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12x24 - Doll Parts: Part 2

Posted: 06/03/22 06:11
by bunniefuu
♪ your sentiment is evident ♪

♪ Your thoughts have
all been heard ♪

♪ But come on, boy,
get to it ♪

♪ Cuz actions speak louder
than words ♪

(Tristan claps)

What did you guys think?

Ah, watch out,
taylor swift.



I was flat,
wasn't i?

No, you weren't flat.

It'd sound better
if I had someone

Backing me up
on lead guitar,

And maybe a drum track-

the song was fine.

Then why the sour face?

There's no sour face.
It's just...

I thought you were gonna
play the cello

For the pageant talent.

Well, I was...

But then I thought singing
a song I wrote

Might impress the judges;

Increase the chances
of winning.

You wanna win
the pageant?

It'd be kind of cool,
don't you think?

Of course, I think.

But I live
and breathe pageants,

And you think
they're stupid.

I know I did at first,

But when I made it
the finals,

I felt... I don't know...

I think it's really,
really, really brave

That you're competing
in this pageant,

But I don't think
you should get your hopes up.

I know;
winning is a long shot.

It's a no shot.

I've been competing
in pageants

Since I was -years-old,

And I've only been
runner-up twice.

You're not gonna win
this pageant.

I have as much chance
as anyone, don't i?

I made it
to the finals.

Because you fell on stage

And the judges probably
felt bad for you.

I have talent,

And I can ace
those interview questions.

They're so easy,
and they're so...

You don't think
I'm pretty enough.

You're just not
the right pretty.

Not that you
aren't adorable,

Because you are -

You're totally
and completely adorable.

Are you okay?

How could I not be?

I'm totally
and completely adorable.

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪


♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

Hey, I thought
this could look cute

With your pageant dress.

Don't mock me.
I've had enough.

I'm not mocking you.

You laughed at me.

Okay, well,
that was before mom told me

You made the top ten,

And you know how I love
a fierce competition.

Plus, I get it;

You just wanna feel like
the prettiest girl.

Does that make me

No; it makes you human.

Well, tori said I'm not
pretty enough to win.

Probably because she's afraid
that you're gonna beat her.

You really think
I could win it?

Uh, with me
in your corner, yeah.

So what's your talent?

I was singing a song
I wrote.

But I need someone
to accompany me,

So I was thinking zig.

Uh, won't that make
tori jealous?


But all's fair in love
and beauty pageants, right?


(Both laugh)

(Marisol shuts
and locks the door)

thanks for coming.

What's with
the door locking?

Wait, is this sexy time?

Uh, no.
I need to talk.

If it's about those
insurance forms again-

Look, I don't care
about them.

Mo, this is an intervention.


I know you're on dr*gs.

Again, what?

Is it heroin?

Look, no more lying,

I found needles
in your bag.

You went in my bag?

I'm not gonna stand by

And let you throw
your life away.

This is um...

The rehab facility
that katie went to.

Sorry, mare.
Not interested.

Why won't you accept
my help?

Because uh...
I love dr*gs.

You don't mean that.

No, I totally do!
dr*gs are the b*mb!


(blows whistle)

Okay, bring it in.

Anybody wondering
where the other guys are?

They're cut.

So congratulations

To my senior boys
volleyball team.

Now, straight to serve return.

We don't have a lot of time;

We have our first game
against elmdale next week.

Pay attention!
Here we go!

What's so funny?


I-i just can't believe
I made the team.

You played well.
You deserve it.


(shocked gasps)

are you okay?


Okay, we better
get some ice that

And call home, okay?

Um, you know what?
I'm fine.

You're sure?

Yeah. I'm good.
I'm good.

connor, get some ice.

could it be
miss maya matlin,

Miss millennial canada

Oh, I forgot
my autograph book at home.

you're hilarious.

I'm here all day.

So you're going
to the pageant finals, right?

You've met tori,

I thought so.

So since you're already
gonna be there

I was wondering
if you'd wanna participate?

I look terrible in
an evening gown.

Not as a contestant,
doofus -

As an accompanist.

I need someone
to play lead guitar.

I'm gonna sing a song
I wrote.

Mo says I'm not sexy enough
to pull it off, but...

You are.

Really? You think?


Uh, I mean, sure.

But look, if you want me
to play with you,

Then we better rehearse.

Well, it's a date.


(Nervous exhale)

Jake, has mo asked you
for money?

This week?

I'm not joking around.

No, mo has not asked me
for money.

Okay, well, if he does,
don't give it to him.

He has a drug addiction.

I found needles
in his backpack.

(stifling a laugh)
ooh-hoo! Is he-is he on crack?

I don't know -
whatever you use needles for!

Oh, this is bad.

I mean, this is really,
really bad, marisol!

Well, what should I do?

