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12x39 & 12x40 - The Time of My Life: Part 1 & 2

Posted: 06/03/22 06:22
by bunniefuu
hurry! Hurry!

what's the rush?

fiones wanted the menus
by : .

It's : .

If we're a few minutes late,
big deal.

Humongous deal.

Fiona slaved for months
to make prom perfect,

And i, imogen moreno,
refuse to disappoint.

Ooh! Agh! Fiddlesticks!

Are you okay?

Yeah. Sorry.

Don't be sorry.

You still haven't opened
your report card?

It must've slipped
my mind.

Is that your final

The content of this envelope
seals my fate.

If I pass,

I go to design school
with fiona.

And if I fail,

I spend another year at degrassi

Just open it.

(Shocked exhale)

there you are!
Do you have the menus?!

Not a word.

I don't wanna ruin
prom night.


I'm sensing
a conspiracy brewing.

Don't tell me the printers
got the font wrong.

stop being such a worrywart.

You're right.

Okay, time for
the grand reveal.

(Shocked gasp)

Is it too much?

Fiones, it's...
It's like a movie.

And we're the stars.

Are you ready to have
the time of our lives?

♪ Let's get on
to the dance floor ♪

♪ I'll help you forget ♪

♪ I'm gonna turn it on
and on and on ♪

♪ Because I think you're lost
and feeling lonely ♪

♪ I'm gonna turn it on
and on and on... ♪

So this place is pretty spooky
with the hall all empty, eh?

Yeah. Can't believe high school
is finally over.

So locker's all cleaned out.
Need help with yours?

Nah, I got it.

can you believe
this is our last night together?

No. No more gossiping
before homeroom,

Skipping to the mall
on spares.

I know, but we'll make
new memories

When you come visit me
at stanford.

yes, and we will start tonight,

Which will be
the best night ever!

I know! I'm so excited!

(Girls squeal)

Katie: I'm so happy.
Marisol: I know.

Mo: so...
Jake: yup.

Pretty crazy, huh?

I mean,
it really is the end.

But at least
we have prom night, unh?

Uh, you know, I'm not going,
but have fun though.

the limo's coming to my house
at : ...

Marisol: eight.
Katie: so meet me there.

Marisol: okay!
Katie: I'll see you.

Jake's not coming to prom.

But I'll be there!

And I've requested
our favourite song

So we can create
our own movie magic moment.

That's great, baby.

Okay, if you're gonna be
this mopey at prom,

We're gonna have
a problem.

What if, after graduation,

Me and jake
never talk again?

What if we just don't talk?

Okay, well, you need
to lock down

A bromance, you know?

Tell him how you feel.

Guys don't do what you
and katie did, okay?

With the whole...
"Oh my god! Memories!

It's just like...
I love you forever!"

hey, suit yourself.

But if you frown once
at prom,

I'm gonna make you eat
a corsage.

oh, I can't decide.

Hair up like that...

Or hair down?

hmm. Definitely up.

You don't want it to compete
with your necklace.

but I don't have a necklace.


don't get too excited.

It's not cartier,
it's coyne.

that's even better.

isn't this unreal?
Tonight's prom,

Tomorrow's graduation,

And pretty soon
we're gonna be at university.

But that's still
months away.

Yeah, but summer
is gonna fly by.

I think we need
to get new wardrobes.

I'm thinking thrift-store chic.

Black mostly,
a few boho accessories.

Maybe a scarf.

Immy, what's wrong?

Everything's perfect.

The mouth's saying
one thing,

Tears another.

I flunked all my classes.

But you're so smart.

Teachers can't grade assignments
you don't hand in.

we'll still be in
the same city,

And I can visit
between classes,

And I'll be your sophisticated
college girlfriend.

I love you,
fiona coyne.

(Door opens)

What was that sound?

The pitter-patter
of my heart.

Lara coyne:


What are you doing here?!

Oh! I missed you
so much!

Wait! You're not
on the lam, right?

(Laughs) no!
But I have news,

And it's gonna
change everything.

ooh la la!
What about this one?

alli, I told you,
I'm not going to prom.

Jenna: but what about-
clare: don't you dare say his-


Hasn't he sent you
like a dozen voice mails?

Yeah, well, he wanted space
so I'm giving him lots.

well, you know what they say,

Looking good
is the best revenge.


she's right, you know.

sorry. Have we met?

cliff jacobs.
I'm in your history class.

Oh, right. Sorry.

