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01x08 - Crossing That Line

Posted: 06/03/22 05:46
by bunniefuu
I heard from some of Gambino's guys

that the old man's
not too happy with our move.

f*ck him. This is an internal dispute.

Francis, Sicily... Do we really need

- that whole section?

It's so important to Michael's story.


Hiya, Bob. What are you doing here?

Is there somebody in there?

Please, just go.

You give everything to this business,

and there's nothing left for me.


You sure you know what you're doing?

BOB: Lighten up, Ruddy.
You know what kings do?

Whatever the f*ck we want.

You're fired.

Get the f*ck off my set.

JACK: This isn't over, Evans.

COLOMBO: You have to learn early in life

if you're the kind of guy
who could hit somebody

over the head with a baseball bat.

I don't know if I could do that.

I think that's why I like you.

You gonna be at the rally tomorrow?

RUDDY: Wouldn't miss it for the world.





ALL: Colombo! Colombo! Colombo!









How can I help you boys?

RICHMAN: Did you see this guy
at the rally?

Never seen him before. Who is he?

ZABEL: Name's Joe Gallo.

He's a person of interest
in yesterday's sh**ting.

Well, the guy
who shot Colombo was Black.

- I saw him.
- Yeah, we know.

We read the statement you gave the NYPD.


You think this Gallo guy
had something to do with it?

We're, uh, exploring all avenues.

Listen, guys, I don't know
what this has to do with me.

You're close with Colombo, right?

My only interaction with Colombo

has been about my movie.


Was that what you were talking
about when you had dinner at his home?

That was a courtesy.

RICHMAN: That's what you say,
but we have

more surveillance footage on you

than we do of some
of the boys in his crew.

Well, I don't know shit
about what goes on in his world.

Well, then let me explain it to you.

Joey Gallo puts a hit
on a boss and he lives,

there's no way
Colombo doesn't retaliate.

Just make sure you're not standing
in the crossfire when he does.


Thanks, fellas.

If you happen to remember anything,

give us a call.





Robert, Robert, Robert.

Nicholson's in.

He is? Did he read the script?

He didn't have to.

I said, "Jack, baby, it's me, it's you",

"it's Polanski, it's 'Chinatown.'

Let's do it!"Wait, wait, Polanski?

I think he's perfect for it.

I loved "Rosemary's Baby."

Well, you're welcome. Yeah, he's got

a European point of view
on this country.

And it ain't squeaky clean.

- It's a dark story.
- Hey, lifesaver,

can I get a vodka martini
with a whisper of vermouth

and a twist. Two?

Uh, it's : a.m.

- One.
- WAITER: Yes, sir.

Everything okay in your world?

Yeah, yeah. Why wouldn't it be?

Robert, Robert, Robert.
I love the script, man.

I love the twists. I love the tone.

You've really elevated the idea of a PI.

- Thanks.
- If there's one thing...

Just one small thing...

The conspiracy is
a little hard to follow.

So if you had to, just for me...

If you had to talk about "Chinatown,"

the themes, et cetera,

what would the pitch be, man?

It's about something so essential

that people need to live,

the water supply in Los Angeles,

being manipulated for the sake of power.

- WAITER: Here you are, sir.
- Uh, and the greed

of these rarified, corrupt individuals

who think they can manipulate
whoever they want to

- like puppets.
- Yeah.

TOWNE: Now, beyond that,
there's a certain fragile...

There is no other place
that can double for Sicily.

We've been over this.
We can't afford it.

Well, where do you want
to sh**t those scenes?

In... in Palm Springs? Chatsworth?

- I didn't say that.
- Okay.

We have to sh**t in Sicily.

I mean, that's where
all the authenticity

is gonna come from for this movie.

Isn't that what Evans wants?

He wants to "smell the spaghetti."

No. What he said was

we could go if we could
get there on the budget.

Do you remember the budget?

Do you remember telling Charlie
that any overages

would come out of our personal fees?

Okay, so we get minimal crew,
you and me, Gordy,

uh, Dean, Pacino. That's it.

What about gaffers, costumes, lighting?

