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12x34 - Ray of Light: Part 2

Posted: 06/03/22 06:18
by bunniefuu
the birds are singing,
the sun is shining,

A gentle breeze is creating
a nice wind machine effect.

(laughs) well,
I'm glad to see

Your cinematic imagination
is alive and well

On this auspicious

I'm feeling good, clare.

I'm gonna nail this
nyu interview.

of course you will.

You've been on
such a strong path all year.

Nothing's gonna get
in my way.


I have a gift for you!

Thought you might want
your shirt back.

(Bell rings)

Still coming down?

please don't be worried.

Coming down from what?

Okay, I took a break from
editing the video yearbook

And went to that art party
with jake and mo.

And you smoked weed

Look, I don't want you
to freak out,

But I didn't... Smoke.

I took mdma.

Okay, now I'm worried.

I promise
it won't happen again.

We said nothing would
get in your way.


♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪


♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

thanks for the chat, doc.

Dr. Tara:
you're welcome.

Remember my sister,

I do.

Nice to see you

hi. Um...

Thanks for everything.

We won't take up
any more of your time.



(Forceful whisper)
you promised!

So after blowing
my chances

At being on
the national soccer team,

And then my student council

Um, jake was my rock.

I helped him
with his garden,

We laughed a lot...

And... I hate myself
for ruining it.

But you know what?

I know you have more
important things to do

Than talk about
my love life.

Look, when you lose something
that you love,

It's really...
It's tough.

But it's never too late
to start again and rebuild.

I've tried to apologize
to jake,

But he...
He won't even look at me.

Tell me something,

What do you think
would make you feel better?

If I finish processing
the simulator on time,

We can reach mars
by this afternoon.

Ooh! Do you think
we'll get to see

The curiosity rover?

I haven't programmed
it yet, but-

Wait. How do you know about
the curiosity rover?

I guess you're rubbing off
on me.

And don't forget,

I got into the gifted program
too, remember?


Are we interrupting?


Not at all!

so are you guys dating?

It's not official
or anything.

well, considering we've been
on one date,

And have committed
to a second,

That technically qualifies
as dating.

We also kissed
on the lips,

And you told me
not to stop.

okay, connor,
that's personal!

All right, I'll go save us
some seats at the front.


You didn't tell me
you guys kissed!

Where did he take you
on your date?

Oh, they went to space.

Is that a euphemism?

no, dallas.

oh! Are you gonna
get married

And make cute little
astronaut babies?

That's why I didn't
tell anyone!

You guys are
so annoying.

favourite italian
neo-realist film?

While the "bicycle thief"
has its merits,

I'd have to go with
"umberto d."

You know, de sica took
simple character study

And turned it
into heartbreaking drama.

Okay. No idea
what you just said,

But it sounded

Oh! By the way,
you don't have to finish

The video yearbook.

Uh, so in truffaut's-

Wait, wait, wait.

You know,
I know I'm behind,

But as soon as
my interview's over,

I'll finish it.

I'm relieving you
of the burden.

What are you not
telling me?

Maybe you should
just talk to clare.

She doesn't think
it's a good idea.

But she's the one
who got me to do the video

In the first place.

I know, but uh...

She doesn't think
you can handle it right now.

(Chair scrapes back

Uh, my chili. Hey!

Well, it's not
a good idea.

You know, so spicy.

But I like it.

Well, I don't think
you can handle it.

Since when do you dictate
which hot lunch items

I can and cannot handle?

Doesn't feel good,
does it?

The last time you tried
editing cam footage,

It led you to do dr*gs.

I was just looking out
for you.

You're meddling.

Okay, that is not fair.
I do it because I care.

I'm finishing it.

Maybe you should postpone
your interview

Until this is all over.

You mean the interview

That starts
in fifteen minutes?

Enjoy your chili.
You can do it!


I'm so sorry about
the whole baby thing.

I didn't mean to say
you'd get pregnant again.

I know.

That was just intense.

You heard everyone,
even you.

It wasn't fair of us
to tease.

But if you felt
so uncomfortable,

Maybe dating connor's
not a good idea.

Maybe he's all wrong for me
and I just can't see it

Because it felt so good

To hang out with a nice guy
for once.

Look, only you know
whether you like him or not.

But before you commit...
I made a mistake.

You know when I told you
to stay away from my brother?

Your brother
was a jerk to me.

I might be biased,
but he's changed.

Plus, he's social
and fun.

I think you two would be
perfect together.

Thanks a lot, becky.

Now I really don't know
what to do.

once again,
as per last week's meeting,

We've agreed to sidebar
any conversation

About sugary beverages
in the cafeteria

Until we end...

What're you doing here?

Marisol said you were trying
to get my garden back.

I mean, how could you
not tell me?

Well, you ignore me
in the halls.

How was I supposed
to tell you?

all right,
before we move on,

Are there any additions
to the agenda?

um, yeah.

I'd like to set forth a motion
to reopen the garden.

oh, i...

I don't think
that's right.

