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02x11 - Signed, Sealed, Delivered: To the Altar

Posted: 06/04/22 06:03
by bunniefuu
Imagine something precious.

The priceless gift you've been
waiting all your life

to give to the one you love.

You wait for the right time,
you wrap it carefully,

you pack it in a box,

and you place a few stamps on the outside

and hand this wonderful thing
over to a complete stranger,

absolutely confident
that your irreplaceable gift

will find its way to the one you love.

That is the miracle of a postage stamp.

The stamp is the smallest
contract in the world.

A promise that if you believe in it

we will deliver it, somehow, some way,

because we know that if
that contract is broken

hearts can be broken, too.

It's all good, and getting
even better

Blue skies only sunny weather.

It's a perfect day,
ain't nothing wrong

Cause everything is alright ♪

♪ It's all good and
when we get together ♪

Why not make it last forever

When you got what matters

It's all good and getting
even better.

Tu, tu, tu du.

Tu, tu, tu, du

Happy Monday, Miss Haywith.

Oh, what is that?

Open it.

Oh, no. I should wait for Norman.

Oh, it's not a wedding gift.

It's a "last week of
being single" present.

Oh. Alright.

"Shane and Rita's Girl's Night Out".

Thursday after work we start
with a little shopping

for a little something... slinky.

- Slinky?
- Steamy.


You know, something to wear post-wedding.

Something hot.

- Oh.
- Mmmhmm!

Then it's margaritas at Chez Ramon's,

and then it's on to the salon
for mani's and pedi's,

and we'll follow that up
with a completely

self-indulgent dinner
and show at Montaldo's.

Oh, that's nice.

Can Norman and Oliver come too?

Can Norman and I come where?

Uh, on our girl's night out, but no,

you can't, because it's, well, for girls.

Not to mention it's Thursday and...


Thursday is...

- Ooh.

Dead Letter Office, Oliver O'Toole.

Yes, she is.

- Rita?
- Oh.

Rita Haywith.

So you were saying it's Thursday and...

Oliver, don't tell me
that you forgot about

Norman's surprise bachelor party.


Oliver and I were just talking about,

uh, the employee parking caucus at : .

We're not going back
to head-in only, are we?

Not if I can help it.

I'm a diagonal girl myself.

I did not know that.

Wait, what is today?

Uh, it's the th.


No, no, no, no, no, no.

- Norman, we just lost our florist.
- What?

She fell in love with the groom
from last week's wedding

and then they eloped.

Ah, love is in the air, hmm?

What're we gonna do?

Norman, surely you have a cousin?

Think, think, think, Norman.

Six foster families,
one forever home, cousins-

Uh, yes!

Uh, uh, cousin Arthur.

Arthur, the convicted cow tipper?

That was overturned.

The conviction, not the cow.

Anyways, uh, Arthur has a sister-in-law

who is a wizard with zinnias.

Or is it amaryllis?

Whatever, let's just go!


Everything on that shelf, where is it?

Well, it's the last day of the month.

I just took it all down for
the unclaimed items auction.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

Norman, let's go!



Penelope's Petals and Poppies.


Come on.

Oh, come on.

Come on.



Oh, well in case you're wondering

I have Thursday under control.

You forgot. [GASPS]

Well, let's just say, uh,
Norman's surprise bachelor party

will be a bit of a surprise to everyone.

This is very unlike you, Oliver.

I know.

I- I just think the wedding
has us all a bit...




Well, why don't you contemplate
asking someone to help you?

I am certainly capable of handling this.


Uh, what do we have here?

Um... just um... an

undeliverable scheduled
for auction today.

Uh, why is it heading
in the opposite direction

of the auction?

I was hoping that I could
just buy it outright.

Uh, that's highly-

It's just an old piece
of clothing. It's used.

Miss McInerney.

I cannot bend the rules simply
because you and I are, uh...


Especially because you and I are um...

I love it when you get all
Miss McInerney on me.

I'm late for the parking meeting.

Have fun.

Oh, and remember, diagonal.



- Hey.
- Oh, Hazel.

How's Rita holding up?

Oh, she's doing better.

How could she be doing better?

She just told me her florist quit.

Oh, right.

Well, at least it's keeping her
mind off of um,

you know, her mother.



I was um... just um...


I just thought that the material
was so nice.

I could alter it and make it
a cocktail gown

or use the train to make a -
I don't know - make a...


A table cloth?

I just hate to see something so beautiful

end up on an auction block.

I wasn't seriously expecting to need...


There's a pocket.

And a letter.

"My darling girl, the last time
we were together

"I wasn't sure when we would see
each other again,

"but I never thought
it would take so long.

"I am still out here fighting
the good fight

"but what keeps me going is
knowing that I kept you safe.

"It's still too dangerous

"to attempt contact with you directly

"but my sources tell me
you've gotten engaged

"and I've never forgotten my
promise to pass this on to you

"when you were ready.

"It was your grandmother's,

"it was mine, and now it is yours.

"When I wore it I had
it taken out a little.

"You're tall and slim like your
grandmother so you may need

"to have it taken back in.

"Life is like that, too, sweetheart.

"Sometimes you just need
to alter it a little

"to make it fit better.

"Maybe someday you'll have
your own daughter

"to pass this dress on to,

"along with all the adventures we shared,

"all those Sunday afternoon teas
when you were growing up.

"I'm so proud of you and your own bold,

"brave life, sweet girl.

"I can never be the mother I wanted to be

"but I'm trying to be the hero
I hope you still believe I am.

"I know you will always be mine.

"Have a cup of Darjeeling for me

"and think of me on your wedding day.

"I'll be there with you.

"Love forever, Mommy."


Who puts a pocket in a wedding dress?

I mean, and how did we miss it?

I mean, I'm sure we followed protocol,

we did everything that we always
do with these kind of things.

Everything but uh, try it on.

I haven't bought it yet.

I wrote the cheque but uh,
I didn't give it to you.