Okay, Gordy can light
the whole thing with a matchbook.

You're gonna save a lot of money

because you won't have to dress the set.

It's all authentic.

Okay. Travel, lodging, fine.

But then cast and crew all local.

That's K max.

Francis, we still have
a week left in New York.

And $ , isn't nothing.

Please, I need this.

You're very needy. [SIGHS]

But I get it. I hear you.

And I'll find it.

Grazie. Grazie amico.

Get out.






- BETTYE: Hey.
- Hey.

How are you?

Good, just dealing
with some budget stuff.

- Nothing new.
- Don't do that.

Don't pretend you don't know
what I'm talking about.

f*cking Colombo.

I know.

One minute he's on stage,
king of the world,

and the next... [SIGHS]

It's f*cked up.


You should have called me.

I was with the police till pretty late.

That doesn't matter.

- How is he?
- [EXHALES] I don't know.

I'm gonna go see him
at the hospital later.

Do you really think
you should be doing that?

Just stay away.

No. I can't not go.

I'm fine.

Look, we are fine.

Do you trust me?

Yeah. It's them I don't trust.

Look, we got a week left in New York.

We'll just keep our heads down,
finish the job.

Try and stay calm.

If I'm drunk after lunch,
it's your fault.

I accept that.[CHUCKLES]

Come here.

You know, if there is a silver lining

to any of this stuff,

at least we're done with the mob.


He lost focus.

Between that g*dd*mn
Italian League and the movie,

he was bringing too much heat.

It was time for him to go.

A real boss would know
how to keep a low profile.


I agree he wasn't doing the right thing.

But what's to say Gallo doesn't have

his sights set on one of us next?

Let's find out.

I saw we hear what Gallo's gotta say.


Joe, welcome.

- Joey.
- GALLO: Hey.

- How are you, kid?
- GALLO: How you doing?



I appreciate you all
taking this moment with me.

And all due respect, I understand

why some of you might feel uncomfortable

with me at this table.

I always had a great respect
for Joe Colombo.

But he never understood
our way of doing things.

And I want you all to know
that your way is... is my way.

A family of Blacks is not our way.

They're not family. They're useful now.

And I tell you, they earn more
than Colombo's guys ever did.

But don't worry, I'll never
bring them here again.

Colombo never kicked up fairly
on the League.

And he never shared the skim
from that f*cking movie.

But with me you get a fair shake.

I'm a straight sh**t.

I saw we shut down the League.

It brings too much heat.

Oh, I hear that.

GALLO: And as for the movie,

I promise we will all share equally.

You have my word.

I'll squeeze that prick producer dry.

You can't fire Jack Ballard.


You should have run this by me.

Last time I checked, Jack Ballard,

though your personal lap dog, Barry,

was an employee of Paramount Pictures,

not Gulf and Western.

His title was Vice President.

My title is Senior Vice President.

Ergo, I can fire him, I did fire him,

and now he's very, very fired.

You look like an unmade bed.

CHARLIE: What are you two
lovers talking about?

Your golden boy here fired Jack Ballard

without consulting us.

Well, I'm sorry he broke it off

with your girlfriend.

What do you got, Evans? What's next?

You promised me and the board
lots and lots of money.

"The Godfather" is, uh,
really coming together.

Yeah, no shit. Maybe I've heard of that.

Maybe I'm tired of hearing about that.

Maybe you can stop telling me
what I already know.

Next, next, next. What's next?

I got a great script by Robert Towne.


Chinese food makes me fart.

Well, it's a thriller.

Nicholson's interested,
and I can get Polanski to direct it.

Well, what is it?

It's about water.

I mean, it's about more than that.

There's... there's a mystery
in the center.

Uh, there's a guy,
um, Nicholson's character,

and he's trying to find out
what's going on.

Uh, it's Los Angeles.

Uh, water in Los Angeles.

And Nicholson.

So why's it called "Chinatown"?

BETTYE: It's about people
for a wrap party.

Oh, like, when you're done
sh**ting a film

and you want to celebrate.

A DJ? Uh-huh.

Okay, most importantly,
how much would an open bar cost?

