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12x36 - Karma Police: Part 2

Posted: 06/03/22 06:20
by bunniefuu

Get off!

all right.
Come on, fiona,

You can do it!

Shrug your shoulders.
Head down.

Grab her arm
with both of your hands,

Protect your airway.

Trap her calf, turn,
and throw,

Just like I showed you.

I'm the intruder.
I'm in your apartment,

I've got a g*n!

(Panicked breathing)

(Breathing heavily)

okay. Maybe self-defense
role play was a bad idea.

You okay, girl?

What if the intruder
comes back?

He's not gonna come back.

drew's right.

Chances are slim that you get
att*cked by the same intruder.

In fact, anyone can be att*cked
anywhere, anytime.

Drew, this guy took my camera,
and my laptop -

He knows personal stuff
about me.

He doesn't care about you,
all right?

He's just gonna sell it.

How do you know?

There are crazies
out there.

okay. Why don't we try this
new self-defense move

I like to call...

"Knee him in the nuts."

what's the point, bianca?

I'm never be able to fight off
a guy who's bigger,

And stronger,
and possibly armed.

I need reinforcements.

like a bodyguard?


I'm going to the police.

I will personally
see to it

That this lowlife
is locked up behind bars.


♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪


♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

Yes. But can I please
just speak

To one of the detectives
on my case?

No, I understand that,

(Sighs) okay.
Thanks for nothing.

Officer turner?

Hi there.

Fiona coyne.

The victim of the break
and enter?

Sorry to hear that.

The thing is,

The detectives assigned
to my case,

I don't think they're very good
at their jobs.

What makes you
say that?

They have no leads.
How is that possible?

They swept for fingerprints,

And I told them everything
I could remember.

I'll be honest,

You probably won't
get your stuff back.

No. I don't care
about my stuff.

I just wanna feel
safe again.

I know it's hard,

But this person took
your stuff,

Don't let him
take your life too.

Hey. Any luck
catching the guy?


um, well, I have something that
can make you feel better.

Another video
of otters clapping?


A robot dog?

Not just any robot dog...

(Cute robotic barking)



He can keep
intruders away!

Oh, I feel safer already.

You're sleeping over
again tonight, right?

Um... My dad's caretaker
can't stay tonight.

You're gonna be okay,

(Bell rings)


Gotta learn to be on my own
at some point, right?


Imogen: bye.
Fiona: bye.

Thank you.

Madame jean-aux:
french club welcomes you
to dejeuner a paris!

I hope you're enjoying
les patisserie.

I would like to say a big
thank you to all the members...



Is it too much?

No way.
It's so good.

No one'll ever know

You learned these songs
off youtube.

Do you think
she'll like it?

Madame jean-aux?
She'll love it.

She'll forget all about you
trashing her car.

Madame jean-aux:
mesdames et messieurs,
we now have a special treat.

Please give a warm bienvenue
to mr. Zig novak!


Uh, merci.

I would like to dedicate
this song

To miss madame jean-aux.


(Music begins to play)

♪ Zou bisou bisou ♪

♪ Zou bisou bisou ♪

♪ Zou bisou bisou ♪

♪ Zou bisou, zou bisou,
zou bisou ♪

♪ Le bruit des bisous ♪

♪ Dans les buissons
sous le ciel du mois a d'aout

♪ Les amoureux glissent
a pas de loup ♪

♪ Comme les oiseaux,
ils ont rendez-vous ♪

♪ On l'entend partout ♪
(students laugh)

♪ Zou bisou bisou ♪

♪ Zou bisou bisou... ♪
(Students laugh and chatter)

(Students laugh and chatter)

Madame jean-aux:
zig! Zig!


Do you know the song
you were singing?

I found it on the internet,

Madame jean-aux:
okay, well...

It's about lovers
and... Kissing.

Oh my god!
I didn't know that!

Can I just go?!

I know that you have been going
through a very difficult time,

And after our talk

It's natural
that you feel close.

we're not staying
for the cheese?


Wow. He's like a mini
mike dallas.

So did you tell alli?

As far as she knows,

I'm studying for algebra
right now.


It's just every time
I tell a girl

That I have a kid,

They run off.

And we haven't even gone
on a date yet.

You know, maybe after that.
Baby steps.

Uh, dallas?

Drew, we get it;

He's a good looking kid.

No. Uh, yes.
It's just...

Alli's outside.

Oh man!
Take him upstairs, fast.

no! I don't wanna go upstairs.

yes, please.
I'm sorry.

