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12x31 - Bitter Sweet Symphony: Part 1

Posted: 06/03/22 06:16
by bunniefuu
♪ Ooh-ooh ooh-ooh ♪

♪ I need time
to get it right ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh ooh-ooh ♪

(inhales deeply)

I love the smell of high school
in the morning!

And after that practice,

I've got a good feeling
about hockey too.

That was your first
practice back

Since you broke your arm

And you were on fire,

um, thanks.

next stop, playoffs!

It's drop-out drew!

can't call him that anymore,

Not with a part-time
class schedule.

science, english,
and math.

Sexy fun times.


(Excited laughter)

I'm sorry,
do I know you?

Shut up!
I crazy missed you.

How was kapuskasing?

It was awesome.

My mom's cooking,
my own bed,

Even my dumb brothers.

You miss it already.

Yeah. But at least now
I have you, right?

♪ I need time
to get it right ♪

it's spirit week, everybody,
and you're all being sorted!

There will be fun team events
going on all week,

And the team with
the most points at the end

Wins a pizza party!

Is tori still not
talking to you?

Did I mention how glad
I am that you're back?

spirit leaders
are taking names!

Get in the spirit,

figures that me and you
aren't on the same team,

But me and dallas are.

I don't mind kissing
the enemy.

anybody else team green?

I am.

oh look. Maya and zigmund
are on the same team.

How cute.

Hey, it's just a stupid
spirit team, right?

It's fine.

I've actually gotten
an idea.

(Sighs) nothing's gonna
come between us.


♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪


♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it! ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

Alli: hey! What do you got?
Fiona: uh, bhandari...

(Whispering) hey!
Red! Fiona!



perfect! Thank you.

a reminder that
spirit week events

Have been scheduled
in between classes.

Spirit week is not a legitimate
reason to miss class, people.

Sorry, can't show favouritism
towards a team leader's crush.

I don't have a crush on
alli bhandari.

Okay, yeah,
she's pretty hot.

So why don't you
just ask her out?

Ahhh, I don't know
if she'll say yes.

I mean, we got friendly,

Things went a little south

And I haven't talked to her
since the break.

What's this?

Mike dallas
lacking confidence?

Did I wake up in
an alternative timeline?

In case you haven't noticed,

I don't have the greatest rep
around here.

Deservedly so.

But maybe spirit week
is the perfect opportunity

For you
to change your rep.

I mean, assuming you're not
the cocky jerkface

Everyone thinks you are,

How could alli resist?

That's very inspirational.

Yeah, well,
I am here to help.

P.s. I want this week
to be perfect,

So no shenanigans.

I promise.

Ha! No way.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Look, I need you
to do me a favour

And trade me
to team green.

Again, no way.

Ball hockey's the first event
and we're winning.

maya is on team green

And so is the jerk
who kissed her

Behind my back.

You know what?
It's fine.

I'll just find someone
to trade bandannas with her.

You don't want her to think
that you're a needy loser.

You need to chill,

Trust your girl.

it's not maya
you have to worry about.

It's that blood-sucker zig!

He'll stop at nothing
to get maya to ditch you.

is it just me

Or did spring break go by
way too fast?

I know! No more spending
/ together.


"Locker to be relocated
to tech wing

After school today."

uh, yeah. They're moving
this bank of lockers

To fix some electrical thing
in the roof.

But the tech wing?!
It's so far away.

Why don't you move
into my locker?

It's way closer
to all your classes.

Are you sure, eli?

yeah. Are you sure, eli?

Yeah, it'll be good practice
for nyu dorm life.

You're obviously getting
your own drawer.


I will move my stuff
after english.



Locker roommates.

You sure you and clare
are ready

For that level
of commitment?

Clare and I are closer
than ever.

But your locker's like
your last bit of man privacy.

That could stir up

I think you're stirring up

Do we need to find you
a girl?

Oh, oh, burn!


(Bell rings)

Yes, we do.

Aren't you lucky
scoring this class with me?

And how's that?

Well, you get a whole semester
to pine up the courage

And make your move.

I missed the last part;

The laughter in my head
was too loud.

Ow! Way to hurt a brother.

Ha! As if mike dallas
feels pain.

That was a hint.

We should go
on a date.

How many car wrecks
do I have to pull you out of

To prove I'm not a jerk?

I don't think
you're a jerk.


I don't!

It's just that night
we went to the jay-z concert

Was a disaster,

And look,

We're not even on
the same spirit team!

Fate just seems to be saying
"no" to a dallas-alli union.

Well, I don't believe
in fate.

I believe in hard work,

And I'm willing to work
very hard for you.

