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13x07 - Honey

Posted: 06/04/22 06:27
by bunniefuu
♪ I've been hurting,

I've been hanging alone ♪

♪ Tired of all the same
you know ♪

♪ Watching as the seasons
come and go again ♪

♪ Just waitin'
for something new ♪

♪ To change my points of view ♪

alli, class dismissed,
let's go!

What's the rush?

Because we only have
three days left

To do, see,
and eat everything!


Less than three days

And then I never see
leo again.

You and leo had the most amazing
epic summer romance.

Something you'll remember

Like really,
how many people can say

They fell in love
in paris?

When you're old,

You'll look back
and remember what true love is.

This is a once
in a lifetime thing!

That's the bright side?

That I'll never love
like this again?!

Okay, no, I'm-

I'm trying.

Leo's the only guy
that I've loved

That's loved me back.

That doesn't have
a kid.

Is dallas still texting?


You know what?
I'm being ridiculous.

This romance might not
even be real.

Maybe he's only being
so amazing

Because I'm leaving.

Look, you should talk to him.
Long distance is a thing!

You're right.

Think he'd be into it?

Only one way
to find out.


(Cell phones buzz

Did clare just send us
the same text?


♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ (The best that I can be) ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

my phone's been going off
like crazy.

Dallas, imogen,
even simpson.

Everyone wants to know

When you're gonna be
back on your feet.

(sighs) where is the doctor?!

He said he'd be here
in five minutes.

well, that was ten minutes ago!

okay, all right,
I'll go and find him, okay?

Sorry to keep you waiting.

She's lucky to be alive.

he is.


I must have the wrong chart

no, you don't,
it's my son.

He's transgender,
female to male.


Um, he currently on
any medication or hormones

We should know about?

Uh, he just started
estrogen blockers.


Adam suffered severe trauma
to his chest

From the air bag.

Multiple vertebral
and rib fractures,

Damage to his spleen,

And possible traumatic
aortic disruption.

You guys can fix him,

that's the plan,

But first we need
to operate.

I have some consent forms
here for you.

Adam's a fighter.

I know.

(Students chatter)

(Sighs heavily)


et voila!

(Leo and alli laugh)

You have good timing.
It's my break.

Everything is okay?

Uh, well, a friend of mine
from school

Is in the hospital.

But he's got the best doctors
looking after him,

So he's gonna be okay.

This is good news.

Can we talk?

Okay, look, I'm leaving
in three days,

And I know long distance
is hard.


Plus we've only been together
a short while,


So I guess this
is goodbye?

I-i should get back
to work.

Have a safe trip
back home.

But I wa...

En grande tradition
de notre ecole,

Chaque classe a l'occasion
de visiter un restaurant

Du celebre du guide michelin.

I'll have the escargot
a la sauce fancy.

Et une soupe a l'oignon.
(Mock french laugh)

You have to order
just like that!

Mme. Cliquet:
ceci est un etablissement
de respectable.

Alors pas de t-shirts bizarre.

Je parle a toi,

Et pas de jean,
non plus.

No leggings and no sneakers,

Okay. Maybe I can borrow a pair
of your stripper shoes?

Oh, that wouldn't work,
you're flat footed.

You look so hot like that.

um, like what?

Like... That.

I don't know!

Don't fret,
little maya.

She's the worst,
but she's right.

I have zero arch
in my foot

And nothing to wear.

Well, I'll have you know
that paris

Happens to be
a fashion capital.

No, don't say it!

I don't wanna go
on a shopping montage!

Oh, we're going on
a shopping montage

And you're going
to love it!

(Cell phone rings)

hey, pretty face!
How are you?

I've got a couple days
of chemo left,

Some tests.

Hearing your voice helps.

How's adam?

the van was totalled.
Thank god, he wasn't.

But enough about hospitals!

Please tell me
that you are somewhere

Quintessentially paris,

So I can live vicariously
through you?

We don't have to talk
about that.

I called to see
how you were doing.

I already told you!

Now please tell me
about your life!

I need it.

I tried to talk to leo
about long distance,

And all he said was,
"break up."

Now my last few days here
are ruined.

I don't mean to sound
like a cancer patient,

But life is short.

If you want to spend time
with him,

You should do it
while you still can.

okay, so...

Say he takes me back
and things are amazing.

What happens when I leave?

Tomorrow is
tomorrow alli's problem.

Don't think,
just have fun.


Iced cappuccino.

thank you.

decaf, black, no sugar.

I didn't know which sandwiches
you guys wanted,

So i... I got one of each.

Chicken salad,

Ham and cheese,


A real feast.

So any news from the doctor?