Let's go.
We'll be back, 'kay?


What are you doing here?

Well, I was thinking about
you studying alone,

And then it hit me.

I know a thing or two
about algebra.


Damon: (mocking)
♪ zou bisou bisou... ♪


Man, I'm pissed at you.

You knew I was gonna make
an ass of myself,

Didn't you?

And you didn't

Yeah, well,

How am I supposed to face
madame jean-aux tomorrow?

You're into a hot teacher.

So what?
Lots of guys are.

I'm not into her.

Then how do you explain
the "zou bisou bisou"?

Can you shut up
with that?!

I could have gotten her
in trouble.

I could have messed up
her life!

You need to chill.

You made one
stupid mistake.

One mistake?

Do you realize that I tried
to steal cam's girlfriend

While I was dating tori?

Maya told me to stop,

Of course,
I didn't listen.

I hurt everyone
that I care about.

If you were really
such a bad guy,

You wouldn't be crying like
my baby sister right now.

You're a good man,
zig novak,

And if those people
don't see that,

They're all dumb idiots.


What was that for?!

Don't think
I'm going soft.

so whatever operations
you perform

To one side of the equation,

You have to do
to the other.


So are you gonna
invite me in or...?

Well, uh, yeah,
I would love to,

But you're just so...
You know, distractingly pretty.

Thanks for the notes, though.
I owe you.


I'm just gonna use
the little girls' room.

actually, it's clogged
right now.

what's with the blocks?

uh, visual learner.

(Nervous chuckle)


There is something's wrong
with rocky, man!

did you give him nuts?

I don't know!
There were some on the counter.

Maybe he had some.

He's allergic!

I didn't know!

I have to get his epi pen.

should we take him
to the hospital?

Yeah, and you should
call his parents.

(Rocky cries out)

I'm his parent.

(Worried sigh)

...and then she had to leave

Because her dad's nurse
had the night off.

You know what, mom?
I have a feeling

That things are gonna get better
really soon.

Fingers are crossed,

I'll let you know how it goes
after court tomorrow.

I-is everything all right?

Yeah. I should probably
just get to sleep.

I love you and dad so much.

We love you, too.

Sweet dreams.

(Video chat beeps off)


(Rustling sound)

(Loud creaking sound)

(Panicked gasps)

Who's there?!

(Police radio chatter)

No sign of an intruder.

I feel like
such an idiot.

Look, you saw something,
you heard a noise,

You called .

It's the right thing
to do.

in case the curtains
att*cked me?

I feel so helpless.

nobody is helpless.

Can I ask you a question?

How do you do it?

I mean, there must be bigger,
stronger men

That you have
to stand up to.

How do you do it
every day?

I'm a trained officer,

And it helps
that I'm armed.

You got a spare one
I can borrow?

Leave the sh**ting to us,

Do you have someone
you can call?

Friends, family -

Someone that can stay
with you?

I'll figure it out.

Range officer:
fiona coyne!

C'est moi.

You ready to get started?
You seem a little shaky.

I've never actually
held a g*n before.

I was always pretty scared
of my grandpa's.

Well, that's what I'm here for.
Come on.

First things first.
Safety gear.

(Magazine clicks into place)

Always point the g*n down range

With your finger off
the trigger,

Until you're ready to sh**t.

Now raise the g*n.

Point it at your target,

And when you're ready
squeeze the trigger.

Just like do it?

Take a deep breath,
then fire.


(g*nsh*t pops)

(Bell rings)


Is that for me?

Uh, yeah.

It's my time-travelling

I was actually wondering
if I could present it today?

Very well.

Zig will now present.

(Zig clears his throat)

Um, si je pouvait voyager

Dans le temps,

Je voudrais allez a hier soir.

Je n'aurais jamais...

Thrown garbage
on your car.

Actually, if I were to go
back in time,

It'd be before all of that.

I never would've come
between my friends.

I wouldn't have hurt tori...

Because she doesn't
deserve that.

If I could go back in time,

I would've listened
to maya

And I would've left her
and cam alone.

I'd take back the things
I said to cam.

I know that I don't deserve

But I just want you guys
to know that I'm sorry.

Range officer:
so what did you think?

I felt in control;

That's exactly
what I needed.

How much for this one?

Range officer:

Nine hundred.

(g*n slide clicks)


Guess I could pick up
a few extra shifts.

I'll make it work.

Do you take credit cards?

Buying a g*n isn't like buying
a new pair of shoes, fiona.

First, you need
a possession license.

So I have to take a course
or something?

