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13x11 - You Oughta Know

Posted: 06/04/22 06:30
by bunniefuu

You only live once.

That's the rally cry
of today's youth.

My article will explore
the lasting effects

Of the financial crisis

On the post-millennial

This isn't official
student council business, is it?

I have a meeting
with the editor

Of "muse" magazine today!

Never heard of it.

It's a very prestigious

I sent the editor,
meredith fox,

My pitch
and my portfolio

And she asked me
to come in,

So am I ready?

It's a little bit


But it's just-
it's not up my alley.

And which alley
would that be?

Exploding cars?
Girls in bikinis?

Yes, yes, do that one!

Don't listen to him,
it's great.

Very important stuff.

Did you know
that youth unemployment

Is up to percent
in that...

Um, in-in that place?

You know, with the columns,
and the olives...

Do you mean greece?

Yes! Yeah, yeah,
that's it.

Is she okay?

She's not usually
at a loss for words.

It must be nerves.

Yeah, I mean, I've been querying
magazines for weeks

And this is the first nibble
I've gotten.

So is there anything
I can do

To jazz up my pitch?

They wear bikinis in greece,
don't they?



♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ (The best that I can be) ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪


♪ Hey, hey ♪

(Players shout)

Coach armstrong:


All right,
bring it in.

Good work,
that's it for tryouts.

The results will be emailed
this afternoon,

Including the starting lineup.

That's all,

I better make starter.


Isn't that a little ambitious
for a sophomore?

Yeah, try telling
my dad that.

So, um, what sort of stuff
do you like to do?

For like fun
or whatever.

Oh, you know,
the usual shenanigans.


I love shenanigans.


Oh! You wanna come over
to my place,

Hang out after school?

Uh, sounds good.

all right.
Good job today, tristan!

Yeah, you too!

You have to tell jenna
we can't afford beanbag chairs

In the student council office.

Why can't you?!

Because I want them too!

I can't deal with that
right now,

I need to work
on my pitch.

You look rough,
you okay?

My brain feels
like baby food.

Well, shouldn't you check
with your doctor,

Just in case?

Oh! I just typed
the same sentence four times!

scootch over.


I'm gonna help you
rock this meeting.

By writing my pitch?

no, and not because
I'm not smart enough,

'Cause I know that's exactly
what you were thinking.

Here, you talk,
I'll type.


(Bell rings)

it was beautiful!

The way it flew through the air
before - swoosh!

Wait, sorry,
what are we talking about?

Uh, the three-pointer
I made.

In basketball tryouts!

Because I'm trying out
for the basketball team...

Oh sorry, I forgot.

Why does everyone
keep doing that?!

I'm sorry,
it's just...

I never took you
for an athlete.

I'm trying to evolve
as a human being,

Thank you very much!


Hey, didn't we establish

That miles doesn't play
for your team?

No, I don't want
a boyfriend,

I want a best friend.

(Exasperated groan)

A guy best friend!

Well, miles already has
a best friend - winston.

Whatever, my-mat.

He invited me over
after school.

Yeah, he invited me too.


Oh, did I just agree
to be a chaperone

On some gross date?

No, doofus!

It's a party,
everyone's invited.

Well, at least
it's a start.


I'm thinking ten minutes
every morning

After announcements.

A combination
of pre-taped segments

And snazzy news-desk pieces,

Super profesh styles.

I've already written
the theme song.

♪ Dah-dah-dah-dah! Dtv! ♪

No, degrassi tv
is an awesome idea

For a club, imogen.

Especially 'cause it won't cost
student council a cent.

Yep, thanks to that
media grant.

So do you approve
of the club?


You are officially
the head of dtv.


So who's your
on-air personality?

Me, silly!

I can totally do
news anchor.

You're gonna write,
produce, direct,

And be on air
at the same time?

I'm a single,
double, triple,

Quadruple threat.

Wouldn't it be more fun

If you had some partners
in crime?

Breakfast brainstorms,

Lunchtime sh**t,

After school writing seshes
with lots of mini food!

Yeah. Huh.
I think you're onto something!

So you're gonna find
someone else to be on camera?

Yeah, why not?

It'll give me more time
to work on the theme song.


let the art department know

We'll have to hold off
on the final layout

Until we get his revisions.

Oh, I gotta go.

You must be clare.

It's such a pleasure
to finally meet you, m-



I knew that.

Have a seat.

So I'm really excited
about this piece.

I think that my generation
has really underestimated

How their futures are
gonna be impacted-

By the financial crisis,
I know.

Every magazine's
covered it already.

Then why'd you ask me
to come in?

Because I'm impressed
by your writing style

And wanna see
what other ideas you have.

That's where you
start pitching.


Well, um...

There's this thing that
I've been thinking about

A lot lately...


what's your take?

There's this girl
who's just started at my school,

Zoe rivas.

She used to be on
this teen show,

It's really popular.

"West drive?"

