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02x10 - Signed, Sealed, Delivered: The Road Less Travelled

Posted: 06/04/22 06:01
by bunniefuu
[Background music
and chatter]

Becca! Strike a pose.

[Shutter clicking]


How many left?


Let's get
one together!


Hey! Love this song!


♪ Seeing is believing ♪

♪ My life was complicated ♪

[Rachel]: excuse me.

Have you seen a little boy?
He's seven.

He has a backpack.

Sorry. Kid-free
zone tonight.

♪ Six sides of separation ♪

♪ Put back together by you ♪

♪ 'Cause you came ♪

♪ On a mission
through the clouds ♪

What did I say
about running off?

♪ Broke my chains... ♪


[Boy]: I want bertie!

My daddy
gave him to me.

I want my daddy.


[Camera shutter clicks]


[Rachel]: now, you run off
one more time,

And you and I
are going to have a problem.

[Door creaks]

Sit right here
and wait for me.

Do not move.


I was told you might
have a room available.





♪ Send me love every day ♪

♪ Send me love
every day ♪

♪ Send me on my way ♪

♪ Send me
on my way ♪

♪ Deliver me ♪

♪ Just deliver me ♪


♪ Deliver me ♪

♪ Just deliver me ♪


♪ Send me love
every day ♪

♪ Send me on my way ♪

♪ Deliver me ♪

♪ Just deliver me ♪

Perhaps a little more
sodium metabisulfite?

We need something to sustain
the reaction indefinitely.

Oh! Uh, potassium iodate?

I tried that.

Oh! Wait.

[Chuckles and grunts]



Hazel says that, uh,
terminal annex

Just dropped off
a new shipment of--

fire in the hole!

[Muffled expl*si*n]


[Norman]: we're fine!
Everything's okay.


Good to know!


[Both chuckling quietly]

You know, maybe this
is a good time to go--

[Together]: ...see hazel.




This one has
a hole it in!

A million
postcards in hawaii,

And people mail those.

Oh! Hold on.

[Hazel]: oh, that reminds me,

Where are you and norman
going on your honeymoon?

[Rita]: oh, well,
my parents gave us

Their starcruiser,
so we'll probably take that

Somewhere fun,

But there's just so much more
to do first.

[Hazel]: what's a starcruiser?

it's sorta like a winnebago.

[Hazel]: how far
have you gotten on the list?

"The list"?

What list?

There's a hundred things
to do?

Of course not.

There are thousands.

Those are just
the first hundred.

Thank you, hazel.


As usual,

You've been
nothing but helpful.

Have a great day!

[Rita whimpers]

It's okay. This way.

This way.

I can't believe this!

There's even
a list of wedding lists.

And according to this,

I'm already
five weeks behind.

You just got engaged
four weeks ago.

Good morning, ladies.

[Rita]: morning.

What happened now?

Uh, well, we experienced
a minor chemical misfortune.

A little too much
potassium chlorate

In norman's
"rapid recovery" mixture.

What's that?

A new and improved
"revelation solution

For the particularly illegible
and indecipherable."

I see we've begun
our wedding plans already, hmm?

[Changing topics]: oliver!

Why don't you take
a look at this old camera?

[Oliver chuckles]:

Is that...



Ignore that.

Uh, well, the housing
is cardboard

And not plastic,
suggesting an earlier model.


The coconut damage
has erased the expiration date,

But there is a partial address.

Uh, j-a...


next word is illegible.

What are you
doing back there?


Last word ending in "...i-t-y."


Oh, there are
seven towns in colorado

With the word "city" in it.


The remaining information
has been washed off

By the, uh, coconut milk.


What is an old camera

Doing in last week's
"unattached items" box?

[Intercom beeps] norman?
It's time to come in now.

roger that!

Perhaps I can lift

A remnant of ink
with our new solution.

I had no idea you were
such a chemistry buff.

Oh, yes!

In fact, when I was ,

I begged my father
for a chemistry set

But he felt

I was spending too much time
on indoor pursuits already,

So he signed me up
for little league instead.

[Laughs] how long
did that last?

Three days.

Too much dirt?

[Shane laughs]

Here I am!

What do ya
got for me?


I haven't seen a camera
like this

Since my cousin bartholomew's
bar mitzvah,

When I was .

You know, rita,

Providing these cameras
to your wedding guests

Might be a wonderful way for you
to capture moments

You might not
otherwise get to see.

I guess, but everybody
has cell phones nowadays.

Well... Not everybody.

Ahem. Ms. Mcinerney,

In our world of
instant gratification

And countless re-dos,

There is something
truly satisfying

About not being able
to hit "delete"

In favor of another photo

With better lighting
or a more perfect smile.

And sometimes...

It's the imperfections in life
that make something... Perfect.




Still have something
on your face.

Now, shall
I wipe it off,

Or shall I just
leave you "perfect"?

Trust me.

Looks like a soluble felt tip
blue marker.

Handwriting is shaky...

Indicating possible
hand tremors.

The penmanship suggests
we're looking at someone

Either really old
or really young.

Well, maybe they were

Really young
when they took it,

But now
they're really old?

Whoever it was
used the whole roll.

Can film that old
still be developed?

The picture quality
won't be very good,

But there's a chance
we'll get something.

Then you must
at least try, norman.

Ms. Mcinerney,

You and rita
try and track down

The make and model
of the camera.

Let's find out how old
these photographs really are.

So, the roll
was seriously coconut-ized,

And the first or so
are fried,

But I've got this one.

Oh, yes!

The -millimeter "funshoot".

From the sling? Really?

Yes! Thank you.
That's very helpful.

So the disposable "sling"
was changed to the "funshoot"

In .

Mm! Well,
according to this,

They stopped using
cardboard housing

On disposable cameras
around ,

Which makes this
at least...

What have you got?

Uh, big hair...

And big hair.

I'll say! [Laughs]

[Oliver]: please, take a look.

Maybe you'll be able
to find something

Other than hair.

And take your time.

Norman is going
to be a while.


uh, in that case,

Is it okay if I take
rita for coffee?

She's pretty stressed out
about the wedding plans.

Didn't they
just choose a date?

Yes, and now
she's way behind.


Anything new
to go on, norman?

Oh. Uh, well...

I tried developing these
a few times,

But that's the best I could do.