See you around.


what about all the people
who want you two together?

What people?

you guys are finalists
for prom king and queen.


For the last time,
eli and I are done.

for the last time,
I don't buy it.

hey, cliff?

Do you have a date
for prom?

Okay, information overload!

So our legal troubles
are resolved

And our assets
are unfrozen?!

But I haven't gotten
to the best part yet.

On the plane ride home
from new york,

I sat next to
federico cavalieri.


The head designer
at mermozi!

His spring collection
made me weep!

I showed him the sketches
of the dresses

You designed for prom,

And it turns out

He's looking
for a junior designer...

In rome.

(Gasps) what?!


But that's hundreds
of miles away.


I know how much you love
la dolce vita.

Oh, morning espresso
in the cafe

And leisurely lunches
in the piazza.

and the shopping!
Don't forget the shopping!

Okay, if we don't skedaddle,
we'll be late for prom!

Immy's right.

Can we talk more about this

No. Federico is only
in town tonight.

You need to call him.

fiones, we need
to get dressed now!

(Fiona giggles excitedly)

♪ Curiosity...
Will never let me ♪

♪ Go-oh oh-oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ Oh oh oh-oh o♪

so do you think cliff is short
for clifford or clifton?

Uh, heathcliff.

No. No. No tortured
romantic heroes.

Tonight is about fun.

New people,
new experiences.

and making eli jealous?

How eli feels is irrelevant.

But cliff is really cute,
isn't he?

total dreamboat.

Don't tell connor
I said that.


alli, can you zip me up?

Yeah, sure.


Is the zipper stuck?

no, there's like a lump
or something.

A lump?

or a bump?
Jenna, come feel this.

oh! Oh...

Yeah, you should get that
checked out.

My aunt had something
like that.

Turned out it was cancer.

okay, it's probably not cancer.
Just a cyst or something.

well, at least if I die,

I'll never have to hear
eli's name again.

clare! Your prom date's here!

zip me up! Zip me up!


All right.
Okay? Good?

(Sword clunks)


No, no, no,
no, no, no, no.

(Nervous exhale)

You said we weren't
a fairy tale;

I'm here to prove you wrong.

(Horse snorts)

(Alli and jenna giggle)

Who are you?

Cliff, her prom date.
Who are you?


Her soul mate.

Oh man...


(Low buzz of excited chatter)

♪ I know, I know,
I know you got the key ♪

♪ You know, you know,
you know that it's for me ♪

♪ Well, I think that we
should try it out to see ♪

♪ Yeah, curiosity ♪

♪ So don't break me tonight ♪

♪ There's this crazy love ♪

♪ And you know I'm gonna
follow you ♪

Ooh! That must be
the fortune teller.

Wow! Fiona really
outdid herself.

Take a picture
of me and mo.

Okay. Smile!


That was a fake smile.

I tried.

No, you are not allowed
to be sad tonight.

I can't just pretend!

Then go home!

Are you serious?
Is she serious?!

this is marisol
on prom night.

She's serious.

Fine. You want me to go,
I'm gone.

Hey, handsome.


he came.

I can't handle seeing
my man sad.

he came!

so then mrs. Coyne swooped in
like mussolini

And forced fiona to take
this stupid opportunity.

a job in italy?

mamma mia.

we could visit.

I've always wanted to see
the leaning tower of pisa.

Focus, people.

Mama coyne:
ruthless dictator;

Fiona: indentured plebe.

immy, don't worry about it.

Federico probably won't even
call back.

You called him?

Yeah, but I got
his voice mail, so...

(Drew hums to cover awkwardness)

You wanna dance?

I love dancing!


Just remember
those romans are brutal.

They feed people
to lions.

That was thousands
of years ago.

Yeah, well, there's no proof
they've changed.

Besides, what's so great
about italy?

Let's not even talk
about this

Until federico
calls back.

I have to go announce
prom king and queen.

Are you coming?

I'll just guard
the purses.

♪ And you are sorry
for it all ♪

♪ And I care ♪

♪ Nothing is my fault ♪

♪ You're leaving as I say ♪

You know what I love
about you?

You're dependable.

I've known you for
twelve hours

And you haven't broken
a commitment.

Best prom date ever!

what about the prince charming

The carriage?
So romantic!

you know what's not romantic?

Breaking up with someone

After you tell them
that you're all in.

We had a plan.

He was gonna go
to nyu,

I was gonna follow
to columbia.

We'd get a studio apartment
in brooklyn...

sounds dreamy.

