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12x28 - Tonight, Tonight: Part 2

Posted: 06/03/22 06:14
by bunniefuu
spring break is so close
I can taste it!

It tastes so good!

Two more exams
and we're done.

So how did the date go
with missy?

You'll never guess
what happened.

So then why are you
making me guess?

'Cause it's fun.

I'll give you a hint:

Ha! Too easy.
Becky baker.

Bumped into her

She said she still
likes me.


Yes! And she wrote me
the craziest email.

"Every time I go
to reparative therapy,

It only reinforces
how much I love you."

heavy stuff.

That girl drives me nuts!

So missy it is.

I don't know.

No, no, no, no.

Come on! You promised
no more becky.

I know it's crazy,

But I feel like
my heart's saying

To give her
another chance.

(Bell rings)

Sink or swim time.

Miss oh:
okay, you have two hours.

Exam starts now.


♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪


♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

hey, you didn't drink
your yogurt.

I was trying
to avoid puking.

Oh, what is this?
Exam stress,

Or battle of the bands

Today is the apocalypse.

The sky is falling
and it's all my fault.

Oh, chicken little,
what did you do?

You know how I broke up
with cam

For like five minutes

And kissed zig?

Your finest moment.

Yeah. Yay me!

Well, now zig's breaking up
with tori

After battle of the bands
because he likes me,

And I have to stop him.

Uh, no you don't.

If zig doesn't like
tori anymore,

There's nothing
you can do.

He's actually doing
the right thing

By being honest.

But I don't wanna
lose cam.

Should I be honest
and tell him about the kiss?

What you did
is in the past.

I mean,
you were broken up.

It's not worth
stressing over.

Just focus on exams,

Winning battle
of the bands,

And drink
your damn yogurt.

All right, time's up.
Pencils down.

Turn your exams over.

(Papers rustle)

(Students begin to chatter)

becky! How did you do?

I can't talk about this
right now.

come here.

So I read your email.

I had to retrieve it
from my deleted items.

I can't believe
you deleted me.

I met another girl.

She doesn't care
that I'm trans.

Her family's open-minded.

We both love indie pop.

Independent popular music?

Isn't that a bit
of an oxymoron?

What I'm trying
to say is,

Even though there's
this "perfect" girl,

I can't stop thinking
about you.

Adam, I can't tell my parents
we're together.

So this was a complete
waste of time.

When I was in therapy,

All I could think about

Is how I wanna be
with you now.

My family is complicated.

We can't tell them.

And that tells me

That you have something
to be ashamed of.

Clare: hey!
Jake: hey.

I missed you
this morning.

How did it go
with your dad?

Did he take away
the truck?

(Keys jingle)

Did he set a curfew?

Oh no, are they sending you
to rehab?

No. Dad said I wasn't allowed
to smoke weed anymore.

Your punishment
for smoking weed

Is no more smoking weed?

Shouldn't you be worried
about your exam

Instead of the punishment
I got

Because you threw me
under the bus?

Okay. Don't make this out
to be my fault.

You're the one who gave eli
weed yesterday.

You started this mess.

Yeah, by trying to help you
with your stupid plan

To get him to stay
over later.

And now he's not allowed
over at all.

It's time
for a family meeting.

Madame jean-aux:
derniere conjugaison.

Verb: manger.

Campbell vas-y.

(clears throat)

Je mangerais,
tu mangeras,

Il mangera,
nous mangerons,

Vous mangerez,

Ils... Mangeront?

Madame jean-aux:
c'est ca!
Bravo, campbell,

Et tout le monde.

You have all passed
your oral french exam!

I'm proud of you.

(Bell rings)

Now make sure you keep reading
and speaking french

During your break.

Et soyez prudent!

bonne chance at the battle
of the bands, maya!

We'll be cheering for you.

thank you.


What's this?

Open it.

It's not my birthday.

I'm terrible
at telling you things,

But I like you.
A lot.

This charm is for
your concert tonight.

Every time
you play a show,

I'll get you a new one.

I love it.



All right, well, I admit
it was my mom's idea.

But I picked it out,

I have to be honest
with you.

When we were broken up,

I kissed zig.

Please say something.


Good luck at your show.

nailed my last exam!

My reward:
mexico, marisol, mini bikini.

I studied everything
except for slope,

And what was on my math final?

It's a slippery-

Just don't.

so much weight has lifted off
my shoulders!

The becky saga
is finally over.

maya, how was your
french oral?

Can we just practice?

let's do it!

One, two, three, four!

♪ La-la-la la la-la la-la
la la la-la ♪

♪ Tarzan wasn't a ladies man ♪

♪ He'd just come along ♪

♪ And scoop 'em up
under his arm like that... ♪

adam! Last time I checked,

The iphone isn't a valid
musical instrument.

Play your bass.

Sorry, I just had
to message missy.

ooh! Spring fling?

Actually I'm hoping
for something

A little more permanent.

How romantic.

Can we get back to rehearsing,
please? Okay?

We gotta be
at battle of the bands

In like an hour.