The first one looks like
it was taken from a moving car,

And the next one does, too.

Well, that's a...
A road sign.

But what is this?

Uh, it looks like, um...


In the sky?

Well, sometimes,
an image can get

Superimposed on another

If the camera
isn't wound properly.

Ahh. Huh!

Do you
see what I mean?

"Order the flowers."

I can do that.

"Hire the minister."

What about
norman's grandmother?

She's very spiritual.

"Order the invitations
and hire a calligrapher"?

Have you seen
oliver's penmanship?

"Secure a venue."
I don't have a venue!

I have your venue!


new restaurant.

Think about it!

Uh, the cake,
the catering,

The band-- he can take
care of all of that.

-It's perfect!

Now all you need
is the perfect man,

Which of course,
you already have.


Well, it seems as if
our photographer

Went from taking portraits
to landscapes to...


Yeah, but nothing
to identify

A specific location
or person,

Except for this woman.

The lower angle

Is consistent
with the other images.

Taken by
someone shorter?

A child, perhaps?

Except that the first ones,
of all the hair,

Were taken by a tall person.

Then we have at least
two photographers.

An adult, and then,
later, maybe...





[Laughs] I just can't
get over that hair.

And those clothes!

Oh! Oliver!

We think we know
where these were taken.

There's a banner
that reads--

"...the ' s."

We're thinking
"end of the ' s"

Or "farewell
to the ' s."

And probably
at a hotel,

Because there's a podium
way in the back

And you can just
make out the letters



So we think
it's a new year's party

In pueblo, colorado
in .

"Find me, daddy.

"We're in gray car.
I want to go...




"I want to go home."

This is so sad!

Look at
that little backpack.

Looks like
he's propped his little notebook

Up against something blue.

Post office blue!
Like my wedding colors.

Or like a mailbox!

Could be, and that looks
like some kind of log?

This feels so urgent,

Even though it happened
years ago.

Well, there is
no expiration date

On the truth.

Someone might still be
looking for their father,

Or a father for his son.

I'm gonna filter for
parental abductions

Using "j-a-".

Jack or james "m"?

Oh, rita, what were the names
of the towns ending in "city"?

Canon, central,
commerce, garden, lake,

and sugar city.

[Oliver]: norman, rita,

Will you check
for places in pueblo

That have banquet rooms?

And if so,
how many of them

Have records dating
back to the ' s, hmm?

I'm gonna call dale

At the state division
of investigations.

Perhaps the old child abduction

Are better at the state level.

Yes? Uh, thank you.


[Hangs phone up]

Without sufficient
descriptive information

Of the child or captor,

And confirmation
of when an abduction took place,

Their hands are tied.

Amber alerts didn't
begin until ,

So I'm trying to access
earlier records

From the national center

For missing
and exploited children.

[Norman]: oh, so just
small conference rooms,

And no ballroom.

Well, thank you for your time.

[Rita]: oh, hi, sylvia.

We're trying to locate
the organizers of a party

That may have happened
at your hotel back in the ' s.

We're wondering how far back
your records go?

No, it was a party in the ' s,
not an...

...' S party.

When did you say that was?

And was everybody dressed up,

Like, like, madonna
and "flashdance"?

Oh, yes.
All the big hair.

Yes! And was there
' s stuff everywhere?

Like, uh, rubik's cubes
and, well, disposable cameras?

Oh, yes. Leg warmers...

Was there a sign that read...

"Memories of the ' s"?

"Memories of the ' s"?

Great! Thank you, sylvia!

You're welcome.

You guys...

I think
our child went missing

Three weeks ago.

Three weeks ago?

Yeah, so, the banquet room at
the hotel mesa pueblo

Was booked a month ago

By the pueblo north high school
class reunion, .

That explains
the vintage camera.

So our child
is still a child.

And this camera
is now our top priority.

I'm gonna change
the search parameters

For a recent abduction.

We need to identify
these women.

Rita, take a photo
of the photo,

Email it to sylvia.

Maybe she'll recognize
one of them.


[Shutter clicks]

All I see is hair
and more big hair.

[Oliver]: this is about

More than
one photograph,

And it's certainly
about more than just...



Are going to pueblo.


We'll need
some sort of a... Uh...

Mobile command unit, hmm?

Uh, norman, rita!

May we engage
your recreational vehicle?


Well, uh...

We haven't exactly--

[Rita]: what a great idea!

It'll be like
a practice honeymoon,

Only better,
because we'll all be together.

[Shane]: oh, rita...

I do love you.



You are marrying
a wonderful woman.

Thank you.

[Door opens and shuts]

Have I mentioned

That I don't know
how to drive that thing?

[Oliver]: it's quite striking.
Extraordinary, really.

And big.

Just think of
all the places

This venerable vehicle
has traveled.

Do I have to?

My parents put
, miles on it!

Well, then,
let's make sure

The next miles
count, shall we?



Despite the gravity
of our mission,

It will be fun
to get her

Out on the open road

And see what she can do.

Ooh, well, hey, why
don't you go first?

My treat.



♪ All I've got
is dust in my pocket ♪

♪ All I tell you
won't change your mind ♪

♪ All I've got
is dust in my pocket ♪

♪ I've gotta move on... ♪

You see, norman,

It's really
not that difficult.

You just have
to make friends

With every little noise
and rattle in the chassis,

If you want to learn what
she likes and what she doesn't.


[Oliver]: the thing to remember
is always pay attention...

How's it coming?

Oh! Well, for the cake,

We both like chocolate,
so that should be easy,

And ramon can pick the music.

What about the invitations?

Well, it says here,

"Always leave room

For a bit of whimsy
in your wedding."

So I'm thinking invitations
in the shape of owls

That say "guess who's
getting married"?

Very whimsical,
very you.

And then, for our colors,
we'll just stay postal.

Red, white, blue?



Just have
to keep a good balance

Between looking behind
and looking forward.

Got it.

And most

You have to treat her
with respect--

Don't push her too hard,

Or she might, uh,
she might break down.

Well, we don't want that.

No. Before too long,
with patience and determination,

You start...
You start to become one.

[Shane]: excuse me.

We have been talking about
the starcruiser, right?

I just thought
you'd like to know,

That once
we get to pueblo,

The hotel exit is .