Maybe you should
date him.

Man, I wish.

(Realizing, laughs)
you're gay.

It's clear you still
love the guy,

So what's the problem?

okay, ladies and gentlemen,

Are you ready to meet
your prom king and queen?

(Applause and cheering)

Okay, drum roll, please.

The couple
with the most votes...

Is eli goldsworthy
and clare edwards.


You've gotta be kidding me!

Eli? Clare?
Come up and get crowned.


all right,
we've got our king.

Has anyone seen our queen?

(Room buzzes with chatter)

Okay, let's just give her
a minute or two.

(Dance music begins to play)

(Phone rings)


You're looking
for fiona coyne.

She's um...

She's me.

I can meet now.

All clear.

moving in.

Enemy approaching!
Enemy approaching!

Mo: rendezvous at base.
Jake: yup.

I got it!


that was so close.

Mmm! This is
the best chocolate...

You gotta taste this.

Try that.
Put that in your face.

We can do it.


It's good.

This one is good.

Man, I don't want these
good times to end, dude.

I'm glad you came.

Yeah, me too.

This was the best deal

What do you mean, deal?

Fifty bucks to sit
at your table.

Marisol said
that she wanted to fill

One of the empty seats

So you guys didn't look
like losers.

Maybe it was prom politics,
I don't know.

Marisol paid you
to come?

Well, had I known the food
was this good,

I would have come
for free, man.

Glad to know marisol thinks
so highly of me.

What was that?

Oh, relationship drama?

Relationship drama.



That's it.
See you around.

(Parisian music plays)

Man and woman:

excuse me.


You must be federico.

ciao, fiona.

Come stai, bella.


I prefer miss coyne.

After all,
my family is really rich.

But you already knew that,


So that's why you want me
to work for you?

Because of my "connections"?


I'm onto you, federico.

You italians are
a sneaky bunch,

And don't even get me
started on the lions.

Miss coyne,
are you inebriated?

I thought you would
never offer.

Um, can we get
another glass?

So, tell me about
the job...

Ma che cosa dici?!

I've never seen
such rude behaviour.

Oh! I'm the rude one?

You interrupted my prom
with my girlfriend

To talk about this
stupid opportunity,

So let's talk.


There is no opportunity
for you.

In fact, I hope I never lay eyes
on fiona coyne again

In my life.

Porca miseria.

Nothing would make me happier.

(Satisfied exhale)

Anya, the hottest girl,
was my date last year.

This year,
three not as hot girls

Turned me down.


This is my last night out
for a while.

This summer...
I'm on full-time daddy duty.

No more dates for me.

♪ Now I had
the time of my life ♪

Marisol requested this song
for us.

♪ I've never felt
like this before ♪

♪ Yes, I swear ♪

She wanted to have
this stupid romantic moment.

You know what's not romantic?

Paying jake to come to prom
with us behind my back.

Girls, man.
They're just not worth it.

See? Marisol doesn't gotta
pay anyone to be my friend.

I got you guys!

I got you guys!

Hey... Okay.


Things didn't work out
with your date?

you need to stop.

Clare, I was messed up
after cam.

I wasn't thinking.

But a day hasn't gone by
I haven't missed you.

Me too.

Then why can't you forgive
and forget?

Because you bailed on me!

I'm a production assistant
on bret barnett's new film.

I leave tomorrow.


So we only have
one night left?

So let's not waste it.

What do you say,
my queen?


♪ Have I found you ♪

♪ Flightless bird ♪

Hey, stranger.

Sorry I bailed
for a bit.

My dad sounded really weird
on the phone

So I went to go
check on him.

But it was a false alarm.

I thought you'd be
hiding out

Because of italy.

Truth? I wish this stupid
opportunity didn't exist.

Well, I'm not sure
that it does.

Federico didn't even
call back.

But I'm not gonna let it
ruin prom.

May I have this dance?

(Phone rings)

Wait. Why do you have
my phone in your purse?

Um, yeah, mine died,
so I borrowed yours.

Who is it?

My mom.

Can we just let it ring?
I really love this song.

No. Maybe she heard
from federico.

I'll meet you
on the dance floor, okay?

Hi, mom.

who'd have thunk it?

The guy who used to drive
a hearse

And dress all in black

Would end up prom king.

I don't believe that
all these people voted for us.

Some of them voted for us.

I knew you rigged it!

let's just say
I owe fiona a huge favour.

But it was worth it.