GIANNI: It's chilly in here.

Just needs a little massage, that's all.

SEAMSTRESS: Please don't do that.

GIANNI: Hey, you give me a little prick,

I give you a little prick.

You know what I mean? [CHUCKLES]

Is it possible
for you to behave yourself?

Betty Boop.

Depends on what I get in return.

How about some general respect?

I don't need that. I'm a movie star now.

You do realize your character dies?

And he's the biggest assh*le
in the movie.

Yeah, but he's an assh*le

who gets k*lled by the main character.

You okay, Boop?

You look a little bit harried.

I'm fine. Thank you.

Mr. Russo, could you turn around for me?

What a coincidence.

I was just gonna ask you the same thing.

But from this angle
you look pretty good.


Ow! What the f...

No one has time for your shit, Gianni.

- Ugh.
- Feel free to s*ab him

if he opens his mouth again.


She has a thing for me, trust me.




- How is he?
- Not good.

Can I go see him?

No, they're not taking visitors yet,
but we'll let you know.

How late they hold you last night?

I got out this morning.

It don't matter. They got nothing.

How are you guys doing?

- Okay.
- This shit happens.

LENNY: Yeah, every ten years or so.

So what happens now?

Uh, you know, Al,

when you come to a line with us,

you don't cross it.

Because once you do,
you won't be able to cross back.

Now, I could be wrong, but I don't think

that's a line you want to cross.

Am I right?


PERSON: How're you doing?

Ah. Where's Evans?
He's supposed to be here.

I don't know.

Well, we're not waiting. Speak.

We need a little more money

if we're gonna sh**t
that whole sequence in Sicily.

Then don't sh**t in Sicily.

If Evans can't be bothered to be here,

then maybe I can't be bothered either.

No, Charlie, listen,
we have to sh**t in Sicily.

It's the only way to achieve
the full vision of this film.

Ruddy, where do I work?

Come on, those big fat letters
behind the receptionist.

- Gulf and Western.
- Great, you can read.

So there's no excuse
for you coming to me again

when you should be talking to the
head of Paramount f*cking Pictures.

Am I clear?


Now come on. Cut the shit.

Something's up with Evans.
What's happening there?

I don't know.

Well, you better figure it out

or I will.



Hey, Talia.

What happened? How'd it go?

I'm not sure.

The scene was pretty intense.

- Should I go check on her?
- No, I'm gonna go.

Hey, have you seen Bob today?



Is everything okay?

Gianni hit me.

He actually f*cking hit me in the face.

Oh, my God.

Why didn't you say anything on set?

I didn't want to ruin the shot.

You know, I know it sounds stupid,

but it felt like
he actually wanted to hit me.

Like he enjoyed it.


I'm gonna say something.

- No.
- Mm-hmm.

No, please don't.

Francis already risked so much
to put me in the movie.

I'm fine, really.


RUDDY: He did what?

I want to fire him myself.

What a f*cking prick.

- Is she okay?
- BETTYE: She's pissed.

But she didn't want
to rock the boat for you.

RUDDY: Does she need a medic?


She didn't even want me to say anything.

What the hell are we gonna do?

I got an idea.

And we're gonna keep it in the family.


I will handle this. Trust me.

I'm gonna go check on her.

Okay. f*ck.

We also need to look at the budget ASAP,

see if we can squeeze
any more dough for Sicily.

All the departments
are already overextended.

Wardrobe, design...

They're all looking for more money.

I know.

And that's why we're gonna
have to get creative.

Jimmy Caan in here?

Can you give us a sec? Thanks, buddy.

Ah, Mr. Producer.

What, you got notes or something?


I'm gonna need a little help
on the next scene.

Anything for you, buddy.


FRED: Uh, we're about to roll. You good?

Can you two switch?

First positions, you guys.

You guys good?

And we're rolling!

I like that fire hydrant.

FRANCIS: Yeah, adds
a little authentic texture.

Anything on Sicily?

- I'm working on it.
- Hey, go ahead.

And action.

All right.

Yeah, I like that broom handle.

There he goes.[CRASH]

Oh! That's a good takedown.