Then you turn right,
go . Miles,

And, well, that
should be coming up

In about minutes.

Oh, thank you,
ms. Mcinerney.

Mm. My pleasure,
mr. O'toole.


[Whispers]: I know
you like to keep things


But we're out of
the office now,

So it's okay
to call me shane.

Uh, we are
out of the office,

But we are in
the mobile unit.

A, uh... Fine
distinction, perhaps,


I knew
you'd say that.


You did?


I just like
hearing you say it,

Because I know you,
mr. O'toole.

oh, look! Exit .

So close.

[Cell chimes]





[Awkward chuckle]

Oh, your phone dinged.

Oh. Thank you.

Who's alex brighton?

Oh, I'm sorry,
I didn't mean to read it.

I just looked down and--

It's okay.
It's not important.

It seems like he really
wants to talk to you.

I've been getting a lot
of wrong numbers recently.



[Oliver]: well, everyone,
welcome to mesa pueblo.


Good afternoon.

Hi. Checking in?
Do you have a reservation?

Uh, no. And no.


Bless you.


We're all sold out tonight,

Wildflower convention,
happens every year.

Oh, I understand.
We just have a question.


Bless you.

We're here from the united
states postal service.

We're here to see
sylvia pellson.

She's in catering,

And she's
expecting us.

[Dials phone]

Hey, sylvia? Hi.
I have a bunch of people here

Saying they're from
the post office?

Says you're expecting them?

Sure. Okay.

She'll be right with you.

Thank you.


Bless you.

Flower allergy?


Hang in there.

Rita? What about some of
these flowers for your wedding?

Ooh, those
are beautiful!

Oh! And prickly!


Are you the folks
from the post office?

Yes, we are.

Hi. I'm sylvia.
How can I help you?

Uh, we were hoping

That you might recognize
the women in these photos.

[Laughs] oh, ho! Wow.

Joanne and becca
are gonna love these!

They sure went all out.

You know them?

Sure do.

They're our accountants
down on fourth street.

They do our audits.

Do either of them
have a child?

How old?

Uh, we're estimating
anywhere between

And years old.

Well, they have kids,
but they're all in high school.

Well, if joanne and becca
took pictures

With the same camera
as our child,

Then they must've crossed paths
somehow, right?

How might we find them?


There weren't
any children there.

Not that I saw, anyway.

I didn't see any.

Wow, my hair was big.

Were there a lot of disposable
cameras or just the one?

Just one.
It was part of

A display of a bunch
of ' s stuff.

I mean, we just
started playing with it.

Those things
are fun to click.

I miss clicking.

I see.

I mean, nowadays,
you've got to press,

And slide and press,

And if you want video...

Wait a minute.

My husband was recording
that night!


I haven't
watched this yet,

So I'm not really
sure what's on it.

Hopefully nothing
too embarrassing.

Yeah. It was
quite a night.


[Jeremy, on video]:
yo! Class of ' !

[All cheering and hooting]


' ! ' !

I'll just fast-forward a bit.

[Classmate]: jeremy carr!
Look at you, my man.

[Jeremy]: oh, man, I see
you're rockin' the zebra print!

[Classmate]: classics never go
out of style, am I right?


Can you back that up, please?

Sure, but it's just
me and eric being stupid.

[Jeremy]: all right!
Let's get this party started!

Yo, eric!
Hey, man!

Jeremy carr!



The backpack.

That looks like the one with
the letter in the last photo.

Well, that's him!
That's gotta be him!

Why can't we go
to the police?

We have a video.

Of a woman and a little boy,
but no faces, no names.

Nothing to represent
any illegal activity.

[Rita]: but we can connect

The dinosaur backpack
in the photograph

To the one in the video.

well, and if they stayed here,

They probably have
a record of her credit card.

[Rita]: but it looks like
she was paying cash

When she was
talking to doug.


Oh! Doug!

I thought you
could use these.

They're the extra-soft
ones with lotion.


I think sylvia
just went on her break.

Actually, we're
here to see you.

We need your help.

Uh, do you
recognize this woman?

She may have
checked in here

About three weeks ago?

[Rita]: it was the night
of the ' s reunion party.

Who could forget?

I'm sorry, guys.

I can't give out guests'
personal information.

Oh, well, do you
know who we are?

The mail people.

We're special agents

From the d.l.o. Task force
on a top-priority mission.

It's like the f.b.i.,
Only postal.

I believe what my colleague
is trying to say is that,

Uh, like you,

We are unable to divulge
certain details.

However, uh...

I can tell you

That there is
a little boy

Who may be missing,

And we're doing
everything in our power

To find him.

Let me see that.

Okay. Yeah! The--

The kid with the dinosaur!
And the lady.

She was a bit
freaked out, though.

Her credit card didn't work
and then the kid ran off.

I'm sorry,
but this card declined.

There must be a mistake.

Do you have another card
you want me to try?

[Quietly]: no.


That's okay.

How much did you say
the room way?

With tax,
it'll be $ . .


Let me get
your change.


Did you see a little boy?

Are you sure
it was her child?

I just assumed.

Oh! And the first name
on the credit card was rachel.

I remember that

Because that was
my ex-girlfriend's name.

Did she fill out a registration
card, by any chance?

Oh, it was such a crazy night,

With all these weird ' s people
running around.

I forgot to ask her
to fill one out.

I blew it, didn't i?


-Bless you!
-Thank you.

Are you sure you can't remember
anything else about her?

Anything at all?


When she checked out
the next morning,

She seemed a bit confused.

I asked her if she needed
directions somewhere,

But she said--

-I'm okay.
-You sure?

Okay. Bye.


But the weird thing is,

A couple minutes later,
she was still standing outside.

Her kid was pulling on her,

And it was as if she was
stuck in some other world.

She was looking down the road
as if...

She couldn't make up her mind
which way to go.

And next time I looked up,
she was gone.

I'm sorry, that's all
I can tell you guys.

Well, if you remember
anything else,

This is my cell number.

I hope he's okay.

He was a cute kid,
with that backpack and that...



Someone in catering

Found this in the ballroom
a while ago.

Now, I believe
it belongs to the kid.

Normally, we're supposed
to dispose of these

After three weeks
if no one claims it,

So I don't see why
you can't take it.