Thank you...
For not giving up.


So what do the kids do
on prom night these days?

oh, I don't know...

Get drunk.
Get a room.

Have sex?





You need something,

Yeah. Advice.

Drew's made a lot of mistakes,

And he'll probably make
a lot more.

I'm right here.

I did a bad thing -

A terrible,
terrible thing -

And when fiona finds out
she'll never forgive me.

Just tell her
the truth

And tell her
you're sorry.

That's your expert advice?!

What? Love conquers all,
right, b?

You're such a sap.


You didn't go check
on your dad.


You impersonated me
at a meeting with federico!

Federico just called my mom
to say that I was drunk.

Do you know
how worried she was?

Pretty worried,
I bet.

She started calling
rehab facilities.

How could you do this?

Because I don't want you
to go.

Kind of romantic, huh.

No, it was selfish
and immature.

You're the one that made
all these promises

About next year,

Then the moment you
get a better offer-

I was by your side
through everything.

It's just some stupid job,

It's my future,

And I expect my girlfriend
to understand that.

Can't we just kiss
and make up?

It's prom

And we shouldn't waste it

Yeah, you're right.

Where are you going?

To have the time
of my life.

♪ But there's nothing to grab ♪

♪ So I let go ♪

♪ I think I finally
had enough ♪

♪ I think I maybe
think too much ♪

♪ I think this might be it
for us ♪

♪ Blow me one last kiss ♪

♪ You think
I'm just too serious ♪

♪ I think you're full of it ♪

♪ My head is spinning ♪



I've missed you so much.


(Heavy breathing)

Okay, we can't have sex
in here.

You know,
we are in a hotel.

I hear they have rooms.

don't you have
a credit card?

Helen gave it to me
for emergencies.

I think this qualifies.

(Imogen sobs)

Did you hear something?


Nothing to see here.
Just looking for my contact.

I'll go tell alli
that I'm not sleeping over.

You look pretty upset
over a lost contact.

I didn't lose my contact,
I lost fiona.

unlikely! If clare and I can
work it out,

Anyone can.

All she cares about
is that stupid job!

Well, then help her
get it.

So my girlfriend can be
thousands of miles

Away from me?

Better than no girlfriend
at all.

(Realizing sigh)

("Gangnam style" by psy plays)

Where have you been?

You missed our song!
We were supposed to dance!

yeah... Whatever.

What is wrong
with you?

You tell me.

I'm sooooooo pathetic

You gotta pay people
to be my friend.

So that is what
this is about?

Yeah, this is what
that's about.

Wait, was that right?

I'm mad at you!

The only reason I paid jake
to come here

Is because you didn't wanna
share your feelings with him.

So I came up
with a scheme.

I scheme!
You know I scheme!

And then you run off,
miss our song,

And get drunk?

go, mo!

ah! You tell her, baby!

You tell her.

I hope you had fun
with your new friends.

Marisol, wait.




These shoes are mermozi.

I'm sorry, baby.

Can we talk about this?



Guys, I need some advice.

oh, is this about eli?
I saw you two dancing.

we're back together!

And we're going to...

on prom night?

Oh, I know,
it's so cliche-


this isn't because
we found that lump on your back

And you think
you're gonna die, is it?

No! Actually,
I totally forgot about that.

Well, good!

Okay, so back to...

Any last minute advice?

Be safe.

Of course.

Oh, and don't be concerned
if it's weird.

Weird like kinky?


Oh, and it could hurt
a little.

Before or after?

Jenna and alli:

but don't worry, it'll be over
before you know it.

Yeah, like a minute...
Two, tops.


Anything else?

Um... Just keep
your expectations low

And you won't be disappointed.


Have fun, you two!

(Jenna and alli giggle)

You told them?

I really wish I hadn't.

so you're going to stanford
in the fall, that's...

yeah, I'm gonna be paying off
student loans

Until I'm forty,

But it'll be worth it.

Jake: yeah.
Katie: what are your plans?

Uh, well...

I'm mushroom-picking in b.c.
For the summer.


Amd then who knows?
Who knows?

Guys, guys, guys,

(Chairs scrape,
cutlery clinks)

wait. Are you back-
are you guys back together?

No. No, no, no.
We're just catching up.

What's up?

Marisol won't talk to me;

I missed our dance.

The one she's been
talking about for months?

I know, but...

You guys gotta help me
make it better.


You're gonna have to do
something big.

(Dance music plays)

hey! Um, can we talk?