So, who needs another tablecloth?

You sure have a lot of poppies.

They were my mother's
favourite perennial.

I'm so sorry, I didn't realize-

Oh, it's ok.

Uh, it was all very sudden,

and at least she went doing
what she loved best.



Oh, she loved caves.

She was also a weaver and a farmer.

Oh, and a part-time hippy.

And a UFO activist.

Organic bartender.

But exploring underground caverns

was her greatest passion.

Nobody spelunked like Sunny spelunked.

She always dreamed of one day stumbling

on to some undiscovered,
endless, bottomless abyss.

And then she did.

But it was the last thing on her
bucket list so it all...

Worked out.

You're handling it awfully well.

Thank you.

Well, I think we can definitely
help you out on Saturday.

Let me just check something real quick.

Oh, great.

I'm proud of you.

It's not easy planning a wedding
without your mom.

Well, she'll be there in spirit.

And dad'll be there,
and Oliver and Shane.

And grandma.

Yeah, she's always so hard
to keep up with.

She wouldn't miss this for the world.


- Norman?
- Let's get some details down.

Time and location.

Ah, well, it starts at : .

- : ok.
- Washington Square...

Yeah, I think I recognize this box.

It got caught in a conveyor belt
accident at terminal annex

eight months ago.

You remember this box?

Oh, sure.

Just look at those commemoratives.

Oh. Bessie Coleman,

Sacagawea, Amelia Earhart.

Yeah, why would somebody go
to all that trouble

to only use stamps
with famous women on them?

Yeah, not just famous, courageous.

Norman, I was thinking perhaps
you and I might have um,

a quiet pre-wedding dinner
at my place on,

say, uh... Thursday?

Uh, well, um, Rita's dad wants
us to drop by the farm tonight

and then we have to pick up
our tuxes tomorrow.

Uh, Wednesday we meet the minister,

so uh... yeah.

- Thursday.
- Sure.


And three Nellie Blys.
What's that all about?


What keeps me going is knowing
that I kept you safe.

What do you think she means?

She talks about danger and adventure.

Fighting the good fight.

Maybe she's a soldier.

Or a spy.

My sources tell me you've gotten engaged.

An international woman of mystery.


- Sounds like Norman's grandmother.
- Yeah.

She's coming, right?

I don't know.

I can't find her, and I don't
know how to tell Norman.

We've sent invitations to every crazy,

weird place she's ever been
but they all get returned.

I must have missed one.

Wasn't she in Machu Picchu?

She was, then she went down the Amazon,

across the Sahara Desert, up Kilimanjaro,

and then I lost track.


Isn't she the honorary
queen of something?

The Rainbow Tribe of the Sacred Biyami?

Yeah, where's that?

Oh, an archipelago miles
south of New Guinea.


She really gets around, doesn't she?


She would have loved my mom.

Don't give up yet.

Maybe the Biyami can help.

Does the Rainbow Tribe have internet?

Oh, I don't think so.

I think that's why they're so happy.

The button's just...

Hey, what is this?

Uh huh.


Thank you. Mmmhmm.

Otis in operations says the
equipment that broke down

and damaged this was
sorting incoming parcels,

not outgoing.

So that means the daughter must
still live nearby and the mom...

She could be anywhere.


Oliver, there are initials sewn
into the dress.


"E.R." Evelyn Rose.

Denver's most elegant wedding designer.

She sews her initials
into every dress she makes.

It's like an artist signing
her masterpiece.

"Society seamstress Evelyn Rose
estimates she created more than

" , wedding dresses for
at least four generations

"of Denver brides."

"No two dresses were the same,
recalls the bright-eyed..."


"The bright-eyed -year-old,

"because every bride is unique
and every gown has a secret."

, wow.

Well, I've got an appointment
with her after lunch.

You might wanna think
about moving that up.

As for us, the letter says
something about all those Sunday

afternoon teas.

Rita, teahouses in Denver, please?

There are Denver restaurants that have

Sunday afternoon tea, seven of
them have been open

for almost years, but only
one serves its own

Darjeeling private blend
and it's the Brown Palace Hotel.

Well, I hope you like scones.

What if the person who's
supposed to wear this dress

is already married by now?

What if she isn't?

Then there still might be time
to find her before the wedding.

But it's not about the dress, it's-

someone out there is missing a mom.

She may never see her again.

This might be the only thing
that she has left of her.

Madam, one lump or two?


Uh, Mr. uh, Fry is it?

At your service, sir.

I imagine you've worked here
for quite a number of years?

, sir.

I have served kings, queens, presidents,

authors, explorers, captains of industry,

and the occasional ex-patriot prince.

The Brown Palace is the
crossroads of the world,

their home away from home.

The flags in the lobby honour
all the countries in the world

from which our guests hail.

Oh my goodness.

Well, we are from the United
States Postal Service.

We are trying to deliver a very
special family heirloom

that was, uh, lost in transit.

Lost by the post office.


A very rare occurrence, but we
believe it was mailed by a lady

who regularly brought
her little girl to tea here

every Sunday afternoon.

Sir, you have described
half the population

of the metropolitan area as you can see.

Perhaps if you had a name?

Uh, sadly we do not.

Oh, but they liked to drink
the Darjeeling.

Ah, well that might narrow it down.

is an acquired taste.

Oh, but this is marvellous.

A rare white infusion, actually.

Do I detect a hint of musk
with a floral top note?

You do, indeed, sir.

Oh yes, this is one of mine.

I knew it.

I recognize the lace.

It's from a bolt I bought
in Belgium in the 's..

That would be about right.

I made quite a few dresses out of that

but I have no idea
who I made this one for.



You see, the thing is is that
you made this dress

for a lady who passed it down
to her daughter

and then that lady tried to pass
it on to her daughter

but it got lost in the mail.

And the lady that mailed it,

well, she hasn't seen her
daughter in a long, long time.