I think the school needs time,
I'm sorry.

Look, what happened
was a tragedy,

But that doesn't make
the garden tragic.

You're punishing
an entire school

For one student's decision.

We're all still here,

We should be allowed
to enjoy it.

I also propose the students
paint a new mural,

Give the garden
a fresh new start.

Let the garden be a symbol
of perseverance,

Of hope.

What do you say?

Well, um...
Thank you, katie.

Uh, the pta will vote
and we'll let you know.


(Simpson continues meeting)

Why are you
doing this?

Well, it's important...
For everyone,

And for you.

and what are you currently
working on?

The video yearbook
and a zombie short,

But that's on hold
for the moment.

you don't have a follow through
problem, do you?

There's been some...
Extenuating circumstances.

Something disturbing
happened at school

And it affected me.

Well, actually,
most things do.

I'm bipolar.

Does it interfere
with your work?

No, I think it helps.

You know, I put my feelings
in my art,

And that's why doing
what I do...

Can be scary...

Because it comes from
someplace real.

And now you must think
I'm a mess.

I think you're a very
passionate young man.

You have no idea.

Eli, this is the most
competitive program

In the country.

If you don't get in
this time,

We urge you
to try again.

That doesn't sound
too promising.

Well, we say that
to everyone.

Thanks for coming.


You're romeo and jules?


Your stage submission
for your portfolio.

You sent us this dvd?

Yes, I did.
I directed it.

This is one of the strongest
high school productions

I've seen at my time
at nyu,

And I've been there awhile.


woo! What's up, man!
(Giving high-fives)


Oh, I nailed it!

Come on! (High-five)

So it went well?

Yeah. Um, great.

They loved
romeo and jules.

If I could pick you up
and twirl you,

I would.


Thanks. Now, it's all up
to the gods of film.

Let's celebrate.

I really wish I was in
a celebrating mood, but...

You're still mad
about the dr*gs.

Okay, can we just forgive,
forget, and move on?

No! We have to talk
about this!

Um... Let's talk.

First off, I should not
have said what I did

Before your interview.

I know finding cam
was hard on you,

And it's not fair

That you had to be the one
to find him.

But it happened,

And we can't ignore
what's going on with you

Because of it.

There is a right way

And wrong way
to deal with things

And doing dr*gs
is the wrong way, eli.

(Sighs heavily)

(Plastic bag rustles)

any news?

They're still discussing.

This is a waste of time.
We won't get it back.

I disagree.

We just have to want it
bad enough.

wait, are you guys talking
about the garden

Or your relationship?

Katie and jake:
the garden!

My god,
what's taking so long?

This is so unfair.

You know what?
You're right, mare.

I'm not gonna sit back

And wait for the parents
to tell us

What's gonna happen
to our school.

(Tools clatter)

If they're not gonna
"give us back" the garden,

We're gonna have
to take it back.

what are you doing?
What is she doing?


katie! Put the hammer down.


it says absolutely
no admittance.


Marisol: katie?
Jake: yo, katie!

(Board clatters)

Nice swing.


(Boards clatter)


whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Whoa! Whoa!
What're you doing?!

We're moving on,

And there's nothing
you can do to stop us.

I was just on my way
over here

To tell you
that the pta voted.

They've agreed
to reopen the garden.


(Sighs heavily)

You, you, you, you...

Detention -
all of you.

♪ No, we're never gonna ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go! ♪

(Water sprays,
girls chatter nearby)

(gasps) what on earth
are you doing?

oh, it's so refreshing!

I may be on dr*gs
right now.

you do realize
that you are showering

With your clothes on

In the girls' change room
right now?

What the hell
are you thinking?

For once, nothing!

Someone - and I'm not
naming any names -

(Clucks his tongue)

Has been forcing me to talk
and talk and talk

And talk and talk...

And talk.

(shocked laughter)


okay, that is more eli
than I've ever wanted to see.

Thank you.


remember when you said

That you wouldn't have
sex with me

Because you thought
I was damaged?


Do I look damaged
to you?


I'm a freakin'


No! No, no, no!


♪ Hey, baby... ♪

♪ It's on ♪

Oh yes!

Do I look damaged to you,

♪ In the elevator ♪

♪ To the penthouse floor ♪

♪ So delicious ♪

Simpson: oh!
Eli: oh!

♪ So delicious ♪


Mr. Simpson.

(Stunned sigh)

(Bell rings)



If you liked me,
why didn't you say so,

Instead of waiting
for your sister

To do something?

Look, I felt like I messed up
so bad with you,

And then when I tried again
the other day,

I messed up again.

Well, what'll be different
this time?

Maybe I need a girl like you
to keep me in line.

All right,
how about a date?

What were you thinking?

you know what...

Uh, yeah,
this was a huge mistake.

(Hard punch)
agh! Oh!

Stay away
from my girlfriend!


I was protecting you.

by punching someone?

The reason I like you is

Because I didn't think
you were that guy.

Now I'm not so sure.