You know,
let's make a bet.

If my team red wins
the spirit week,

You go on a date with me.

Fine. Deal.

But my team purple
might just give you

A run for your money.

Oh yeah?

Well, there's one thing
I know how to do,

It's win.

spirit week begins
in the gym.

Team red vs. Team green
at ball hockey.

(Whistle blows,
students cheers)


all right, guys,
go out there and have fun,

But we better win!
Just saying.

(Team chuckles)

All right,
eye of the tiger, saunders.

Stay focused
and don't get distracted.

Mm. I won't.

(Whistle blows)

(Whistle blows)


Ow! What the hell
is wrong with you?


Fight me!

(grunting in pain)

stop it! Calm down!

Cam: come on!
Dallas: hey! Hey!

whoa! Whoa! Whoa!


whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Enough! Enough!


The four of you,
my office now.

Game over!

holy crap.

Where's my stuff exactly?

hey, my man.

So, you and clare
divorce yet?

(Items tumble and clatter)


No. We're two peas
in a pod.


Uh, never took you for
a vampire psychologist fan.

You know, I actually love
that all of our stuff

Is all jumbled up
in one big ol' mess.


Man, you keeping
a diary now?

Oh, it's, uh, clare's.

(Bell rings)

You know, I'll put it back
after math.

Are you gonna take
a peek?

You mean invade
her privacy?

Okay, look, eli,
I get it, all right?

We all get it,
you and clare are perfect,

And you could read that thing
from cover to cover

And nothing would
surprise you.



Clare doesn't have any secrets
from me.

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

(Dave chuckles)

all right.
Who started the fight?

well, obviously it wasn't me.

I'm the one
with a black eye here.

mr. Simpson,
cam is used to playing hockey

At a higher level.

You know what? I'd really like
to hear from cam, dallas.


Uh, I guess my natural instincts
took over.

So it was an accident?


He accidentally
elbowed my eye?!

Yeah. It happens sometimes
in hockey.

Oh, gimme a break.

You know what? Ask maya.
She saw the whole thing.

Well, tell him.

I guess it's like...

Cam just snapped
or something.

cam started the fight?


well, mr. Saunders,

You are immediately suspended
for the rest of the week.

I'm booking you to see
the guidance counselor

As soon as you come back,

And you'd better keep
that appointment.

Come on, zig,

Let's take you
to the school nurse.

Look, I'm sorry, okay?

I was just jealous!

Just jealous?
You went crazy!

(Door closes)

Pa announcement:
congrats to team yellow,
current spirit week leaders!

Fear not, other teams...

I had an awesome talk
with coach.

I just had to explain to my mom
and my billet mom

Why I got suspended.

Can you lay off?

no, actually, I can't.

What the hell
were you thinking?

You wanted to win,

this isn't about spirit week,
you idiot!

You just got back
on the ice!

What if you would've
hurt yourself?

You put the entire season
in jeopardy.

We may be done, cam.

(Locker slams shut)
would that be so bad?

I'd have more time
to spend with maya!

Stop being so selfish!

Hockey is more important

Than your stupid
junior high drama!

Dallas, I don't...

You don't what?

I don't wanna play.

Just because you're already
in the nhl

Doesn't mean the rest of us
aren't fighting

To get drafted.

The whole team
is counting on you, cam.


Get your head on, man,

And stop crying
where everyone can see you.

It's embarrassing.

(Door slams,
bag thuds)

(Desk scrapes across the floor)


(clears her throat)


I'm sorry, I didn't know anyone
was in here.

I'll go.

no, it-it's okay.

I was just writing a cheer
for team purple.

What's wrong?

Um... Everything.

You know,
I thought this semester

Was gonna be better,

But I already messed it all up.

Well, classes just started.

You still have time
to catch up.

No, no,
it's not school.

At least not yet.

I'm tired.

I just wish I could go to sleep
and never wake up.

Well, everybody has bad days.

yeah, but all of my days
are bad.

Maya hates me,

And dallas just screamed
my head off

For being a screw-up.

Oh, he did, did he?

He's right.

No. Just... Forget about dallas

And focus on fixing things
with your girlfriend.


No. There's no way.

there's always a way.

You should get her flowers.

Lilies are good,
roses are better.


Trust me, it'll work.

♪ My true love
is on the front porch ♪

♪ To cure you
from the slow blade ♪

♪ And no one knows... ♪

♪ If children ♪

♪ A tumor to my soul ♪

♪ Ahhhhhhh...
Ahhhhhhh... ♪

(Playing a slow tune
on the cello)

hey, uh, a bouquet with legs
got delivered for you.


It's me.

You okay?