I can't promise this will help but um,

do you know my motto?

Every bride is unique and
every gown has a secret.

Well, the secret is that
it's not just a motto.

It's the truth.


"For Jane: Bless the bride
who wears this dress.

"E.R. "

I sewed a secret prayer in the
dress for every bride I made.

I sewed a prayer for every bride
that came through that door.

So I must have made this dress
for a lady called Jane.

Does that help?

She didn't happen to tell you
what she was gonna name

her first child, did she?


No idea.

Well, thank you anyways.

And no matter what happens,
I'm just so glad I met you.

You know, when I was growing up
I always dreamed of

one day wearing an Evelyn original.

Well, you still can.

I'm not officially retiring
until the end of the year.

Oh, I don't think there's enough time.

I get married on Saturday.


Well, I could never afford
a gown like this

on a postal service salary.

Well, tell me about your dress.

- My dress?
- Mmm.

Mmm. Uh, oh, it's long, really long,

and it's got a lot of bows,

uh, and some ruffles,
and it's a western theme.




I borrowed it from a friend
in international shipping.

She married a sheep rancher.

But you know what?

It fits great and uh...

I'm only gonna wear it once, right?


These are the best cucumber
sandwiches I've ever had.

The egg salad is unparalleled.

My goodness, do you think
it's too late to ask them

to cater Thursday night?


What are you talking about, Oliver?

It's a bachelor party.

It's a bunch of guys drinking beer

and eating Cheetos out of the bag.

They don't want finger sandwiches,

they want hot wings and
ribs and red plastic cups.

Hot wings?

Does that involve sauces?

Because I just had the carpets

Oh, for heaven's sakes.

Uh, what're you doing?

I am texting your father to tell
him that his son

is hopelessly lost somewhere
in the th century

and could he meet us at your
house for an intervention.

Pardon me.

Regarding your search for the lady,

it occurs to me that
our reservation books

have been archived since .

Would that be helpful?

It might.

I've taken the liberty of
writing down the direct line

to the kitchen if I can be
helpful with introductions

to our archivist.

Oh, why thank you.

That is very kind of you.

Happy to be of assistance

to a fellow connoisseur of the leaf, sir.




Cloud Consciousness Retreat?

Butterfly Barefoot Bay?

Undelivered? Undelivered?

Norman? I met Evelyn Rose
and she did make the dress.

She made it for a lady
named Jane in the ' s

which doesn't help us much, I know.

But you're not gonna believe this.

She is making me a dress
and practically for free.

I can't believe it.

I mean, can you imagine me
in an Evelyn original?

Oh, no.

I tried to tell you earlier

but I was just hoping that one of those

would catch up with her.

It's ok.

Grandma's always been a free spirit.

But you know she loves you, right?

And she would be here if she could.

I know.

I don't want you to worry
about this anymore.

The only thing that matters is

I finally get to marry you on Saturday

and that makes this
the happiest week of my life.

And nothing - nothing - can change that.


DLO, Norman.


Thank you.

The minister has the measles.



His face.

I'm not saying that it has to be
a big, crazy blow-out,

but Norman needs
a chance to let off some steam,

kick up his heels a little and, you know,

celebrate the fact that he's
found the love of his life.

He has, hasn't he?

Not everyone can say that.

I meant, uh, I admire his perseverance.


I didn't mean to suggest that you-

I mean, that-

Oliver, look.

Weddings have a way of making people

who aren't getting married
suddenly feel awkward.

It probably didn't help when you
saw me trying on a wedding gown.


You were never supposed to see that.

Can you just forget that happened?

May I help you?


I'm conducting an investigation

for the United States Postal Service.

I'm hoping that you might have
a forwarding address on file

for a rather distinguished guest
who often stays here

when she's in town.

Mrs. Ardis Parker Pennington Payne,

queen of the Rainbow tribe of
the sacred Biyami.

It shouldn't be too hard to find
someone to marry us.

What about your cousin, Serge?

Vow of silence.

What about your cousin, Larry?

Well, he converted to something-ism.

Has to do with spaghetti.

Oh, wait. What about Ramon?


Who could possibly qualify
an ex-matador TV weatherman

ballroom dance teacher to
perform our wedding ceremony?

It's bad enough he's catering it.

Doesn't he have one of
those online minister licenses?

I think I saw one on his wall.

Yeah, probably right next
to his medical degree

from South Central Delaware
Community College.

At least call him.

We're running out of time
and we still need to figure out

who sent this.

Yeah, about that.

I've been thinking about it.

Something Oliver said.

Look at this.

Amelia Earhart, Sacagawea,
Bessie Coleman and Nellie Bly.

She broke the world record for
travelling around the world.

And Clara Moss.

She sacrificed her life trying
to find a cure for yellow fever.

All American women who
helped change the world.

I think whoever mailed these stamps

identifies with these women somehow.


And look at this.

This isn't just a piece of paper.

This is formal stationary.

It's good quality but the top
has been cut off.

Like maybe there was a name on top.

Or an address.

Mmm. And here.

"It's still too dangerous to
attempt contact with you."

Maybe we're looking for somebody
who doesn't want to be found.


I was thinking about a chocolate
fondu fountain right there.

And if, uh, beer is absolutely necessary,

perhaps a craft beer station
right over there in the corner.

And, since Norman's cousin Vernon

is making the wedding cake,

I thought he might throw in some
specialty pastries, as well.

And Vernon plays the spoons
so maybe we could have

a little after dinner musical, too.

- Really?
- (BOTH): No!

No, Oliver!

Would you please just let
your father handle this?

I'm happy to do it, son.

Listen, do you mind if I move a
little of the furniture around?

Only if it's absolutely, uh, necessary.

I don't-

It is.

I have yeses from all
of Norman's cousins,

friends from the terminal annex, Ramon -

who offered to DJ -

and of course you and Joe and Rita's dad

is bringing the cigars.


Yeah. Bill said it's a family tradition.