That's the one!

But her celebrity
doesn't seem to be

Helping her at school,

She seems... Lost,

Loved by fans,
liked by no one?

You've got it.

All right,
I like the sound of this.

One of the features
for our next issue

Isn't working out,

And I've been looking
for a replacement.

That would be amazing!


The turnaround
will be tight,

Could you get me a draft
of the article by tonight?

Clare: sure. No problem.
Meredith: okay.

I know it's zero notice,
but hey,

Welcome to
the magazine business.

Thanks so much
for the opportunity.

don't thank me yet.

too long have
we been held hostage

By the tyranny
of the potato chip.

We must open our minds
to alternate snack foods

And be a free society!

For degrassi tv,
I'm winston chu.

Um, we'll get back to you.

We've watched
over thirty auditions

And they've all
been terrible!

I'm never gonna find
an anchor!

Hi! I hope I'm not too late
to audition.

No, becky, just in time.
Take a seat.


Okay, whenever you're ready.

Um, I didn't know what
I was supposed to prepare,

So I just wrote about something
that's been on my mind.

Imogen: and... Action!
Becky: okay.

A new study reveals
that texting and driving

Is the leading cause
of car accidents among teens.

We need to educate people
so no more families and friends

Have their loved ones
ripped away from them.

Because in a second,
your entire life can change.

For degrassi tv,
I'm becky baker.

(Imogen sighs heavily)

Thanks, becky,
that was great.

we'll be in touch.

Oh, okay.

Uh, thank you so much
for the opportunity.

No problem.

What's wrong with you?
Becky k*lled that!

She's too perky.

This isn't about what happened
with you and adam, is it?

No! I just don't think
she's the right fit.

For degrassi tv,
I'm imogen moreno.

Tonight, alli!

She wants the article
by tonight!

I'm sorry, when?

How am I gonna
pull this off?

I can barely
think straight!

Brain still not operating
at a hundred percent?

I'm just exhausted
and stressed.

Well, if you're so
freaked out,

Why did you say yes?

Because this is a chance
to get published

In a national magazine!

well, what does zoe have to say
about all this?

I haven't exactly
asked her yet.

Cart before horse much?


professional emergency!

(Exasperated sigh)

Hey, zoe.

If there's one thing
I learned on "west drive,"

No one brings you a latte
unless they want something big.

I'm writing an article.
A feature.

About me?


Okay, I'll do it.

Wow! That was easy.

My agent would k*ll me

If I turned down
free publicity.

Great! Can we start
after school?

How about the dot,
my treat?

I'm going to a party.

Mind if I tag along?

I'll text you the address.

And uh,
don't wear that.


Zoe rivas is anything

But your typical
high school girl.

(Students chatter)




Oh, imogen!

Um, when do you think
you'll make your choice?

I have my fingers
and my toes crossed!

You can't be our anchor.

Oh, um...

Who did you pick?



(Laughs hysterically)


Yeah, he just really
blew us away

With his charisma.

And maturity.

Um, if this has anything

To do with what happened
this summer-


I'm just trying to do
what's best for the project.

Um, I understand.

Okay. Thanks, becks.
You're swell!

Hey, you!

Yeah, you!
Good news for you!



(Partygoers chatter)

but once they saw me,
what can I say?

Some people have it,
some people don't!

She didn't.

Zoe, hey.

This is my official biographer.

Not quite,
I'm just writing a-

But whatevs,
same difference!

So have you made
lots of friends?

A ton,

Except it's not easy
meeting people

When you're being chased
by the paparazzi.

Can you tell me about
your first few days

At degrassi?

it was totally overwhelming.

Everyone wanted
to talk to me

And get my autograph,
you know.

So you were
instantly popular?

Actually kind of a curse.

People just fall in love
with me.

Take him, for example.

As soon as we met,
he started pursuing me.

(Thunder rumbles)

oh my god,
this rain sucks.

I love your house, miles.
It's very "real housewives."

Yeah, my mom keeps
redecorating it

Over and over.

I think she's just bored.

Bored and hot!

Dude, gross.

(Cell phone chimes)

Oh my god, the basketball team
was just posted.

I can't look!

You are k*lling me,
you are literally k*lling me!


Congrats, tris.

as in I made it?

We both made it!
This is amazing!

Okay, I can't help
but notice

A giant lack of jubilation
on your part.

Screw this.

Was it something
I said?


You never know
with that guy.


(Rain splatters)

hey. Everything okay?

it's just, of course
all the starters are seniors.

You know,
they couldn't take a chance

On a friggin' sophomore!

My dad's gonna be
so pissed off!

Won't he just be happy
you made the team?

Yeah, that's just
not really his style.

He doesn't do happy.

He's much better
at disappointed.

Well, just because
you didn't make starter

Doesn't mean you're
not awesome.

I just- I need something
to give me an edge,

You know?

Well, I hope you're talking
personal trainer.