Uh, in our line of work,

This is what we refer to as
an "unattached item"...

And we never give up.

I hope you don't.

Well, we know
that her name is rachel,

And that the little boy
likes dinosaurs,

Which gets us further
down the road--

Figuratively, of course.

What about
the "...i-t-y"

Written on
the back of the camera?

I mean we think it
stands for "city," right?

Well, there are
only two towns nearby

That end with "city".

There's sugar city,
which is miles east,

And then there's
canon city,

Which is miles
west of the u.s. .


What photo
comes next, norman?

The one that's after
the ' s party?

Uh, well, there's
the one that looks like

It was taken
from a moving car,

And then the one
after that does, too,

Except that one's

With some
cantaloupes and...


A sign that read
"u.s. West"!

[Shane]: mm-hmm!

On to canon city!


♪ I'm feelin' like
I'm on that open road again ♪

♪ I can feel the wheels ♪

♪ And they're starting
to spin... ♪

Poor little guy.

It must've broken his heart
to lose that.

What are you thinking about,

Hmm? What's
bothering you?

Oh, um...

Well... [Sighs]

Doug at the hotel assumed

The woman at the counter

Was our little dinosaur boy's
mother, but... the words
of the great oliver o'toole--


"Any mistake can be
traced to an assumption."

He seemed like
a sensitive fellow, though.

Perhaps I'm...

Oh, look.
The last exit.

We're almost
past canon city.

No! We-- we haven't passed
a roadside stand yet.

No food shacks,
no cantaloupe stands,

No beef jerky.

Mm. You're making me hungry.

Me too!

Why don't we stop
and plan our next move?


♪ And I can feel the wind
blowin' through our sails... ♪

♪ Hey, brotha, for sure... ♪

[Rita]: oh! Ahh.


Two ham and cheese,
one turkey,

And your usual?

Uh, I try not to eat tuna

From the same place
I buy motor oil.

Ooh. Yeah, maybe we should
just buy sandwich stuff

And make our own.

Great! As long as
they have rye bread.

Oh, and dill pickles
for norman.


I forgot to ask rita
to get pickles.

Rita knows you love pickles.

Did you remember to tell shane
that you like

Your ham
and cheese on rye?

Oh, I like to think

We know each other
well enough by now to--

[Text chimes]

Oh, looks like
she forgot to take her...



[Shane]: okay, one more time--
big hair,

Then madonna,

Then blurry
speeding car picture,

Then u.s. ,

And if she was coming here
to canon city,

We should've seen
this roadside stand by now.

Do you think we should
go back, oliver?


I'm sorry, hmm?


You're tired.

You did a lot
of driving today.

Well, so have you.

I didn't realize you were
such an excellent driver.

Well, stick with me, kid.

I'm full of surprises.

Yes, you are.

You know, a year ago,

I would've said that we were
on a wild-goose chase.

I would look
at these pictures

And that stuffed dinosaur
and the video,

And I would know
that none of this

Is gonna get us
any closer

To finding
that little boy.



I believe

What you've taught me,

That that child didn't just
drop a camera into a mailbox,

He mailed a piece of hope,

And somehow
it found its way to us,

And here we are,

In a starcruiser.

We have no idea
where we're going,

But I know that--
that we're on our way,

And I'm trusting
that we'll get there.

Uh... Do you
believe that?


"Trust the timing."


[Hawk screeches]

Wow-- oh, wow!


Oh, well, did you know
the colorado red-tailed hawk

Can fly at speeds of
up to miles per hour?


Neither did that mouse.

Norman, I need you
to pay attention for a second.

-Run! Run!

What? I'm sorry.

We need to take this test--

"Seven questions to ask
before getting engaged."

But we're already engaged.

I know,
but I need to catch up.

Well, can oliver help?

question number four--

How important
is religion to you?



Religion or faith?

Because faith and religion
are two very--

Question number five--

Oh! How do you plan
to handle your finances?

What finances?

We work for
the post office.

we'll figure it out later.

Next question.

Question number six--

Do you plan to have a family,
and, if so,

How many children
will you have?

Oh. Well, I mean, I think
that we'll probably just--

Oh, wow, hey!

Did you see that?
That baby must've been going,

Why, at ,
miles per hour!

Huh! Hawks!
Wow, huh?



Excuse me.

[Text alert chimes]

I believe
that's your phone.

You, uh, left it when
you went to get lunch.

It's been, um...

Dinging... A lot.

You know,
sometimes, I envy you.

You don't have a cellphone.

No annoying
buzzing or dinging...

No gps to tell you
exactly how to get somewhere

And how long it should take.

There is something to be said

About being out
on the open road without a--



The guy at the hotel--

He said that rachel
was headed somewhere,

But she seemed--


As if she were
not sure where she should go.

[Shane]: we know
she headed west on u.s. ,

And she was going
to canon city, but...

What if she got there,

And she decided
to just keep going?

We've been thinking
that all the photos that were--

They were all taken before
canon city, but what if--

...all the places
in the photos

Aren't behind us,
they're ahead of us.


Oh, my goodness.


♪ All I've got
is dust in my pocket ♪

♪ All I tell you
won't change your mind ♪

[Engine sputtering]

[Starter sputtering
and stalling]

Oh, for
heaven's sake.

If you pump it too much,
you'll flood it.

I am familiar

With the concept of
fuel injection, ms. Mcinerney,

But thank you for your concern.

it's just that i--

[Starter sputtering
and failing to catch]

[Shane clears her throat]

[Starter failing to ignite]

[Engine sputtering]

Is there anything else
you would like to tell me

Before we proceed?

I don't know.

It's just I've been through
something like this before.

A breakdown?

A temporary failure to restart.

It just takes some patience.


Huh. So I shouldn't check
for cracks in the manifold

Or the water levels.

I don't know
what I was thinking.

All I need is patience.

I'm sure that's in
the owner's manual somewhere.

I'm sorry.
Who are you?

And what have you done
with oliver?

Excuse me.

Did norman just completely
avoid the topic of children?

Did oliver
just overheat?

I guess you never
really know somebody

Until you put down
some serious miles.

I'll say.


[Sighing heavily]

I should've known
I couldn't push her like that.

Ah, she just needs
to cool down a bit.

You seem to be getting
the hang of things.