Apparently every father-in-law
smokes a Cohiba

with the groom before the wedding.

Dad? Really?

It beats the ugly green tie.

I'm sorry, the what?

Back in the 's our

grandfather Randall Bartlett
O'Toole was in love with

a lady of means named Leticia.

Leticia Hepplewhite.


She was the beautiful daughter

of a prosperous banker in Boston.

Um, but he was just a local postmaster

so Randall was insecure and he
wasted a little too much time

deciding if he was gonna
propose to the lady

so one day he's getting his horse shoed

and he sees a gentleman rival
heading towards Leticia's house.

And Randall knows if he doesn't
get there first

he's gonna lose her. So-

So Randall borrowed a tie from
the blacksmith,

runs up the hill, pounds
on the door and blurts out

"don't look at my tie, look at my eyes."

"And listen only to my heart
and if you marry me

"then I will love you forever

"and I'll never wear this tie again."


And that's why an O'Toole never
wears an ugly green tie.

Unless, of course,
he's planning to propose.

I love that story.

So, Joe, did you wear an ugly
green tie when you proposed?

I did.

And what about you?

Oh, uh, no.

Holly proposed to me

and three hours later we were
married at City Hall.

Oh. So you never...

No, I didn't have a wedding.

And you've obviously never been
to a bachelor party

so let's get this baby crankin'.
What do you say?

There you go.



Relax, Oliver.

A prayer for every bride.

That's so sweet.

For Jane, .

It's pretty amazing.


Not helpful, no.

Norman thinks maybe
Jane's daughter mailed that box

with all those stamps to send
some sort of message like

"I can't tell you where I am,
but I'm flying around the world

"doing dangerous and exciting
things to keep the world safe."

So what do you think?

Ramon or no Ramon?


Uh, yes, Ramon or yes, no Ramon?

Uh, I'm sorry?

Are you ok, Oliver?

Oh, it's just um...
contemplating the preponderance

of archaic and mystifying
wedding superstitions.

Why something old?

Or, why something new?

Or borrowed, or blue?

Then there's the tossing of the bouquet,

nothing more than,

really, a barbaric exercise
in female wrestling.

Is this a part of the best man's
pep talk?

I have a lot on my mind.

Me too.

What with me getting married
this Saturday.

To Rita.

Without a minister.

You made it!

Hey Mr. Haywith.

You're gonna have to call me dad soon.


Daddy has a surprise for us.

Yes, I do. I do.

Follow me.


- There!
- Oh my.

This is a canoe.

It's your wedding gift.

I made it myself.


Oh, isn't it just beautiful?


Look at that craftsmanship, Norman.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I made the loom over there for
your mother for our wedding.

This is a canoe.

Well, Rita doesn't weave.


So I thought you could, you know,

hitch it on top of your R.V.

and take it to Grand Lakes
for your honeymoon.

Thank you, daddy.

This is just so... oh.

It's just so...

- We brought sushi.
- Yes, dinner.

- I'm starving.
- Me too.



Canoes, they go on water and I
never... learned how to... swim.


Well, that is certainly
something that can be remedied.

You'll have plenty of time
on your honeymoon to,

uh, get your feet wet.

I already have a lot to learn
on my honeymoon.


Daddy, do you remember what mama wore

when you guys got married?

Oh yeah.

Uh, we were selling blackberry preserves

at the Renaissance Fair

in, um, Modesto, and she
decided that she would trade in

the whole lot for this long,
fancy get-up they were selling

in this Elizabethan booth
that was right next to ours but,

see, the problem was, it was too big.

Now, your mother, she decided
to do the alterations herself.

- Oh.

And she kept taking it in and up

and in until it ended up no
bigger than a postage stamp.

I think the veil ended
up longer than the dress.

But she sure was beautiful.

Rita, what did the letter
say about alterations?

Uh, "when I wore it I had
to have it taken out."

Oliver, Norman.

We have to go.

Leave the canoe, take the sushi.

Norman, I need some
little, itty-bitty scissors.

Uh, little-bitty or itty-bitty?


See, the prayers aren't for the dress,

they're for the one who wears it.

So if Evelyn sold one for Jane
when she made it...

Then perhaps she sewed one
for Jane's daughter

when she altered it.

Excellent thinking, Miss McInerney.

Little, bitty, itty-bitty.

Is there another one in there?

"Bless this dress for Annaliese."




Yes, I do believe I know the lady of whom

you may be speaking.

For many years I had
the pleasure of serving

a charming mother and daughter
who always sat

at that table in the corner.

She would regale her daughter
with the most enthralling tales

of bravery and danger and expedition.

(ANNALIESE): I had to face the monster

right there in the middle of the sea

with the storm and the winds
tossing the boat right to left!

(ELWOOD): The little girl alway
carried a notebook with her

and wrote down every story
her mother told.

At first they were drawings

but as she grew older
she wrote them down.

(ANNALIESE): Sometimes the
monster sneaks up behind you

and you don't see it coming
until it's too late.

That's why I always carry
my sword and my shield,

ready to face my enemy.

(ELWOOD): The stories were
always different,

but always heroic,
and always told as though

the mother herself was the heroine.

And the heroine's name was Annaliese.

As the little girl grew,
the stories grew up, too,

and the character of
Annaliese evolved into...

uh, let me see.

- Um...
- An aviator? An army nurse?

- A w*r correspondent?
- Yes.

Annaliese became something of
a mysterious woman of fortune

who always seemed to risk her life

to do the right thing and to-

Keep her family safe.


Was the little girl's name Jessica?


My goodness, yes, that was it.

Rita, how on earth-

I think I know where to find her.

I walked by this yesterday.

"Meet the best-selling author of

"The Secret Adventures of Annaliese:

"The Flight to the End of the World",

"book five in the best-selling
young adult novels

"by Jessica Gordon."

I've never heard of Jessica Gordon.

Probably because
you're not a teenaged girl.