(Taps sticks four times)

♪ La-la-la la la-la la-la
la la la-la ♪

♪ Tarzan wasn't a ladies man ♪

♪ He'd just come along ♪

♪ And scoop 'em up
under his arm like that ♪

♪ Quick as a cat
in the jungle ♪

(Cheering and applause)

welcome to the solid rock

High school
battle of the bands!

(Applause and cheering)

I'd like to introduce
our judges:

Lauren toyota,

(Applause and cheering)

James jackman,


And, taking a break
from his book tour,

Chaz bono!

(Applause and cheering)

We're looking for originality,
star quality,

And great music.

As young performers,

You have the opportunity
to send a message.

I can't wait to hear
what you guys have to say.

(Applause and cheering)

guys, not to get all schmoopy,

But this is the most
exciting thing

That's ever happened
in my entire life,

And I'm so glad
it's with you guys.

Imogen: no doubt.
Adam: me too.

let's bring down the house.

give it up for ezra's pound!

(Applause and cheering)

(Rock music plays)

There's missy!
She looks so hot.

♪ tarzan wasn't a ladies man ♪

♪ He'd just come along ♪

♪ And scoop 'em up
under his arm like that ♪

♪ Quick as a cat
in the jungle ♪

(Screeches like a cat)

Please tell me
I'm hearing things.

you're not.
They stole our song.

And they sound
really good.

Did you tell missy
what song we're doing?

Well, yeah,
but she wouldn't.

You got played.
We all did.

♪ saving the world
from solomon grundy ♪

♪ And sometimes I despair ♪

♪ The world will never see
another man like him ♪

I've called this meeting
to address a double standard

In our house.

To be clear,

A double standard
is the application

Of different sets of principles
for different people

In similar situations.

Jake gets the truck
whenever he wants.

I've had my license
for six months now

With zero car access.

Jake has no time limit
on his guests,

He has no curfew,

And he smoked weed
without serious consequence.

It's blatant sexism.

I agree with you,

And now that
we're a family,

I think jake should share
the same rules as you.

Ah, well...
This is news to me.

Why haven't you said
anything before?

I didn't want
to intervene.

Well, sue me, okay?

I believe in giving my kid
a little slack.


You give jake more than
just a "little slack."

oh, and he turned out so bad?

he smokes marijuana!

yeah, that's no big deal.

You happy now?

Not yet.

no big deal?

back to why we've gathered
here today:

Having eli over past eight

Pales in comparison
to the other things

Going on in this house.

There are more important things
than eli!

you're being uptight.

why don't you tell me
how you really feel.

oh, believe me, you don't
want me to tell you that.

here we go again.

You're always
on my back, helen.

Just get off my back,

hey, hey,
that is not my voice.

I don't sound like that.


please tell me
that was a coincidence.

look, I really wanted to win,

And whisperhug
was the band to beat.

So it was all a game?

And you were
easy to play.

I am sorry.
You seem nice.

hey, this must be adam.

Love your taste
in cover songs.

So, uh, what have you got
down your pants today?

A carrot?

Stop. Let's go.

You wanna know what I got
down my pants today?

Oh! Oof!


♪ Bring your record on ♪

♪ Shut the back door ♪

♪ It's just where you belong ♪

♪ Think you're
the biggest man ♪

♪ And some sort
of a lover boy? ♪

♪ Some of the women that' ll
treat you like that... ♪

if we go out there
and sing the same song,

We'll be humiliated.

We should just go home.

but if we quit,
we just let them win.

We can play
one of our originals.

It's risky, but it's us.

I'm afraid you guys won't be
playing anything.

You're disqualified.

what?! Why?!

I punched the drummer
of ezra's pound.

sorry, guys.
Maybe next year.

I can't believe this.

First you're dumb enough
to let a girl play you,

Then you go fight
their drummer?

You don't know
what he said to me.

I don't care
what he said!

What do you have
to prove to that guy?

Something you don't have
to prove every day.

Yo! This has nothing to do
with you being trans

And everything to do
with you being a stupid boy.

Okay, you followed your junk
instead of your head.

I thought you were smarter.

I'm sorry,
I'll fix it.

(Truck rumbles)

Hey, boyfriend.
Hop in.

I knew you were meeting me,

Didn't know it was gonna be
in a truck.

You like?

yeah, it's pretty hot.

I gather your family
meeting went well?

So many questions.
Just get in!

Did I mention
how hot this is?

Hi, mr. Bono...


I'm adam.

Good to meet you.

Huge fan.

Thank you.
Are you playing?

Actually, my band
just got disqualified.

On man,
I'm sorry to hear that.

I got into a fight.

Some guy made fun of me
for being ftm.

Still doesn't make it okay
to fight.

I know,
but I'm desperate.

I've messed up so much
all for a girl.

I let my band down.
I let myself down.

I even packed
with a cucumber!

Can you please just help us
get back on.

If not for me,
for my band.

A cucumber?

It was a mini one.

So what's her name,

The one that you did
all this for?


I thought
I could get over her

By going for someone else.

I mean, we'd be perfect

But her parents
don't approve

And she wants to keep us
a secret from them.

That happens.

Does it ever get easier...
With girls?

No. Not really.

I mean, love is messy,

And there's obstacles
in any relationship.