- That's not what we rehearsed.

Those kicks look good.

- Very authentic.
- FRANCIS: Yeah.


Looks like Caan
is really hitting Gianni.

RUDDY: That's because he is.

What's he doing now?

- Yeah.

Looks like he's yanking his foot.

- Is his shoe supposed to...

Definitely not what we rehearsed.

Francis, uh, think we got it?


BOTH: Give it another minute.


Holy shit.

We're gonna need a medic in here.

I just said give it another minute.

It's a good scene.

Beautiful scene. It's my favorite scene.

- Take a break.


That looked pretty painful.

It's called committing to the part.


That's some method shit
right there, hand to God.

Hey, can you help me out here, Boop?

My arm...



That a girl.

Jimmy Caan beat me up.

Jimmy f*cking Caan. [CHUCKLES]

How cool is that?

Ah, f*ck!

The next time you even think
about hitting a woman,

- you remember that feeling.
- Ah! f*ck!

f*cking bitch.


The accountant laughed when I
asked if we had any extra money.


He suggested I sell
my future first-born.

Mm. Then just to prove his point,

he proceeded to go over
all the books with me

in great detail.

And that is two hours of my life
I will never get back.

He's right. That's what we do.

I'm not saying
I want to be a mother, but...

No, not the child, the future.

You ever play the stock market?

Like, with Monopoly money?

Better. A promise.

We get the money because
we make a promise for the future.

In the stock market,
you can buy futures,

meaning you're betting
something is going to be

worth more later.

For vendors, production is like that.

There's supply and demand.

We, the customers, we demand.

Lumber, cameras, lighting.

They, the vendors, they supply.

And how do they keep making money?

By making sure in the future
we don't use

a different supplier.

- Ruddy.
- Hey.

Great to see you.

RUDDY: Production doesn't pay
all its bills upfront.

And when you're still holding the money,

Thanks, my friend.

There's always a chance to negotiate.

SALESMAN: Appreciate your business.

Thank you. Anytime.

You mean... like, a threat?

No, like a guarantee.

We get a discount
on the money we owe right now,

because we guarantee our business
on the next movie.

Next movie?

What, you set one up
when I wasn't looking?

Not yet, but they don't know that.

Thanks, buddy. Been a pleasure.
Appreciate it.


And the total discounts come to...


$ , .

- Look at that.
- Wow.

If you were a broker, you'd
be making a lot more money.

Food for thought if this gig
doesn't work out.

You got everything booked
for the wrap party?

- Mm-hmm.
- Okay, good.

I want to make sure the crew has

a nice New York send-off
before we head to Sicily.

Yes, Your Majesty.

I got us a deal with that open bar.

That's my girl.

Are you headed back to the hotel?

Yeah. Looking forward

to a good night's sleep for once.

- Have you heard from Bob?
- No.

Something's going on with him.

I gotta figure it out.

- Night, Bettye.
- Night, Rud.


What? Get off.

What's going on?

All right.

What's going on?


You know who I am?

I got an idea.

Just for formalities, I'm Joe Gallo.

And I'm in charge of your movie now,

which means whatever
you were giving Colombo,

you now give to me.

Well, Mr. Gallo,

I wasn't giving Colombo anything.


Honestly, I'm not trying

to be disrespectful
or anything, Mr. Gallo,

but, truthfully,

I never gave Colombo
any money or anything.

All I did was I worked a deal with him

to eliminate any words from the script

that he felt might be offensive
to guys like yourself.

That was it.

GALLO: Don't f*ck with me, Al!

I do not enjoy repeating myself.

I think I make my point.

Right, Al?

Al, say it.

- You made your point.
- Good.

But, honestly,
we're almost done filming.

There's no money.

Sounds like not my f*cking problem.

Next time I see you,
you have my end, right?

- Right?
- Right.

All right. Good night, Al.

Sleep well. You look like shit.




Sorry for calling you so late, but...

you're really the only person
I can talk to.

Same for me.


So what does this guy Gallo want?

Money. From the production.

[SCOFFS] There is no money.

Except what we have left for Sicily.