It makes sense.

An aviator, a pirate, a soldier.

She took her mother's stories

and she created a successful
book franchise.

It's gotta be her.

I suppose we'll find out tomorrow.

Oh, I am late for my appointment
with Evelyn.

Muah. Bye. Bye guys.

- We have a tuxedo fitting in minutes.


And I have a phone call.
I'll see you guys later.


Hello, Shane McInerney.



Oh my goodness.

No, everything is fine.

But where are you?

Not that nervous.

Oh, no. You know, I'm perfectly healthy.

Of course you are.

It's just I always, uh, thought uh...

I- I just always thought that, you know,

some things are meant to be saved

until you can do them
with somebody special.

Like when you, uh,

both go to see a movie together
for the first time.

You know?

It's more fun than if one
of you has already seen it

and knows how it ends.

Does that make sense?

So far. Mmmhmm.

I've never really uh, been to the movies

so when Rita and I started going out

and getting to know each other,

you know, we were
talking about everything,

and, well, one day finally we
just admitted to each other

that we were, um... we were just waiting

for the right person to...

See the movie with.


What if... what if, um...

Norman, you're not going to the movies.

You and Rita are the movie.

You're the stars of your own love story,

and when the time comes
you will know your lines.

And it will be... beautiful.

I feel a little awkward delivering this.

All I got 'em was a rice cooker.

You ok?

We were very blessed, you know that?

We're gonna miss her on Saturday.

She was weaving this before she left us.


If that's the only thing she left undone,

my friend, then you're right.

We were blessed.



Bill? Is anyone here?

Hey Shane!

Oh, perfect.

What's up?

How do you feel about building
one more wedding gift?


Here you go.


Hello, Miss Gordon.

My name is Oliver O'Toole.

We're from the United States
Postal Service

and we may have a delivery for you.


Mr. Fry, the tea master
at the Brown Palace

remembered you and your mother.

Oh my goodness, Mr. Fry.

It was Rita, actually, who put
two and two together

when he said that your mother

was quite an inventive storyteller.

She didn't actually invent them.

They really happened to her.

Or at least that's what
she wanted me to believe.

My father left when I was a bab
and it seemed like my mom

was always working six different jobs

just to keep things together.

But somehow she always made
sure we had tea at the Brown.

She'd tell these fantastic stories

and I'd try and write them all down.

And then one day she told me
they weren't just stories.

She said other kids' parents
belonged to the PTA

but that she belonged
to a government agency

that worked undercover to
protect the world from danger.

Is that uh...


It was true for a little girl
who thought her mom was a hero.

Sometimes she'd leave me
with my grandmother for a week

or even a month while she'd disappear

on these secret missions.

But she'd always come back
with her mission accomplished

and another story to tell.

And then when I was ,
she told me she had to go

on the greatest, most dangerous
mission of her life.

(ANNALIESE): They need me on
Neverlost Island.

Now, I wouldn't leave unless
I knew that it was absolutely

the most important thing I
ever did to keep you safe.

And I promise I'll be back.

And I never saw her again.

But I kept believing in her
for years because...

well, I guess I needed to.

But who knows what's true anymore?

What about your grandmother?

My grandmother promised me
she'd tell me the whole story

when I was ready to hear it,

but she passed away
when I was in college.

So as far as you know your mother is...

A secret agent?

The day I turned I looked
at myself in the mirror and said

"just face it, she dumped you."

You don't really believe that, do you?

I mean, look at these stamps.

They're all of amazing women
who-who did change the world.

I think she wants you to think
of her like that.

Like Amelia Earhart and Nellie Bly.

She really seems to like Nellie Bly.

Yeah, she does.

She always puts at least two
Nellies on every envelope.

I'm sorry, there are other letters?


From Alaska, Kenya, Beijing...

all over the world.

They started coming in when
I published my first book.

They say she's still out there
on some mysterious assignment

trying to come home.

I'd been angry at her for so
long but writing her stories

was a good way to work through that.

But then when those letters
started coming in

it was like finding a reason
to believe again

that she really did wanna be with me.

But for whatever reason she just can't.

I guess I finally found a way
to live with that.

How many letters were written?

Oh, maybe six or seven.

The one before came about a year ago.

They're all written on the same paper.

Are the tops of each page cut off?


Uh, I'm sorry, but it was
necessary to read the letters

but we were quite inspired
by your mother's stories.

Every story I've ever written
was inspired by her.

But nobody knows that
except you and my husband.

So we're too late for your wedding?

I was married five months ago.

We're so sorry.

No, no, don't be.

I... I didn't miss the dress.

I missed her.

But now I know she was there in spirit.

Miss Gordon, I wish there was
some way that...

that we could make it up to you.

You found the dress.

You found me.

What more could you possibly do?

What if we were to find your mother?

I still can't believe you said that.

Maybe we could find your mother?

I'm just saying, I think we have
an obligation

to make something good out of this.

Isn't that-isn't that what Postables do?

And to what corner of the earth
might we have to go to find her?


I have a theory.

Oh, happy day.

The letter said

"you're tall and thin,
like your grandmother."

How could she know that
if she hasn't seen Jessica

since she was ?

And what do people always say
if they can't be somewhere

they wish they could?

It's always "I'll be there in spirit."

But what did Annaliese write
about Jessica's wedding?

"Think of me on your wedding day."

"I'll be there with you."

Oliver, I think that Annaliese
really was there

at Jessica's wedding.

I think that she's finally come home.

Uh, why hasn't she told Jessica?

Flowers, candles, reception menu?

Check, check, check.

Oh, I have a fitting at :
and then I'm meeting Shane.

Check. Oh, and I have
my dinner with Oliver.

Ooh, we should get going.

We've got Ramon at noon.


Couple's counselling.

Don't ask.

Hi, Oliver.

Bye, Oliver.

Couple's counselling. Don't ask.

Good morning.

Yes, it is.

Oh, listen to this.

