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12x26 - I Want It That Way: Part 2

Posted: 06/03/22 06:13
by bunniefuu

♪ And I guess he'd know
a thing or two ♪

♪ About the games you play ♪

♪ But you're gonna find out
something new ♪

♪ Don't let her see you
her way ♪

♪ 'Cause she knows that
your aim ain't true ♪

♪ You're in her range
a mile away ♪

♪ And the smiles you put on
she sees ♪

♪ She's gonna leave you...

what are you two jokers doing?

Rookie wanted
to show you his test.


Not bad,

Yes! And the next one
will be even better.

hey, uh...

I owe you a beverage
at the jay-z concert

For helping out my boy.

oh, you're going
to the jay-z concert?

Well, I hope
we're sitting far away.

No, alli,

You did not give him
the extra ticket!

I'll let you two ladies

Last week,
you had no time for dave,

But now you have time
for the guy

Who started a brawl
at my birthday,

Who destroyed
jake's garden-

And saved me
from humiliation

After dave re-dumped me.

Come on, clare.
Dallas isn't that bad.

No, alli.

I am not spending
three hours of a concert

With that creep!

So what am I supposed
to do?

Get the ticket back!

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪


♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

those are your prom

"An evening in paris?"
"Summer nights?"

I need some originality.

Miss fast-tracker,

You're not on
prom committee.

no, I just need to talk
to dallas.

Make it fast.

A change of plans;

I can't go to the concert
with you.

Yeah, no problemo.
I'll fly solo.

you're misunderstanding me.

I'm still going,
but you can't.

But you gave me
the ticket.

I know.

But I'm gonna need
that back.

Because of your friend,

Dallas, I am not gonna waste
a single minute

Of my last semester
fighting with my friends.

So, please, just give me
the ticket back!

No way!
I love jay-z.


you're acting intense.

Are you still taking
those upper pills?

I'm fine!

You promised me
you'd only take them

For a few days.
It's been a week.

Just give me
the ticket back!

time's up, bhandari...

Unless you're here
to join prom committee.

Like I have time
for any of that!

then scoot!

You're disrupting.

Tristan milligan,

Cleanse vlog,
final day.

The moment of truth!

Did you do it or not?


Seven pounds
in just seven days,

And I feel fabulous!

You look fabulous too!

I can't believe
you lasted so long.

I barely made it
a day.

It was hard,
but so worth it.

Oh! I got you
a little congrats gift.

(Gasps) that cute
yoga shirt!

It's a medium!

Oh, I love it!

Does this mean
you're ready

To come back
to yoga club?

Not before I get some
one-on-one tutoring.



I haven't seen you in yoga
for a while.

Uh, yeah,
I've been really busy.

Working out?
You're looking fit.

Oh, thanks!

I'm toning up
for this action movie

Eli's sh**ting.

Hey, maybe we could train
together sometime.

I'd love to.

Yoga tomorrow
after school?

Sounds fab...bulous

(Both chuckle)

Hey there,
pretty lady.

Guess what we're doing
tomorrow at lunch?

(gasps) oh,
I love surprises.

Is it a picnic
in the garden?

brr! Is it cold in here?

A make out sesh
at your loft?

Still feeling
the breeze.

spill the beans.

We're hanging out
with your mom!


Yeah, she wants to spend
time with us.

Why is that
a bad thing?

It's not, I just...

We hung out with her

And the day before that.

Come on,

I'm just starting to feel
like part of the family.

Wouldn't that make us

That's really gross.

aren't you happy that natalie
doesn't hate me anymore?

I guess.
I just...

Don't know why
we have to spend

Every second with her.

Because family's

Says the girl
who never sees hers.

I can't bail
on your mom.

But next time,
it'll be just the two of us.

If you say so... Sis.

(Sighs heavily)


Jenna, wake up!
I need your help.

I'm no good at calculus,

No, this isn't
about homework.

I need to get that ticket
back from dallas.

What should I do?

What time is it?

Uh... Two.

Ugh! Go to bed.

You've barely slept
these last few nights.

Aren't you tired?

Not even a little.

Besides, there's no way
I can sleep

Until I get that
ticket back.

I need a plan.

Try some warm milk.

(Huffs, agitated)
that's not helping.

I could whack you
on the head.

No! I don't need a plan.

I'm just gonna go
over there

And not take no
for an answer!

You can't just walk over
to the torres' at am.

It's dangerous.

Well, then I'm lucky
I have a car.

(Banging on door)

(Lights click on,
alli keeps knocking)


What are you
doing here?

is this a booty call?

Ugh! No, this isn't
a booty call!

You'll wake the torres'.

Whatever it is,
can it just wait till tomorrow?

No! I am not going anywhere
without that jay-z ticket.

Because clare doesn't
like me?

I can't spend my last
few months at degrassi

Fighting with clare.

I just lost dave.