I mean,
should I tell simpson?

Do I call his parents?

I'm freaking out!

Yeah! Um...

Yeah, no,
mo's not on dr*gs.

I found his needles.

Okay, mo is on "a" drug;

Insulin for his diabetes.

Mo has diabetes?


that's so much worse!

Diabetes is worse
than crack?


Because it means my boyfriend
doesn't trust me.

Oh, okay.

(School bell rings)


Are sure you don't want
to practice your song

One more time?

You know,
for good luck.

Well, the pageant starts
in an hour.

I need to get ready.

Yeah, I should probably
run home too.

These clothes aren't really

Hey, the attention's
supposed to be on me,

Not you.

Boyfriend, o'clock.

(Low hum of chatter
in the hallway)


You guys broke up?

Why didn't you
tell me?

I don't know.

I didn't feel like
broadcasting it

To the world.

Is it gonna be awkward?

No, I'll be fine.

Look, I know
I messed up-

Maya: it's fine.
Cam: no, it's not.

Just give me
another chance.

You still like me,
don't you?

Liking you
was never the problem.

then what is?

You don't like me.

Maya, that's crazy.

Is it?

Zig tells tori she's pretty
like a million times a day.

You've never told me once.

I didn't know
I had to.

You don't have to.

Then I'm sorry that
I'm not smooth like zig,

But I absolutely think
you're pretty.

Why don't you ever
wanna kiss me?


I'll try harder.

You shouldn't have
to try.

My sister's waiting
for me.

♪ Just don't make sense to me ♪

♪ Something I can't stand
to see ♪

♪ b*ll*ts are flying ♪

♪ People are dying ♪

♪ I understand right ♪

why are we hiding?

I don't want becky
to see me like this.


Whoa! Whose fist
did you run into?

no fist; a volleyball.

It's not broken.

Uh, I don't know.

I busted dallas' nose
a few weeks ago

And it looks a lot
like that.

What should I do?

Find a doctor.

Can I just say
you punched me?


uh, hello?!

Zig's playing guitar
for your talent tonight?

Oh, you heard.

Yeah, well, tristan's helping
you with your magic act.

What's the diff?

The "diff" is that
you're using my boyfriend.

It would've been nice
if you'd asked permission.

Zig and I play together
all the time.

We don't need your permission.

You're acting weird.

I wanted you to do
this pageant

To boost your confidence.

Yeah, and then repeatedly
told me

That I'm not as good
as you.

I never did that.

Think back, tori.

"You're not the right
kind of pretty."

"They only let you
into the finals

Because you fell
on your butt."

Need I go on?

You've made it very clear

That you have no reason
to be jealous of me,

So don't be.

May the best girl win.

prepare to be amazed
as I levitate this man.

(Audience impressed)


my stomach is doing

just get through your song

And then all you have
to worry about

Is the interview portion,

Good luck.

Tori looks great
out there.

and you will too.

Ben mulroney:
let's hear it one more time

For the amazing
tori santamaria.

(Crowd applauds)

All right,
time for our next contestant,

Miss maya matlin.

am I really gonna do this?

yes, and you're gonna k*ll it.

Well, here goes nothing.

♪ We're alone in a park
and it's dark ♪

♪ What did we come here to do? ♪

♪ You say you wanna share
your feelings ♪

♪ Yeah, well,
I've got feelings too ♪

♪ Your words are touching
and I wanna be touched ♪

♪ Your eyes they hold me
but I wanna be held ♪

♪ Your sentiment is evident ♪

♪ Your thoughts have
all been heard ♪

♪ But come on, boy,
get to it ♪

♪ Cuz actions speak louder
than words ♪


♪ Cuz actions speak louder
than words ♪

(Cheering and applause)

guys? You downstairs?



Good day?

Got a kiss for your old mom?
I missed you today.

Uh... Actually, i...
I got a cold.

Oh no!
Poor thing.

Let me check your glands.

Oh, since when do you
read flare?


Coach armstrong called
to see how you were doing,

So please think hard

Before you add
to this mess.

I'm sorry.

For forging my signature
to join the volleyball team?

I was going to ask,
but you were crying.

You're always worrying
about drew.

I didn't want you
to worry about me too.

We've put you
through a lot.

I just didn't want
to put you through more.


Hey, uh,
can I borrow a fifty?

I'm all outta crack.

I don't think we should go
on vacation together.

Mare, I'm not
a drug addict.

I know;
you're a diabetic.

Jake told me.

Then why
all the crazy drama?

Because I can understand you

Hiding a drug problem
from me,

But diabetes?

That's a serious
health condition.

Don't you trust me
at all?

Of course I trust you.

I just-i didn't think
it was that important.

What if you had
passed out?

Or gone into
a diabetic coma?

You could've called - - .