Think you might
be ready

To take the next leg
of the drive?

Yeah, I don't know
about that.

Remember when I said
I can't drive?

Oh, well, you were nervous

To operate
such a large motor vehicle.

Very understandable


I mean,
I really can't drive.


When norman asked me
to marry him,

He specifically said
he wanted a family.

And now--
now he's more interested

In the average airspeed
of a red-tail hawk?

Norman loves
you, rita.

Maybe he just felt
a little weird

About taking a test

To see if
he's compatible

With a woman that
he's already engaged to.

Maybe he realized
he wasn't?

[Oliver]: and you never...
Talked about this with rita?

[Norman]: I was...

she wouldn't want to marry me.

[Oliver]: oh. Well...

My friend, take it
from someone who knows.

You can't
start a marriage

Holding back
a piece of your heart.

You're better off giving her
all of it from the beginning.

Then you just pray
she wants to keep it.


Rita, I don't know
two more compatible people.

As far
as you know.

Maybe you don't
know norman

As well as
you thought you did.

I mean... [Sighs]

Maybe I don't, either.

You never really
know someone

As well as you think you do.

Do you even know how many
cousins he actually has?

Well, I don't even think
he knows.

[Both laughing]


Uh, norman believes we may be
ready to resume our journey.

We'll be
right there.


You ready?

Hey, I'm a little tired.

Um, oliver, would you mind
taking the wheel again?

Oh. Uh, yes.
Happy to.

Uh, ms. Mcinerney,

Would you care
to be my co-pilot?

I need to talk to you
about something,

And I don't know how.

Or when.

Definitely not
in the starcruiser.

Maybe tonight.

Or not.



Norman, are we okay?

All I know

Is that I love you.

[Deep breath]

Then that should be enough.

[Pages rustling]



Nothing in here

About patience
in case of a breakdown.

Guess I was, uh,

Completely wrong
about that.

I'm very sorry.

I was out of line.

The rv overheated

And so did i.

I forgive you.

But why?


Oh, my gosh.

It can't be!

The roadside store!

That was it.
That was it!


Melvin's melons. Huh!

Yes, well, being
from the east coast,

I'm not sure
if you're aware

That colorado is famous

For its cantaloupe
and honeydew.

Yep. Somehow,
I missed that.

[Phone chimes]

Uh, I guess norman
is on to something.

right, uh... Here.

Yeah, they were probably
parked right here

When the picture was taken.


Do you want
something to eat?

I'm not hungry.
I want daddy.

Stay in the car.



-Hi there.

That gonna be
all for ya?

That'll do it.

[Register beeping]

That's $ . .

You know what?

I'm, uh...
Not gonna get these.


[Register beeping]

$ . .

I have a quarter
here, somewhere.

[Honking repeatedly]

Mommy! Let's go!

Looks like you got

A tired little boy
over there.

Yep. Long trip.

Well... Tell you what.

[Cash drawer rumbles shut]

Sometimes gummies
make the ride go faster.

You're very kind.
Thank you.

you headed?

You know... [Sighs]

I'm not really
sure anymore.

Thank you.

Yeah, that looks like
it could be her.

Did you notice
anything about her?

Uh, she had a little boy
who was tired

Of being in the car

And he was giving his mom
a pretty hard time.

Did she tell you
that he was her son?

No, but he called her "mommy."

Did she mention
where she was going?

No, but it seemed like

They'd been traveling
for a while, and, uh...

You know,
it's just a guess,

But I think she was
running low on cash.

Do you recognize
this place?

[Laughs] I sure do.
That's minnie's cafe.

I stop there every friday
to go to the bank in montrose.

you said?

Oh. My cell
phone died.

I think I left
my charger in the d.l.o.

I don't understand
why people use those things.

I like my words on paper.

Precisely my sentiment.

Excuse me, sir?

Uh, could you tell us
where we might be able

To find minnie's,

Sure can. Yeah.
You stay west on u.s. .

It's about miles
past poncha springs.

Make sure you try
minnie's apple pan pie.

Best in the state.

Norman loves pie!

Yes. I do.

[Rita laughs]

Pleasure meeting a man
after my own heart.

Thank you so much for your time.

Well, at least we know
she's his mother.

And yet
we can't be sure

That makes him safe.

What do you mean?

Well, we're assuming

That the boy
has been taken,

But what if
he's been rescued?

Oh, so we know
rachel is his mom,

But maybe she's...

Running away
from a bad situation.



I just had
to buy something.

A map.

Shocking, I know.

You have
your laptop.

Well, I lost
my hotspot.

Excuse me?

No mobile internet,

So no laptop connection,

So no gps.

Hence, the map.

Who are you?

And what have you done
with shane mcinerney?

Oh, don't worry.
She's not going anywhere.

Have you spoken with rita yet?

I believe you need
a distraction.

You said you have
a learner's permit, yes?

Uh, yeah.
I renew it every year.

I just don't use it, but...


[Gasp of realization]


You've got this, norman.

Just take your time.

Nice and easy.

♪ Get your motor running ♪

[Exhales heavily]

♪ Head out
on the highway ♪

♪ Lookin' for adventure ♪

♪ And whatever comes our way ♪

♪ Yeah, darlin'
go make it happen ♪

-[rita yelps]


You're okay!

♪ And explode into space ♪

♪ Like a true nature's child ♪

♪ We were born...
Born to be wild ♪

♪ We can climb so high ♪

♪ I never wanna die ♪

♪ Born to be wild... ♪

♪ Born to be wild ♪


We're here!

[Oliver laughs]

I've always
wanted to say that.

[Still laughing]

Oh, good!
I am so hungry. Again!

[Rita laughs]

[Shane]: me too.

Well, except for that
minor hiccup with the sign,

And the mattress in the road,
which no one could've predicted,

I think you did
an excellent job, norman.

Well, thank you.

It felt pretty good.


But good.

Well, as your wise grandmother
once told me--

"You have to face the scary."

Like with rita.

Like with rita.


This is definitely the place.

We should find
the exact table.




Third table's
a charm.

That's gonna be $ . .

I'm sorry.

I can't seem
to find my wallet.

I'm in no rush, honey.
Take your time.

I had it with me
on the road...

I think
it fell out of my bag.