"Nellie Bly was not only a
world renowned traveller,

"she was an investigative
reporter most famous

"for posing as a mental patient in

"to expose disturbing conditions

"in New York's infamous
Blackwell's Island Asylum,

"resulting in major reforms in
the treatment of mental health."

So I was thinking that maybe Annaliese

is an undercover human rights activist.

I don't know how you plan to, uh,

find this woman.

We don't have the dress anymore
or the letter.

You can't find a single Annaliese Gordon

in any of those computer
internet search things you do.

Are you ok?

Oh, I'm fine. I just...

have a lot of things on my mind.

I'll tell you what.

I'll do some more thinking
about Annaliese

and you get ready for the bachelor party.

I am sorry I seem to be
somewhere else these days.

Well, wherever that is,
don't stay there too long.



Oh, I should get that.

It could be about the girl's night out.

Please tell me that we're a go.


How did couple's counselling
with Ramon go?

I had no idea how spiritual he was.

We met him at the Mailbox Grille
and we ate enchiladas

and he prayed for our marriage.

It's not every day your caterer

and your minister are the same person.

He's taking this very seriously.

We went over the service and the music.

Oh, and the guest list.

- The guest list?
- Mmmhmm.

He said "when you invite God
to the wedding

"he stays for the marriage"

"and a chord of three strands
can never be broken.

You and Norman are strands?

Mmmhmm. That's a metaphor.


You see what I mean? Very spiritual.

Rita, I couldn't tell you
before I knew it was for sure

but I have a surprise for you and Norman.

But it means skipping
our girl's night out.




[TOGETHER] Surprise!

What? How?

It's your surprise bachelor party.

Hit it, Ramon.

[CHANTING] Norman! Norman! Norman!

Norman! Norman! Norman!


What the Sam Hill?



It's me!

I mean, it is I.

It's your grandmother!


I can't believe you came.

Well, of course, darling.

You're my little sliver of light.

Hey, so where are you, actually?

Patagonia, darling.

I'm detoxifying.

Now, you must introduce me to everybody.

Oh, uh, ok.

There we go.

It was the flags in the lobby of
all the places that the artists

had travelled to and it got me
thinking maybe she had left

a forwarding address

the last time she had been
here and bingo!

She had left the number for her
travel agent who had the number

for the private pilot that had
just flown her to Pat-


Shrimp sauce. It is everywhere.


And over there, that's
my foster cousin Wade,

cousin Vernon... he's
gonna make our cake.

Oh, it's gonna have owls on it.

I just love owls.

I can see that, dear.

- Thank you.

Say hi to my grandma.

Oh. Grandma.

Oh, yes. This is my dad.

Ah, pleasure to meet you.

Uh, you can call me Bill.

It's short for Bilbo, like in the-

The Hobbit. Of course it is.


Oh, hi! Oh, hi, if you'll excuse me.

Oh. Oh.

Now, for the first dance, you
take the bride's hand like so

and you promenade on the floor.

You wait for the next one two three,

one two three, one two three, yes,

one two three...

Great party.

Ah, thanks to you.

I really dropped the ball, I'm afraid.

I know you've been uh,
preoccupied recently.

And am I crazy or have you managed

to avoid looking Shane
in the eye all night?


Dad, have you ever thought about
somebody one way

for a long time and then
one day they say something

or do something and you just...
can't get it out of your head?

Where are you going with this, son?


You would have really gotten
along with my wife.

She learned to meditate in Tibet,

she climbed the Himalayas,


and um... oh, she learned how
to weave in New Guinea.

I weave.

I'm a weaver.

I spend three months of every
year on a small island

just south of there during the
sacramental sewing season.

Are we talking about the Rainbow
tribe of the Sacred Biyami?

I'm their queen.

Oh, no!


What was your wife's name?


Oh, no. For heaven's sake.

What? You knew her?

Knew her?

We learned to weave
together years ago.

We were loom buddies.


What that woman couldn't do with the hair

from the underbelly of a muskox.

Ardis, this is a miracle.

Are you busy, like, say
hours from now?

It's Patagonia, dear.

There is no busy.

Can we Skype tomorrow?

I'd like to show you something
at my dairy farm.

A dairy farm?

- Oh, I do love cows.
- Really?

Well, you see, darling, back in
the th century I was a cow.

And I must tell you once again

what an honour it will be to
officiate your sacred union

on Saturday.

How many times have you officiated?


You are my first.

And dip!

Well, if you're asking me,

maybe is time to, uhm

face the music and admit that you are

two very different people and
you don't see that changing.

No, I don't.

So then the question is...

There you guys are.

Ardis has something she wants to tell us.


Everybody here?

Ah, we're all here, Grandma.

Well, now normally I wouldn't
make such a production

out of a wedding gift

but I think Oliver and Shane
should hear this, too.

Now, Norman, Rita, even though
I'm hardly ever there

I'll always be here for you,
even when I'm not here, there.

Especially if you ever find
yourselves in need of anything-

anything at all.

So I'm giving you the email
address of my accountant, Harry.

Oh, that's so beautiful.

Somebody write this down.

- Anybody got a pen and paper?
- Got it.

In the meantime, Harry is
sending a cheque

to the O'Toole foundation to establish

the Haywith Dorman scholarship
for students of postal history.

Oh my goodness.

Grandma, I-we-well,
this is just so amazing.

It is so amazing, thank you so much,

Mrs. Parker Pennington Payne.

Well, I know how much being
postal means to both of you.

Here's the paper, you can
just write on the back of that.

Oliver, do you wanna
give Norman your pen?


Oliver, look.

The uh, the-the paper.

It-the stationary is from
the Brown Palace?

I know.

That's the number that
Mr. Fry wrote down.

Norman, the letter from Annaliese,

isn't this the same paper?



Nobody smells like my Norman.

Thank you, Grandma.

Are you sure you don't want us
to come back

and help you clean up?

Ok, bye.