Honey, adam's only been
in surgery for minutes.

It'll be hours
before we hear anything.

(Cell phone buzzes)

It's camp.

Everyone wants to know
how adam's doing.

Even the rugrats,
they love the guy.


Would that be weird
if I checked in

And told everyone
adam's gonna be okay?


Drew: not the hair, mom.
Audra: sorry.

(Both chuckle)

(Sighs heavily)

We'll call you
as soon as he's out, okay?

Please, I wanna be here
as soon as he wakes up.

I know.


J'arrive a ce moment.


You didn't fight for me!

I know you know we both know
that we have something special!

I'm leaving in a few days

And you didn't fight
to spend time with me!

All you said was,
"break up."

Break up?!

I thought that is
what you wanted!

No, it's not!

I wanted you to fight.

And now I have to finish
my project on a drawing class

Of what I love most
about paris,

And I chose to draw you,

So, since I already started,
you can't say no.

We are spending time together
whether you like it or not!



♪ You've got it all ♪

♪ You've taken all my money ♪

♪ Sold me to somebody ♪

♪ What's wrong with you? ♪

♪ You've got it all ♪

(Maya and tristan laugh)

And that's how you do
a shopping montage.

all fun,
and no actual buying?

Fine, a low budget
shopping montage.

I love it.

You know,
if it weren't for zoe,

This trip would be perfect.

Why does wearing
expensive clothes

And dating the cute
"bad boy"

Make someone think
they're superior?

You like miles!

You know I do.

But so do you.

Which is why
I'll never date him.

It's okay.

You have my blessing.


well, you did see him first.

Plus, it would drive
zoe crazy!

how funny would it be

If we showed up
in designer clothes -

You in a suit,

Me in those shoes
with the red on the bottom?


and walk up to zoe
and be like,

Hey, do these look like
converse to you, bitch?

That one.

Oh, it's probably like,
$ dollars.

Try five thousand!

Miles wouldn't stay away
from you in that.

Let's just keep walking.


Don't you have
your mom's credit card?

Yeah, for emergencies,

And don't say this is
a fashion emergency!

This is a fashion emergency!

Just buy it,
then return it.

Your mom won't even
see the charge!

That's insane!

Just think of the look
on zoe's face

When you walk in
wearing that dress.


♪ You're a bad boy now ♪

♪ But I want you ♪

(Alli and leo giggle)

I don't know that much
about you,

But my heart...

And my feelings are telling me
that this is right.

(Leo laughs)

(Lock clicks)

(Man laughs)


Oh, mon dieu!

oh my god!
Oh! Agh!

Uh... Heh!

Uh, alli,
these are my grandparents.

Uh, meme, pepe, c'est-
c'est ma copine.


(Alli sighs)

get it! Get it!

Camp director torres,
reporting for duty.

Oh man, I'm so happy
to see you!

Does this mean
my man adam's up?

Uh, no.
No, he's still in surgery.

They're cutting him open?

That sounds
really serious.

No, the doctors say
he'll be fine.

even so, shouldn't you be
with your folks?

It's the last day
of camp.

I wanted to make sure
that you two

Didn't destroy the place.

Don't worry, we've got
everything under control.

Um, I don't!

My kids are doing
arts and crafts

And they're like seconds away
from an all out paint w*r.


Yeah, I cannot handle
that kid.

Do you, uh,
wanna play bad cop?

Yeah, sure thing.

Okay, let's go.

This bread is
out of this world.


Elle aime le pain.

Mais quoi?
C'est du pain.

Elle mange pas
de fromage?

My grandmother wants you
to try the cheese.

Oh, no,

I'm going to a big school dinner
after this, so...

But a little bit of cheese
will be just the thing

To open up
my appetite!

Etes-vous amoureux?

I know that word.

(Clears throat)

Oui. Tres beaucoup amour
avec leo.


c'est comme nous.

Cela me rappelle l'histoire
et de ta grand-mere et moi.

Non, non, pepe,
c'est bon.

What'd he say?

Uh, he wants me
to tell you a story

Of how he met
my grandmother.

He was a soldier
from a paris neighbourhood.

She was a nurse
from bretagne.

They spent five days together
in the same post,

And fell in love.

Then they were separated,
and when the w*r was over,

He went to her hometown
and asked everyone he passed

Where he could find
"la belle esther."


(Phone buzzes)

Oh no. Um...

Well, it was a plaisir
meeting you,

But I've go get ready
for this dinner, so-

wait, before we leave,

After you left the cafe,

I called my school.

They said I could register
at toronto u.

I have a god-father
who lives there.

Get out!