I can't lose
my best friend too.

You're acting like
a crazy person,

And that only means
one thing.

I really want that ticket!

You're really starting
to worry me, bhandari.

Maybe me and your friend clare
should have a little talk.

Yes, you should talk.

And then you can
make up,

And then you could come
to the concert with us.

You think if I apologized
to clare,

She'd forgive me
for everything I did?

you're right.

No, one apology isn't
good enough.

We're gonna have to think
of something more.

we're gonna have to...


Say what?


(Bell rings,
students chatter)

Uh, what is all this?

your i-kicked-cleanse
celebration lunch!

uh, easy, tor.

There are like calories
on that plate!

who cares?

You already scored a date
with a hunk!

You look great!

besides, aren't perogies
your fav?

Yeah, but I worked hard
to lose weight

And I don't wanna
put it all back on,

Especially since my yoga date
is today!

I'll just stick to this,
thank you very much.

you're still doing that?

Are you trying to k*ll

No, I'm trying to stay
in shape.

you can't survive without food,

It's dangerous.

but you don't understand.

You both have
perfect boyfriends,

And I've never even been
on a date.

I want fab to like me.

'Kay, well...

If you want something

I brought some yogurt
with granola.

Non-fat yogurt?

I don't know.

But you're not leaving
till you eat something.


Just a bit.


What do you think?

Oh, I love it.


I don't like it.

Are you kidding me?
It's so cute!

ms. Granger?

I agree.

And call me natalie.

The colour is all wrong
on you.

I think I could
pull it off.

and it's on sale!


L'acheter natalie.

Clearly you value fiona's
opinion over mine.

only because fiona's opinion

Is that this dress
would look great on me.

Shouldn't we get back
to school?

Lunch is nearly over.

Yeah, but we should
at least stay

Until your mom tries
the dress on.

Fine, you two stay.
I'm out!

Immy, wait up!

Why are you being
such a sourpuss?

Sorry, am I ruining
your quality time

With my mom?

You're mad because I like
hanging out with natalie?

You have your own mom.

Why do you need mine?

This better work,

hey, I got your text.
What is going on?

Um, take a seat.


(Exhales nervously)
here goes nothing.

All right, I'd like
to dedicate this rap

To clare edwards.

(Beats start playing,
students clap)

♪ I think I was jerk ♪

♪ But now I'm not
squeaky clean ♪

♪ I just got issues,
you know what I mean? ♪

♪ I didn't mean to mess up
your birthday ♪

♪ I guess what it is
that I'm trying to say ♪

♪ Is I'm sorry ♪

♪ For the garden ♪

♪ And I hope you can give me
a pardon ♪

♪ 'Cuz I wrote this rhyme
just for you ♪

♪ And I really wanna come
to see jay-z too! ♪

(Students cheer and chuckle)

Water under the bridge,

I guess you're not
all that bad.

Does this mean
I can keep my ticket?

Hold on.

I have to go deal
with something.

you have no right
to judge me.

I'm just trying to get by,

who are you talking to?


There's no one there.

(gasps, freaked)

(Panicked rummaging
through glove box)

there you are!

When you ran off,
I worried.

Are you okay?

no, I'm not okay!

I'm seeing things
that aren't there!

I warned you
those uppers mess you up.

Well, you never said
I'd hallucinate

My ex-boyfriend!

You know, you're probably
not hallucinating

Because of the pills.

You're probably exhausted.

When was the last time
you closed your eyes?

I dunno, I slept for
like an hour last night.

Wow. That long?

I am going to m.i.t!
I need my brain...

I can't mess up
my brain!

Oh god! What if the damage
is permanent?

Okay, look at me,

You're probably fine.

You just need to stop
taking those pills.


Okay. After school,

You should go home
and get some sleep, all right?


Am I tripping out?

My little bro
in the weight room?

Oh, so funny,
I forgot to laugh.

You finally taking an interest
in your health, tris?

I'll have you know,

That I've been on a diet
for a week,

And I lost a whole
seven pounds.


I know! It's amazing,
isn't it?

It's dangerous.

Not you, too.

Look, you wanna lose
the weight,

You gotta do it right:

Healthy diet,
proper workouts.

I'd love to listen
to your lecture, bro,

But I have a yoga date,

And I have to burn off
my lunch.



♪ Five, four, three-two-one! ♪

♪ Ha! We are evolution ♪

♪ Ha! We are the revolution ♪

♪ Ha! We are the sole solution ♪

♪ We are the party ♪

(Computer rings)

hi, mom.

Mrs. Coyne:
oh, fiona,

It's so good
to see your face!

We've barely spoken
since your last visit.

Is everything okay,

I miss you.

Mrs. Coyne:
that's why you've been
avoiding my calls?

Well, being reminded
that you're so far away

Makes it harder.

Mrs. Coyne:
I'm trying to fix things.

I know...