Oh, good. It's you.

Hey, you're the post office lady, right?

That's right.

I have another name for you.

Last name?

Oh, we don't have a last name
but we have a unique first name

and we think she might be a regular here.

Um, Annaliese?


She's right over there.



No, her.


Does she know that I'm here?

No, but she was hoping
that we would find you.


I think she's just hoping

that maybe you're still out
there being, well...

The amazing woman I told her I was.

Well, I am still out here,
protecting her in a way.

Not from tigers or monsters.

From me.

The hallucinations began when
she was about eight years old.

What do you mean?

Nobody knows why.

I just started to lose pieces of myself.

I'd lose track of time,
forget things, get confused.

Some days it felt like
nothing was possible.

Or everything was.

I've been called back
into duty again, sweetheart.

It shouldn't be too long this time.

They need me again on Neverlost Island.

All those wild stories I made
up to entertain Jessie

began to feel real, like memories.

As if I really was a hero and
I had done all those things.

I was in and out of hospitals
and clinics for years

but I just kept getting worse.

And I was so afraid that it
wasn't safe for Jessie

to be around me so I looked for help.

And I found a live-in mental
health program for women

so I left for six weeks
on my new secret mission.

And I left Jessie with my mother again.

Six weeks turned into six months
and then years.

And somewhere in all that time

my mother died and Jessie
went to college.

And so, when the clinic lost its funding,

I ended up on the street.

But I started to believe
that I wasn't really homeless,

I was actually an
undercover reporter, like-

Like Nellie Bly.

And then one day

I saw a little girl reading a book.

It was one of my good days

when I could think clearly
enough to realize

that I had found out
what happened to my Jessie,

and that she hadn't forgotten me.

That was the day when I walked
back into a hospital

and they put me into a free
clinical trial

and found a drug that worked.

And so I started over.

I live in a therapeutic
community in Washington Park

and I've worked here now for five years.

That's when I started writing
the letters.

I thought that maybe Jessie
could believe in me again.

How did you mail all those letters

from all those different places?

I made friends with some of
the regulars who stay here

and they'd mail those letters for me

from wherever they're off to next.

To Asia, Europe, Africa.

When I read that Jessie
was getting married

I had someone send the dress
for me from Hawaii.

She got married just up there
in the grand ballroom.

You really were there.

I watched from the kitchen.

I was hoping I might see her
in the dress, but...

Oh, we are... we are so very sorry.


It's actually a relief because
this way I can tell myself

that she might have worn it.

Up until now I just thought
that she hadn't wanted to.

She missed you.

She said so.

She should tell you that herself.


I would be such a disappointment.

I want Jessie to remember her mother

as someone who was strong and brave

and did things that mattered,
like the women on those stamps.

But you are strong and so brave.

You faced a terrible darkness

and you had the courage to ask for help.

If you think that you haven't
made a difference in the world

think about the thousands
of children who were inspired

to choose the more honourable,
the kinder, the higher ground,

because they read Jessica's books.

And those books began with you

and the stories that you told her.

You've been on Neverlost Island
for an awfully long time.

Maybe it's time to come home.

Our prize Holstein.

Oh, hello dear.

- Have we met?

Well, you have a twin out there
in the world

and I swear you could be her sister.

But this, this is what
I wanted you to see.

Oh, look at that loom.

It's a work of art.

It was my wedding gift to Sunny.

That woman sure knew
how to handle a heddle.

What-what has she got on there?

What is that?

Uh, I don't-uh, she was weaving
this for Norman and Rita.

Oh, for heaven's sake,
it's a Biyami wedding blanket.

It's a traditional gift
from mother to daughter

on the day of her wedding.

Rita would have loved that.

Oh, let's see.

She's done the first rainbow,
the symbol of unity,

the sacred seven fertility patterns,

the Biyami prayer for flexibility,

and she's just missing... oh...
ah, if only I were there.

She was almost finished.

You know, we could do this
together, Bilbo.

I don't know how to weave.

Oh, trust me, dear.

I'll have those little hands
flying and warping

before you know it.

Now, you're going to need a muskox.

No muskox.

Oh, well... an alpaca will do in a pinch.

Oh, I got that.

Oh, wait. Wait.

I need the hour and place
when Rita was born.

At : am in Sedona under
the Pepsi Challenge tent.

That explains everything.

Now get a move on,
this could take all night.

- Alright.
- Constantina?

A ceremonial cup of yak milk, please.

What kept you?

Thank you.



I know it's a shock to hear words like

"homeless" and "mental illness" and-

No, the only thing shocking

is that I didn't figure it out before.

But I must have been so desperate

to believe anything but that.

I mean, of course that's what it is.

The-the stories, the crazy
stories and-and the trips.

She knows you must have
a lot of questions.

Like why she didn't want to find
me when she knew she could?

All she did was mail me a dress.

Isn't that the question
I should be asking?

She wants to answer all of them.

Well, maybe it's too late.



Because I know what too late feels like.

I'm getting married tomorrow

but my mom won't be there
because I lost her this year.

I'm sorry.

She didn't have to overcome the
same challenges as your mom

but she was passionate like her,

and she dreamed of making
the world a better place

the same way that your mother wanted to.

Sometimes she did crazy things

and she took chances that I just...

I just didn't understand.

But I always assumed that I
would be able to talk to her

about it when I was ready.

Except now... now it's too late.

It's too late for answers.

It's too late to ask her
for help with my wedding.

It's too late to thank her for
all those wonderful things

that she taught me.

It's too late for me to just
sit down and laugh

with her over a cup of tea.

If I could do just-just one
of those things today

I wouldn't waste a second thinking

about the time that we lost.

She's your mother.

She loves you more than
anything else in the world

and she did her best.

What other answers do you need?

Warp and heddle, warp and heddle,

warp and heddle, warp and heddle.

[YAWNING] Warp and heddle.

Keep going. Keep going.

You're almost there.

I finished!