Uh, get out?
You want me to leave?

No, no, no! No!
It's an expression!

It means crazy!

Crazy good!
I-i'm happy!

This is like a dream!
Oh my god!

(Grandparents laugh)

(Alli and leo laugh)

(Students chatter,
classical music plays)

Tristan: don't trip!
Maya: you don't trip!

Soup alert!
Soup alert.

That was close.
That was too close.

This is a bad idea.

Just stop stressing.

Just give good face,

Mme. Cliquet:
tristan, maya.

Asseyez-vous avec miles et zoe,
s'il vous plait.


(Sighs nervously)


Avec plaisir, madame!

that's um...
That dress is...



Oops! Sorry.
I'm such a klutz.

Bathroom, now.

You're something else.


(Kids chatter)

(Sighs heavily)

Here's my "get well" card,
and madison's too.


Which one do you think
he'll like better?

I think he'll love 'em

You didn't even
look at them!

colton, your dad's here.

Thanks for being
such a great camper.

Thank you.

Promise you'll give adam
a fist bump for me?

I promise, buddy.


Hear anything
from the hospital?

No. (Sighs)
not yet.

I'd better head
over there.

I wanna decorate adam's room
with these cards

Before he wakes up.

Why don't I come down
with you?

I think he'll love that.

(Students chatter)

Mademoiselle bhandari!

Tu es en ret*rd!

Moins pourcent!

You're docking twenty percent?
Madame, that's crazy!

it's okay, I got it.
Don't worry.

Hello! Hey! Finally!
Where have you been?

Oh, having the most romantic
afternoon with leo,

And guess what?

He's moving to toronto!

It seems a bit fast.

You've only known him
half a summer.

that's long enough.

I've already met his family,
we're compatible.

You did not lose
any marks.

What did you say to her?

Just that it was my fault,
and that you're incredible.

(Leo chuckles)

Don't worry, we'll get you
the right stain remover

At the store.

Why does zoe hate me
so much?

It's all caps obvious!

Miles likes you
and zoe is green!

No, if miles liked me,

Why would he be swapping spit
with zoe

Every chance he gets?

To make you jealous!

Just so everyone's clear,

Zoe and I are
officially through.

Oh, and uh...

You should probably
watch your back.


because zoe has a crazy idea
that I'm into you.


I have a question for you.

How do parisians stay
so skinny

With all the bread,
and the cheese,

And the butter?

By doing what we're doing
right now.

Une promenade.

We're not walking
to more food, are we?

Actually, there's a creperie
around the corner-

No, no, I can't!


For my locker at school?

If you want.

But if you lock it
to this bridge,

It seals our love forever.



(Lock clicks)

(Cell phone buzzes)


It's jenna?

Um... No.

It's nothing.

Well, if it's nothing,
why can't I know who it is?

Give me my phone back,

Who is dallas?

He's a friend.

He's counting the days
until you get back.


You have another guy
at home?!

No, i-i don't!

Is this why you wanted
to break up?

I didn't want
to break up!

You think I'm a stupid guy?!

Okay, give me
my phone back, please!

Let go of me!
I swear...

Swear what?
You're a liar!

Okay, let go!
Leo, you're hurting my hand!

Let go, leo!
Give me my phone! Let go!




(Students chatter)

Oh, au revoir!

Muah! Muah! Muah!

Au revoir.

Mme. Cliquet:
au revoir, cherie.


(Maya sighs)

I can't believe that boutique
took the dress back.

I can't believe
summer's over!

I don't want ito end!

Especially not at four
in the morning,

This is inhumane.

Just wake me up
when we get to the airport.


Uh, I would sleep
with one eye open,

If I were you.

Oh! Agh!

You'll never believe it!

Connor bought me
the nicest earrings!

What do you think?


(Pained sigh)

What's wrong with your arm?
What happened?

Leo and I got into a fight.
I think...

I think we broke up.

Did he hurt you?

it wasn't his fault,
it was an accident.

That's not an excuse!

It was my fault,
I started it.

Are you even hearing yourself
right now?!

All I know is I can't get
out of paris soon enough.


(Bus rumbles)

I want these cards to be
the first thing adam sees

When he wakes up.

Maybe not this one.


That kid needs therapy.

Actually, you know what?

I think adam would
really like this.

I'm gonna put it
next to his bed.

Looks good, huh?



♪ Open your eyes, man ♪

♪ Open your eyes, man ♪

♪ It's time to see ♪

♪ If you can reach me ♪

♪ Open your eyes, man ♪

♪ Open your eyes, man ♪

♪ It's time to weep ♪

♪ It's time to leave me ♪
