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13x13 - Who Do You Think You Are

Posted: 06/04/22 06:32
by bunniefuu
(Strumming chords)

♪ That magic night we met ♪

♪ I melted in your arms ♪

♪ My heart wasn't ready yet ♪

♪ So I sounded the alarm ♪

♪ And it chased you away ♪

♪ And it chased you away ♪

♪ Unravel me ♪

♪ What's underneath? ♪

♪ Strip me bare,
I want you to ♪

Looking a little green,

Me, jealous of maya?

Not likely.

♪ Take, take it all off! ♪

(Students applaud)

nice! Woo! Yeah!

Great job, maya!

You went above and beyond
on this songwriting assignment.

(Bell rings)

I look forward to hearing
more songs tomorrow.

Hey, superstar.

that was really hot!

Amazing, actually.

Anything to add,
mr. Silent?

I guess it was okay.

Hold back a second?

I have two tickets

To the ed sheeran concert

come on.

Wow, um...

Yeah, I love ed sheeran.

I'm sensing a but.

Can I get back to you?

(Sighs) yeah.

(Sighs heavily)

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ (The best that I can be) ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

(Students chatter)

So when's the big date
with miles?

We all saw him ask you out
in class.


What do you mean,

You two are crazy
about each other.

Yeah, but I want to focus
on music.

I mean, with practicing,

Maybe even booking
a gig,

I'll be too busy.

Too busy
or too scared?

Look, I don't exactly have
the best luck with guys.

oh, you've had one
relationship ever!

And just because
that ended tragically

Doesn't mean you can't
take a risk with miles!

Shh! I don't want
zoe to hear.

Aren't you two
on the bestie track now?

I'm just not sure
how cool she is

Re: me and miles
being anything.

Yet another reason
to focus on music

And not-

Mr. Townsend!

Mr. Townsend?

Maya has a...
Huge crush on him.


I guess he's kinda cute.

Anyway, I've been thinking
about your song.

You need to get it
out there.

Yeah, actually I was thinking
of making a video

And putting it on youtube.

Nothing fancy,
just me and my guitar.

I have contacts.

We might be able to use
the "west drive" set.

Maya, do it!

Okay, but what's in it
for you?

I'm just trying to be
a good friend...

And I wanna direct it.

The rise of the roman empire

Came after the death
of julius caesar.

Oh, it's you.

Don't be so excited.

Dallas is supposed
to present with me,

But he's late,
as usual.

You're not talking about
mike dallas, are you?

Captain of the hockey team,
yay tall,

Left school about
five minutes ago

With a cute blonde?

You're kidding me,

No, I saw it
with my own four eyes.

Mr. Torres!

Will your partner be gracing us
with his presence today?

no, sir. He um...

Got the-the stomach flu.

He's missed six classes
the past few weeks.

If it was physically possible
he would be here,

But it's uh...

Coming out of both ends,

Okay, spare us the details.

You have until next class,
or I'll be giving you a zero.


Mr. Perino:
okay, who's up next?

Ugh! I suck at english!

you're speaking it
just fine right now.

Ha ha.

Last time I checked,
you don't need english

To cure cancer.

But if I have any chance

Of getting into m.i.t.

I'm going to need
to raise my sat scores.

Well, they wanted you
last year.

Chances are they'll want you
again this year.

Don't freak out!

Says the queen
of freakouts.

But what if I've
already had

My once-in-a-lifetime

And I missed it?

If only you had
a super smart best friend

Who could tutor you!

Yeah, but you're writing
the sats too.

Can you spare
the study time?

I could probably fit you in
for an hour tomorrow morning.

Oh, I can't,

Leo and I have
a breakfast date.

He's been working crazy hours
at the dot,

Plus classes at t.u.,

We barely have time
to see each other.

I haven't seen eli
in months,

So forgive my lack
of sympathy.

Yeah, but we're still
in honeymoon phase

And I miss
his big warm hugs.

Fine, go have breakfast
with leo.

Let someone else
get into m.i.t.

And cure cancer!

Ugh! Fine.
You're right.

As usual.


okay, so picture this:

I'm dressed as a cheerleader

And the camera does
a around me

As I take off clothing-

I like it.

(Scoffs) hold on.

There's another layer

A hipster.

You hate it?

No, I just...
Have a better idea.

(Lights click)

(Maya gasps)

this is gatsby's room!

Where you and carter
had your first kiss!

This is crazy!
How did you pull this off?

I was tight
with the key grip.

He "accidentally" left
the door unlocked for us.

And look at the hot guy
I got to star with you.

Hey, zo.

Kalan lancaster?!

The possibly bi- sexy
transfer student from boston!

Oliver dayne
meet maya matlin

And tristan milligan.

Tristan: I love you.
Oliver: hey.

Oliver: hey.
Maya: hi.

so here's the concept.

You've come home,
you've brought a guy,

But you're not ready
to be with him...

Until you realize
he's the one who's worthy

Of seeing the real you.

So you take off
layer after layer

Until you're undressed.

As in naked?!
I don't think so.

You won't actually
be naked,

It'll just look that way.