[Voice wavering]:
I don't have any money.

My-my wallet...

[Sobbing]: everything's gone.
I've lost everything,

Have you been drivin'
for a long while now?

About miles up the road,

There is a little lodge.

Summits point.

They have nice,
clean rooms.

but I don't have any money.

When you get there,

You tell carl
that minnie sent you.

He'll take
good care of you.

I can't.

You will.

I don't know
how to thank you.

You just stay strong

For that little man
of yours.


For tonight.

Won't solve
any of your troubles,


Maybe, for a moment,
you can set them aside.

And sometimes a moment
is all that we need

To know where
we need to go to next.


Well, the waitress
doesn't recognize anything,

But she's new.

Ohh. Here you go, folks.

[Rita]: thank you.

Uh, we were hoping

You might be able
to help us out.

We're looking for
a woman and her son.

I know it's not
much to go on...

And we think he's
to years old--

And they sat
in this very booth

Three weeks ago.

We were hoping
you might remember them.

We get a lot of
families stoppin' by.

We're the only restaurant
in a hundred miles, so.

He was wearing
a dinosaur backpack.

Oh, and they were
driving a gray car.

Do you know what
they looked like?

[Sighing] that's all
we have, I'm afraid.

Are they in
some kind of trouble?

Sorry. It's
government business.

We're not at liberty

To divulge
any further details,

But I can tell you--

Yes, I know.
I remember them.


Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
Nice lady.

Little boy.
Loved dinosaurs.

Did they mention
where they were going?

Uh, yes.


Dinosaur national monument
in, uh, in grand junction.

I-i even gave 'em one of
those brochures by the door.

Oh, my goodness.

Can you remember
anything else at all?

Uh, no, not really.

Just that they were
very happy and hungry.

Like you folks, right?

[All laughing]

What can I get ya?


well, it makes sense.

Rachel's little boy
loves dinosaurs,

And the dinosaur
national monument

Is essentially one right turn

At the end of u.s. ,

But it's at least
four hours away.


Norman... That's
your third piece of pie.

How can you
still be hungry?

norman loves pie!

All that driving
really took it out of me.

You drove miles.

I think
we're all tired.

Why don't we find a motel
and get some rest?

We'll drive back
to denver in the morning

And decide where
to go from there.

Wait. We're not gonna
go see the dinosaurs?

Well, let's
be honest.

Rachel and her boy
came through

Three weeks ago,

And they could be
anywhere by now.

All we have
is a photograph of the letter,

I don't know
what else to do

Without a solid lead
as to their next stop.

Then we'll just
have to pray for one.


what's in the bag?

the last piece of pie.

you actually left one?

I saved it for rita.

that's sweet.

We were fortunate.

There was still
one room available.

You and rita
may take the room.

Norman and I
will, uh,

Sleep in
the recreational vehicle.


Oliver o'toole,
man of courage.

Oh, courage takes many forms,
ms. Mcinerney.


Wanna take a walk?

Yes. Okay.

[Shane sighs]

How do they do it?

What do you mean?

Well, something's
going on between those two

That they haven't
worked out yet, but...

They still hold hands

They don't let whatever it is
pull them apart.

Do you know
what it is?

No. Do you?



Oh, I'm not telling.



I'd be disappointed
in you if you did.

Was that a test,
ms. Mcinerney?

[Laughs] no.
I hate tests.

You know, that's how
a lot of relationships end.

You fail
someone else's test

That you didn't even
know you were taking.

We are
in a relationship,

Aren't we?

Uh, I'm gonna
go with...


Then I need
to ask a question.


Who is alex brighton?

You saw my phone.


If i...

Tell you that I'm not ready
to talk about it yet...

Will you trust me?



[Quietly gasps and sighs]

Can we still hold hands
while I'm working things out?


I'm not letting go.


you wanna talk--?

[Rita]: no, i--
you go first.

[Norman]: no. You.

Do you not want
to marry me anymore?

Of course, I want
to marry you.

But you don't want
a family now?

You don't
want children?

I do.
More than anything.

I just think that
they shouldn't be, um...

My children.

[Laughs] what? But
whose else would they be?

I never knew my father,

And I barely
knew my mother,

And the only living
relative that I know of

Is my grandmother,

And she's really smart.

Like you.

And funny.

Like you.

And kinda weird.

Oh. She just
sees the world

From a different

Usually on the top
of machu picchu,

an aluminum crown

That translates
the rays of the sun

Into haiku brainwaves.

[Laughs] she really
is one of a kind.

Yeah, but what
if she isn't?

You know, what if
I'm like her, too?

She told me that my mom
did some pretty odd stuff.

And all through school,

The kids made fun
of me for being odd.

Yeah, but those were
bullies, norman.

They could only
see the different,

They couldn't see
the amazing.

I'm not amazing.

I'm not even normal.

It's like
something's missing.

Like, I can tell you
all about cars,

I can even fix cars,

But actually driving
throws me,

And I can't pass
the driver's exam.

There's all those lanes,

And I never know
which one to choose,

And then there's
merging and yielding.

What does it
say about a man

If he can't
parallel park?

Norman, I don't
care about that.

You can invent
mail recovery protocols

That nobody has
even imagined.

You can develop
old camera film,

And you can invent
new chemical solutions.

You can analyze
the handwriting

On a hopelessly ripped
and mangled envelope

With your eyes closed.

You have special gifts.

And not everyone
will see that,

But oliver sure did.

That's why he asked you
to be a part of his team.

That's why I love you,
because you're special.

I'm different.

And I've paid
a price for that,

And I don't want
our children to have to.


I think we should adopt.


[Quiet chuckle]


I have always thought
that we were going to adopt.

I plan on having

A whole rainbow
of babies with you,

And I don't care
how they come to us.

But whether you like it or not,
they will be like you...

the most important thing

That they will inherit from you
will come from your heart,

Not your d.n.a.

You are the sweetest,


Most loyal person
I have ever met.

And that's the man that I want
for the father of my children.

The man who saves
the last piece of the best pie

For someone else.

And the one whose heart
can break for a little lost boy,

And he won't give up
until he knows he's safe.

Thank you.

And we're going to find
our dinosaur boy.

I know.

But I was also
talking about you.

You're safe now, norman.

You're not that boy
you were in high school.