The important thing is
that you guys love each other.

And if it takes her parents

A little bit longer
to catch up,

Don't blame her for it.

In case
I haven't told you,

You're my idol.

Hey, you're in high school
and this far along?

You're my idol.

Just lay off the fighting,

I will.

I'll talk to bullfrog
about getting you guys back in.

Good luck.


so I have an idea.

What if we just rush out
on the stage

And start playing
without permission?

And get the security guards
to drag us off?

Well, you have to admit,

That'd be pretty
rock and roll.

See? There she is!

I miss smiling maya.

Well, it's kinda hard
to smile

When your boyfriend
won't talk to you.

What happened?

Well, I told him
we kissed,

And now he won't answer
my texts or my calls

Begging him to come here.

I'm still breaking up
with tori today,

And... Since you and cam
are done...

Zig, maybe I haven't
made myself clear.

I don't wanna be
with you.

I love cam.

I don't get it.

If you love cam so much,
then why did we kiss?!

(clears throat)

Um, I got you drinks
to cheer you up.

it was a huge mistake.

I was so confused.

I was just trying to do
the right thing.

(Drinks splash)

Man, I hate litterbugs!

adam talked to chaz.

We're allowed back on,
with one problem.

I'm not allowed to play
with you guys.

What if zig covers bass?

can you handle that?

Zig: yeah.
Maya: good.

I'll sing.

what? Why?

there's a message
I need to get out there.

I just... I hope cam's here
to hear it.

I'm sorry
you can't play with us.

it's okay.
If you can believe it,

I made another huge
mistake today.

I have to go make it right.

(Truck rumbles to a stop)

ladies and gentlemen,



♪ Tell me where,
tell me when ♪

♪ I'll be there
'til the end ♪

♪ Say the word,
say it loud ♪

♪ I'll be waiting... ♪

♪ Up-up in a cloud! ♪

♪ Up-up in a cloud! ♪

(Phone rings)

Just for once,

I wish helen would listen
to what I have to say!

You have one year
left at home,

Then you can go off
and live your life your way.

Maybe arguing with your mom
isn't worth it.

I should call her back,

Get scolded,
go home.

Be the obedient daughter.

Mom? Yeah. Yeah.

No, everything is fine.

I borrowed the truck.


I understand.

Okay. Bye.

Time to go home?

Since there's no school

We can stay out
until eleven.

And from now on,

You're allowed over
until ten!

Maybe your mom heard you
after all.



♪ Now we don't ♪

♪ Have to pretend ♪

♪ We'll be together
'til the end ♪

♪ On top of the world ♪

♪ Above the crowd ♪

♪ I'll be waiting for you ♪

♪ Up-up in a cloud! ♪

♪ Up-up in a cloud! ♪

♪ Up-up in a cloud ♪

♪ And we're never gonna
come down ♪

♪ Up-up in a cloud ♪

♪ And we're never
gonna come down ♪

(Cheering and applause)

(Knock on door)

what are you doing here?

I saw both your parents' cars
were gone.

if they come home
and catch us-

I know.

I don't wanna get you
in trouble.

I understand if we can't
tell your parents about us.

You've come
such a long way for me.

It's okay if it takes
other people longer

To come around.

Baby steps.


Look, I know
it's gonna be messy,

But we need to try
to be together

Or we'll never know.

Try with me?

(Door opens)


What's going on here?


I love adam.

♪ So deep that we can
all come clean ♪


Third place.

You probably want
this back.

When we broke up,
you were confused,

But then you came back
to me.

Are you still confused?

No, I want you.
I've always wanted you.


Then I'm not gonna let you
get away that easy.

(Streetcar rattles along)

Hey, bro!
You made it!

Hey, guys.
This is becky.

whisperhug won third place.

Third place?
That's awesome!

Where are they?

they're on their way.

They're just packing up
their instruments.

But come in and help yourself
to some snacks.

I cannot believe I just walked
into a party with you.

I cannot believe

I just walked out
on my dad with you.

He didn't seem too happy
about it.

I have faith

That if we show my parents
how good we are together,

Someday they'll come around.

(clears throat)

Looks like
my jacket worked.

First missy,
now becky...

You little player, you.

I'm not a player.

Turns out I had to mess up
with one girl

To get to the right one.

I've been there, bro.

Look, I wanted
to ask you something.

Will you be
my best man?

This summer?

In forty-eight hours,

It's all settled.

Bianca and I are
getting married in vegas.

Fiona and imogen
are coming, too.

Shut up.

And it would mean
a lot to me -

To us -

If you were there.

Andrew, I'd love to be
your best man.

I'm glad you're coming, a.t.

It's gonna be fun.

Fun? Are you kidding?

It's going to be insane
in the membrane!

well, obviously!

You have the best
wedding planner in the world.

I disagree.

hey, you hired me!

your organizational skills
are a disaster.

Drew, bianca and fiona:

(Becky laughs)

I didn't know you were one

For public displays
of affection.

I have nothing
to be ashamed of.

♪ The one that brings us
all together ♪

♪ This is the start
that we'll remember ♪

♪ This is the start
that we'll remember ♪