Well, that must have cost
a small fortune.

um, yeah.

Uh, you're worth it.

Those are really pretty.

Um... Do you think
we could hang out?

Now that I'm suspended,

I won't see you at school
for like a whole week.

Yeah, I'm in the middle
of practicing my cello.

I got an audition

For the national
young musicians orchestra.

Whoa! Isn't that like
really hard?

Well, they don't usually
audition anyone under sixteen.

Cam: maya, that's awesome!
Maya: thank you.

I could sit
and watch you practice.

(Metronome ticks
in the background)

Or not.


Tough day.

Hey... I mean I can't practice
all night, right?

My parents are still in pei
and katie's in charge,

But if she says it's okay,
then I'd like you to stay.



Thought I'd give you
a spirit week update.

We had a slight setback
during ball hockey,

But team red will make
a comeback

And you and I will be on a date
in no time.

yeah, I don't think so.
Bet's off.

huh? Why?

Why were you so mean to cam?


Well, he was being a dumb-ass,
for starters.

he has problems

And you just yelled at him
and made him cry!

So he ran crying to you,
did he?


Don't turn this around.
You're the problem here.

the kid needs to get his head
on straight.

I did him a favour!

Tough love doesn't work
on everyone, dallas.

Cam has nothing to do with us.

but how you treat him
has everything to do with us!

Because underneath all of that
confidence and swagger,

You're just an ugly bully

And I do not date guys
like that.



now he's climbing.

all right, kiddies,
it's getting late.

Goodbye, cam!


(Cam groans)

I don't wanna
go home.

It's not even mine.

Can I show you something?

Promise you won't laugh?


This is hoot.

When I was eight-years-old,

I went to my first
overnight camp

And was terrified,

So my parents got me hoot

And they said
as long as he was there

I wouldn't be lonely.

And you need to get
your own stuffed animal.


Oh, I don't know,
can it just be you?

You're owl-like.

Shut up!

hello? Cam, out.

katie, come on.
It's so late.

Can he just sleep over?

good one.

Well, come on,
he can crash on the couch,

In full view.


No, no, no, no, no.

Katie, do you know
how many times

I covered for you

When you stayed over
at jake's?

well, that's not exactly
a problem anymore, is it?

the point is,
you owe me.

okay, fine.

But no funny business!

And this is a one-time thing,

When mom and dad get home
from their trip,

This is over!


stop it!

Ow! It wasn't me, man!
It was hoot!

Oh really?

I swear!
Oh, now he's mad.


(Playful laughter)

(Birds chirp)

Maya! Maya!
We overslept, okay?!

We have like ten minutes
to get ready for school.

where's cam?

I have no idea, okay?

(Phone chimes)

good morning,
maya matlin!

I'm sorry I had to leave -
early morning hockey practice,

And I didn't want
to wake you -

You were drooling
so cutely.

So last night was pretty much
the best night ever.

Um, thank you for that.

And also,
I kidnapped hoot!

If you ever wanna see
your owl again,

Meet me on the steps
at lunch

And we'll negotiate
for his safe return.



whew! Nasty shiner there.

I hope it didn't hurt too bad.

I also hope
that didn't hurt too bad

That you lost the girl.

Maya forgave you?

It doesn't matter.
It won't last.

You know, you can't keep up
this act for long.

what act?

Eventually, maya's gonna see
what I see.

Oh yeah?
And what's that?

you're a psycho.

You know, it just sucks

That maya's gonna have
to deal with it.

And if you cared about her
at all,

Then you'd get out
of her life now.


Hey, I saw the bracket
for gladiator duels.

You're facing becky
in the first round.

You have to destroy her.

Is everything okay?

I tore apart our locker

Looking for my journal -

Couldn't find it -

And then today,
it was just on the shelf.

You didn't take it,
did you?

Why? Worried I'd find out
your deep, dark secret?

I'm sorry for asking.
It's just, you know,

What I write down here
is stream of consciousness.

It's unedited,

It's embarrassing.


Glenn and my mom
are out tonight,

So I was wondering
if you wanted to, you know,

Come over...

Will, uh, jake be home?

I uh... I don't-
I don't know. Why?

Oh, I just-

I wouldn't want things
to be awkward.

You did read my journal!

Yeah, the whole thing,

the "jake" chapter.

Look, I know you dated
that lumberjack

For like a second,

But in your journal,
it said that you loved him

And that you wanted
to have sex with him!


I can't believe this.

You've invaded my privacy.

I honestly didn't think you'd
need any privacy from me.

Yeah, well,
I guess I do.

(Bell rings)

(Buttons clack)

(Phone chimes)