I mean, you never
really were.

It just took a little bit longer
for you to be appreciated.


Were born the boy
who would grow up and marry me.

The norman that
I was meant to love,

And the man

That all sorts of children
will love

And call their daddy,

The smartest man
they will ever know.


We've got a place
to stay, sweetheart.

I thought
we lost our money.

We did.

But there are some very...

[Voice cracks]: ...nice
people in this world.

Like the man who
gave you the gummies,

And the lady
with the pie.

And the man at this motel.

[Sobs softly]

We've got a place
to stay, baby.

[Cries]: at least
we're okay for tonight.

Don't cry, mommy.

I'm so sorry, danny.

I know
how tired you are,

And I know how much
you miss daddy.

I wish I knew how
to fix everything,

But I don't know how.

I'm sorry.

I won't ask
about daddy anymore.

I promise.

No. No, it's not
your fault, honey.

And I promise,
as soon as I can,

We're gonna do
something special.

I'm gonna take you
to see the dinosaurs.

Would you like that?

I know it's not
as good as daddy,

But we're gonna have to wait
a little bit for that, okay?


I love you, danny.

I love you
too, mommy.

[Rachel sniffles]


Who do you belong to?


[Takes a deep breath]


So I'll take the first leg
back to denver,

And then, norman,
do you want to drive?

Oh, can we stop
at minnie's for pie?

I need one
for the road.

And I mean
I need one pie.

One whole pie.

[Rita laughs]


We didn't end up

What we wanted to
on this trip,

But it was worth it

Just to see
those two happy.

[Rv fires up]

It was worth it

Just to see you
survive hours

Without internet access.

[Laughs] very funny.




Oh, my goodness.


See? It's the same log.

[Shane]: they were here!

it would seem so.

Maybe this time

She filled out
a registration card.

-Checking out?

And we have
a question.

[Clerk]: sh**t.

About three weeks ago,
a lady named rachel

And her little boy
stayed here, we think.

They had a gray car.

Huh. Nobody like that.

Are you sure?

Because we have a photo
that proves they were here.

Oh, yes, uh...

I do remember. Uh...

Pretty lady, about , maybe?
Gray car.

-Let me see.

She said she was going
to mesa verde.

Yep, down to durango,
because the little boy

Wanted to see
the native american ruins.


Mm-hmm. Yep.

You take the west

And the south.

But that was three weeks ago,
at least.

They're probably--

...long gone by now?

Thank you.



There's no dinosaurs
in durango.

And it's completely
in the opposite direction.

But he seemed so sure.

But so was minnie
at the diner.

seems awfully "sure".

Can we take a look

At that picture
from the diner again?

Rachel, presumably
paying for her bill,

[Sighs] menu board...

"Help wanted,"
some plaque--

What does that say?

Oh, here. Uh...


"Love thy neighbor
as thyself."

Mm. Words to live by.

"Help wanted..."


[Norman]: what?

Well, the man at the road stand

Said that rachel seemed as if
she were running out of cash.

If that were true,

She couldn't afford a cabin
here at the lodge.

Let alone a trip
to go see the dinosaurs,

Or to go to durango.

Wait. So, if she couldn't
afford to leave,

And she couldn't
afford to stay,

Then she would have--

Are we back in
the rachel business?

It would seem so.

Does this mean
more pie?


Well, look who's back.

Find your lady yet?

No. But
we couldn't leave

Without another slice
of your apple pan pie.

Oh, that pie brings everybody
back, sooner or later.

Sit wherever you like.

Thank you.

Thank you.

So, uh...
Oh, pie? Coffee?

Ice cream?

All of the above.

Coming right up.

Weren't there,

Uh, four of you
last time?

Good memory!

She'll be right in.

You got it.

All right.
Photo, please.

Did we remember
our little friend?

tucked in here.

you were right.

There's a gray car
parked in the back.

"Love thy neighbor
as thyself."

Now, I believe

That minnie's probably
a very good samaritan.

Her motto's
still up on the wall,

But the "help wanted" sign
is not.

I'm guessing rachel
ran out of money,

She couldn't keep
staying at the lodge,

So minnie decided--

The pie is coming right up...

And we are putting
extra ice cream on.

That'll hold you
until you get to mesa verde.

Uh, don't you mean
dinosaur national monument?

Yes. That's what I meant.

Probably confused,

Because carl
from the summits point lodge

Called to tell you

He sent us
in the opposite direction.

Isn't that right?

[Forced chuckle]
I'm sorry.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

I think you do.

And so does...

Don't you, rachel?

We're not here
to upset you, rachel.

[Rummages in bag]

We just wanted

To return this
to your little boy

And make sure
that he's okay.


You found him!


So, your mom seems
pretty cool, huh?

Yeah. She's gonna
take me to see dinosaurs!

But just their bones,
they're not alive or anything.


She sounds
real super-cool.

Yeah. My mommy loves me.

My daddy does, too.

[Rachel]: everybody's
good folks around here.

They look out for each other.

Carl didn't realize you were
just from the post office.

I didn't mean "just".

That's all right.

I can't believe you all
went to so much trouble

Just to return a toy.

Uh, well, actually,

We were attempting
to deliver a lost camera.

When we developed
the film inside,

We found, uh, this...

[Quietly]: oh, danny.

I was trying to do
the right thing.

I was just trying
to protect him.

Protect him...
From your husband?

From the truth
about my husband.

What is the truth
about your husband?

Well, first of all,
jack would never hurt us.

He wouldn't mean to.

He didn't mean to...

He was a wonderful father.

"It's bright blue
and you play with it, too."


"Solve the case
in your happy place."


I found you, daddy!

you sure did, kiddo!

You sure did.

Hey. Do you like it?

And guess what?

One of these days,
mommy and I are gonna take you

To see where
some of them used to live.



How 'bout a smile
from my boys?

Say, "I love
you, mommy."

[Fellas, together]:
I love you, mommy!



[Chuckles] we had
a "j" and an "a,"

And an "m"
and a "k".

My husband

Is jack marashak.

I see.

That's why
minnie lied to you

When you came in last night.

You said you were
from the government,

And she just knew
I couldn't handle any more.

Uh, mr. Marashak was mayor
of a town in northern colorado

Up until about
six months ago or so.