What do you think,

Uh, lots of musicians
have sexy videos.

I mean, lady gaga,

Lady gaga.

it'll be very tasteful
and artistic.

It all sounds amazing.

Plus, if I don't like
the video,

I don't have to show it
to anyone, right?

right. So, are you in?

Just point me to hair
and makeup.


(clears throat)

I told perino
that you had the stomach flu,

But he's not an idiot.

If you don't get your butt
in class tomorrow,

He's going to fail us!

Maybe you should find
a new partner.

I did.

I am standing right here!


I'm sensing some tension.

Maybe you should call

These last few weeks
you've been drinking,

Hooking up with
a new girl every night.

Is this about alli?

This is my senior year.
I'm having fun.

You should try it out!

You want some?

Fine. More for me.

What about hockey?
This isn't captain behaviour.

Hey, caroline,

Why don't we find
somewhere else to play.

It's christie!



Mmm! It was nice
meeting you, too!

(Dallas sighs)

(Diners chatter)

Excuse me,
where's the washroom?

(Leo laughs)

Right over...


This is so much harder
to do in person,

But I have to cancel
our date tomorrow.

To study.

Well, maybe we could
study together?

Tempting, but that might be
kinda awkward for clare.


Yeah, she's tutoring me
so I'll rock my sats

And get into m.i.t.


The m.i.t.?
In massachusetts?

I don't know
of another one.

I-i just moved here
for you

And now you're moving
to another country?!

Uh, well,
you can come with me.

What about t.u.?

I don't know.

No, because you didn't
think about me at all!

Leo, m.i.t. Is my dream.

You told me
I was your dream.


♪ That magic night me met ♪

♪ I melted in your arms ♪

♪ (Melted in your arms) ♪

♪ My heart wasn't ready yet ♪

♪ So I sounded the alarm ♪

♪ And it chased you away ♪

♪ And it chased you away ♪

♪ Unravel me ♪

♪ What's underneath? ♪

♪ Strip me bare,
I want you to! ♪

♪ Take, take it off ♪

♪ Look at the real me
and don't ever stop ♪

♪ Take, take it all off ♪

♪ But now I'm standing here ♪

♪ Ready to be known ♪

♪ (Ready to be known) ♪

♪ I'm banishing my fear ♪

♪ No longer all alone ♪

♪ And I want you to stay ♪

♪ And I want you stay ♪

♪ Undress me ♪

♪ What do you see? ♪

♪ Strip me bare,
I want you to! ♪

♪ Undress me ♪

♪ What's underneath? ♪

Oh wow!

Hottie with a body!

Tristan, stop!
Watch the rest.

♪ Take, take it off ♪

♪ Look at the real me
and don't ever stop ♪

♪ Take, take it off ♪

♪ I strip it all away
'cause I can't get enough ♪

♪ Take, I take it all off ♪

(Stunned laugh)

Say something!

It's professional,
it's artistic,

It's definitely gonna
get me noticed!

Good! Because I already
uploaded it to youtube!

Miles, what'd you think?

It's-it's fine,
if you're into porn.

what's his problem?

(Ball thuds)


Didn't your mom teach you
not to throw balls indoors?!

Hey, do I seem uptight
to you?

Well, you seem a little
wound up right now.

I tried to talk to dallas
about our presentation,

But all he cares about
is chicks and beer.

Well, you can't force him
to care about school

If he doesn't want to.

I'm worried about him.

What if something
bad happens?

I can't just sit around
and do nothing.

Sometimes something really scary
has to happen to people

Before they realize
they need to change.

Like when the ghost
of christmas future

Visits ebenezer scrooge.

So dallas needs
to realize

What kind of bad stuff's
going to happen to him

If he keeps up
his destructive behaviour!


You've gotta
scare him.

(Laughs wryly)

(Bell rings)

This isn't my class.

Thank you!

Hey. Are you mad
at me?

Why would I be
mad at you?

I don't know,

Because I kissed that boy
in that video?

It's not like
you're my girlfriend.

I'm sorry I said no
to the ed sheeran thing.

See, I thought you weren't
ready for a relationship,

But guess you just
weren't ready for me.

that's not it at all.

It's no big deal,

I'll find someone else
to go.

I'm just surprised,
that's all.


You're not the person
I thought you were.

Because of the video?

that's not who I am!

That was acting;

I was doing it
for my music career!

So you were a slut
to get attention?

You did not
just call me that!

It's not just me!

You should check
your facerange fan page.

You're a real star.

♪ Oh yeah, yeah ♪

♪ All right ♪

♪ That's seven ancient wonders ♪

♪ And seven deadly sins ♪

♪ Seven colours in a rainbow ♪

♪ And seven continents ♪

♪ Snow white had seven dwarves
and the earth has seven seas ♪

♪ Girl, I wanna shake
your seven chakras ♪

♪ Seven days a week ♪

♪ So come on ♪

♪ Oh come on ♪

♪ Yeah, come on ♪

♪ Oh, come on ♪

♪ I don't know
what it all means ♪

♪ I don't know
where I come from ♪

♪ But from what I have seen ♪

♪ What can I have done ♪

♪ Heaven said seven
was a gift from above ♪

♪ Oh, show me your love ♪

♪ Girl, I wanna see
what you're made of ♪

fill in the blank:

"There is no doubt

Alli isn't paying


It's so hard to immigrate
to the u.s.