- Jesus.
- I know.

Are we safe?

Honestly, I don't know anymore.

Are you gonna give him the money?

I don't know.

For the first time making this thing,
I don't know what the f*ck to do.

And the one guy that can help me
is in the f*cking hospital.

I need to talk to Joe.

You're sure that's a good idea?

Caesar told me
that I was coming up to a line

that I probably didn't want to cross.

But, honestly, I think
I crossed that line

a long time ago.






BOB: And what the hell
happened to you last night?

- Huh?
- Me?

Bob, where the hell have you been?

Where the hell have I been?
Where the hell have you been?

I called you.
Told you all about it last night.

Screening, "Plaza Suite."

You stood me up, son of a bitch.

No. You never told me any of that.

Well, then it's a f*cking mystery, huh?

[CLEARS THROAT] How're you doing?

What do you mean?

I mean are you feeling all right?

Movies, movies, more movies, bubbe.

Working hard making magic. Wa-pa-pow.


Yeah. Gum.

You trying to tell me something?

I'm just trying to be polite.

I don't trust polite.

Polite people never tell you
what they're thinking.


Call time pushed a little bit.
You got time to go back to the hotel.

Rest up.

Yeah, maybe I'll do that.


See you on set.


Charlie asked me about you.

Crazy Austrian's obsessed with me.


PERSON: Let's stack 'em up.

These go in front of the truck.

Buon giorno.

You been practicing your Italian yet?

Francis, I hate to say this,

but we may need to sh**t
those Sicily scenes here.

No. Everything is new here.

The buildings are new,
and the sidewalks are new,

- and the trees are new...
- I can't do...

- I can't do this right now.
- I said that I needed it.

You said you'd get it!

I said I can't do this right now!

I'm tired of throwing myself on the fire

ever f*cking day on this thing.

And if you think
you know what that means,

trust me, you don't know the half of it.



Al... you know what is necessary

to get the job done.
Sicily is a necessity.

We have to see Michael...

We... we have to see
that last chance of happiness

go up in flames.

His heart turned to ice and stone.

He has to live in Sicily

in order to feel that beauty evaporate.

And we have to live in his skin

in order to feel that pain.

And this movie...

Without Sicily
it doesn't live or breathe.

I need it.

Please, Al. I'm begging you.

If we don't sh**t it there,
they're gonna cut

this whole sequence from the movie.

And for us to get this far...

Please, I... I...
I just can't give it up.

I can't find the money.

I'm sorry.

I know you're gonna find a way.





Hey, Joe.

How you doing, buddy?

It's Al.


Can he hear me?

How long's he gonna be like this?

The doctors have no f*cking clue.

Come here. There's, um...

There's a lot going on right now.

Stuff we shouldn't
really be talking about.

But I want you to be careful, all right?

There's this guy, and he's no good.

- Joe Gallo.
- Uh-huh.

Yeah, unfortunately I met him already.

He showed up at my hotel room

asking for money from the film.

Okay, listen to me.

Right now, just do whatever Gallo asks.

You can't f*ck with this guy, Al.

He's crazy.

We don't have any money left.

The only little bit of change I got left

is ear-marked for Sicily, and I can't...

You got no choice.



Do me a favor.

Will you give this to Bettye for me
when you see her around?

What is this?

Just let her know that she can wear it

anywhere in the world. Except Miami.

Miami's no good. You got it?

I got it.

Is it all right if I sit
with him for a little bit?


RUDDY: Why is he giving you a watch?

'Cause my other one broke.

Thank God I didn't have
any immediate plans

for Florida, huh? [CHUCKLES]


How the hell did we get here?

What do you mean?

We started out getting shot at
by Mickey Cohen.

And now I'm getting gifts
from gangsters.

It's better than the alternative,

trust me.

f*ck Sicily.

Give Gallo the money.

It's just a movie.

I have a feeling this money
isn't gonna be the end of it.

- Ever got shot before?
- No.

I've imagined the b*llet,
but never been shot.

Have you?

Not yet, but the day is young.

You know what the trick is, Al?

The best way to survive it all?