Now he's in canon city,

At the correctional facility.

Jack... [Sighing] caught up
in some sketchy plan

To invest
the city employment pension fund

With a financial group

That turned out to be a scam.

The guys he trusted
took off with the money

And jack was left
holding the bag.

He didn't steal anything,
but he lost everything.

He should have known better.

It was too good to be true

And he didn't want to look
closer than that.

He did the wrong thing
for the right reasons,

And he paid for it.

[Shane]: and so did you.

So did everybody else.

It's a small town.

There isn't any place to go

To avoid the stares
and the whispers.

And school is starting soon

And I couldn't
send danny back to that.

You know kids.

[She takes a deep, shaky breath]

So, i...
I packed up my car,

I took what was left
in the bank,

And I told danny
we were going to a new home.

I thought I'd find something
near the prison, but...

...the closer I got,
the harder it got.

How do you take your little boy
who worships his father

To see him like that?

I kept going
back and forth,

Trying to make up my mind,

And when I finally
got to canon city, i...

Just kept driving.

I thought I'd take him
to the dinosaur monument,

But I lost my wallet.

[Shaky breath]

[Sobs]: and if it hadn't
been for minnie

Taking us in
and giving me a job, and...

And danny doesn't
know about his father?

I still haven't
been able

To tell him the truth.

He... [Sniffles]

...thinks daddy is away
somewhere at a new job.

Based upon the clues
danny left behind

With his camera,

...he's, um,
incredibly bright.

He'll figure it out,
sooner or later,

I'm afraid.

I know.

I'm just putting it off
as long as I can

Just to protect him.

And yourself.


Good people do stupid things.

I know that.


You lost your home

And all your friends
and your reputation

Because of what jack did.

You know, maybe
you'll forgive him,

Maybe you won't,
but, uh...

Until you can face him,


Believe me,

It... [Deep breath]

You'll always be
sort of in prison yourself.

I know, because...

[Deep, shaky breath]

[Ragged sigh]

My sister
has a gambling problem.

A-- a... Big one.

Like, she gambled
her whole life away,

And, uh...

Tore apart our family
in the process.


We haven't, um...

We haven't talked

For a long time, so...

I know a little bit
about how you feel.

And we can tell ourselves
that we're moving on,

But, uh...

We don't really get very far

When we're dragging
so much behind us.




There's a reason

That we found ourselves
together on this road today.

To help each other



So, I will make you a deal.

[Shane sniffles]

If you reach out
to your husband,

I will...

I will reach out to my sister.



You've never mentioned
your sister before.

Hurt too much.

Still does.

But now you know.

Thought you knew me,

Uh, I still do.

I just don't
know your sister.

You're two different people.

You're shane mcinerney

And she's, uh...



Alex brighton.

All those texts
on my phone,

Those are hers.

She's been in recovery
since last year,

And every once
in awhile,

She calls and tries
to reconnect.

But you never call back.

Not after what she did
to our mother.

All the sleepless nights,
the ruined holidays.

My mom even sold our house

To pay for the debt

And to--
and to put her through rehab.

[Tearfully]: maybe...

Maybe my sister has
got her act together now.

I'm just so...

[Fuming sigh]
I'm still so--


So angry!

I-- I am so angry

That I am--
I'm afraid

To return her calls,

'Cause I don't know
what I'm gonna say.

So I just don't.

But now I have to.

[Bitter chuckle]

What was I thinking,
making that deal with rachel?

It seemed like a good idea
at the time,

But now I actually
have to do it.



You won't
have to do it alone, shane.


[Cries]: I thought the sun rose
and set with her.

There is only one person I know
who's in charge of that.

Everyone else we just have
to forgive for being human.



[Lock buzzing]

Okay, here we go.


You can go see him.

I found you, daddy.

You sure did, kiddo.

You sure did.

Thank you.

He missed you.

How about you?

I don't know.

It's gonna take
some time, jack.

But I got this far...

And I already know one thing--

I love you.



[Dialing phone]

[Exhales shakily]



It's me.

[Quiet gasp, voice breaks]:



Well, that's, um...
That's good, right?

Uh, have you seen mom?


[Tearfully]: yeah,
maybe at christmas.

Still in, um, denver.

No, i, uh...
I love it, actually.

[Whispers]: tell her...

You have a boyfriend.

[Quiet chuckle]

[Stifles a sob]

I, uh... [Laughs]

I have a boyfriend.


Yeah, uh...

He's, uh...

I never knew I wanted.


[Laughs] I know.


So, this is the traditional
white wedding cake

With a ganache glaze.

This one has
a delightful lemon curd.

Oliver loves lemon.

And that's the chocolate one
with a caramel filling.

Mm. Nope.
Can't have any caramel.

I didn't know

You were allergic
to caramel.

I'm not.
I just don't like caramel.

Uh, but what about this?

Does anybody have a problem

With an apple pan wedding pie
from minnie's?


May i?

Please, be our guest.


Uh, so, what was
so important?

Well, uh, we still have
things to do

On our " things to do
before our wedding list,"

And we need your help.

Well, we will
do what we can.

Number --

"Choose your best man."

Number --
"choose your maid of honor."

You're the first
friend I ever had

That truly believed in me.

You taught me how to stamp

And sort and forward

And deliver all sorts
of impossible things.

You made me


That being loved
by somebody incredible,

Like rita,

Was not an impossible thing.

You're the best man
that I know, oliver,

And I'd like you
to be my best man.

I can think
of no place I'd rather be

Than by your side

When you marry rita.

And you...

[Choking up]:
well, you know...

You're like a sister to me,

Like the sister I never had.

But even if I had a sister,

I would still want you
to be my maid of honor.

Not that I have anything
against my real sister,

That I don't even have...

I just--

I can't imagine
getting married,

Or-or being married,

Or raising children...

I can't imagine
any of that without you.

And norman, of course!

Of course!
Of course, norman!

Of course! Norman!


So, uh, what
is question ?

Um, "decide
whether or not

"You're going to fly,
take a train,

Or drive
on your honeymoon."

Oh! Let's go to fiji!

Ooh! Yes!

Do not mail me
a coconut.

What? I love sending
coconuts in the mail!

No coconuts.

Are you serious?
But that's, like--

Ramon? What
do you think?

I love
anything tropical.