Without a student visa.

Isn't that why you're studying
for your sats?

Oh, no,
it's not for me.

For leo.

I never once considered
what would happen to us

Once I went to m.i.t.

You know what?

Maybe I should
just forget about the sats

And apply at t.u.

They do have a really great
science program.

Can you imagine life
without m.i.t.?


But I can't imagine life
without leo, either.

Then you need to figure out
a way to have both.


And back to studying.
Fill in the blank...

zoe, we have to take
the video down.

Someone made a facerange
fan page about me!

Maya, this is good!
People are talking.

Who cares
what they're saying?

Me! I want people
to have opinions

On my music,

Not my body!

So they think you're hot,
so what?

Take it down!

Come on, kim kardashian's
career started

With a sex tape,

Now look where she is!

On the cover
of trashy magazines?

She has a billion-dollar

Once you're famous,

No one cares
how you got there.

I care!

Zoe, this is my dream!

What if I'm screwing it
all up?

Look, I put up with
a ton of hate

When I was on
"west drive."

What did you do?


So you just want me
to ignore

All these gross comments
about me?!

It's the price you pay
for fame.



Hey! Can we talk?

Shouldn't you be
in school?

Look, I know I was selfish.
I messed up.

But now I have a plan

And I am not leaving
until you hear it!

I'll be back
in five minutes.

Did you know there are
different institutions

Of higher education
in boston?

Boston university,
boston college,

U of m boston...

Alli, I don't have time
for you

To list every single school
in boston.


But I want you to come
to boston.

I already started filling out
applications for you

For different schools,

And in case that
doesn't work out,

Guess what people love
in boston?

There are so many cute cafes!

Because that's all
I can do?!

Work in some coffee shop?!

That's not what I meant.

Yes, it is.

Don't worry,
I understand.

I'm your stupid boyfriend!

I never said
you were stupid!

You're filling out forms for me,
making plans for me.

Obviously, you don't think
I'm capable!

I was trying to help!

Well, I don't want
your help!

Leo, calm down.
Please, now-

Don't tell me
what to do!



Alli, I'm sorry.

Don't touch me!

Please, i-

don't talk to me,

I never wanna
see you again!


(Sighs heavily)

Mr. Townsend:
today we enter
the tempestuous world

Of jane eyre
and mr. Rochester.

oh my god, maya,
the facerange page...

what about it?

Are any of these you?


Someone just pasted my face
on a bunch of naked girls.


I thought this one
kind of looked like...

Never mind.

How are you?

Haters gonna hate,

Mr. Townsend:
perhaps the chatty ms. Matlin
would like to present first.

(Students snicker)

(Students whisper)

(Clears throat)

Jane eyre was a woman
who was struggling

To make the right decisions.

(Students chatter
and laugh)

Jane is afraid that
becoming rochester's mistress

Will mean sacrificing
her moral integrity.

you don't seem too worried
about your moral integrity.


Am I wrong?

(Students laugh)

Get that filth
off your screen

And report to the office
for detention!

I'll call you.

Mr. Townsend:
please continue.

I can't.


(Students chatter)

hey, girl, what's up?

I don't know
how to tell you this,

I'm just gonna say it.

I'm pregnant...
With your baby.

We never had sex.

uh, yeah,
but we did other stuff.

That doesn't
get you pregnant!

Sorry, I tried.

Thanks for the sixty bucks!

look, I can explain, man.

I-i thought you guys had sex!

Do I look like
some blackout drunk

Who has sex with girls
and forgets about it?

Oh, wait,
that was you!

Look, I thought
if I could scare you,

You'd stop messing up
your life.

I told you, man,
I'm fine!

No, you're not.

You need to get
your act together.

If not for yourself,
then do it for rocky.

Do you wanna say that
to me again?!

You ever think about
the example

You're setting for him?

You can't tell me
how to live my life, man!

(Huffs angrily)


(Keyboard keys clack)


Mrs. Matlin:

Mom, what are you
doing home?

I got a call from school.
You skipped?

Yeah, i...
I felt sick.

I think I have a fever
or something.

I'll get the thermometer.

I just didn't want
to be there, okay?

No, it's not okay.

What's going on?


What was that?


open your laptop.


Is that... You?


It doesn't matter,
everyone thinks it is.

Mrs. Matlin:
who thinks that?
Who's doing this?

I don't know, everyone!

I made this...
This sexy music video.

Mrs. Matlin:
you did what?!

People started leaving
mean comments,

And then someone,
I don't know who,

Made this facerange page
filled with lies.

And I was trying to ignore it,
I tried,

But people are calling me names
at school

And that's why I skipped.

I'm so sorry,
I know this is all my fault.

You shouldn't have made
the video,

Which I will see,

But the bullying,
that's not your fault.

What do I do?
How do I stop this?

I don't know, but we'll figure
something out, okay?

I... I promise.

(Sighs heavily)