- Tell me.
- Don't get shot.

Good advice.

JAMES: Hey, Brando! [LAUGHS]

Moon champion, my ass.


Excuse me.

Hey, this is cool, man,

the way they made this look
like an old-time street.

It's not bad, right?

We got a good production designer...

I don't give a shit.

Where's my f*cking money?

Look, I'm trying to get you the money.

I just need more time.

And I'm not f*cking with you,
I swear to God.

I just... We're strapped really thin.

I can't move it that quick.

You got till midnight.

Okay. After this
we're done though, right?

Hell no, Al.

This is the start
of a beautiful friendship.

Hey, you know what today is?

It's my birthday.

Yeah, we're gonna be
celebrating at Umberto's,

right around the corner.

Why don't you come by after work?

Bring the dough.

Maybe I'll let you buy me
some baked clams.

See you around, Al.

Don't be late.




Scusi, grazie.

Thank you for your patience.

Good. Take from the side here, Papa.


Oh, Francis, do you want me by the door?

Yes, yes.

And he gets the fruit, and then you...

Jump out of the car with the g*n.

- After...
- Drop it, right.

After. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Okay. Start rolling.

And action!

Look at this,
the whole thing... everything.






Joe Colombo says goodbye, fuckhead.

FRANCIS: And cut! Yes!



Bravo. Magnificent.



Five years, tops, and Napa Valley

will be competing with
the finest wines in France.

It's got legs.

American Cabernet
is so under-appreciated.

You got a scotch, please?

Ooh, leather, currants,
little bit of cinnamon.

- Smell that.
- Okay, yep.

- Hey! Make it a double.
- Suit yourself.

So we going to Sicily?

Well, I'm waiting on Ruddy to see

how it's gonna work out.

- Saluti.
- Salut.

Oh, no. Okay. Okay, Dean.


Excuse me.

Can I get a Bacardi , please?

Thank you.

Well, that's a serious drink.

Are you a serious woman?

I just like to cut to the chase.

Hmm. I see.

What are you chasing?

A big, fat buzz. You care to join me?

You, uh... you got Disaronno?

BARTENDER: Yes, sir, we do.

Equal parts Disaronno and scotch on ice.

- BARTENDER: Coming right up.
- What do you call that?

A delivery system.

You know what one of my favorite things

about this movie has been?

Watching you.

There's nothing dishonest
in anything you did.

You just live it moment to moment.

You couldn't see the acting,
just the truth.

You have a real understanding
of the craft.

You know...

Michelangelo was once asked

"How do you sculpt such beauty
out of stone?"

Know what he said?

He said, "I don't sculpt anything.

"I just see the truth within the stone,

and chip everything else away."


CHARLIE: Hey, Marlon! Marlon!

I think you have a fan waiting for you.

Well, I think you have
a fan of your own.

SINGER: ♪ Get it on, bang a gong ♪

♪ Get it on ♪

Charlie... Charlie, you were my brother.

You were supposed to look out for me.

What? What?

What the f*ck's happened now?

How much have you drank?

Oh, have one of these.

- PERSON: Whoo!

- I see you.
- [LAUGHS] Ohh.

BOB: There she is. My baby girl.

BETTYE: Am I gonna get
to have a dance...

- That's my baby.
- With Mr. Evans?

- All right, let's do it.

- You look amazing.
- Thank you.

You look like a million bucks.




SINGER: ♪ Get it on, bang a gong ♪

♪ Get it on ♪

PERSON: Hey, Mr. Ruddy, good to see you.

Whiskey, four fingers.


What happened?

Sorry, Francis, I can't make it happen.

I tried.


Jesus f*ck.

Who k*lled his puppy, huh? [LAUGHS]

He's disappointed about Sicily.


Maybe if you showed up
to the meeting with Charlie,

or maybe if you'd showed up
to f*cking anything lately,

things would be different.

Hey, don't put this on me, pal.

I told you to find
the money in the budget.

You're the one who f*cked up here.

Let's not do this now.

Well, there's no time
like the present, bud.

You gonna... you gonna hand in
an unfinished movie?

Yeah? Great, great.