Okay, I'm listening.

I've brainstormed
over two dozen ideas

To get you that
fashion job back.

I already called
federico's hotel.

He's at the airport.

then let's go there.


I spent months working on
this prom

And I just wanna enjoy
my last night with my friends.

But you said we could make it
through anything together!

Maybe I was wrong.

Maybe we're just
too different.

(Elevator dings)


your palms are sweaty.

you really know
how to romance a girl.

You're not nervous,
are you?

It's just we've waited
so long...

Built up this moment.

What if it's
a disappointment?

Okay, stand still.

Was that a disappointment?


And how about that?

Just let me know
when it goes downhill.

(Door clicks open)

It's beautiful!

So are you.

(Plane engine hisses)

Please be here!
Please be here!

Please be here!
Please be here!

(Boarding announcement
over pa system)

federico, wait!

fiona, what are you doing here?

I'm not fiona.
I'm her girlfriend.

Well, ex-girlfriend.
It's complicated.

So you impersonated fiona?
That is crazy.

I know.

But haven't you ever done
something crazy

Because you were in love?

I must go.
My plane's about to board.

This year's been a disaster.

My dad's losing his mind,

I couldn't keep up
in school,

And the only reason
I made it through

Is because fiona coyne
was on my team,

And that's why
I'm so scared to lose her.

Because everyone should
have a fiona

And I don't know where
I'll find another.

(Emotional breaths)

She sounds like
a special girl.

She is.
She really is,

And she's a talented designer.

She even designed the dress
I'm wearing

And the necklace,

And I have a bunch more photos
on my phone.

I'm sorry,
I must go.

I understand.


Tell real fiona coyne
to give me a call.

We will see if she's as special
as you say.

Oh, mucho grazie,
signor cavalieri.


(Sighs, relieved)

(Hooves clop,
carriage rattles)

so do I look different?


They're gonna know we had sex
as soon as they see you.


I had a great night.

Me too.

I can't believe you leave
in twelve hours.

I guess this will be
the last day

We have together
for a while.

What should we do?

You have to get ready
for your graduation

And so do i.

What's wrong?

Your nose,
it's bleeding.

It's um...

It's probably just the dry air
from the hotel.

Are you okay?

Do I need to take you
to the doctor?

No, but I will take
your hanky.

(Knock on door)

Fiona's practicing
for her valedictorian speech.

She doesn't want
to be disturbed.

Well, can you deliver
a message then?

I found federico
at the airport

And he agreed to give fiona
a second chance.

So tell her I say
good luck...

And goodbye.


You really chased federico down
at the airport...

Like in a movie?

I had to do something.

Does this mean
you forgive me?

Just don't impersonate me

I solemnly swear!


You can visit lots.

We'll put a serious dent
in my trust fund.

And then after I graduate

I'll find an art school
in italy.

Yeah, I'll probably be
working crazy hours, but-

I'll get a dog
for company.

And your dad can fly over
whenever he wants.

He'll be so lonely
without me.

That's what skype's for.


And besides,

We'll only be in italy
for one or two years, right?

Maybe, after that,

We'll go to paris
or dubai.

We have the whole world
to explore together.

Isn't that exciting?



I'll call federico.

("Pomp and circumstance" plays)


Thank you for coming.

This year's graduates
are a diverse bunch.

I'm proud to be their principal
and I'm sad to say goodbye.

(Camera shutter snaps)

So before I get too emotional...

The diplomas!

First up,
bianca desousa...

(Cheering and applause)

She did it!

That's my girl.


katie matlin.

Marisol lewis.

Owen milligan.


Mo mashkour.


Jake martin.


got your emergency text.
What's wrong?

Was the sex bad?

No, no.
It was fine.

Perfect, actually.

Then why the ?

I-i need you
to convince me

That I don't have

The lump?

Clare, I told you,
it's probably-

Just a cyst or lipoma
or fibroma.

Somebody's been on
the internet.

I-i had a nosebleed
this morning

And it wouldn't stop,

So my mom took me
to the doctor.

They want to do
a biopsy.

A biopsy?

Yeah. It's where
they take a needle

And extract
a piece of tissue.

To test for cancer.


Apparently nosebleeds

And swollen lymph nodes

The lump.

Common symptoms
of leukemia.

But they're probably
just being cautious.

I mean,

Do you remember
when I thought I was pregnant?

And everything
turned out fine.

That's what I keep
telling myself.

You're young.
You don't smoke.