I just...
I need a mom...

Especially today.

Did something happen?

imogen and I had a fight.

She accused me
of trying to steal her mom.

Why is she so threatened
by the three of us hanging out?

Mrs. Coyne:
mm, probably for
the same reason you were mad

When holly j and I
got along.

I was so jealous.

I wanted you
to like me better.

Oh! Like I ever didn't.

You need to give imogen
and her mom

Some time together.

They probably have a lot
of things to work out...

And it's not gonna
be easy.

It certainly wasn't
for us.

Still isn't sometimes.

I miss you, mom.

I miss you too,

More than you know.

feeling better)

(Stifles a yawn)

Mr. Bhandari:
still here?

Will you not be late
for jay-z?

I just have to finish
my calculus assignment.

Mr. Bhandari:
remember, you are the only one
insured to drive your car.

Got it, dad.

Your mother and I are
so proud of you.

You have grown up

Into such a responsible
young girl!

Love you.

Love you.

maybe you should take a nap
before the concert.

All I need is coffee.

Besides, if I let myself sleep,
I'll never wake up.

And I have worked way too hard
to get this one night off.

I am not sleeping
through it!

don't wait up!


don't peek!

okay, it's hard!

(Fiona laughs)

fiona, I love surprises,

But so far we've walked
into a table,

Two chairs,

Um, what I think
was a toddler...


you're doing more renovations?

No, these are the plans
for your bedroom.

And they're at the mall

Neutral ground.

fiona told me
what a great job you did

On the sets
for the musical.

I was hoping...
Maybe you had some ideas.


We could work on it

But all you've done
is complain

About this renovation.

I've felt like such
a huge burden.

I kept you out
of the renovation

So I wouldn't burden you,

Not because you were
a burden, imogen.

It's your room,
I'd love your help.

Just say yes already!

Yeah! (Laughs)

My brain is literally
overflowing with ideas!

I cannot wait to build
a mini model!

(Inhales sharply)
you did this.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

um... You're not staying
to help?

Actually, I've got a bus
to catch.

New york.

Weekend with my mom.

It's been too long.

(Exhaling slowly,
not right)

I was beginning to think
you weren't gonna show.

You ready?

Teach me what you know,
master yogi.

let's start
with warrior one.

Sounds fierce.

Suitable for a future
action star.

now lunge forward.

Then raise your arms
over your head,

And breathe.

Everything okay?

Uh, yeah, I'm fab.

you're fab.

Where were we?

Just follow my lead.

And one, and two,
and three.


you're almost there,

(Shaky, panicked breaths)

(Slumps on the ground)



(Music plays in the car)

I can't believe I'm finally
gonna have a night off

With my friends.

hell yeah!
Jay-z here we come!

I heard he kills
"death of autotune."

I can't wait.

I wonder if he's gonna have
any special guests.

I'd die if he brought
rihanna on.

Ooh! Or alicia keys.

You know, you probably
wanna see drake or kanye.

(Switches songs)

Hey, are you okay?

Um... Yeah.

(New song blares on radio)

(Blows out her breath)

(Song switches from trance
to reggae)

(Horn blasts)

Alli, look out!

(Tires squeal,
horn blares)

(Loud crash)

(Siren wails in the distance)

(speaking quietly)
is it okay if talk to him?

Okay, thank you.


Mom and dad will
be here soon.

Did you talk
to the doctors?

What happened?

You had a heart attack,

A heart attack?

Am i...gonna die?

It was a minor one,

But what did you expect,

Starving yourself,
going insane with workouts?

I mean, it could've been
a lot worse.

Why would you do that?

I wanted this guy
to like me...

And I wanted this role
in a short film.

You know, if you want,

I will help you set up
a proper workout plan.


Beats you ending up
back here.

Right now, I need you
to eat, okay, bud?

Come on, please,
just a bite.

It tastes like feet.

come on.

Oh, yeah,
you weren't lying.

(Low hum of chatter,
sirens wail nearby)

What happened?
Are you all right?

(Tearful) yeah.

I fell asleep
at the wheel.

You could have died!

But I didn't.

Still very much alive.

The paramedics said
that I wasn't hurt.

How did this happen?

I was exhausted

And I should have been home

But I just wanted to have
some fun in my life.

My poor daughter...

So exhausted
from so much work.

It wasn't all from the work,

I haven't been sleeping

Because I've been
taking uppers.


They're pills that
make you stay awake.

They give them to kids
with adhd.

But that's the only way

I could've gotten
all that work done.

I thought, with m.i.t,

You were finally on
the right track.

I know, and m.i.t's always
been my dream,

And the research program
I got into

Is too good to be true,

I don't know if I made
the right decision.

Maybe I'm not ready
to fast-track.

Maybe I should just do
my last year of high school.

We'll talk about that

Right now
you just need some rest.

(Shaky, tearful,
confused breaths)