I'm sorry.

yeah. Okay.
We'll be there tomorrow.

Thank you.

(Sighs heavily)

You have an appointment
with dr. Weston.


What you did today,

It's grounds for suspension,
possibly expulsion.

Mr. Simpson,

I have to finish my year
to get into nyu.

You know, we have a lot
more in common

Than you think.

You do dr*gs
and get naked?

(Bullfrog grunts

when I was about your age,

I found the body
of a classmate

Who committed su1c1de.

It doesn't get better

It's been hard for me,
but... I'm okay.

yeah, I know.

I've been keeping
an eye on you.

So what went wrong today?

There's all this pressure
to talk,

To act a certain way.

Well, you gotta talk
about it, bud.

To my therapist,

But not to everyone,
twenty-four hours a day.

I need to move on.
I didn't know him.

I didn't choose to walk into
that damn greenhouse!


When things like this happen,
it affects everyone.

You can't let others
get to you.

you risk so much -

Your future
and your health.

Dad, look at me.
I get it!

Last year,

It could've been me
in that greenhouse, okay?

I could've died.

(Choked up sigh)

I'll never do it again,

♪ And here you stand ♪

♪ Head in hand ♪

♪ At the edge of the flood ♪

♪ Give in to all the change ♪


What do you want?

I thought I embarrassed you
when I punched luke.

I wanna talk.

I know what "talk"
is code for, jenna.

You wanna break up
with me, right?

what you did was wrong,
and can't happen again.

That doesn't sound like
a break-up.

Because it wasn't.

Connor, I had more fun
on our one date

Than any other date
I've ever been on.

No thank you.
I brought a lunch.

Open it.
It's a gift.

Freeze dried space food.

Thank you!

Yeah, if we're gonna travel
the universe together,

We'll need snacks.

Space dates, city dates,
let's do it all.

Do you like movies?

I love them.

♪ So take a bottle down to... ♪

You did it.

Yeah. It's too bad
we can't enjoy it yet.

Hey, um...

I'm sorry.

no. Don't...
Don't sweat it.

It's just a weeks worth
of morning detention.

No, i...
I mean I'm...

I'm really sorry.

You were the best boyfriend
I ever had

And you didn't deserve
what I did to you.

♪ Here you stand ♪

♪ Head in hand ♪

♪ At the edge of the flood ♪


♪ Give in to all the change ♪

♪ It's putting you through ♪

when I heard
you needed a job,

I saw this
and thought of you.

Jake, you know
I don't play anymore.

What? The doctor cleared you
months ago.

I mean, maybe it's time
to get back

To what you love.

What are you
waiting for?

♪ What made you change? ♪

(Eli sighs)

(Traffic rumbles outside,
people chatter, birds chirp)

I saw my therapist today.

I thought I should
come back here.

Is it helping?

I'm in a greenhouse,
there are no dead bodies,

And I'm not freaking out.

This is good.

You took dr*gs
because of me?

I said a lot of things,
didn't i?

I regret what I did
more than you'll ever know.

Taking dr*gs was bad,

But for me,
so was talking nonstop.

But I can't get better

If you're gonna be worrying
about me all the time.

What are you-

We need time apart.

Um... This is because
I was here

When you found cam.

You're linking me
to the incident

And you're cutting me out.

You're still dealing
with all this.

No! No. See?

You're hearing me,
but you're not listening.

Cam's not the problem.

You are.

this ball has been the source
of the most joy I've ever felt,

And the most pain.

Will you just kick
the freakin' ball already?!

What's with
the theatrics?

this is a big deal, maya.

The last time I played was
the beginning of my downf-

Oh, you are so gonna
regret that.

Katie: yes!
Maya: my turn!

okay, ready?

Katie: aw!
Maya: shut up!

Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna go? Yeah!

(Ball clangs against fence)

yes! Gooaaalll!

you're hilarious right now.

That's the thing
about soccer,

All the drama in the world
goes poof!

You gonna apply
for that summer job?

Yeah. And if I get it,
it's outta town,

Which means we won't get
to spend

Any time together
this summer.

Please. Go.

I'm so taking over
your room.

Oh, chicken little,
you're gonna miss me.


No way!


Oh yes!

this year has been a great year
at degrassi.

I'm gonna miss it.

It's been a good
couple of years.

what do you mean you don't know
what whisperhug is?

what is whisperhug?

Only like the biggest band
at degrassi ever!

yeah, I built this garden here.

It's just been
a big part of my life.

romeo and jules was
absolutely amazing.

We did such a good job.

We live for this symbol.
That is my life.

ice hounds!
(Bark-like grunts)

♪ Don't forget
where you were born ♪

♪ Don't forget this moment ♪

♪ Don't forget this moment ♪

(Mouths "thank you")

♪ Don't forget this moment ♪

♪ Don't forget this moment ♪

♪ Don't forget this moment ♪


bye, degrassi!
We'll miss you.

(Cheering and applauding,
bell rings)

You did good work, eli.

I love what I do,