Bill, you're a natural.


Here's to Ardis,
queen of the sacred Biyami

and hero of the Dorman Haywith wedding.

Well, I'm just glad I was there.


And as we say in Biyami, you never know

from where you sit which way
the bird is go-


Thank you.

I'm embarrassed to say that in
five years I never noticed her.

Then again, night shift is
something of another world.


Ah, is that...?

It is.

Madam, what a pleasure to see you again.

Hello, Mr. Fry.

Let me just confirm
that your table is ready.

I just wanna thank you
all so much for doing this.

I never knew that strangers
could be so kind.

We're not strangers anymore.

We're the Postables.

Right this way, madam.

I am so sorry.

It's ok, mommy.

I thought I'd lost you forever.

Me too.

I have a lot of questions.

But I don't need the answers right away.

How about we just have a nice
cup of the Darjeeling?


You never did like milk in your tea.

No, thank you.


Shane McInerney.

Yes, uh, he's here with me.

Hold on.


Hmm? Oh.


Well, I guess the timing
worked out after all, huh?

Yes, it did.

We make a good team.

I love us.

And I love-


And I love you.

Oh, you do, huh?

And I'm still contemplating
what to do about that.

I see.

Well, does it help if I mention
that I love you so-

Oliver! Skunks.

Angry skunks in the church.

They found skunks under the choir loft

and now the whole church stinks.


We can't get married there tomorrow.

What are we going to do?

The guy with the guitar?

He wrote a love letter to
the only lady he ever loved

and then it got lost in the mail
and she got lost in a hurricane,

so he needed the Postables
to help find her

and of course they did and now
they need him and here he is.

Just think.

All the people in here who's
lives would be different

without the U.S. mail.

It's so romantic.

You ok, my friend?

Oh, I've been thinking
about this day for so long.

I just never imagined farm animals.

Well, at least you get
a nice cross breeze here

you wouldn't get at the church.


Got it.

Oh, thanks dad.

You might want to check
the pockets just in case.

Sweetheart, you're breathtaking.

Thank you, daddy.

You look just like your mother.


I mean, the dress looks...

No bigger than a postage stamp?



Now, when you walk out there

you may notice that the loom is empty.

Well, that's-that's just
because your mother's

last gift to you is waiting
for you on the altar.



This is it.

This is it.


I love you.

I love you.


♪ Every morning, ♪

♪ Every evening, ♪

♪ Every day I, ♪

♪ I think of you, ♪

♪ The way you love me, ♪

♪ Through and through, ♪

♪ When I'm with you, ♪

♪ It feels like heaven, ♪

♪ You're an angel, ♪

♪ Holding me, ♪

♪ Sweet, sweet loving, ♪

♪ It sets me free, ♪

♪ And in my wildest imagination, ♪

♪ I could never imagine you, ♪

♪ Loving me as much as I do you, ♪

♪ In my wildest imagination, ♪

♪ I could never, never, never,
imagine you, ♪

♪ Loving me as much as I do you, ♪

♪ And it may be winter, ♪

♪ It may be fall, ♪

♪ Might have much, Or nothing at all, ♪

♪ But I'm always gonna be there, ♪

♪ Whenever you call, ♪

♪ Whenever you call, ♪

♪ Whenever you call ♪

Friends, family...


Other guests.


We gather here today to
celebrate the great truth.

That no matter where we find ourselves,

when two or more are gathered together

in the name of all that is
sacred and holy, there is love.

And love is a profound mystery,
that two souls can reach across

the great river that separates
one solitary heart from another

and set out on a dangerous
and thrilling journey

where, in an instant, in a
miracle, two become one.

Love is the ship we build
with compassion,

forgiveness, and faith.

To travel the river together.

It is the dance of life.

It is the greatest of contracts

It is the sweetest of promises

to keep each other afloat
amid the storms.

To keep each other laughing
amid the sorrow.

and faithful amid the darkness.

To rejoice together in the morning

and to honour each other in the evening.

It is a gift from God,

the source of this love and of
the river itself.

The one who will carry and guid
us from this shore to the next.

And now, by the power vested in me...

Of course.

I pronounce you husband and wife.


May God bless your marriage.




An owl.

Oh, that's an owl!



Are you wearing what I think
you're wearing?


Don't look at my tie.

Look at my eyes.

And listen to my heart.

Oh, Oliver.

Marry me and I will love you forever,

and I promise I'll never wear
this tie again.


It's pretty awful.

Uh, my father picked it out.

I probably would have gone
with something a little more-

Yes, Oliver.

Yes, I-I will marry you
and love you forever.

This was my grandmother's.

She was the finest woman I ever knew.

Until you.


I hope it's not um...

I love it.

This is what all that
contemplating was about.


Um, what is it that you're contemplating?


Let me see it again.


So, we're married.

Really married.

To each other.

Just like we planned.

Well, not exactly how we planned.

It was a wonderful wedding, Norman.

It was, wasn't it?

It just went by so fast.

But, you know, now look at us.

Married Postables.

Engaged Postables.

And just enough champagne
left for a toast.

The last toast of the night.

And the first toast of
the rest of our lives.

Oliver, would you do the honours?

Well, when we began together
as colleagues

charged with delivering
so many lost things,

I believed that to everything
there is a season

and to every lost letter

there is a divine purpose.

Only today, seeing you, Norman,

and you, Rita, so happy,
and you, my Shane,

my love, promising to love me forever,

only now do I realize...

just how very lost I was, too,
and that your friendship

and your faith have
uh, delivered me as well.

So through the rain and snow
and dark of night,

here we are, together, and I love us.


To the Postables.

[TOGETHER] To the Postables.

♪ Make someone happy, ♪

♪ Make just one someone happy,

♪ Make just one heart to heart, ♪

♪ You will sing to, ♪

♪ One smile that cheers you, ♪

♪ One face that lights
when it nears you, ♪

♪ One girl you're everything to, ♪