Let's talk outside.


'Cause I need some fresh air.

I'm not going anywhere.

Listen, I don't know
what's going on with you,

or you and Ali
or whatever happened in Texas...

My marriage is none
of your f*cking business!

Ever since then, you haven't been
the Bob Evans I know.

Because the Bob Evans I know
wouldn't let his personal life

- compromise this f*cking movie.
- You don't know me.

You don't know me!

I know you're drinking too much

- and doing blow.
- What the f*ck?

And I'm not the only person to notice.

What are you, my... my mother now?


Easy, Bob. People are looking at you.

Let 'em!

Let 'em f*cking look!

People watch me, bubbe,
always have, always will.

You know why? [SNIFFS]

'Cause I'm Bob Evans.
I'm the best there is!


So you can keep
your f*cking stick of gum,

and your... Your shoulder to cry on,

and your sympathy. I don't need it.

I've forgotten more about making movies

than you'll ever know.

They're looking... They're looking

because they know I know the secret.

They look because I shine like gold.

They're looking at you now
because you're a joke.






[GASPS] Holy shit.

BOB: Get the f*ck out of my way.

Jesus f*ck!

Have a drink.


SINGER: ♪ One, two, three, four ♪

Mr. Ivy League. Hello.

What are you drinking?

Club soda. Oh.

You realize this is a bar, right?

It's not a business meeting.

You can order a harder drink

and try using words
with less than two syllables.

- Mm?
- Bettye.

SINGER: ♪ Life ♪

♪ I put my faith in the people ♪

♪ But the people let me down ♪

Oh, shit.

Hey, you got a light?

I don't smoke.

Of course you don't.


What kind of name is that anyway, huh?

- Lapenis?
- RUDDY: Oh, boy.

Lapenis! [LAUGHS]

- It's pronounced Lapidus.
- Lapenis.

- And its roots are in Latin.
- Lapenis.

- It means stone.

You're stoned?

No, Lapidus means stone, like a rock?


Oh, I like Lapenis better for you.

- Okay, let's go.
- It's better.


I don't think she likes me very much.

Nobody does. Cheers!


Al, Al, Al.

Hey. You look sad.

I'm gonna give Gallo
the money for Sicily.

No other option.

You're doing the right thing.

Am I?

You're doing the right thing.

Hey, do me a favor.

Leave Lapidus alone.

I was just going to look
for the bathroom!

I was gonna pee, if that's allowed.

- Bathroom's that way.
- Okay.

Lapenis, come on. That was really good.

- Very funny.
- [GIGGLING] Yeah.

You start drinking without me?


You ain't gonna cry on me, are you?

I am so sorry about your boss.

It's... it's okay. Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you for the beautiful watch.

I really appreciate the gesture.

I just can't accept it.

I know.

Uh, you seen Ruddy?

Yeah, he's by the bar.

I gotta take care of something.

Me too. [CHUCKLES]

Why the long face?

I just got a lot on my mind.

How's Joe doing? Anything new?


But you can cross one thing
off your list.

You don't have to worry
about that f*cking psychopath anymore.

RUDDY: Francis.


We are going to Sicily?

- We're going to Sicily.

- We're going.
- You son of a bitch!

Are you kidding?

I knew you could do it.

Everybody. Everybody!

Can I have your attention, please?

We're going to Sicily!


SINGER: ♪ Don't let it all
get you down, no, no ♪

♪ Don't let it turn you around ♪

Bruno would like for you
to come see him tomorrow.


- Is Bruno mafia? All right.
- Si. They run everything here.

We're all really looking forward
to the premiere.

God damn it!

You know you can't invite
those guys, right?

AL: Do whatever it takes to get it done.

Lapidus wants to see you.

- Where?
- In Evans' office.

I'm not sure about the cat.

Really? The cat's the problem?

You make the movie and let
the adults figure out the poster.

Where the hell is Evans?

We need Bob to finish this movie
the right way.

CHARLES: I cannot have a
drug addict running my company.

I have responsibilities.

Bettye I need your help.

Could I get fired for it?

AL: We both could, but...

it's worth it.