All the guys at my old school
were taking something.

It's no big deal.

Are you talking about

Because that is totally
a big deal!

no hoop! No hoop!

Oh! No hoop!

Okay, watch, watch!

Ohhhh! Enjoy your beverage,

Whoop! Whoop! Whoop!

Clare: whoa!
Winston: whoa! Sorry!

You're...watson, right?

Ha-ha! I wish.
It's-it's winston.

Right, sorry.
I-i knew that.


I'm clare edwards
and I'm writing...

Um, an article
on zoe rivas,

And I was hoping to ask you
a few questions?

Okay, fine.


So when you fainted
from the excitement

Of meeting zoe
for the first time-

Whoa, whoa!
That did not happen.

You weren't totally

I passed out in class

'Cause some idiot
was eating a chocolate bar,

And I'm allergic
to peanuts.

Well, uh, were you there
when miles serenaded her

In math- math class?

Did not happen.

So he wasn't so distraught
when zoe dumped him

That he stopped speaking
for two weeks?

No way!
He dumped her.

He couldn't handle
her divalicious behaviour.

She totally played me.

she'll do that.

Thanks, anyway.

Well, hey, you wanna catch
a flick sometime?

Do you ask out every girl
who talks to you?

Victory through
sheer volume!

What, is that a no?

so you told him not to do it,

Duh! But he totally
didn't listen.

Ugh! Who does steroids

Who's what now?

Oh, miles wants
to do steroids.

So what?

Uh, they're really
bad for you,

That's what!

Oh! You know,
I feel just like gatsby did

In episode
of "west drive."

we all know how she solved
her problem.

Oh, I couldn't.

Why not?

It worked for gatsby.

(Dog barks,
traffic rumbles)


Hi, beautiful.

(Girl laughs)
hey, cut it out!

Bad time?

No, no, no,
it's never a bad time for you.

Girl: here!
Eli: can you stop?!

(Eli and girl laugh)

Hey, is everything okay?

The interview was
a total bust.

There's no way
I'm gonna be able

To get this article
into meredith on time.

come on, you're always
so hard on yourself,

I'm sure everything'll be fine.

(Sighs heavily)

This isn't how things
were supposed to be!

How what was supposed to be?

you were supposed
to go to nyu,

And then I was gonna rock
senior year,

And get into columbia,

And I'd be there
in the fall.

And then...

you got sick.


Cancer ruined everything!

What if I don't get in?

What happens then?

Then we'll figure
something out.

We'll do long distance
a little longer.

goldsworthy, hurry up!

godard waits for no man!

Who's that?

Uh, my friend, lenore.

We're throwing a new wave
marathon party

To cram for the midterms.

So it is a bad time.

I can tell them to start
without me.

come on, eli!

No, no, it's okay.

Go! Be brilliant!

Everything's gonna work out.

I know it.

It's us.



teen star zoe rivas pulls up
to school in a limo...


(Keys click)

and... Action!

I'm here with
student council president,

Drew alfonzo torres.

That's not my middle name.

Oh, really?
That's too bad.

I'm here to ask
mr. Hunky himself

If he finds me


For the ladies...


Winston, that's not
what the cue cards say!

It was worth a shot.


He'll be fine!

There's a learning curve!

There better be.

Becky: hey.
Imogen: oh! Becky!

So stealthy!

I was just wondering,

If you don't think I'm right
for on air,

Is there anything else
I can help you with?


I've been trying
to keep busy.

Um, I'm sure
we can find something.


Are these-

My brother hooked me up.

Apparently he is good
for something.

Thank you.

This is gonna help me
make starter.

I hope so.
You deserve it.

Are you coming?

You don't wanna be late
for our first practice!

I'll be right there.

All right.

(Whistle blows)

(Door slams)

Did zoe really spend
her first week here

High on diazepam?!

I don't know
what you were worried about,

This is great!

I'm worried
because none of it's true.

What are you talking about?

I went to that dumb
tenner party

To interview zoe,

And she lied to me.

Ugh! That girl,

I just wanna smack her
upside the head

And then steal
her shoe collection.

But the truth
was even more boring,

So I massaged it.

Looks like you gave it
a full-on shiatsu.

I just got home
and all I could think about

Was what would happen
to my life

If I didn't get into


Oh! Do you want me to hand in
your essay for you?

I totally forgot.

uh... Who are you

And what have you done
with clare edwards?!

What is wrong
with my brain?

Okay, maybe it just
slipped your mind.

I mean, you've been really busy
with this writing stuff.

and last night

I was just so perspired
to write

That I didn't even think
to check my agenda.

You were so what?


You know,
I had lots of ideas.

Don't you mean

I-i didn't get
that much sleep last night.

Okay, clare,
this is more than tired.

This is forgetfulness,

And it's been happening
for what, week?

Maybe two?

I know.

You don't think
it's cancer, do you?


But I'm not a doctor.

(Sighs heavily)