And pass a test.

Then there's a background

But I'm a single girl
and I live alone.

I need protection.

Fiona, the law looks down
on owning a g*n

For self-defense.

So basically the law says

I don't have the right
to protect myself.



You don't need them.

I think I kinda do.



What you said today,
that was really cool.


It meant a lot to me too.

we're late.
We should get going.

(Zig sighs)

You tried, man.

Yeah, I did.

hey. Eli said he needs more
background performers

For his zombie movie.

Would you guys maybe wanna
be in it with us?



this. This is your g*n.

It's like another limb
for you -

It's an arm,
it's a leg -

And you're gonna hold it
so close...

How's the zombie


But most importantly,
how are you?

You missed all your classes
this morning,

And I tried calling.

I had an appointment.

With your therapist?

At the g*n range.

I learned how to sh**t.

g*ns are scary.

Well, right now
it's the only thing

That'll make me feel safe.

So what?
You're gonna go buy a g*n?

You don't get it.

Are you hearing yourself?

g*n, fiona.
They sh**t. k*ll. Dead.

Illegal. g*n.

It's not like
I have anything else.

and cut!

timing on that scene!

Eli needs you.

I'll figure it out
on my own.

Thanks for coming.

You're pissed;
that's fair,

But I wanna show you

I got rock his favourites.

I got him trucks, dinosaurs,

There's even a space
for books.

I want rocky to feel
at home,

So he can visit more.

He's gonna love it,

Leaving him with you
was a mistake.

It won't happen again.

Do you know how many dates
I've been on

Since he was born?

I have a feeling
you're about to tell me.

None. Not one.

I gave up everything.

I know.

And because of you,
I get to play hockey

And I get to go to school.

Rocky could've died!

I messed up, v.
I let our boy down.

I'm sorry.

Just please tell me
what to do,

And I'll do it.

Let me be a better dad.


(Door slams shut)

(Taxi rumbles off)

(Low hum of chatter)

(Train horn bellows
in the distance)



I uh...
I need a g*n.

I need a million dollars.

(Other thugs laugh)


You serious?

You got cash?

Yeah, I have
like $

whoa. No, no, no.
Not here.

Just, uh, follow me.

You afraid of the dark?
Cuz I can hold your hand.

I'm good. Thanks.

is here good?

yeah, yeah.
Here's good.

where's the g*n?

(Panicked breaths)

just give me the money,





dude, that's enough!
Let's go!

Go! Go!

Go! Go!

(Breathing heavily)

Help! Help me please!

Somebody help me!





You have every right
to be pissed at me.

look, I don't like
that you lied,

But I get why you did.

In your shoes,
I might've done the same.

I don't wanna hide rocky
from anyone anymore.

I might even get his name
tattooed on my arm.

All cursive with his portrait
in black and white?

Hmm. On second thought,
maybe not.

So... "Rocky" like
the boxing movie?

It's actually rock.
Like the rock.

Oh! You named your son
after a wrestler?

And actor.
Don't judge.

(Alli laughs)

So... Us.

All I've wanted for so long
is to take you on a date.

But you've got more
important things.

I get it.


From now on,
he's my number one.

(Bell rings)

I've been calling.

I even came to your place
last night,

And no one was there.

What happened?!

Uh, nothing.
I just... I tripped,

Whacked my face
on the coffee table.

So clumsy!

What really happened?

I'm not stupid.

I went to buy a g*n...

In a sketchy area.

Some thugs stole my money.

I'm so stupid, imogen.
I could've died.

Well, thank god
you're okay.

You're not mad?

When I realized
how scared you were,

I talked to my mom.

She said you could come
stay with us.

Mom's, dad's -
wherever I am.

You're not alone,

There was a time
in my life

When my worst fear is
that I would be alone forever.

But last night,

When I was waiting around
in the hospital, alone,

I had a lot of time
to think.

This past year has been
the best of my life.

I have the best girlfriend
in the world.

I'm not gonna let
one break-in

Ruin how far I've come.

I love my condo,

And I might still get scared

But I have to keep
living there.

It's my home.

You're kinda my hero,
fiona coyne.

♪ Keep calm ♪

♪ Carry on ♪

♪ Stay strong ♪

♪ 'Til tomorrow comes ♪

Do you think my face will heal
in time for prom?

If it doesn't,

Can I make you into
a zombie prom queen?

Maybe marisol will even
let us change the theme

To "night of the living dead."

Hmm. Maybe.

♪ Keep calm ♪

♪ Carry on ♪