You eat healthy.
You volunteer.

It's probably nothing.

And what if
it's not?

Did you tell eli?

I will,
but not today.

You only graduate once.

Yeah. Please.

winner of the drama prize:

Eli goldsworthy.



And finally,
last but not least,

Your student council

And your valedictorian,

Fiona coyne.

(Cheering and applause)

thank you, mr. Simpson.

And thank you, everyone,
for coming.

I never expected to be standing
before you as valedictorian.

In fact, last year,

I never expected
to graduate at all.

I was at my lowest point.

I skipped graduation
to go to the liquor store.

(Shocked murmurs and gasps)

Okay, that might've been
an overshare,

But my point is...

I was a mess

And so scared of the future.

I had to come back
to degrassi,

Even though all of my friends
were moving on.

But then I made new friends.

Really, really great friends.

So don't be afraid
of change,

No matter how scary it seems.

If I can make it through,
so can you.

So what more is there to say?

Thanks, degrassi.

I've had the time
of my life.

light clicks off)

♪ Now I've had
the time of my life ♪

♪ And I never felt
like this before ♪

(Band begins to play)

♪ Yes, I swear ♪

♪ It's the truth ♪

♪ And I owe it all to you ♪

Katie and jake:
♪ 'cause I've had
the time of my life ♪

♪ and I owe it all to you... ♪

(Song begins to play)

♪ I've been waiting
for so long ♪

♪ Now I finally found someone
to stand by me ♪

♪ So we take each
other's hand ♪

♪ 'Cause we seem to understand
the urgency ♪

♪ Just remember... ♪

♪ You're the one thing ♪

♪ I can't get enough of ♪

Marisol lewis,
may I have this dance?

♪ This could be love
because... ♪

♪ I've had the time of my life ♪

♪ No, I never felt this way
before... ♪

So am I forgiven?

Not until you tell jake
how you really feel,

And that you still
wanna be friends

Now that we're graduates.

Talk to him.

It's your last chance.

♪ and I've searched
through every open door ♪

♪ 'Til I found the truth ♪

Hey, man.

Hey, man.

I just wanted to say...
Have a good summer.

Cool, man.

All right, dude.

You too.

And I know this is the end
of school, all right,

But I don't want this to be
the end of our friendship.


I want you to visit me
in university,

And I wanna go on
more trips together.

Barbecues when we're older,
each others' weddings...

I want you in my life
for the long run, dude.

All right?

You think I'm so lame.

I was gonna say that

Maybe our kids could
play together.

You know...

Marisol and katie:

♪ ...the time of my life ♪

♪ I never felt this way before ♪

♪ Yes, I swear ♪

Have you seen clare?

I can't find her
and it's time to say goodbye.

I think you're right,
eli goldsworthy.

♪ ...and I've searched through
every open door ♪


Your speech was
so inspirational.

Also, I think
we should break up.

Is this because of italy?

You want to explore
the world

And...i just wanna
read about it

From my comfy chair.

I like that
we're different.

Me too,

But I don't wanna
hold you back.

I know it's scary...

It's terrifying.

But it's the right thing
to do.

come on, coyne!

We're about to toss
our caps.

Are you coming?

Maybe just one
last kiss?

Farewell, fiona.

(Breath catches)



good riddance.

so I guess it's up to us
to keep the drama going.

or maybe next year
degrassi can be drama-free.


Why so glum, edwards?

I might have cancer.

good one.

Um... Are you okay?

I'll survive.

and what are you two girls
gossiping about?

only how much
I will miss you tomorrow.

Safe travels, eli.

Come here.

Don't you have a cap
to toss?

Yes. But then I'd have
to let go of you.

No. I don't want you missing out
on anything

Because of me.


All right,
miss serious.

But if I'm going...
You're coming with me.

♪ There's something
kinda wrong ♪

everybody ready to say

yeah! Woo!

Don't worry.

This year will fly by

And we'll be in new york

That's the plan.

We'll make it through,

three! Two! One!


♪ Keep your distance ♪

♪ But be careful
how far you stray ♪

♪ And don't forget
where you were born ♪

♪ Don't forget this moment ♪

♪ And the closest thing to god ♪

♪ Is being next to you
in this rusted car ♪

♪ And I'm never going back ♪

♪ And I won't forget
this moment ♪

♪ Remain close
but stay away ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can
make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ Well I know
I can make it through ♪

♪ Da, da, da ♪

♪ I know I can
make it through ♪