And what if they hadn't
come fast enough?

You could've died.

Look, I don't like
telling people, okay?

Except for
your buddy jake.

I thought you were
the one person

Who took me seriously.

you were...
You were amazing!

we were amazing.

Oh, thank you
for doing this, zig.

It means so much.

Oh my god!
What did we just do?!

Uh, I'm sorry...

Look, I know it's crazy

But tori your girlfriend -
my best friend.

I know, but...

But tori.

(clears throat)

You ready to change into
your interview gown?

Uh, yeah. Yeah.

Uh, thank you for helping me
with the song...

Uh, yeah.


Looks pretty good,

Yeah, almost as cool
as an eye patch.

I might just keep it on

After the nose
is done healing.

I don't know about that.

Here, I made you
parmesan popcorn.

I don't wanna push it,

Mom, I really like

You wanna keep playing?


Well, I guess I'll be there
to cheer you on.

Hey, should I bring
my cowbell?

Uh, no.
I gotta go tell dallas!

Adam, wait.

I don't love that
you forged my signature,

But it was very sweet of you

To think of me
and my feelings.

I'm so proud of the man
you're becoming.

Which is why...

It's time
to start thinking

About getting medication
for you.

Medication like t?

I'm not saying
we're doing it right away,

But we should, you know,
find a doctor

And start a conversation.

A conversation!

I love the conversation!
Thanks, mom!

You're welcome.


Ooh! Yeah,
careful, son.


easy, maya?

You're the one
who's easy.

I am not.
Zig kissed me.

Please save it.

It takes two
to kiss-tango.

Katie, ouch!

tori is your best friend.

Yeah, well,
she's been horrible to me.

She said I was no competition
to her at all.

Well, guess what,
I am!

you two are good friends,

And after two days
in a pageant

You just turn on her?

she started it!


Is this really
who you wanna be?

A boyfriend-stealer?

What, should I start
calling you

Maya desousa?

Zig makes me feel good
about myself.

Why? Because you put on
some lipstick

And high heels?

Boys are shallow.

You don't know zig
like I do.

Maybe not.

But he's the kind of guy
that kisses girls

That aren't his girlfriend,

And that's not good enough
for you.

Please don't let some guy

Come between you
and your best friend.

Ben mulroney:
and now, ladies and gentlemen,

Please meet your top six.

(applauds and cheers)

Tonight's final task:

The interview portion!

Tori santamaria,
you're up first.


Please tell us
what is your greatest flaw?

Through my journey
in the pageant world,

I've learned that I can be
a perfectionist and...


Can I start again?

You've got like
fifteen seconds.

My greatest flaw is that
I can be careless with my words.

I don't know how it happens,
I just say things.

I guess I don't have
much of a filter.

But I have beautiful friends
who forgive me for this flaw,

And from one of my friends -

My best friend -

I've learned to be
a better person;

To be less superficial

And more careful
about what I say,

And she is the most
beautiful person

I've ever met.


I'm sorry.

Ben mulroney:
well, that was original.

Next up, maya matlin.


Tell us,
what is your greatest flaw?

I am a huge bitch.

♪ Save me from trying again ♪



why are you crying?

You were right;

Pageants are stupid.


I'm so sorry.

will you forgive me?

(Sighs, relieved)

I'm sorry
I wasn't honest with you

About my diabetes.

Because you didn't think
I could handle it or something?

Of course you could.

You're practically perfect.

I just...

I didn't want you to look at me
like I was sick

Or something.

Pretty silly, huh?

Not as silly as me thinking
you were a heroin addict?

That was kind of

It was only because
I love you.

I love you, too.

Does this mean I can come
on the spring break trip

With you?

One condition.

A medicalert bracelet?

Two -
one for every outfit.

So I'll be safe
and stylish.

People need to know
how to help you,

Especially me.

Sorry I overreacted,

The thought of something
bad happening to you

Makes me ill.

here we come!

Arriba! Arriba!

miss congeniality once again!

you earned it.

Your speech
was something special.

I just spoke from the heart.

I'm sorry
I was such a jerk.

Me too.

I can't believe

That baton-twirling twig
won talent.

Your song
was so much better,

And you looked
so pretty.

Oh, she always
looks pretty.

awww! You and cam are so cute.

I'm so glad things
worked out.

Aren't you, ziggy?

(School bell rings)

Non-pageant life is so boring.

Maya, can I ask you
a band question for a sec?


Why are you back
with cam?

Because I like him.

But we kissed.

I was just-
I was confused,

And I was caught up
in the stupid pageant.

You're lying!

No, I'm not.

Forget it, zig, okay?
It never happened.

I know you felt something.
We both did.

No. No, I didn't.

♪ Cuz actions speak louder
than words ♪

there she is.

Here I am.