying!

Come on, there's gotta be
something I can do!

Tell me that
it never happened!

(Sighs heavily)

Do you want to know
my secret?

I screwed up
my magazine deal -

My one best chance
to get into columbia.

Looks like you and lenore

Will have new york
all to yourselves next year.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I'm supposed to be helping out
with the family feast!

(Light knock)


(Drew sniffs sharply
and sighs)

Oh! Where's bianca?
Did she have car trouble?

Uh, she's got a lot
of people to see.

and my man here has to catch up
on all that paperwork

After skipping out
on his feast duties.

You're supposed to be
leading by example!

Wasn't I just saying
this morning

How much you've changed?!

When bianca shows up tomorrow,
she'll see it too.


What're you doing?

Giving bianca the opportunity
to see the new me.

No, man, bad idea.
Real bad!

Drew: what?
Dallas: stop it!

Stop! I-
just trust me!

No, dude,
hang up the phone!

Shh! Shh!
Hey! Hey, b.

I need you to come
to the family feast tomorrow

And pretend like
we're still together.

F-for my mom.

She lost a son...
Don't let her lose a daughter.

So can you just pretend
like we're still engaged?

Just for a day?

♪ I think the sun might shine
just a little more bright ♪

♪ I think the stars
might be hanging... ♪

this is so great.

I'm proud of you, drew.

I couldn't've done it
without you.

You're the reason I'm president
in the first place.

we're all proud of him.

He just always makes
the right decisions.

oh, there's my mom.

Audra: bianca!
Bianca: hi!

oh, it's so good to see you two
together again.

I couldn't agree more.

♪ It's a beautiful day
to fall for you ♪

Black bug
bit a big, black bear.

A big black bug
bit a big, black bear.

A big black...

Can I help you,

Turkey, obvi.

Maya, what are you
doing here?!

Oh! Flap down!

I can't believe the big day
is finally here!

I'm so glad
we're doing this together.

Is that winston
in the suit?

uh, no, it's not.

You guys didn't recast,
did you?

No, um...
This is just some kid.

He's lost.

(Maya groans)

Well, you and zoa
seem tight.

Can you stop thinking about zoa
for one second?

We need to find you
a hiding spot

Before we run
into simpson!

First, take this.

Oh! No, I can't eat
before I perform - nerves.

It's to throw at zoa
during the show.

That could sabotage
my performance!

Oh, come on,
it'll be hilarious.

The kids'll love it.

You and zoe deserve
each other!

You both care more
about revenge

Than you do
about being my friend!

she ruined my life.

And because I'm not
at school,

It feels like everyone's
on her side.

and I wonder why.

You're on your own,


(Diners chatter)

You know what
I'm thankful for, connor?


Aw, me too.

Jenna, connor,

Look who's home
for the weekend.

The bride and groom together!

That's us.

Or at least,
we will be soon.

We should get back
to work.

it was nice seeing you.

I love you so much.

What are you doing?!

Trying to kiss
my fiancee.

We're not together

Well, 'cause you thought
I hadn't changed,

But now that
you see I have-


Plus, all day
you've been acting

Like you're still
in love with me.

Exactly, acting.

Just like you asked me to.

(Sighs heavily)

(Quiet sobs)


Are you crying?

Tears of joy.

Okay, they're not
tears of joy.

I figured.

Did you get
turkey dumped too?


I mean,
I don't think so.

Wait. Did you and bianca
break up?

She doesn't think
I've changed.

Well, at least
she didn't make out

With somebody
in her dorm,

Like eli did.

I wouldn't be surprised

If bianca's got her
next relationship lined up, too.

so they've both got their
next relationships lined up.

The future is so bright
for eli and bianca!

I love her so much.

I-i thought she was happy.

(Drew sniffles)

Do you want me
to beat up eli?

no, you'd crush him.


Maybe it's just 'cause

I'm not good enough
for him anymore.

Don't you dare say that.

You're the best,


(Clare gasps)

Oh my god.
Oh my god!

(Kids laugh)

the guests are starting
to arrive.

What's wrong?
Is the turkey undercooked?

You could say that.

Well, just put it back
in the oven

For a few more minutes.

I'll stall.

Okay, bestie,
whatever you say!

Gobble, gobble.

(Kids laugh)

get in...



gobble, gobble!

Gobble, gobble!

Gobble, gobble, gobble...

I don't think
we'll be having turkey tonight.

That's okay,
we'll have pie instead.

(Kids laugh)


All right,
you need to hear me out.

What're you doing here?

I screwed up the best thing
that ever happened to me.

I can't leave without
trying to fix it.

♪ The cards faced up ♪

♪ Times are tough ♪

♪ What are we losing ♪

♪ If we give it up ♪

These are our emails.

It's the story of us.

We can't let this be
the final chapter.

♪ You can only tell me ♪

♪ Why try ♪


(Guests chatter)

Hey, b?

Good thing
you're still here.

Jenna: bye.
Bianca: bye, guys.

We need to break up.

I thought
we already did that.

When I first saw you,

I thought,
that girl is trouble...

I better stay away.

I was so bad.

You're still bad.


I don't wanna
let you go.

But you deserve to be happy

And if I don't make you happy,

Then we've gotta
let each other go.

I'm only a phone call

You're the first guy
I ever loved, drew.

You've always got me.

'Til the world explodes?


(Both sigh)

Oh, that pie in the face
was amazing!

Thank you so much!

Time to head back
to my place?

Uh, not quite yet.

You didn't tell me
she'd be here!

What is going on?!


Okay, I know maya's
the one in the costume,

But as far as I'm concerned,
you're both turkeys.

All you two care about
is beating each other.

Mymat, you're my bff
always and forever,

You know that.

How'd that pie taste?

but now that I've given you
your revenge,

I need a truce,

Because I want to be friends
with both of you!

I still don't like you.

I don't like you

what the hell.

It's the holidays.


See, I think this is
the beginning

Of a beautiful friendship!

Besides, you both love
the same thing:


Maya and zoa:

Hey, where have you been?

Everybody's starving,
we're gonna eat.

I was saying bye
to bianca.

Oh, where's she headed?

Out of my life.

We broke up.

(Audra sighs)

Let's go.

♪ Hold on ♪

♪ I feel like you could shine
a little brighter, my love ♪

♪ Just like we did
when you were younger ♪

♪ Underneath the copper wires
and the (unclear) that creep ♪

Before we start,
I'd like to say a few words

About the reason
we're all here:

My pal, drew torres.

You are a damn good president,

And this thanksgiving,
I'm thankful for you.

here, here.

here, here! Yeah!

This term has been tough.

We got knocked down a few times,

We were able to pick
ourselves back up.

Now all we need to do
is stick together.

Because together,

Together we're unstoppable,
aren't we?

To us!

♪ With your hands
on my shoulders, oh my ♪

♪ I hope it never ends
if I hold on... ♪

hey, this is delicious!

♪ It feels like
you're a little too far away ♪

♪ And I remember the ginning
how it was ♪

♪ With your hands
on my shoulders... ♪